
Novels set in a dying or mostly dead but relatively happy world? by ZaHiro86 in Fantasy

[–]yahasgaruna 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I think "Driftwood" by Marie Brennan fits the theme of what you are looking for. It's set in a place where shards of destroyed worlds accumulate, and for the most part people just roll with it. Highly recommended.

Hi r/fantasy! I'm Max Gladstone, author of DEAD COUNTRY, the Craft Sequence, and other books! AMA! by MaxGladstone in Fantasy

[–]yahasgaruna 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I take it from this answer that Alt Selene is supposed to be fantasy New Orleans? [I haven't read Dead Country yet, in case this question is answered in this book].

The Hallowed Hunt and Penric by yahasgaruna in Vorkosigan

[–]yahasgaruna[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I loved the Curse of Chalion and the Paladin of Souls. Unfortunately, I am having a very hard time with the Hallowed Hunt -- I started it almost 3 years ago, and I haven't made it past the first few chapters.

Thanks, this is very helpful!

Hi r/fantasy! I'm Max Gladstone, author of DEAD COUNTRY, the Craft Sequence, and other books! AMA! by MaxGladstone in Fantasy

[–]yahasgaruna 4 points5 points  (0 children)

What other contemporary Fantasy writers do you feel excel at weaving plot and theme?

Apologies for hijacking your excellent question, but I couldn't resist: your short "That Story Isn’t the Story" in uncanny is one of the best examples I've read in recent times of interweaving plot and theme seamlessly. Thanks a lot for writing it!

Hi r/fantasy! I'm Max Gladstone, author of DEAD COUNTRY, the Craft Sequence, and other books! AMA! by MaxGladstone in Fantasy

[–]yahasgaruna 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Hi Max,

I'm a big fan of the Craft Sequence and Time War! (Unfortunately, due to adulthood constraints and an infinite TBR mountain, I've not gotten around to reading Last Exit or Empress of Forever yet). I'm also a big fan of your past Reddit AMAs, which I've enjoyed very much. Looking forward to finishing Dead Country soon!

I have a few questions -- apologies for asking too many!:

  1. A long time ago, when Ruin of Angels first came out, you'd said that book 7 would be about Dhistra. Evidently, plans have changed -- will we see Dhistra in the Craft Wars? Or are you saving that setting for a book later in the series?

  2. Actually, will there be anything later in the series? I know you've said this will cap the arc of the characters we know and love (Tara, Kai, Caleb et al), but that doesn't seem to rule out more in the setting generally.

  3. I seem to recall reading somewhere that your last couple of books were hand-written instead of typed in the first draft. Do you think you will continue to hand-write your books?

  4. What fiction are you consuming these days?

Navigation bar has disappeared inside notes by yahasgaruna in Supernote

[–]yahasgaruna[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks for the suggestion.

Maybe I am naming the wrong thing, but double tapping seems only to be changing the bar that let me select the drawing tool. The bar that let me navigate (i.e., told me what page number of the note I am on) doesn't reappear on double tapping.

Vord/Zerg/Borg by greenleaf_mk in codexalera

[–]yahasgaruna 4 points5 points  (0 children)

You're optimistic. Given his recent rate, I've given up on him finishing Dresden before I stop giving a fuck about it. I would put the chances of him coming back to CA close to zero.

Reference to the Oath Rod in Lord of Chaos? by GarlVinlandSaga in WoT

[–]yahasgaruna 7 points8 points  (0 children)

The textual evidence suggests that Oath Rods were a mechanism used by the AoL Aes Sedai to punish members of their kind. Part of the punishment was losing some of your long lifespan unless you were released.

Max's reaction book 4 and 5 by SewajDrayn in codexalera

[–]yahasgaruna 15 points16 points  (0 children)

In general, Butcher spends way too little time on the reactions of people after Tavi declares himself. The only people I remember over the top of my head is Isana and Sextus -- no discussion about, say, Bernard or Amara either.

Stories that follow both the good guys and the bad guys? by [deleted] in Fantasy

[–]yahasgaruna 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I wasn't making a comment about why adaptations failed, but a comment about how the industry works. No one is going to buy an option from an author who plays hardball on creative rights unless the author is literally a household name, irrespective of the amount of money involved.

Stories that follow both the good guys and the bad guys? by [deleted] in Fantasy

[–]yahasgaruna 9 points10 points  (0 children)

There's popular and then there's popular. You basically needed to be JKR levels of popular to have any creative control over adaptations in the past. Even now, even famous people like GRRM have only limited control. (Gaiman is an exception, but that's partly because he had experience in the TV show industry as well)

Mathematician withdraws preprint – 24 years after initial submission by koavf in math

[–]yahasgaruna 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Does arxiv not provide that functionality?

It very much does. If you withdraw, however, it doesn't remove the previous versions of the preprint; it just updates the newest version to saw that it was withdrawn.

Is Euler like the undisputed GOAT of mathematics? by PaTrIcK5230 in math

[–]yahasgaruna 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks for the references! I wasn't suggesting you were making anything up, haha, just wanted to read more about it.

Is Euler like the undisputed GOAT of mathematics? by PaTrIcK5230 in math

[–]yahasgaruna 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Do you mind sourcing your comment? I've never heard about most of this (unlike, say Gauss' not-niceness which I've read about in many places.

How can I explain to my students (and their parents) that the math they are learning is “elementary” without sounding condescending? by jhertz14 in math

[–]yahasgaruna 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The approach to mathematics your students are learning is not obvious: it took centuries to perfect.

This is an extremely pithy summary of thoughts that've been bouncing around in my head for a while. Thank you for your articulation of it.

How often do you forget stuff and have to look it up? by just_arandomrussian in math

[–]yahasgaruna 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Hmm, I hadn't realized people actually bother distinguishing these two by number -- unlike say the isomorphism theorems, there's not one version that is prior to another here.

How often do you forget stuff and have to look it up? by just_arandomrussian in math

[–]yahasgaruna 3 points4 points  (0 children)

What are the first and second fundamental theorems of calculus? Is that a distinction between its integral form and its differential form?

Stormlight 5 spoilers/references in TLM by pedroenrico_cl in Cosmere

[–]yahasgaruna 1 point2 points  (0 children)

they question if it's legal

Nice! I hadn't caught this (though I had found it a bit weird that they had so many Coinshots).

Are lesbians seen by authors as "safe" protagonists when trying to increase representation of non-straight characters in their books? by jimi3002 in Fantasy

[–]yahasgaruna 47 points48 points  (0 children)

Have you considered the possibility that it might be because of a sampling bias caused by the users of the site? YA and romance readers seem over represented on Goodreads to me.

(It's similar to how, if you took Reddit content as the marker for sales, you might convince yourself that Malazan was the top best selling fantasy of all time, even though it's not actually remotely close)