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Steve Kerr on anyone questioning Steph's leadership because of Draymond's actions: "(Draymond) he's a grown man. He's got to handle his own business. Any any mention of Steph being culpable is just ridiculous. The way Steph has carried our franchise represented our franchise for 15 years."

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I'd rather question Kerr's leadership for letting that idiot get away with everything and never holding him accountable for his moronic actions

EDIT: to everyone asking me "what do you expect Kerr to do?". Teams punish/fine/suspend players all the time for "conduct detrimental to team" Kerr is the ultimate enabler with his "I didn't see the tape" type nonsense

Spot on. That fashion he has to be suddenly blind whenever Draymond does shit, even if it’s right in front of him. Why people blame Curry and not Kerr is beyond me 

Why not both?

Because on paper Curry is not Draymond's boss or he cannot "pull rank" that easily. Yes Curry is the obvious leader of this team but Draymond isn't some rookie, there is not much of an age difference between those two.

Kerr on the other hand is Draymond's direct superior, up until very recently he enabled and coddled Draymond. That approach did work until it didn't.

Also I'm pretty sure just like any other sports team their hierarchy isn't cut and dry like this. Lots of people must have been involved in the process but the result is clear. Draymond has become a detriment to his own team and teammates.


Draymond has been the vocal leader of this team for a long time now. It's a big reason why Steph can't just pull "rank" on him. Because it's Dray who does the dirty work. That dynamic is also the reason Draymond acts out with impunity because outside of the owner, Joe Lacob, there's nobody on that team that can check him.

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To play devils advocate, why not neither. They've won 4 rings with Draymond. Let him do whatever he pleases at that point

If a knicks player is instrumental in bringing the team 4 rings he'd have carte blanche to be the biggest asshole in the nba

They are still playing to win and he distracts from that. His antics didn’t help him win four championships.

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Let him do whatever he pleases at that point

that's the problem lol; they are enablers

I'm failing to see how his constant referee abuse has helped them win anything.

This advocate needs his bar license revoked 

Exactly. Would be happy with him as the face of hawks franchise if it meant we got even 1 ring

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Because if the coach is going to let it slide then the star of the team should tell Dray to knock it off and stop hurting the team.

Also blame should be on present and ex-Warriors front office like Meyers and owners Lacob. They could have easily stepped in and did something but nothing was done. Now triple single is wilding out.

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Yes, I feel like people that are blaming Steph are just projecting management issues on him. It's not Steph's job to handle a repeat offender of breaking company rules. It's Steph's job to win basketball games. If guys aren't playing hard, or are disorganized, or seem disenfranchised then sure, blame Steph. However, all of this Draymond stuff is beyond basketball.

Who we should really be pointing the finger at is Warriors management and the NBA. Allowing him to act like this for years from a refereeing, NBA, and coaching/management perspective is what has led to this. The refs should've put a stop to it on the court right away, the NBA should've been telling the Warriors to tone Draymond down, and the Warriors should've been having serious discussions with Draymond about all of this a long long time ago.

Warriors aren't cuz they don't have to be because there aren't real consequences. It's the NBA's fault for not having consequences. The leadership and the team would follow

No argument there, the NBA should've had a more formal process around this years ago. Read my latest reply, the NBA should've acted on this way back when he was kicking dicks with regularity.

At the same time though, it can go both ways. The Warriors should hold a higher standard for their players. Just because there aren't consequences doesn't mean there aren't right and wrong ways to play the game. I mean the Warriors themselves talk about the unwritten "code" in basketball, so you're telling me that code doesn't include kicking people in the dick, choking out players, kicking guys when they're down, and taking a cheap shot every chance you get?

I get it, from an admistrative stand point the NBA can't rely on teams to be in good faith. But just from a humanity standpoint, we as fans can point the finger and demand better. It's not an either or proposition from our stand point.

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I mean say what you want about Bron's leadership in general, ht he has a knack of not letting this bullshit onto his teams. I don't think Curry deserves at all the bulk of the blame, but he also enabled it all

You're not wrong, but that's a consequence of LeBron being far more willing than Steph to wield his clout as a player to influence front office decisions. And that's also led to some pretty bad front office moves from LeBron's teams as a consequence.

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Aside from just being an easy target, I think people blame Steph in the same way that they sometimes blame LeBron when it comes to players on the roster: their perception is that if Steph or LeBron want a player gone, they'll be gone. That's probably true to some extent, but in the end you're still right: Warriors management and the NBA have enabled this, and the blame ultimately falls on them.

