
So, What's Up With All The Incest In Rick And Morty Lately? by Glassbox315 in television

[–]omnivorousboot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Lately? The entire concept of the show was based around a short where Mharti licks Doc's balls to solve problems.

[OC] Incarceration rate in the US vs Europe. While the US has only 5% of the world’s population, it has nearly 25% of the world's prisoners by flyingcatwithhorns in dataisbeautiful

[–]omnivorousboot -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Damn, didn't know we had Bezos personal accountant here to give us a breakdown of his assets. I'm glad you watched a clip of how the rich utilize loans from John Oliver.

I felt the cringe soon as he brought up that analogy… by Ok_Recording4547 in TikTokCringe

[–]omnivorousboot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You can disagree with a Redpill answer to that problem, as I do. I think the Redpill solution is a bullshit proposition for men, and not conducive to an environment that is healthy for men. That doesn't change the problem statement.

I felt the cringe soon as he brought up that analogy… by Ok_Recording4547 in TikTokCringe

[–]omnivorousboot -7 points-6 points  (0 children)

He was a virgin when they met though. He didn't have the experience to realize what he was signing up for, he was just happy with anyone giving him attention. Their situation is literally the exact situation the Repill community describes. Women going through their 304 phase through their twenties sharing the top 1% of men, then settling with the virgin beta providers in their 30s.

Amazon's new $1B Lord of the Rings series is so boring that one analyst is warning investors that he fell asleep multiple times while trying to watch it by Calm-Hovercraft9858 in Conservative

[–]omnivorousboot -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Thing about Avatar though was it was an experience. 3D was big at the time, everyone wanted to see that movie. The effects for the time were amazing. The movie has aged poorly but at the time was pretty well received. Wasn't a stellar movie but I it was decent. It was super hyped up and since it wasn't complete garbage it got decent reviews.

If the driver refuses this, I will not hold it against them at all. This is all a single order. by TheTiggerMike in walmart

[–]omnivorousboot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Tip probably goes to the first driver. The store has labels they can put on orders to let the customer know that their order had to be broken up into separate trips.

If the driver refuses this, I will not hold it against them at all. This is all a single order. by TheTiggerMike in walmart

[–]omnivorousboot 15 points16 points  (0 children)

When you get orders like this you should add drivers to break up the order. Like you said, no driver is going to take that, but if you break it up they will probably take 3 or 4.

Coke vendor overfilled the riser by narcjsoh in walmart

[–]omnivorousboot 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Doesn't change the fact the shelf has no damage. It came out from the back, too much weight doesn't cause that to happen. Only way that happens is if it was knocked out in some way, or was never properly locked in the first place.

Bonnie made a mistake by Szernet in LivestreamFail

[–]omnivorousboot 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That's immediately after a fresh cut. Over time the hair would kind of smooth out back to the original shape.

Amazon's new $1B Lord of the Rings series is so boring that one analyst is warning investors that he fell asleep multiple times while trying to watch it by Calm-Hovercraft9858 in Conservative

[–]omnivorousboot 36 points37 points  (0 children)

I only use the critic score as a comparison to audience score. If the critic score is high, and audience score is high = good show. Critic score hire, audience score low = probably super boring with some woke content that critics are afraid of rating poorly for optics. If critic score is low but audience score is high, then it's probably a show that's fun and doesn't take itself seriously. Low for both then the show is just trash and should be avoided.

“You should have got everything done” by ttwolettertextt in walmart

[–]omnivorousboot 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Stores are understaffed to the stocking hours timesheet. Stores are overstaffed when it comes to budget. This has been Walmarts problem for the past 15 years. Their system that determines workload and their system that determines budget don't talk to each other. So every day you're left with more work than you were budgeted for.

Spain are useless! by ChrisM13492 in eu4

[–]omnivorousboot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Utilize the terrain to gain favorable battles. You should look up some videos on army composition as well.

So the extra Force Limit from Subject Relationship straight up does not work? Am I missing something? by gebali in eu4

[–]omnivorousboot 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Was it the same after you waited a month? Seems like a lot of stuff in the game functions like that. If not, then good catch.

Summit on New Twitch Revenue Split by Secksi321 in LivestreamFail

[–]omnivorousboot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Twitch competed heavy with Mixer and then Mixer folded. Based on a lot of streamers accounts, Twitch didn't really put up much fight for the streamers that have left for Youtube. Twitch seems to be fine with being #2, but I think it's going to backfire in the end.

Hasan said he would've killed himself back in the days because of Destiny and his community by JeppeKluge in LivestreamFail

[–]omnivorousboot 86 points87 points  (0 children)

You're exactly right. Hasan's community is so much larger now from the time he was part of Destiny's community. Over 90% of Hasan's community don't even know a time when they were friends.

Mitch confirms Miz sent Mitch and Maya to downplay the SA by jcsir in LivestreamFail

[–]omnivorousboot 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Destiny is playing it on his youtube. It was a call with all of them right before Adrianah came out with her store. Miz was trying to get Train to delete the tweet because he didn't want Slick to get cancelled.

What is the pettiest reasons you've heard that ended a relationship? by dzkrf in AskMen

[–]omnivorousboot 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Twitch streamers xQc and Adept broke up because xQc punched Adept in GTA roleplay.

Mitch confirms Miz sent Mitch and Maya to downplay the SA by jcsir in LivestreamFail

[–]omnivorousboot 102 points103 points  (0 children)

On the call with Miz/Train/Asmon/xQc Miz. They all knew Slick was creepy with a bunch of girls. Miz also knew that Slick was talking with them and blackballing girls.

Twitch bans gambling by getgoodgetlmaobox in LivestreamFail

[–]omnivorousboot 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Exactly, Twitch doesn't give a fuck about gambling. This is a win-win for them. They get the PR they want, "we did something about gambling." While at the same time keep all that sweet sweet ad money from all those betting websites like Draft Kings. The real curious thing is to see how people like Pokimane and Hasan react. This is a win for sure, but do they stop the crusade now? Or do they go harder on Twitch now that there is blood in the water?

xQc Replies to Hasan Making Fun of Him by Evoqu_ in LivestreamFail

[–]omnivorousboot -21 points-20 points  (0 children)

If you had a friend that always took every opportunity to make himself look good even if that meant throwing you under the bus, would you still be friends with them? It's fine to call out a friend when they do something shitty, you should definitely hold people accountable. At the same time though, you don't get to say they don't have a legitimate grievance when you call them out publicly. If you were a true friend you would do it privately instead of grand-standing and virtue signalling to your Twitter followers.

Please stop removing the full version of this clip: Mizkif admits that it was sexual assault/harassment and still downplays it by foxholenewb in LivestreamFail

[–]omnivorousboot 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Nobody is hailing Train as a hero, but he also has no blame in this. I chose to believe the victim honestly, she seems the most credible with the most to lose by lying. Then in her DMs when Maya is checking up on her, Maya admits that the girl was assaulted. Yet after knowing that happened did nothing about it and protected their friend Slick. If you know your friend assaulted someone, why would you continue to be friends with him and let him continue to hang around drunk girls knowing it could happen again? And then you want to shit on Train for not outing the victim specifically, but amplifying the platform for her to do it herself. Then when we take the victims account, she praises Train for doing that and thanking him for being so great. So yeah, I'm going to take the victims account of the situation way before Maya and Miz who have the most to gain by lying and most to lose by telling the truth (If the truth is the way the victim described, which as of now seems to be all adding up.)