
Yet another pro-tip for Raleigh drivers. by BREsubstanceVITY in raleigh

[–]PancakeExprationDate 11 points12 points  (0 children)

DC native here, and have driven around the Boston area. Agreed. Raleigh drivers are far more careless and dangerous.

Films that were better than they had any right to be by HobbyistC in movies

[–]PancakeExprationDate 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Oh, Jarnathan!

Read that in her voice with her facial expression. I died laughing in the theater when I saw it the first time. It get's funnier each re-watch.

Whats something you find extremely fun that others don't? by lznl in AskReddit

[–]PancakeExprationDate 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Do you know what a Yankee is? It's the same thing as a quickie except you're alone. -rimshot-

What’s a harmless/non-serious secret you’ve kept forever? by MrBowls in AskReddit

[–]PancakeExprationDate 673 points674 points  (0 children)

I'm the culprit of the 1986 pudding cup incident. Not my younger sister.

'Game of Thrones' Star Conleth Hill (Varys) Says He Was Inconsolable Over Rushed Final Seasons: "Right up until the last two series, I had no complaints at all" by MarvelsGrantMan136 in television

[–]PancakeExprationDate 1 point2 points  (0 children)

At the end of season 7 (very last scene) I told myself that the Night King won and turned the seven kingdoms into the land of the dead, and don't acknowledge that season 8 ever came out.

TIL that Vlad the Impaler had a brother called Radu the Handsome. by stayslow in todayilearned

[–]PancakeExprationDate 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That reminds me of the sub-species movie. I guess that's where they got the name for the one vampire.

Video of yesterday's freak hailstorm that hit my home city and its sourroundings, taken in Belfiore, Italy by Alegator03 in woahdude

[–]PancakeExprationDate 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Pecos Hank just posted an awesome video on YouTube 5 days ago called the mesocyclone

I just watched that last night! I love his videos.

Video of yesterday's freak hailstorm that hit my home city and its sourroundings, taken in Belfiore, Italy by Alegator03 in woahdude

[–]PancakeExprationDate 90 points91 points  (0 children)

I live in a hurricane prone area, and have gone through my fair share of them. It can be scary. But let me tell you, what you caught looks like some Stephen King nightmare coming to wipe out humanity. I'm good with dealing with hurricanes.

For those of you who have escaped poverty, how did you do it? by [deleted] in povertyfinance

[–]PancakeExprationDate 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Cybersecurity is a very broad field.

This. I do compliance auditing within our cyber security organization. My base is $147k in a HCoL area. I carry no applicable certifications nor went to school for it. Just need to know the GITC (general IT controls) and understand the company's internal controls. The rest of it can be summed up as "It's not what you know, it's what you can prove / trust but verify."

Q&A: Month of July 2023 by Andromeda321 in Andromeda321

[–]PancakeExprationDate 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Exactly. Sweet pickles are an abomination. I win.

Q&A: Month of July 2023 by Andromeda321 in Andromeda321

[–]PancakeExprationDate 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Settle an argument between me and my girlfriend. We both agree that your answer will be the tie breaker. Which is better, bread and butter pickles (sweet) or dill pickles?

Inside a Tornado by ooMEAToo in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]PancakeExprationDate 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Damn, the level of destruction blew me away.