Lebron would have said something publicly about all these antics or had him shipped off.

Lebron would've one word tweet followed by bunch of emojis.

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This. It's been a recurring thing. And the fact it's gotten this far shows how bad of a leader Kerr is being right now.

He should be the first to nip that shit in the bud. Either tell him he's not playing if he doesn't change or he gets traded. He should've been hard on him since he punched Poole.

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I’ve been asking this each time someone mentions about “holding him accountable” and never get an answer. What does holding him accountable actually look like?

Other than the Poole incident, which was the franchise’s inaction to blame, drays actions are always on court during games. Any on court issues are dealt by the league and I believe within the CBA there can not be double punishment for the same incident. Also the leagues decision on consequences supersedes a teams.

Yeah, from the CBA:

The NBA and a Team shall not discipline a player for the same act or conduct. The NBA’s disciplinary action will preclude or supersede disciplinary action by any Team for the same act or conduct.

People act like Steph is supposed to openly throw hands with Dray on the court when this happens, or bash him publicly in the post game pressers😂 They have no idea what conversations go on behind closed doors. And I would even argue that majority of the people making Steph’s leadership the issue, don’t even know what it truly means to hold somebody accountable, and wouldn’t know themselves how to hold somebody like Draymond accountable in instances like these.

At a certain point a public dressdown doesn't hurt. MJ or Kobe certainly would have addressed it publicly by this point. But other superstars like Duncan or LBJ probably wouldn't and Steph's personality is more in line with theirs. 

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When the guy plays his role in winning 4 championships and 2 more finals appearances, unfortunately that’s how it is 

To quote another great coach:

“That’s the untrained eye that says something like that..”

The same passion that has consistently crossed the line and got Dray into trouble is also an essential ingredient to the Warriors dynasty & success. The warriors are far better off letting the NBA reprimand Draymond than having Steve Kerr “hold him accountable”

I’ll take a Draymond that gets techs and possibly a suspension over the course of a season over a tempered Draymond all day long

It did cost the warriors bad in 2016, but it also got them 2015, KD, and 2022. I’d call that a net positive

Draymond is so important to the Warriors' success that its not guaranteed they win 2017 or 2018 without him. He consistently had elite playoff impact metrics and better on/off than KD.

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If there's one thing the Poole incident taught me, it's that it's GREAT for teams to do this kind of stuff in public. I certainly wish the internet could be in the room for everything disciplinary on the team.

I can’t wait to see how the middle schoolers respond to you

Honest question, I really only ever pay attention to Sixers drama but has Draymond always been like this? Because it feels like the last 3 or so years he's been completely unhinged.

I’ve always said it was Kerr’s fault. He’s the damn coach, bench that damn fool for his actions. Draymond gets special treatment cause he helped win them chips, but this guys has issues, and purposely goes out there to hurt people and cause his teammates headaches.

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What's Steve Kerr supposed to do? Give him a time out? The league already ejected him from the game for his two techs

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what's he going to do? throw his player under the bus completely like Doc would?

draymond is in his mid thirties and he's got to be playing. curry and the warriors are a far cry from the 73-9, they need him. the org needs him and draymond decides to be selfish af.

The Warriors did suspend Draymond for the infamous on court incident with KD years ago. And then a year or 2 later Draymond interviewed KD for some podcast or show and it was the first time they were publicly addressing it together. Basically Draymond ducked all responsibility and blamed Steve Kerr and Bob Myers for suspending him and said their handling of the situation made it a bigger deal than it was and they should've just let them work it out. He essentially blamed them for breaking up the dynasty. Because ya know of course it was someone else's fault and not him screaming "You're a bitch. Leave. We don't need you." on national TV in front of all his teammates. No it wasn't that, it was because Steve and Bob suspended him. The guy is an idiot who will never take responsiblity for his actions.

The fact that Ja got suspended for the rest of the year for repeatedly holding a gun publicly and Draymond can’t get suspended for more than like a week for basically assaulting people a couple times a month is insane to me

you mean the team that was more obsessed with finding who recorded poole being punched than the one who got punched? no way!

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So it’s on the coach and management then for allowing him to continue to be an idiot then

Bingo. But if the league itself is baby sitting the baby, it doesn't give the right message to the warriors.


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Rodman and Artest were both way more chill. Artest especially really came around, put effort into working with psychologists, and all around seems like a thoughtful person now.


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Well duh. That's always been obvious. Why do so many redditors really let other people dictate their thoughts and understanding? Have your own thoughts and come to your own conclusions.

