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Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/superstore
creyk 37 points

Did you notice that part of his cringe was cut from the episode? In the episode promo he was making a speech that said "why are we as a society afraid of female pleasure...". That was not in the episode.

Welcoming-War 43 points

That explains why Dina said she had thoughts on female pleasure despite the fact that all they talked was virginity

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/AskReddit
Welcoming-War 1 point

Back in college taking Linear Algebra(?), dealing with matrices and stuff. Final test of the class, professor said I was good to go so I didn't have to take it. I "forgot" my notebook on the chair and came back 10 minutes later (bought a soda at the cafeteria to make it seem I was doing something else when I noticed the missing item).

My friend had copied the whole test and slipped it inside my notebook. So I went to an empty bench and took the test to send her the answers. Now this was in 2008-2009. Cell phone cameras weren't that good so I couldn't take pictures of what I did. Plus phones still had T9 keyboard, and given all the weird mathematical symbols we used I had to send one text saying like a = α, E = ε, [ =∫, etc. And text at the time had the 200 character limit. It was a long ordeal but I managed to do it, and she ended up passing the class

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/superstore
StormySMommi 13 points

$109,000+bonus! 💵 💰

Welcoming-War 6 points


senwell1 2 points

Marcus's $700K in debt

wait, I missed this part, how does that happen?

Welcoming-War 11 points

He's been making $134K a year for 5-6 years which is about $800K earned during that time. Had he been earning the correct salary ($8.6/hr instead of $86/hr), he would've earned a little over $100K in that same time so he owes the company ~$700K

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/hqtrivia
djciar02 3 points

the question was something along the lines of “in this scene who does dwight refer to as his best friend” and the choices were jim, pam, and I don’t remember the last option, maybe michael?

Welcoming-War 4 points

The options were Jim, Pam and Himself

NEMM2020 1 point

What was the answer?

Welcoming-War -1 points
Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/hqtrivia
Guitar_hands 2 points

yes they could have said who served the shortest time before becoming president. The way they worded the question made it seem like they wanted to know something else. Like who was sworn in the quickest after the president they succeeded.

Welcoming-War 3 points

I understood it the same was as you, went with LBJ as well.

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/LiveFromNewYork
LosAngelesVikings 58 points

Great sketch if you've seen Us, but I'm not sure others would get it (even if they'd seen the trailer).

Welcoming-War 5 points

I knew what it was referencing but thought it was OK. Maybe after seeing Us and revisiting the sketch I'll find it funnier

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/hqtrivia
mikev431 7 points

I’m a huge Star Wars nut so maybe it’s hard for me to see things from a normal person’s perspective, but I was shocked that so many people thought the opening of the films were “A long, long time ago...”

Welcoming-War 5 points

Got confused on the actual double word (far, far away...) or they're all fans of Don McLean's American Pie

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/Blackish
OneThatNeverFails 8 points

Wasn't Micheal Strahan, the dude on Good Morning America, playing Kyra's Dad in her episode debut? All of this dialogue between katt Williams character and Dre is working because Dre is bigger. If it was still Micheal, Dre would be looking suicidal.

I really loved the Dark humor in this episode. They're in top form. " Why is my pool boy with my lawyers" "INSTEAD let's leave the doors open and get him with stand your ground and BANG...."

Lol I'm like this a family show 😂

Welcoming-War 12 points

Michael Strahan I believe is a cousin of Dre and was the family taking care of her as she was jumping from one to another

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/SquaredCircle
That_One_Cool_Guy 13 points

Skip to 5:00 for those interested in hearing this


Welcoming-War 5 points

And then the other girl saying "cock in my mouth" picked up clearly by the mic

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/worldnews
badstewie 35 points

Fucking hell. Are background checks not a thing in the Dominican Republic?

“I don’t feel the attraction. I am not telling you that maybe someday it won’t be there, because I can’t predict the future.”

Somebody over there needs to look into this. That statement is a red flag if I ever saw one. Fuck.

Welcoming-War 5 points

The guy was born in DR. In the article it says that his record in DR is clean (as his conviction was in the US), so when his background was checked, the school only checked for DR record and obviously found nothing

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/TheKidsAreAlright
SoFloChick 3 points

Idl it seems like Mile would be too cheap to have two cars for a bumch of teenagers to drive. I could see them having two if Peg drove. Why would they have a sedan? Where would all the kids fit? I swear they have a broen station wagon in the episode where Mike went to the grocery store.

Welcoming-War 5 points

Well Lawrence is 20, maybe they got an old car for him to help out and drive Peg when Mike can't

Also, from the Nine Birthdays episode, didn't it end with Mike and Peg going on vacation in one car and the kids going to the beach in another?

SoFloChick 2 points

Mike amd Peg went to Acapulco, I doubt they drove.

Welcoming-War 3 points

Here is the blue car I was talking about which I believe is the one from promotional photos.

Here is the brown sedan which Mike uses

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Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/TheGoldbergs
DoodleBuggering 10 points

Erica's wig... dear lord was it terrible.

Welcoming-War 9 points

At least it was 90s appropriate since it looked like Rachel's (from Friends) hairstyle

DoodleBuggering 8 points

It looked like someone scalped Rachel and put it on Erica.

Welcoming-War 11 points

True but fit the decade

Unlike her hairstyle in the 80s which is the most un-80 thing ever

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/jerseycity
jfro85 3 points

Sol Azteca (apparently just reopened) or their truck Tacos Victoria on Marin and Columbus generally on weekdays.

Welcoming-War 2 points

I wonder why the truck has a different name. Is it still related to Sol Azteca or did the truck guy just knew cause he's acquainted with the Azteca guys?

Welcoming-War commented on a post in r/thegooddoctor
Dougzy_Nein 0 points

I think so ..Andrew definitely chooses Melendez to be the next Chief of Surgery and he refuses this title .It makes sense from this conversations that he told Lim he talked with Andrews 's assistant and also know Aoki will call Lim

I think It is because he loves Lim so he offers Lim to be Chief of Surgery instead

I doubt why Andrews don't choose Dr.Glassman .He is back and the best candidate more than Lim and Melendez.

Welcoming-War 1 point

It could also be that he withdrew from consideration so if it was between them, it would go directly to Lim now.

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