
(Dev build 25290, hidden feature) You will soon be able to drag a tab out of a File Explorer window to open it in its own new window! by PhantomOcean3 in Windows11

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Why not rebuild explorer on Edge/Chromium at this point? Let classic explorer.exe handle the general UI elements it needs to handle while an actual browser handles file browsing with all the existing tab features people want, already polished. Local HTML+CSS would make theming and file previews a breeze.

What TV series works as a full show if you stop after a certain season? by venm081199 in television

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

There was no question with an immediate answer available. It's just not comparable to ending on a shot of him hanging from a cliff with us not knowing if he climbs up or falls. You refuse to accept it no matter how many times it's explained to you r/selfawarewolves

Sorry dude, thought you were the other guy.

What TV series works as a full show if you stop after a certain season? by venm081199 in television

[–]boissondevin 2 points3 points  (0 children)

No, it was an open-ended question. There was no immediate problem to solve, no immediate question to answer, only a lifelong question.

What the fuck is up with Netflix and these new anti-password sharing policies?? by pm_me_reason_to_livx in television

[–]boissondevin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

How many people are pooling money to pay for one shared account, though? Netflix can't track that data point.

What TV series works as a full show if you stop after a certain season? by venm081199 in television

[–]boissondevin 13 points14 points  (0 children)

A cliffhanger is a plot thread left unresolved. Her killer is already dead at that point. It's open-ended on how it proceeds from there. A cliffhanger would have been ending the season with Dexter entering the house or with the shot of her purse on the counter, never showing what happened to her.

Thematically, it would have ended the show with the cycle starting all over again with his son, exactly how his own life started.

What is the most underrated tv series that barely anyone knows? by MalcolmKinchen in television

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Night Sky

It's nice to see J.K. Simmons just be an old man — iiiiiiin spaaaaaaaaace

Was playing Doom eternal for the first time the hell is this by DeepSpaceZepplin in Doom

[–]boissondevin 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Horde mode wasn't in the original game plan, only created after Ancient Gods 2. The sequence leading up to this scene has you control the revenant as an introduction to Battlemode.

Can someone explain time dilation in simlple words? I don't seem to get it when I read it on the internet. by vencyjedi in Physics

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The apparent time dilation from relative speeds is always mutual, meaning it always cancels out. The twins paradox comes from acceleration, which is absolute. An accelerating frame of reference will experience time at a different "speed" relative to a non-accelerating or differently-accelerating frame of reference.

Gravitational time dilation is also caused by acceleration. As long as you are on the ground, you are constantly accelerating.

There should be an "open in new tab" option for folders in the file explorer now that it has tabs. by [deleted] in Windows11

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The real request:

There should be an option to make all shortcuts open in a new tab instead of a new window (i.e. make it behave like a web browser). I want new tabs for shortcuts far more often than I want one for the path I'm currently navigating.

Controller support when launching via Steam shortcut added via UWPhook by AldermanAl in WindowsOnDeck

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Once you have games set up in Steam via GlosSI and offline play enabled in the Xbox app, you can play Xbox games offline through Steam. I've played Game Pass games in airplane mode.

Windows Game Pass Controller - No Steam Suggestions? by cryptopennyinvestor in WindowsOnDeck

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

GloSI is made for adding games to Steam in order to utilize SteamInput directly. It doesn't act as a replacement for SteamInput like SWICD or SDT

Windows 10 or 11? by Renton577 in WindowsOnDeck

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

DPI probably. The values for video and touch input might have been different in a way that Windows didn't like.

Windows 10 or 11? by Renton577 in WindowsOnDeck

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In earlier BIOS versions, the on screen keyboard in Windows had oversized navigation buttons. BIOS updates are delivered with SteamOS updates, but there is a way to manually update in Windows.

Windows 10 or 11? by Renton577 in WindowsOnDeck

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm using 11. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen for taskbar & start menu at any time. Great if you need to switch to a different window in a pinch. Be sure to get the latest BIOS to fix system keyboard size.

Being a blu-ray collector has gotten really depressing as a tv fan. Most stuff just doesn't get released on blu-ray anymore. by maxwell_stupid in television

[–]boissondevin 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I'd like the industry to start publishing movies on read-only flash drives. They wouldn't need to be the densest or fastest storage. A 4K BD is only 100GB at 144mbps. Even USB 2.0 can handle that. Longevity wouldn't even be an issue with read-only, no write ops to wear it down. Easy to encrypt to licensed players/software to keep the distributors happy. They could even get creative with collector's edition modeled drive shells.

Children of Dune - Thoughts by Squiby123 in books

[–]boissondevin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Could have done without the beefswelling and similar lines. Otherwise agreed

Can I install windows on my 64gb internal drive and use the micro sd for additional storage? by GameCollector98 in WindowsOnDeck

[–]boissondevin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes. Games installed to SD will load slower, but that's better than having Windows itself load slower. The OS will do far more read/writes than game installs. 64GB is enough for a Windows install to function normally with updates and page file.

Lab-grown meat moves closer to American dinner plates by Famous_Coach242 in tech

[–]boissondevin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Some of the venture capital behind this comes from JBS SA (biggest meat processing co in the world), Tyson and ADM (enormous US food conglomerates).

They don't have to fight against "Big Food™" to break into the market. The established players are pushing this directly. It is only a matter of when, not if. The big players want to transition from farming to more efficient methods.