He is their stick while Steph have been their carrot. As much as people complain about how much he gets away with. They use his craziness to an extent to keep the locker room under control and add a little flame to the team.

Though he does need anger management... control chaos is better than dumb chaos. .

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What is it about our society that we want to assign responsibility to so many people besides the actual person at fault? Draymond is the one who got in the ref’s face. Draymond is the one who said the expletive. Draymond is the one who came unhinged. That is Draymond’s fault. It’s got nothing to do with Steph. 

There has been such a focus on mental health and well being, that pretty much any abnormal behavior now is framed as some kind of mental health issue. It's kinda sad, because it negatively impacts people with actual mental health problems

I mean there’s no way Draymond doesn’t have mental health issues. We can simultaneously acknowledge that and blame him for seemingly not doing anything to address it.

Is being a colossal asshole with a terrible temper a mental health issue?

… yes. Healthy minded people usually aren’t colossal assholes with temper tantrums.

We fucked the discussion on mental health so much that everyone thinks “bad mental health” is a free pass. It’s not. It’s an explanation and an issue that needs to be addressed by those involved.

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In the most straightforward way yes lmao

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Having a terrible temper = anger management issues. Anger management issues are a mental health issue.

Not to mention that this is obviously his poor coping mechanism for some trauma in life. Regardless it's his responsibility to get himself better.

What a monumentally stupid question you just asked!

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lol yes, quite objectively so

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Yes there is. ASSHOLE is not a diagnosis on the DSM-5. Where in the goddamn world did people get this idea you're either a perfect model citizen or you're diagnosable? People with mental health issues can be very sweet and kind, and a "normal" person can be a total fucking dick, let's fucking stop reinforcing the stupid stigma

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And it’s on the organization to discipline him for his past transgressions? He would’ve been fired ages ago in a different career. This is totally on the organization when this is a repeated pattern.

yes. In a different career. Not in this career. Ron Artest played 18 years in the NBA. Bill Laimbeer played 14 years in the NBA. Dennis Rodman played 14 years in the NBA (and it would have been longer but he wasn't discovered until he was 25). This is how professional sports work, how they have always worked.

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You have to remember that a good amount of redditors are literally children who are not used to taking responsibility for themselves.

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This is the right answer but I’m so surprised that this is the answer this sub seemingly all agrees with.

If it was LeBron or KD, the reaction would be the opposite. We literally saw KD get destroyed on here because Kyrie refused to get the vax

I think KD getting destroyed was a lot more about the decision to join up with Kyrie than his ability to control Kyrie.

Just like the argument about Steph’s leadership is not about blaming Steph for Draymond being an asshole.

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Someone gotta take the fall alongside him. Unless it’s something absolutely heinous or objectively stupid, people will always look for others to pile in

I think there's two different questions when it comes to the blame game in this situation.

Some people are talking about who's to blame for Draymond's mental health and lack of improvement. That is 100% on Draymond and no one else. Having lost a best friend to suicide I can say that everyone around you can be trying their damndest to help you get better, but if you don't want to, you won't. That is 100% on Draymond

Some people are talking about it with the implication of "Who let him back on the court when he obviously shouldn't have been", which is the blame game that OP is referring to.

The two kind of get conflated - case in point the very link this post goes to, they are doing just that on their radio show.

To answer the 2nd one, personally I think it's a group failure. The GSW organization should have been stricter to him a long time ago. Yes Steph is a leader on that team but the real decision makers have imho let it go on far too long.


So what waa KD supposed to do? Get a needle and vaccinate Kyrie? That's stupid.

These guys are adults.You can't force them to do something they don't want to do.

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People can be enablers

Meh, it's more like holding these people responsible for how they're letting someone's actions affect their franchise.

It's Draymond's fault he's acting like an idiot but it's the leaderships' fault that they're letting an idiot jeopardize their franchise's opportunities.

It’s a reaction to seeing Steph hopelessly try to rein in Draymond before his ejection the other night. Dude looked scared to confront his own teammate, and just allowed him to keep yapping. It is on Draymond for being a jackass, but you’d expect a player of Steph’s caliber to be able to talk some sense into him.

I want to act all kinds of ways at work but my management won’t let me or else I get fired… without the threat of losing my shit I’d do whatever I wanted. Draymond isn’t worried about consequences and this is the out come

It is absolutely Draymond faukt, but it’s also the fault of Kerr, the Warriors management, maybe even the league for letting him get away with it for so long.

