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RoyRodersMcfreely commented on
Posted by
2 points · 10 days ago

I didn't know either, not sure why you get downvoted for asking a question. But apparently it means christmas: Never heard it before. Maybe an American thing?

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1 point · 10 days ago

Never in my 28 years in the US have I heard Noel used for Christmas.

RoyRodersMcfreely commented on
Posted by
Op-5 points · 12 days ago

Okay thanks, I’m going to refrain from downvoting you because you don’t know the situation. My area got hit by a hurricane and my house was flooded. It’s being renovated right now amd things are a mess.

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15 points · 12 days ago

Didn’t mean any ill will my man. Just funny when you see a sim rig next to a whole pallet of water like a Costco.

That said, hurricane ian? My aunt and uncle got hit hard from that one. Hope everyone’s good and y’all get sorted well and quick.

Op2 points · 12 days ago

Yeah it’s getting better, things are moving along. Still a lot to clean up

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6 points · 12 days ago

Good luck brother hope it’s looking up from here on out.

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RoyRodersMcfreely commented on
Posted by
24 points · 13 days ago

I'm guessing Oreo-Os rebranded.

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2 points · 12 days ago

Somebody have the stones and bring Oreo-Os back

RoyRodersMcfreely commented on
Posted by
36 points · 15 days ago · edited 15 days ago

As a Roiland fan I’m enjoying it. PC performance for me has been 7/10. Gameplay is better than I expected and the humor makes it better.

If I was not a fan or oblivious to the existence of Rick and Morty, I believe overall it would be a 6/10 game. But since I’m a fan, overall I’d say 8/10. It’s a fun shooter with some issues performance and okay gameplay wise, but it’s a break from serious shooters/single player games with humor/art style I typically enjoy.


Love R&M and shooters? Buy

Love one but not a huge fan of both? Wait for sale

Hate one but like the other? $5 bucket bin

HATE R&M? Don’t buy it. Most the charm comes from the gun and extra voice lines.

RoyRodersMcfreely commented on

Not Progressing. Advice?

Posted by
2 points · 18 days ago

What i did before the active run function was just drive the track at 50% throttle max until I knew every turn.

Once you know every turn, limit yourself to the first half of the gears (6 gears, 3rd would be the max). Even on a long straight don’t go past 3rd. Repeat until you realize what corners half gear (i.e 3rd) is too slow and what corner half gear is too fast.

Once you have the track in 3rd gear, go to fourth. Have fourth down? Go to fifth and so on.

This is a long strategy but It helped me build up knowledge on tracks I’ve never run with cars I’ve never raced.

RoyRodersMcfreely commented on
Posted by
1 point · 23 days ago

Serious question, why are a majority of the top answers pre-2005 movies?

RoyRodersMcfreely commented on
Posted by
2 points · 27 days ago

Have an fx pro as well. Are you able to acces the dash quick settings by cycling through all of them? Mine doesn’t allow adjustments just shows input.

Also any luck getting telemetry to work in rf2, raceroom? I’ve only gotten it down in iracing and AMS2. Other than these issue I love the thing

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