
Turns out being a bitch is the only disqualifier by Justice_R_Dissenting in freefolk

[–]OkMudDrankin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Right? Like are people actually defending Alicent? Rhaenyra was literally forced to marry a homosexual man. How is this even closely similar to you OP? And how does this post have over 2k upvotes lmaooo.

US Oil Strategy by Sharkey1981 in wallstreetbets

[–]OkMudDrankin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Imagine thinking you’re intelligent enough to make money off the market and you still hold these type of political views. Like holy shit, I sell solar and the amount of moronic $500k+ homeowners that I hear regurgitating this same stupidity is astonishing. Boomers really fucked the future generations hard man.

US Oil Strategy by Sharkey1981 in wallstreetbets

[–]OkMudDrankin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A very long time as in 100 years? We all know governments are very quick to react to situations like this.

Daemon fans/Black supporters when Daemon turns out to be an evil piece of shit(It was obvious from the get-go) by EmbarrassedDark6200 in asoiafcirclejerk

[–]OkMudDrankin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Who gives a fuck. Peoples favorite character was The Hound and he literally murdered children. But hey him and Arya make funny so all is forgiven.

thoughts? by MozartGoat in Drizzy

[–]OkMudDrankin 39 points40 points  (0 children)

Right? I love when people try to act like they have access to some knowledge that no one else has. 😭😂

[BETTER QUALITY] Vhagar’s Strong Snack 🐉 by Clizzoud in freefolk

[–]OkMudDrankin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So wait he didn’t even mean to kill him? This episode is gonna be nuts.

Inhumane way of preparing seafood by Lesparky58 in ThatsInsane

[–]OkMudDrankin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I mean we literally boil lobster alive in the west. Not sure how this is much different lmao.

Americans are ripping off oil companies by saving millions at the gas station. I am buying puts on oil companies tomorrow by [deleted] in wallstreetbets

[–]OkMudDrankin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So can anyone explain how this is actually Joe Bidens fault? Or just a bunch of regarded apes screaming throwing shit?

AOC town hall goes awry by Le_Rekt_Guy in PublicFreakout

[–]OkMudDrankin -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Yeah but America should not keep holding this view that we are the worlds police. There is literally 0 reason to keep funding and supporting the Ukrainians with military aid and cash payments, we are just doing the same shit we did in Vietnam and Afghanistan. Let the Ukrainians deal with the Russians. End this ridiculous escalating tactics. There is absolutely no reason to risk nuclear war over Ukraine. That country provides 0 benefit to us.

LeMidFromAkron could never be as historically significant as JorGOAT by Zephyrus-11 in nbacirclejerk

[–]OkMudDrankin 198 points199 points  (0 children)

Dude was playing against Europeans. Stood no chance against real talent.

sunrun power purchase agreement any good? by lsandre2005 in solar

[–]OkMudDrankin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The PPA saves you tens of thousands vs staying with your current utility provider. No one is arguing you save more money with a PPA as opposed to a purchase, but the average homeowner doesn’t have the ability to take out a 50k loan to purchase a solar system. Again the average price of electricity in 1997 was .09kWh today the average price for some is over .30kWh. So you save money with a PPA by being able to go solar ASAP and locking in your rates protecting you from the utility companies crazy increases. While getting guaranteed productivity, system monitoring/maintenance, and at anytime you can still choose to purchase the system if you wish.

sunrun power purchase agreement any good? by lsandre2005 in solar

[–]OkMudDrankin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

So like the current utility bill that he’s already paying? Wtf type of stupid ass argument is this?

sunrun power purchase agreement any good? by lsandre2005 in solar

[–]OkMudDrankin 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not true. You’re literally gonna spend more on the interest of the loan for a purchase than you’d get on tax breaks and incentives. Solar sellers aren’t just gonna hook up home owners because hey we wanna purchase. All that’s happening is the cost of purchasing systems becomes more and more expensive as they offer more tax incentives, because ultimately the company isn’t gonna lose out on a deal obviously the goal of any business is to make money.

sunrun power purchase agreement any good? by lsandre2005 in solar

[–]OkMudDrankin -1 points0 points  (0 children)

That’s only .26 per kWh after 25 years. Which historically is over 100% less than the average cost of electricity over the past 25 years. The price of electric in 1997 was .09 cents per kWh my friend. This is an incredible deal anyway you slice it. Purchasing solar is just not smart and people need to stop thinking tax rebates = smart purchase. Yes it makes sense for a billion dollar company that operates on razor thin margins. Which isn’t even the case for Sunrun, but it doesn’t make sense for a homeowner to become some type of capitalist investor forking over tens of thousands to own a solar system just because people are afraid of the word “lease” or “agreement”.

sunrun power purchase agreement any good? by lsandre2005 in solar

[–]OkMudDrankin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Why would you ever wanna spend tens of thousands on an energy investment that is literally just gonna be a headache for you for the entire lifespan of the system? People really need to understand how energy prices work and stop just thinking owning everything is the solution. No owning the means of power production isn’t a lucrative investment for the average American. Financing rates are abysmal right now and expecting people to take out a 5% interest loan just to save money on electricity in 10 years makes literally no sense. You need to understand that just on interest paid on the loan to “own” the panels you’re going to be paying more in interest than the rebates you’re going to get from the government on any amount of taxes. In reality the best possible option is to do a prepaid purchase of all the power that the system would generate under a PPA. Pay the heavy upfront costs but have no more electric bill and still get all the benefits of system monitoring and warranty of the PPA. I’ll just leave this here

sunrun power purchase agreement any good? by lsandre2005 in solar

[–]OkMudDrankin 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Energy rates don’t go up and down. That’s just not how energy works lol. If you look at the average cost per kWh 25 years ago in 1997 it was .09 per kWH. 25 years later the average is .28 per kWh. In just 25 years alone the price of the average electric bill increased over 200%. So how does it not make sense to lock in an electric rate of .18 per kWh if it’s only gonna go up a max of 87% during the entirety of the agreement. Just based off the last 25 years of data alone you’re already estimated to save over 120% more than someone not locking in their rates. And with the way energy prices are looking right now and the extreme volatility and uncertainty locking in your rate for 25 years is literally a no brainer man.

King Vissy Lookin Badass by xm1l1tiax in freefolk

[–]OkMudDrankin 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Just like in CK3 it’s so realistic!

Millennials, what confuses you about Gen Z? by Dramatic-Anywhere-50 in AskReddit

[–]OkMudDrankin 83 points84 points  (0 children)

That’s the thing media is just consumed so much differently today than 20 years ago. Now instead of pursuing a career in acting young people become YouTubers/Streamers/Social Media influencers.