It’s like if there was some dude who Killed 30 people and some corrupt judge let him avoid prison time and then the guy killed someone else. Obviously it’s his fault, but the judge has some ownership as well.

Well it's the coach's responsibility to discipline their players, no? He's a grown ass little kid that runs around and does what he wants. How about some actual consequences by the league that LOVES to fine and suspend players...

Because the organization could have traded him and avoided all of this.

Yes, Dray's behavior is 100% his fault, but the Warriors being affected by it is someone else's mistake, isn't it? He's not guaranteed lifetime employment with the Warriors, is he?

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Everyone knows it's Draymond's fault but everyone has watched this happen over and over for years now.

No one's saying 'Steph Curry is the reason Draymond is an uncontrollable menace'

They say 'Steph Curry is the reason Draymond is an uncontrollable menace on the Warriors'

That's fine both statements are stupid.

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In other facets of society where we play the extended blame game don’t have the same “team” aspect.

You get more clicks and views and comments when you slowly get to the crux of the issue .

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Bro I have been watching Steph for 15 years!? Holy shit man I’m old. I still remember those first games against OKC and NY. 


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I wish I was alive to watch Granmama in his prime.

I was watching the '92 dunk contest and Dell brought baby Steph along to cheer on Larry. Looked like such a fun team to watch

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Kendall Gill is still my favorite player ever. I vividly remember him spinning off Jordan baseline and two-handing it in his grill. 

Who you got? Steph or Monta?

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Why do I get the feeling he's not really talking about Steph here

Stev Kerry


First laugh of my day.

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Last 3 times he handled his own business

people got slapped, choked, and punched.

That is not what you want, right? Blind Code Keeper Kerr

people got slapped, choked, and punched.

Sir, the correct order is punched, choked, then slapped.

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I agree with this up until a point.

When Draymond absolutely rocked Poole things went over the line. That punch was vicious. He threw it with weight behind it, with power coming from the hips, it looked to me like he had experience hitting the bag.

Poole didn't have a chance. There was some pushing but there was no warning that a punch of that calibre was coming. He's really lucky he didn't seriously injure Poole. A punch from a guy Draymond's size can and has killed people loads of times.

He made no attempt to show Poole "Let's get it on". Fights happen all the time with teammates, anyone who has played organised sports will attest to this. When that happens though, you're not aiming to actually hurt each other, you just want to vent your frustrations. This comes with a few things. You gesture "Lets fight" by putting your hands up, showing your teammate that I'm now going to punch you so defend yourself. Draymond did none of this. It was 100% a sucker punch.

With how Kerr handled this I lost faith in the org. They didn't back Poole like they should have and that can affect someone's mentality way beyond the initial punch. I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of the reasons Poole is playing like shit to this day. Having to go a whole year with that cunt and the team not having your back 100% is just awful.

Draymond isn't Jordan or Steph. I think on r/nba he's underrated, but he's absolutely expendable. With all the shit he's caused and specially with what he did to Poole he should be long gone.

At this point there is enough evidence of him having serious anger issues and is unwilling or unable to change. I think he will be gone after this season even though he's under contact with GSW for a few more years. I'm sure there's a team out there willing to gamble on his anger issues in favour of his veteran prescene.

In any other line of work, Draymond would have been fired on the spot (with a note on their personnel file never to rehire), and the police likely contacted. It's only in athletics that absolutely insane shit like this gets waved off with a suspension or fine.

I'm military. Things have gotten heated at times but if someone threw a punch like he did I don't think there would be any salvaging the situation even if the people involved wanted to keep it under wraps. Honestly, I can't even relate to what would happen in my workplace if someone assaulted a co-worker like that. I have seen people fight during amateur basketball, but the guy who hit the other guy got banned from basketball in Sweden for life.

It's one thing for them to not press charges and what not. Keep him around etc. It's a completely different thing to throw Poole under the bus like they did. Kerr's biggest worry wasn't Poole and what to do with Draymond right after it happened, it was to find the snitch who videotaped it.

Just fucked up all around.

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Yes, because the only real measure of that is results. That's the whole point of sports, all the success/failure is a public spectacle people pay to witness.

The Warriors swore up and down that Draymond's trouble were private and would stay in-house and Draymond himself is recording podcasts and shooting commercials joking about it, while he's never been rebuked publicly by Steve and Steph.

It's bad leadership.

How does publicly complaining qualify as leadership?

This sub: public criticism is leadership

Nick Nurse publicly criticizes his players: not like that

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You all act like Draymond is rookie and its bad leadership from Steph. Draymond won 4 championships right beside Curry. Draymond himself is a leader even if Curry is the bigger star. For better or worse - Curry's way of dealing with things internally has built the franchise. He's not going to change it suddenly.

