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silverdevilboy commented on
Posted by
247 points · 11 hours ago

Well if we're being real, American cops don't have a monopoly on all the shit they do by a long shot. Cops is cops.

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1 point · 2 hours ago

Not a monopoly for sure, but there's definitely countries where the standards are massively higher and where rules are actually enforced against other cops.

0 points · 5 hours ago

No, it won't. The internet sees a few stories here and there and suddenly thinks they know everything about policing. All departments won't hire because of high IQ is a huge example. It was one case in one town more than 2 decades ago, yet it gets brought up all the time like it's the standard.

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1 point · 2 hours ago

If you were right, there would be stories of good cops cleaning up departments and remaining cops.

People fucking LOVE to see this kind of thing. Cops getting official comeuppance. If it was common, it would be seen commonly because it's more likely to go viral than the bad cop shit.

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silverdevilboy commented on
Posted by
5 points · 3 days ago

Teleporting disabled as well.

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5 points · 3 days ago

That's gonna get awkward when you get to endwalker

silverdevilboy commented on
Posted by
21 points · 3 days ago · edited 3 days ago

It's a recurring theme in the X-Men comics

Xavier gets accused of being a hypocrite, as while he talks about mutant acceptance, he seems to only take in normal passing, safe, supermodel looking mutants. While people who don't meet his criteria are left to their own devices. I think the morlocks were the first example of this?

It's a metaphor that just keeps being relevant. It's ok to be black, so long as you don't dress "ethnically" and use chemicals to have a "white" hair cut. It's OK to be gay, so long as you're not one of "those" gays...

Edit: Not sure if I'm getting down voted because people think I agree with the last paragraph, rather than just pointing out examples of the social issues X-Men introduced readers to through the use of metaphors, or if people are disagreeing that the X-Men are a metaphor for racial and lgtbq social injustices?

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-2 points · 3 days ago

Biiiig stretch.

It's far more about socially acceptable behaviour in other ways (mostly violence) than appearance. Plenty of the X-Men are radically non-human looking.

7 points · 3 days ago

Not really a stretch, it just depends on which story arc you're looking at.

While the current lineup of the X-Men is diverse, the original line up were all very human looking. Even Beast was just a strongman in the first runs.

The Morlocks were introduced in 1983, and their entire story was based around not looking human enough to pass on the surface. To quote their Wikipedia page

"The Morlocks were composed of mutant misfits, especially those mutants who, because of physical mutations or other conspicuous manifestations of their mutant genetics, were unable to pass as human in normal society. Subjected to hate, fear, and disgust from human society due to their "deformed" appearances,"

They were introduced very much to point a light at the institutional racism of 80's America. The "You can't wear an afro in the office because people will think you're dangerous..." mindset that was prevalent (and still is in some places.)

The socially acceptable mutant metaphor has been used since the 80's to cover topics such as straight passing LGBTQ stories, and as you said none violent Vs violent social action.

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-2 points · 3 days ago · edited 3 days ago

Sure, but angel had fucking wings.

You're being downvoted on your original comment because you tried to make it about their appearances and the X-Men have NEVER looked normal-passing as a group.

The difference between the X-Men and other mutants (usually led by magneto) has always been about the use of violence to enact social justice.

silverdevilboy commented on

tHe NaZiS wErE sOcIaLiSt
Posted by
2 points · 3 days ago

No you’ll struggle to find any actual historian today who thinks it was a false flag operation.

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1 point · 3 days ago

That's weird because I've seen 4 separate books linked in this thread alone written by current historians saying exactly that.

silverdevilboy commented on
Posted by
Op-255 points · 4 days ago

I see what you’re saying but I feel like the context should make it easy to see it’s not hostile. Why would anyone be genuinely hostile about deciding where to eat

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13 points · 4 days ago

You'd be amazed how much of an asshole men on dating apps can be.

silverdevilboy commented on
Posted by
15 points · 5 days ago

Lethality? Shit was barely a cold to healthy people. If you weren't morbidly obese or already dying of something else, it was barely an issue.

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3 points · 5 days ago

It was the number one killer of 25-39 year olds for a while in the USA. Young healthy people were safER, but young healthy people don't die much from anything, so anything that kills them is a pretty big problem.

1 point · 5 days ago

The only 25-39 year Olds dieing were already sick or morbidly obese. Healthy young people don't just die.

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0 points · 5 days ago

Or they had asthma. Which doesn't normally fucking kill people.

80% of the population had comorbidities with covid. By your definition we should just be fine with 80% of the country dying because 'they were sick anyway'.

And they didn't 'just die', they got covid.

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silverdevilboy commented on
Posted by
433 points · 5 days ago

I feel like if they changed the names to nidorano and nidorana that would also work. Mirrors the middle stage.

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1 point · 5 days ago

Nidoran and nidaran

silverdevilboy commented on
Posted by
1 point · 5 days ago

There's a reason this image cuts off where it does.

Because the 'joke about men' isn't a joke about males, it's a joke about people. It interprets 'men' as 'mankind'.

This outrage farm has been milked before. Stop being useful idiots.

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