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First World Skyrim Problems by the_homeless_turtlein gaming

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I downloaded Leveler's Tower and never used it to level in my new run. Instead I use it for the 40,000 gold merchant inside that automatically refills her cash every time you exit her conversation. Saves so much time when every draugr you kill drops an ebony weapon.

I think someone at Blizzard is a fan of LoL. by TangerineSunsetin leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The hunter quest chain was for a weapon that could change between a staff and a bow (they later had to separate the items since they wouldn't hold enchants swapping between a melee and ranged weapon). It was a crazy quest and was pretty hard since it depended on using various hunter skills to solo high level demons. If anyone interfered with the demon during the fight, the demon would instant kill the hunter involved.

I think someone at Blizzard is a fan of LoL. by TangerineSunsetin leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Netherwind was T2. Arcanist was T1. You didn't need to kill Rag for Arcanist.

I think someone at Blizzard is a fan of LoL. by TangerineSunsetin leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Getting the Black Sinew to drop off Onyxia. Every hunter in our guild had the Ancient Leaf drop but Onyxia had only given us one sinew. I think I had been sitting on the leaf for four months by the time I finally got the sinew. Then the rest of that quest chain was crazy.

Second favorite was getting both Bindings to drop in one night for our MT. I have never heard a ventrilo explode like that.

League of Legends Competition Ruling - Counter Logic Gaming by Nalmsharkin leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Except that's not true. Riot simply made a mistake that they communicated to the team and were working on fixing. Setting them up for failure would be telling them there's no way they would ever have live accounts. Riot was going to give CLG the accounts, they just had to wait.

After CLG found out they were getting live accounts they broke a rule, knowing the rule was in place. All they had to do was use the TR for scrims against some teams and wait for the live accounts to play on live servers. Just because there's a mistake doesn't mean you have carte blanche to do what you want nor that you are free from punishment should you break a rule.

League of Legends Competition Ruling - Counter Logic Gaming by Nalmsharkin leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah? That's from the paragraph before the one I linked. At the time of CLG making their preparations for their trip to Korea, Riot informed them what you wrote. After CLG left, they figured out the mistake that had been made, which is my post, and took steps to fix it.

League of Legends Competition Ruling - Counter Logic Gaming by Nalmsharkin leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

"Recognizing our error and CLG’s urgent practice needs in Korea, we provided CLG with provisional TR accounts within 24 hours of their landing as a temporary measure for practicing while the error was corrected. During this time, it was brought to our attention that members of CLG were engaging in illicit account sharing despite having a legitimate practice option pending in the provisional TR accounts while also being aware that such an action was against the rules.

After the correct policy was ascertained, Riot granted CLG official live accounts and retracted the TR accounts in accordance with standing Riot policy."

It literally contradicts your second point. They gave them TR accounts because they realized they had made a mistake with the policy and the TR accounts were to hold them over until they got them live accounts.

As to the third point, then that's the risk they take. They know it's against the rules to account share. If they choose to engage in account sharing and break the rules, they are at fault for doing so.

Saw this at a local store, no love for bulbasaur :( by stormydemonin gaming

[–]Schuldrich 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Doesn't he have a psychic weakness due to being grass/poison? That would make his first hard matchup gym 5. Sabrina's rough even when she doesn't have a type advantage. I would think she would one to two shot venusaur with her Alakazam's Psychic attack.

Honestly I've never played through the game with bulbasaur so I'm not sure how that gym plays out but I can't see it being very favorable.

Creationist Senator asks woman how E. Coli evolves into Humans. Guy's face palm in the audience is priceless by Zyzzlingin atheism

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

But if we evolved from E. Coli and pizza why is there still E. Coli and pizza?! You can't explain that!

I was happy to see everyone in the audience behind the lady stop to register the statement. You can see them all try to figure out if he really said something so stupid.

I hate these people. by agnes222in AdviceAnimals

[–]Schuldrich 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Convenience store, graveyard shift for five years. I've been the one to threaten and even been forced to call before. I worked down the street from bars so people would come by after the beer curfew to try and buy more. Most people were reasonable but every once in a while someone would start telling me they were gonna kick my ass if I wouldn't sell it to them. Generally they would get fed up and leave after a few minutes of denying them but there were people who refused and eventually would demand I call the cops to have them removed. Drunk people logic is my favorite, "Call the cops! I'm a customer! I'll get you fired tomorrow!"

Bought this off a tween at a garage sale...brings me back to my awkward Pokemon days (Warning graphic words) by KentuckyFriedIdiotin gaming

[–]Schuldrich 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Guess I am remembering it incorrectly. Sixteen years is a long time to remember pokemon battles.

Bought this off a tween at a garage sale...brings me back to my awkward Pokemon days (Warning graphic words) by KentuckyFriedIdiotin gaming

[–]Schuldrich 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Am I remembering this incorrectly? Didn't the game tell you what pokemon was being sent out by your opponent after a KO and let you change your own accordingly? If they changed to a pokemon with a type disadvantage they would have to take an extra turn changing it to a different pokemon or get two shot.

Not going to lie. It's been a VERY long time since I played pokemon against other people. And this was my best logic in elementary school.