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Kerrs fault for not benching him everytime he makes a dumb error, someone that stupid with their emotions needs to be trained at the level of a child. Put’em in timeout its the only thing Dray will understand. EVERY👏DAMN👏TIME

Curry isn’t to blame for Draymond being an idiot and he’s not responsible for it either.

Kerr, on the other hand, is gutless and has been enabling Green for years.


He's right. Why should Steph be responsible for babysitting another grown ass man. Steph is carrying this sorry ass Warriors roster on his back night after night at 35. I hate this "blame the star anytime anything is wrong with a team" attitude the media has.

Because it's the NBA and the franchise guys, esp ones who won a title or 4, call the shots.

Draymond is sticking around because Steph wants him.

Klay wasn't moveable but Draymond definitely was.


Draymond stuck around because he won 4 rings so they respected him and gave him the benefit of the doubt as a result. It's clear now that he has a bigger issue probably unrelated to ball. Nothing GS can do about it..except tarde him now...but to who?

There have to be teams out there that want Draymond. You're Golden State, you need quality back but you can't expect one for one and a drop-in replacement and you're hoping for addition through subtraction. Draymond is still really good when he's out there, the value is there. And GSW needs to shuffle the deck and try some new threads on.

It really depends on playoff results for everyone, and with the new tougher trade rules I'm not even sure I could speculate. And since they're not going to get a proven point center back, they'd have to go for a new scheme. I'm sure that weighs on their minds about any roster changes.

You don't want to lose another season of Steph's prime, but also they're having a dud year anyway and so they might as well retool. Maybe they can figure it out WITH Draymond, but what's the alternative? Move Pod? There are other desperate teams out there and Dray needs a change of scenery IMO. Somewhere with an ESPN studio lol. So that's plan A imo.

The whole league just got a whole lot better. Unless a star free agent suddenly asks out (which happens a lot, sure) they've got to figure out a new roster and scheme. Because standing still is falling behind, it's very noticeable now.

So IDK. Maybe AD comes back, maybe Miami/Boston blows it up, maybe Markennen wants out, maybe the Clips lose PG.

FYI, Lebron would be the only drop-in replacement, but I don't think he's available.

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Is Draymond not also a franchise guy who won 4 titles? Wtf you want curry to do? Like legitimately answer with specifics.

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No one's asking him to babysit Draymond. I don't think it's a blistering hot take to say that Steph's input heavily weighs into roster construction, and that if Steph wanted him gone he'd be gone

I don’t buy this narrative due to Kerrs own action and words about Draymond. You don’t think Kerr is singing the same narrative to Steph?!

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i hope you had exactly same sentiment when durant was dunked on for not telling kyrie to get a fucking vaccine and how hes not a leader, lol the double standard is so obvious on this sub.


Of course I did lol. Why should KD be responsible for Kyrie's stupid personal decisions?

Good, I just said that I didn't see many people here saying it aint kd's fault, quite the opposite.

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Why you making random shit up just to have an excuse to get mad 😂

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My GOAT MJ would have stomped him into a coma in front of the team, peed on him, paid his medical rehab costs and moved in to raise his kids until he was healed, all while carrying the team to the finals before Dray returned. 

I know you're joking, but Dennis Rodman was a larger distraction than Draymond both on and off the court, and Phil Jackson got credited for keeping his players' egos in check as a result.

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I mean, you guys let him act crazy, so......

Kerr can give multiple political and societal lectures on the regular, but he can't go off on Draymond once?

Either of them has the juice to get rid of Green. Neither of them do anything. They're both culpable.

Draymond is a fucking dumbass. You can’t control stupidity!

Nah, man. It's not Steph or Kerr's fault by any means, but if your friend is doing some crazy self-destructive shit, you don't just get to sit back and say 'not my problem.' Or worse, enable him by pretending there isn't a problem or making excuses.

Yeah the Warriors should just keep giving Green passes! That's the key here. Why discipline him when he can just potentially lose the team valuable games by getting multiple technicals during the least few games of the season?

They are in a playoff race and all. It's not like these games matter or anything.

Just let Draymond be Draymond!

If you fail to punish someone for sucker punching a teammate, don’t be surprised annoyed when they continue to act like there’s no repercussions for their actions. The Warriors are reaping what they sowed here

Draymond Green should just retire from the NBA and get into the world of shitty influencer MMA. I think everyone would be happier.


