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nick_med commented on
Posted by
-7 points · 27 days ago

Your math teacher tryin to fuck

3 points · 1 month ago

Tbh, if this is your mentality, they probably still won't care. Stop resenting those around you and start doing you

nick_med commented on
Posted by
27 points · 1 month ago

Lol. It’s an ugly little fucker, but I’m glad he made it home. Good work.

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10 points · 1 month ago

The frankness here is hilarious but agreed, good work getting this ugly little fucker back to his hopefully loving owner.

nick_med commented on
Posted by
19 points · 1 month ago · edited 1 month ago

Weirdly enough I have one! I got it put on after they took my braces off and 17 years later it’s still there haha. It goes behind the back of the teeth so it doesn’t show. I’ve personally never met someone else who has it but I’m guessing it’s super common!! Now that I think about it my dentist always give me this special floss specifically for this type of permanent retainer so a lot of people must have it!

This was a wonderful write up. So well written. Also it’s so frustrating knowing the cops were ignoring things that were so glaringly obvious just because they wanted to wrap up the case and get them off their back.

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6 points · 1 month ago

I have one that's about 23 years old. They said to come back after I finished college to see about the possibility of getting it removed but I never bothered.

nick_med commented on
Posted by
1 point · 2 months ago

Did you check out the stadiums?

Original Poster2 points · 2 months ago
1 point · 2 months ago

Awesome, thank you! Was hoping you'd make a video but didn't wanna ask :)

nick_med commented on
Posted by
243 points · 2 months ago

Accidental Stranger Things

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1 point · 2 months ago

Reminded me of that scene in Irreversible.

nick_med commented on
Posted by
2 points · 2 months ago

Yeah. My hubs has his “safety” measures. He meets in front of the local police station, he asks for a photo of the item. In terms of the car he asked for a copy of the title in advance and I think you can search for it somehow in dmv records ? Not sure about that. He would never leave that safe spot and go anywhere.

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1 point · 2 months ago

Your hubs has serious, like, dangerous impulse control issues...but hey, $6000 cash on hand for a used car off the internet? Props bruh

nick_med commented on
Posted by
-8 points · 2 months ago

Your post history is a frickin hoot

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