
Oklahoma Just Passed a Straight-Up Abortion Ban by tta2013 in politics

[–]H3rQ133z 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This is not true, otherwise the nice old man on a pacemaker and oxygen
isn't alive either. He also can't sustain his life without support.

Yes its the human species we are talking about but -- Unborn vs. Born "human beings", but okay.

A zygote, an embyro, a fetus, an infant, a toddler, a pre-pubescent, a
teenager, and an adult are all equally living human beings.

Except again, Born vs. Unborn "human beings". An infant/toddler is defined between the stages of birth and puberty.

Killing another human being may be the 'best' decision for someone, but I
see no reason to allow such a horrific violation of human rights.

We need to define when these "humans" have rights, as far as I'm aware, this human has no birthdate yet, does it have rights before birth? Does it have a name? Does it have a SSN? How can we give something rights that has no identification to it?

I'm trying to be civil here, but I personally believe that the person with a fully developed brain who may have got pregnant on accident, or raped, or partially developed brain and she's only 16 and has no parents herself, knows whats best for their body and life. We shouldn't bring more children into this world if we're not fit to handle it.

This is an extreme outlier situation, but if you were a woman/girl and you were raped by a psychopath who murdered your family, wouldn't you want the choice to decide whether you have to keep that persons baby or would you just like to be told sorry, you have to go through that on your own or you go to prison for 10 years?

Oklahoma Just Passed a Straight-Up Abortion Ban by tta2013 in politics

[–]H3rQ133z 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A child is defined as a human birthed, in this case nothing has been born yet. Try again.

[Post Game Thread] The Oklahoma City Thunder (24-55) defeat the Portland Trail Blazers (27-52), 98 - 94 by 2coolcaterpillar in nba

[–]H3rQ133z 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Mark Daigneault for coach of the year, next game they gonna have me out there helping win the game.

Oklahoma Just Passed a Straight-Up Abortion Ban by tta2013 in politics

[–]H3rQ133z 6 points7 points  (0 children)

A human created the fetus, but its not a human until it can sustain life on its own, a fetus is defined as unborn. Thought I answered that pretty clearly.

Oklahoma Just Passed a Straight-Up Abortion Ban by tta2013 in politics

[–]H3rQ133z 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Its feeding off the mothers body, it cant sustain life without her. Until it can sustain life on its own, its not a human, its a fetus. Why would you not want the mother with a consciousness to make the best decision for themselves?

What was Life like the Last Time the Sacramento Kings made the Playoffs? by rahul_____raja in nba

[–]H3rQ133z 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I was a Sophomore in HS in 2006, 15 years old. I turn 31 this July, so you probably have 7-8 years on me. One of my brothers was a Sophomore in college in 06 though, if it makes you feel a little better. He's 35.

What was Life like the Last Time the Sacramento Kings made the Playoffs? by rahul_____raja in nba

[–]H3rQ133z 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In 2006, I was 15 years old and a Sophomore in high school just hoopin and livin' da dream.

‎[Post Game Thread] Oklahoma City Thunder vs Phoenix Suns - April 3rd, 2022 by A_Lax_Nerd in Thunder

[–]H3rQ133z 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Oh, I had just woke up and just morning day dreaming while sippin my coffee. The imagination runs deep with all the possibilities Presti has :)

‎[Post Game Thread] Oklahoma City Thunder vs Phoenix Suns - April 3rd, 2022 by A_Lax_Nerd in Thunder

[–]H3rQ133z 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Imagine tanking next year and getting a damn near SGA impact player right away (+this summers draft) and then Giddey, Mann, Poku just elevate and pop off within the next 2 years... now we have a loaded ass team.

[Post Game Thread] The Oklahoma City Thunder (22-53) defeat the Portland Trail Blazers (27-48) in OT, 134 - 131 by x20mike07x in nba

[–]H3rQ133z 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'll be at the game this Friday, i'm hoping for Cade to give us 40 and we lose by 1pt to you Pistons bros, thanks.

[Post Game Thread] The Oklahoma City Thunder (22-53) defeat the Portland Trail Blazers (27-48) in OT, 134 - 131 by x20mike07x in nba

[–]H3rQ133z 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Adding to this, he's played with a lot fewer mistakes this year than last year, so there is hope for Poku still.

Good picks outside top 3 by mido0o0o in Thunder

[–]H3rQ133z 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I watched some of his hs highlights and i'm pretty sold.

[Game Thread] Oklahoma City Thunder @ Denver Nuggets - March 26th, 2022 - (8pm CT) by Dixbfloppin93 in Thunder

[–]H3rQ133z 1 point2 points  (0 children)

is that confirmed? I thought they said they will talk to Shai soon on all that

The Most Average NBA Player on Offense by pugas in nba

[–]H3rQ133z 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Tre Mann being average as a rookie is only promising to me baby, lets go 18th pick rookie!!

Off topic: OKC's sub is probably one of the most "friendly" ones around regarding city size. by blacksoxing in okc

[–]H3rQ133z 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Haha damn, well at least you've grown from those experiences and living for you now! I've yet to take the plunge on marriage, mostly play the single game, but I'm also very picky and have high standards lol.

Off topic: OKC's sub is probably one of the most "friendly" ones around regarding city size. by blacksoxing in okc

[–]H3rQ133z 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You sound like me, I'll be 31 in July. I just chill and game after work most days, or hit the gym and hang with my dogs lol.

Off topic: OKC's sub is probably one of the most "friendly" ones around regarding city size. by blacksoxing in okc

[–]H3rQ133z 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hey, I'm in my 30s as well and also trying to make friends. Born and raised in Oklahoma, but my college friends all moved out of state and mostly all other friends are married w/ kids now.