All this tells me is that Draymond is gone in the summer. I assume they have sat down with him and had a man to man talk about this and he promised to get better and hasn't.

It's over.The tone and comments after this last transgression from Curry and Kerr make it so obvious.

Only question is have is what team will risk bringing him in at this point.

If Curry and Kerr can't get through to him.. nobody can.

It's not about Curry's leadership or the NBA punishing him.Its now clearly a guy that is crazy and cannot be reasoned with.

Draymond pulls clown shit, Steph gets blamed. So weird.

Media needs to just call out Draymond for what he is, an emotionally stunted mental midget. Stop treating the idiot with kid gloves. No more “future TNT” talk either.

i hope they take away his future tnt role and publicly say its because of his unhinged actions lmao. even as a warrior fan who loves his defense and intensity he needs to finally get consequences for his actions for once

People are blaming Draymond wtf are you talking about. It's possible to blame Draymond for being a dipshit and also blame Curry for standing there and doing nothing. Its not mutually exclusive

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There are different ways of leading as a player. Steph leads by working tirelessly on the floor and taking responsibility in the big moments.

The real lack of leadership here is by the Warriors and Steve Kerr. Those are the real leaders of the organisation and so far they've done absolutely nothing, except encourange and enable.

They let him punch Poole, strangle Gobert, punch Nurkic and argue endlessly and all we heard from them was about how important/misunderstood Draymond was. How much they loved him as a player and this was his role. And of course Steve Kerr was possibly the only person in the world who complained about calls more than Draymond. Even when they were so clearly right it was beyond dispute.

Why have we never seen Steve Kerr hook Draymond off the floor and tell him to stop talking to the refs? Why didn't the Warriors suspend Draymond for anything, even when it was obvious the league would? Suspend him for 5 games before the NBA can even react. If they come in with a stronger punishment then so be it. But at least you've made that statement that as an organisation you're not going to stand for it. But the silence publicly and the blase attitude when asked about it tells everyone, but most importantly Draymond Green, that he doesn't really need to change.

And the worst part of all this is he's 1 year into a 4 year deal. Who the heck is taking Draymond at $25m a year now? A rubbish team developing some kids? Who wants that guy there leading some kids and ruining what you're building. A good team looking to contend? They're seriously going to give up a good starter or multiple role players for a guy who might end up derailing everything?

Start of the year I was advocating OKC picking up Draymond. Now I would tell every organisation to run if you see the Warriors GM walking towards you.

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Yet you and Steph have refused to do anything about it for years which shows poor leadership. Any other great player from the past like Jordan, Kobe, and such wouldn’t have let this slide. They would have either punched Draymond in his face at practice for constantly getting ejected and losing them games or would have demanded that the coaching staff trade him and get someone who is an adult.

The same with the old school coaches. Draymond would have been sent packing years ago if Phil Jackson was the coach.


The NBA, Silver, refs, Warriors, Kerr and Steph can all share the blame.  Getting Green to behave wouldn't be easy, but the alternative is years of this shit show where he makes everyone else involved look weak and/or dishonest.  I guess they are okay with that.

"He's a grown man" is a cop out. They always do the absolute minimum punishments and quickly go back to allowing the same old behavior. 

Unfortunately for Steph, who has absolutely represented the Warriors wonderfully for the past decade, it will always be slightly tarnished because of Draymond's actions. You'll never be able to talk about this Warriors run without talking about Draymond getting suspended in the finals and potentially costing them that title, or Draymond butting heads with KD potential pushing him away, or Draymond constantly hitting and kicking other players, it's a part of the identity of this Warriors run just like Steph and his three point shooting.

You guys are obsessive amd dramatic. "Tarnished" our winning legacy, says the Pelicans fan with zero rings ever. I wont speak at all about the Draymond hate, it's well deserved. But trying to tear down the wins and championships of the Warriors is just hating.

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Tarnished, okay man, that's hilarious


Nobody cares about this lol. Winning is all that’s remembered, they beat Bron 3 times lol

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You can’t praise Steph’s leadership and not question how Draymond is still on the team. Of course Steph has no influence on how Draymond acts in the moment. But on a macro level, there is no way they aren’t mentioning personnel moves to Steph. They don’t trade Poole and extend Draymond without consulting Steph. They don’t sign Chris Paul without consulting Steph. Steph might not be the final word, but it would be bad business to just ignore the most influential player in your franchise’s history.

Kerr the sanctimonious coward

Steph should man up and call him out publicly though. It is part of being a team leader when everything else doesn’t work.