Bought this off a tween at a garage sale...brings me back to my awkward Pokemon days (Warning graphic words) by KentuckyFriedIdiotin gaming

[–]Schuldrich 61 points62 points  (0 children)

I would name my pokemon other pokemon names. Best example was my Blastoise which was given the nickname Venusaur. Would generally force out a fire pokemon. Good times.

In Silver all my pokemon were simply named Venonat so no one would know what I was sending out.

My daughter's award winning painting, she is 8. by woodspiderin pics

[–]Schuldrich 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Well I would guess something along the lines of, "This couldn't be further from how trees look in the real world. Why are they so skinny at the bottom and wider near the middle? The trees on the left all smear together and there's yellow paint just splattered along the top left and into the sky. F+."

[Spoiler] Alliance vs. SK Gaming / EU LCS Summer, Week 7 / Post-Match Discussion by nubitin leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I was so confused watching him only take the small wolves and wraiths and give the big ones to Shook. Thanks for mentioning this. I always forget the change to TF's passive.

Slasher leaves onGamers. His farewell letter: by darienswag420in leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 12 points13 points  (0 children)

You're talking about it from your perspective, yet can't seem to grasp it from the other side. Even if you meant the comment to be tame it could easily be taken as, "Look at how lazy Travis is. He doesn't even do the bulk of the work, he just talks to people while his producer does everything."

If someone made a statement about me that I found insulting then tried to hand me money, I would decline it myself. It doesn't matter if it wasn't meant to be an insult, it's the perception that shapes the actions taken.

FTL dodging logic by Infinite_Bananasin gaming

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Here's some information I learned from watching Lethalfrag.

If you're running stealth on the third stage of the boss, make sure it's only at level 1 stealth. Anything higher then level 1 and it lasts too long and won't be up in time for the next activation of the super weapon.

If you haven't killed their crew in the previous phases try to have a space next to the flagship that hasn't been conquered. Jump away with crew that have boarded your ship and kill them. It makes the damage to shields and other systems stick which can make or break your fight.

Slug pilots make phase 3 easier. They can't be mind controlled which keeps your dodge at it's full value (though you should invest in some autopilot points anyways since the revamped percentages are great).

Pause often. I know this one sounds really obvious but I went through my first runs barely pausing. When I took the time to pause to assess damage and give instructions to my crew I found myself taking less random hull damage. I've had a few runs where I beat phase 3 with 4 or less hull remaining.

This game drove me crazy for a while. Watching Frag play helped me a lot. It took me a long time to get my first win and after that it just seemed to click.

Susie Kim, thank you, please more. by DdubbleDubsin leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I don't think it's that random. After tournaments we tend to get posts about the "best caster" or "having X at the analyst desk was really great". This is in the same vein but to me is more relevant.

Many people are interested in hearing the opinions of the foreign teams since we don't get to hear a lot from them unless you watch interviews from overseas and even then few of them are translated. Having a great translator is something I really enjoy.

NACL not paying teams (yet)? by GGCObscuricain leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm not saying what they did was smart. I completely understand their frustrations and understand why they decided to play the way they did. I also wouldn't have done the same thing in their shoes. All I'm saying is it's not as simple as walking away from the tournament since there's still a lot they could lose from that decision.

NACL not paying teams (yet)? by GGCObscuricain leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Had they gotten permission to forfeit their matches it would be one thing since NACL could have put out a notification about the team dropping out of the tournament, but a team attempting to break into LCS doesn't have the luxury to just quit without severe repercussions. Other tournaments could deny them entry, it could cost them sponsors, they could lose a section of their fanbase and lose out on stream views. There's too many possible negatives to dropping out of a tournament without permission.

Malzahar's bug literally by Treestubin leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 4 points5 points  (0 children)

If I remember correctly, no. The stats were linked to the level so they reset to what a level 0 of that evolution would have. I say this because I remember being really upset that my level 0 blastoise was terrible.

Proof that Phreak is a filthy liar! by danishganin leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

That's one meaning of miss, but there's many others including to fail to accomplish, achieve, or attain (a goal). The goal here would be smiting dragon, thus he missed his smite. Or, to let go by; let slip: miss a chance. He missed his chance to smite.

Do you guys report for saying "easy" after game ? by Marcher93in leagueoflegends

[–]Schuldrich 2 points3 points  (0 children)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

I don't think you're getting what's being said here. The "easy" statement is meant to say it was easy to beat the opposition. That isn't showing humility or grace. It would be quite tactless. Being graceful is the opposite and falls very close to humility. Grace from the victor would be along the lines of stating, "Great game Ori. Tough lane." You aren't belittling the fight put against you, you're commending them. Stating the fight was easily won is basically saying the opponent wasn't worth your time.

In response to the girl that thought her boyfriend Killed himself. by airplanepilytin AdviceAnimals

[–]Schuldrich 5 points6 points  (0 children)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

They didn't say people frequently survive them, they said plenty of people have. Basically enough people have survived being shot, even in some cases being shot to the head, that there's no excuse to just assume there's no chance.

Verizon complained that it customers were "misinformed" by Mimshotin AdviceAnimals

[–]Schuldrich 0 points1 point  (0 children)

sorry, this has been archived and can no longer be voted on

Okay? I never said there was or wasn't free internet in NZ. I was explaining to SwitchBlayd why his statement was incorrect.