
What is your favorite RDR2 theory/mystery? by stickymolassez in reddeadredemption

[–]hedonistfuck 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hot damn. I've sunk so many ours into this game and still am hearing about shit I haven't discovered, that's awesome. Thanks for the info!

The great concept of "guerilla gardening" by qasqaldag in nextfuckinglevel

[–]hedonistfuck 7 points8 points  (0 children)

So your take on all this is that the unauthorized planting of wildflowers will somehow prevent city landscapers from keeping up on plant maintenance, thus causing terrible accidents that will likely put a serious dent in the little old lady population? You're right, that sounds horrible.

Gonna cry, Obi-Wan? by johnlen1n in PrequelMemes

[–]hedonistfuck 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Poor woman was also in Thor: The Dark World.

Does RDR2 contains any nudity or s*x scenes? And if so how many and what kind? by zasosazd in reddeadredemption

[–]hedonistfuck 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Morale is based on more than just upgrades though. You have to keep food, medicine, and ammo stocked as well. When any of those are low for long periods of time the passive dialogue in camp changes and the gang will have petty squabbles with each other. Certain members will also complain to and/or scold Arthur for not doing enough work, or for being gone too often.

Does RDR2 contains any nudity or s*x scenes? And if so how many and what kind? by zasosazd in reddeadredemption

[–]hedonistfuck 41 points42 points  (0 children)

I'm 90 percent certain it's camp moral. I've only ever witnessed the negative scene on the one playthrough that I purposefully neglected the camp needs.

LAPD trying to entrap Uber drivers by SexyN8 in ABoringDystopia

[–]hedonistfuck 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Oh I've definitely had to drunkenly talk a driver or two into giving my dumbass a ride home at 3 in the morning because my phone was either missing or dead, or thought to be MIA because I put it in my jacket pocket as opposed to my jeans. I guess all I'm saying is that drivers going around asking people to get in and pay cash isn't really a problem that happens too often and bored pigs going out of their way to entrap people in order to prevent a problem that doesn't exist is a waste of everyone's time and money.

LAPD trying to entrap Uber drivers by SexyN8 in ABoringDystopia

[–]hedonistfuck 22 points23 points  (0 children)

In order for the driver to get paid the rider has to request a ride through the app. I'm assuming the pigs are trying to entrap drivers by offering cash for the ride instead. No driver is going to solicit a rider asking for cash only in any real scenario, and if they did, I would hope no one would be dumb enough to jump into a strangers car because they offered you a cash ride. The only danger in this situation is entirely fabricated by the police.

[edit to clarify]

My favorite boss fight in this mess of a game for... Reasons by CYBER2K30 in residentevil

[–]hedonistfuck 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It really isn't. I honestly don't understand the hate at all. The only real complaints people seem to have are that it's over the top and there's too much action, and although I can see being a bit disappointed that the atmosphere wasn't "survival horror" enough, outright hating the game over it seems silly. The gameplay is polished and a lot of fun, and the way the campaigns interweave is actually pretty cool from a story telling standpoint.

Thanks, I hate this superhero. by [deleted] in TIHI

[–]hedonistfuck 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Seriously! It's a writing trope that is extremely annoying. He could be derpiest derp to have ever derped in high school, but in reality, if people witnessed someone fucking flying and shooting lightning from their hands there would be all sorts of reactions from his classmates and not a single one of those said reactions would be "Oh haha! it's just Jonny, that guys such a loser!"

In his debut speaking role, ‘Charlie Charlie - The Great Dictator’ 1940 Relevant as ever. by Zombies8MyChihuahua in OldSchoolCool

[–]hedonistfuck 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hey look everyone! These guys are old!

(obviously I'm just joshin yall. I hope you have a great day :) )

The Peacemaker was always there... Just hidden deep within. by UmpirePlayful in DC_Cinematic

[–]hedonistfuck 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I love how we both got downvoted for knowing the difference between raunchy humor in a television show and saying fucked up shit to a child. I absolutely loved Peacemaker but being funny while acting and acting like an asshole are two very different things.

The Peacemaker was always there... Just hidden deep within. by UmpirePlayful in DC_Cinematic

[–]hedonistfuck -20 points-19 points  (0 children)

Just when I was starting to like this guy. And it's even more fucked up that everyone thinks its hilarious. People suck.

TIL due to Roman Polanski being unable to attend the 2003 Academy Awards because of outstanding criminal charges, actor Harrison Ford flew to France to hand the director his Oscar in person. by EducationalCicada in todayilearned

[–]hedonistfuck 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Absolutely nothing against the victim or her feelings on the matter, but her opinion shouldn't matter in the slightest if it was proven that he committed the crime. The entire point of prosecution and sentencing is to bring the offender to justice, prevent crimes from recurring, and to rehabilitate the offender. Without punishment there's no way to know that he wouldn't just continue hurting children, this time with the knowledge to better cover his tracks. As an aside and my opinion, sick fucks like Polanski will never stop being sick fucks, and they deserve no sympathy.

"Not my problem anymore". by SnackishRaccoon in WatchPeopleDieInside

[–]hedonistfuck 88 points89 points  (0 children)

In that moment your step-grandmother made that person feel like any other person. A small gesture of kindness can mean the world to someone in a bad situation.

Ahsoka Tano smirks by jkings10101 in PrequelMemes

[–]hedonistfuck 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Padme! You're alive! It's a miracle!

Legendary picture, for Legendary heroes. (found it on twitter) by OUTSHI in xboxone

[–]hedonistfuck 2 points3 points  (0 children)

How the fuck do you leave out BJ mothafuckin Blazkowicz? John Price is cool and all, but dude is definitely not in the same league.

Official Poster for 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' by MarvelsGrantMan136 in StarWars

[–]hedonistfuck 1 point2 points  (0 children)

What in the sweet fuck are you even trying to say here?

Resident Evil 6 was just...something else by Kadorr_Flower in gaming

[–]hedonistfuck 45 points46 points  (0 children)

It honestly baffles me when people act as if Resident Evil is this very serious horror game.

Resident Evil 6 was just...something else by Kadorr_Flower in gaming

[–]hedonistfuck 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Never understood why people shit on Terminator: Salvation. Had a blast watching it in theaters