Kerr saying the right think backing up Curry but he also needs to be accountable for his team's response to Draymond's actions.

Do you think draymond woyld act up on Jordan's team?

Every player in the NBA is a grown man, if you want to use that excuse. Adults need leadership too. But in this case, I would say the failure is on Kerr's end, since he was the one who constantly lets Draymond do whatever he wants.



Steve Kerr is a clown. It makes sense why Jordan didnt like him.

This would never happen on a LeBron team just sayin’

Steph isn’t 100% culpable but you def are Kerr. Pompous ass


Steph Curry isn’t Draymond‘s coach, his older brother, or his parent. The stuff is truly getting out of hand.

Nah Steph was just standing there making no effort to deescalate Draymond in the face of the ref like every other time. At some point a leader needs to act like one in situations like that. He can go and kick a chair and cry all he wants but he should've been the one to step in at any stage during Drays on court bullshit.

Honestly Steph looked like an abused child in the middle of his parents at that moment, I've seen that vacant look a thousand times with kids.

Steph shouldn’t get all or even most of the blame but when you spend those 15 years as representative of the franchise justifying and enabling Draymonds bad behavior you can’t then act like a victim of it when it doesn’t stop.

The same thing goes substantially more for Kerr. Yes draymond is a grown man but you’ve spent his whole career telling him this shit is okay.

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Gonna say the same thing again - Draymond has been with Steph throughout. He built the team alongside Cuurry. The fact is Draymond is a leader too. In most teams this doesn't happen because either leader is new or the smaller star is new - here Steph can't just boss Draymond around. That's why it's on management - for them the players are just employees. They should step in.

But if this was LeBron.........................

I do think Curry has played a role, but we can debate that.

You know who has definitely played a role in reinforcing this behavior?

Steve Kerr

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There's literal video of Draymond knocking a teammate out in practice while Steph is on the sidelines not doing a damn thing, he's soft and a weak leader.

You get Draymond in line not by enabling his antics like the front office and the league has done but by condemning him, Dray is also the reason why KD left and Steph feels helpless when in reality he has all the power and should've told the front office to get rid of him and keep KD.


If Steph were Jordan or Kobe Draymond would be off the team or straightened the fuck out


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Being a leader doesn't necessarily mean controlling the people you lead..and it should never be that way.

Setting a good example and telling them off when they are wrong and taking responsibility  when you yourself F up is leadership.

If you are controlling.someone...then you are a bad leader IMO.

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No, Steve, you're both culpable.

What part of this are you not getting?

when you're a new NBA player your friends invite you to podcasts and IG lives, when you're an old NBA player they invite you to radio shows

Curry is only being mentioned as culpable because Kerr has enabled Green since he entered the league

This seems like a straw man from Kerr. No one is responsible for Draymond's actions except Draymond, that's undeniable but just because he's the catalyst that fucked everything up doesn't absolve everyone else from their own personal actions/inaction in the situation.

I don't see how it's ridiculous to mention Steph's inaction during the whole thing. Same for Kerr and the coaching staff who have watched the same Draymond movie how many times now? That's not the same thing blaming them for Draymond's bullshit.

People here saying Draymond is responsible for himself are delusional. That ship's long sailed after the first 5 ejections. If they still act out after that, that's the people around enabling it. Steph is enabling Draymond and Klay just cause 4 rings.

Steph not a code breaker confirmed


Steph is the leader of the team

Kerr is the Team Leader

This falls solely on Kerr’s leadership abilities, or lack there of might I say. He is staring at a problem that he is supposed to solve and saying “wow someone should do something about that”

“… now why did you name your son Nick?”

lol then it’s on the coach


draymond saying taylor jenkins tried to milked his fall on his podcast shows his personality plenty

Yea I’d say the fault is on Kerr for not being able to coach or mentor Draymond and keeping him from destroying the team. He’s playing the loose cannon instead of benching him.

Steph’s been in the NBA for 15 years?! What the fuck?

People who aren’t on the team or coaching staff etc… don’t really have a say and I don’t take their opinion seriously. It’s just their opinion. If Steph or anyone is a bad leader, let’s hear it from people who were on the team for a reasonable amount of time that’s neutral. Draymond Green is a grown man, and how he wants to play basketball is still ultimately his choice at the end. A leader can only do so much to guide you but at the end, your actions is your choice alone. Green help brought 4 rings, so the benefits outweigh the ejections or technicals. Now he’s on the older side, and Klays declined they need him on the court. They don’t have the luxury to afford him to sit out games anymore. They need him.

Steve Kerr make a fair criticism of one of his players for the benefit of his team challenge: impossible

Other then the fetish stuff curry has been great lol

they questioned KD’s leadership because Kyrie didn’t want to get vaccinated 😂

Tf it ain't Steph's fault lol that's on Draymond and management

All the people in the top 10 that Steph and his fans think he is better than would not have let it get to this.

Why people acting like it’s some crazy insult to say Steph isn’t a great leader? Zach Lowe called him one of the greatest leaders in sports. Wtf? You can be an all time great championship winning amazing athlete without being a great leader. Steph is a great teammate. That’s his role on the Warriors.

JWill is a clown. There is no way people were "texting him questioning Steph's leadership" unless it was Stephen A.

They enabled Draymond to completely blow up the KD super team. If KD stays, they win in 2021 and 2022.

KD and Dray both agree that it was handled wrong. Draymond essentially saying the front office and coaching allowed KD to leave because of Draymond.

Kerr puts on a facade of being able to handle these personalities like Phil Jackson, but he failed with KD.

We’re all looking for the guy who’s lack of leadership caused all this 🌭

This post just made me realize that Steph is older than Draymond. Wow. I know he is the baby faced assassin but I was a bit perplexed why he'd be the one responsible for a grown man's actions. I mean, he still shouldn't be.

If you have a guy on the team consistently getting ejected and actively hurting your team, it is on the leaders (Kerr and Curry) to speak up. They clearly haven't done that and it warrants some scrutiny.

Obviously nobody is checking Draymond’s dumbass so yes it’s Steph’s fault too. Leadership doesn’t only reflect when you win ball games, dude is failing his team and so is fucking Kerr

dray is an abuser. he knows they wont trade him because they feel like they owe him all the success they had and dray knows it and plays on that. all of that still doesnt change the fact that everyone on the warriors is a little bitch that cant lead and steph is one of them. guarantee you if any of kobe or lebron teammates does this shit they gettin a quick talk of "stop ur bs or im gettin you traded" after the first offense.

Of course Steph gets excuses while every other stars leadership would be questioned

It's definitely not Steph's fault or responsibility to babysit the manchild but he is literally the only one in the org who can slap the shit out of Draymond without any consequence but Steph is just not a confrontational guy. If it was for example, Shaq, he'd probably kill Draymond before he gets ejected from important games.

I have zero doubts Steph is a competitor, he wants the win the most on this team and he's already doing the most but he has to realize he's the only one who can reign Draymond in since Draymond's actively hurting his chances of winning another ring. Let's just say Steph slaps the shit out of him the next time Draymond gets a tech, who do you think the fanbase or org will side with? Steph or Dray. Dray knows the answer so he'll fall in line.

Kerr is an enabler

Its on all the leadership for enabling this, Curry included, if something, anything, is fucked in the org and the franchise Steph Curry doesn't say something, weather its him brining it up to the coach, or management, or saying something directly. THATS leadership

I feel like Steve is handling this situation like Phil Jackson handled Dennis Rodman. I don’t think Dennis and Draymond’s behaviors are that similar, but I think that’s why he takes the hands-off approach.

the FO should've fired Draymond a long time ago.

Lmao only so much you can do when a 34 year old grown adult and 14 year old vet is still throwing tantrums on the court to the point it hurts the team. What is Steph able to do about it?

Honestly, we’re kind of seeing this play out on a larger macro scale in society as well; there are certain groups that simply can’t be criticized or punished or held to the same standards as other groups…..

Dude the idea that anyone is blaming Steph for the actions of a fucking fully grown 34 year old adult is absolutely insane. The man(child) has been in the league for 12 years he knows how to behave.

Uh Steve, Steph was a nobody 15 years ago, check your history books.

Steph should have been pushing him away from the ref

Draymond is a clown and Kerr allows the clown show to happen because they win. We all know this.

The way Steph carried your franchise represents you for 15 years, but so does the way Draymond carries on

You can't keep turning a blind eye to the shit Dray does and hope everyone only pays attention to the good stuff about Steph that you point out. Steve Kerr is absolutly an enabler for all this shit

Steve’s not wrong. In general fans are not too bright

Kerr and the GSW management are culpable. They are the enablers of all his antics. They didn't punish him instead they protected him and even victim blaming.

God forbid someone questions the golden boy 😂

If Draymond is the leader, then they have a very serious problem. He will never measure up to Tim Duncan who lead by example and pulled his team mates away when they started to question the ref.