
Huh…I never thought she’d really do that… by lilrapnik in raimimemes

[–]Pulsar07 4 points5 points  (0 children)

"boys will be boys" is not an excuse for disrespectful behaviour. Look at r/JustGuysBeingDudes as an example of what it's supposed to mean.

Being on the internet doesn't mean you can't affect other people. There's a lot of asocial and antisocial losers here. Don't learn from them

Girls prefer compliments about things they choose, like their hairstyle, clothing or makeup for example.

In The Batman (2022), Robert Pattinson has a leaner build than other Batmen because he refused to drink protein supplements when working out. When asked why, he just said that there was Something in the Whey. by AdvocateSaint in shittymoviedetails

[–]Pulsar07 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Get a grip on reality if you think this is skinny. Media has twisted what a "healthy, muscular" physique looks like. You can't even buy a pack of underwear without some dehydrated and photoshopped bodybuilder being advertised on the front.

Fantasy or not, Batman is meant to be a top performing human. Look at athletes, the people who are actually at the top of human performance. Practically none of them are exceptionally massive, and even they're juicing. Gymnasts might be the exception proportionally speaking. But most of them are also relatively short. Modern batman is more akin to an MMA fighter than a gymnast anyway. Those guys aren't massive either.

Watch out !!, Cow missiles are very dangerous by KingofKings180 in PerfectlyCutBooms

[–]Pulsar07 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Each game has its own story and doesn't really continue from the previous one, besides having some of the same characters. I recommend just going for Just Cause 3.

Good dog. by prolific_ideas in DamnNatureYouScary

[–]Pulsar07 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It seems to me like he purposefully called his dog back, although not giving a direct order to attack

He probably could have just walked around the snake. It's only a small one and the path appears wide enough. But I wasn't there.

I'm not saying there was malicious intend. This probably could have gone differently however.

Hol up by DonGuillotine in HolUp

[–]Pulsar07 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Now there's a pretty meme, exquisite!

[NO SPOILERS] What character is loved by fans but you just don’t get it? by speciallydolxn in gameofthrones

[–]Pulsar07 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

If I expressed myself unclearly or supposedly did a 180, it's because I didn't make myself clear. Picking the right words isn't always my strong suit, and English isn't my first language.

I was trying to argue from the context of a fictional situation of a fictional character, based in a fictional world *based on the timed period when this was normal and would happen regardless*.

Rape is bad. Sex with an underage person is bad and manipulative. That doesn't need to be made clear. Again, I was talking in the entire context. I'm sure Daenarys would have a preference (and it wouldn't be the show version) even if both her choice are obviously bad. Rape is bad. Sex with an underage person is bad and manipulative.

Would you rather be beheaded by the guillotine or burned alive at the stake? I'm sure most people would have a preference.

We can't do anything about the time period it's based on. Shit like this was normal and it was bad. But don't tell me you'd have no preference if you were in the character's shoes.

Rape bad. Sex with underage person bad & manipulative

It's all bad

[NO SPOILERS] What character is loved by fans but you just don’t get it? by speciallydolxn in gameofthrones

[–]Pulsar07 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

If I expressed myself unclearly or supposedly did a 180, it's because I didn't make myself clear. Picking the right words isn't always my strong suit, and English isn't my first language.

I was trying to argue from the context of a fictional situation of a fictional character, based in a fictional world *based on the timed period when this was normal and would happen regardless*.

Rape is bad. Sex with an underage person is bad and manipulative. That doesn't need to be made clear. Again, I was talking in the entire context. I'm sure Daenarys would have a preference (and it wouldn't be the show version) even if both her choice are obviously bad. Rape is bad. Sex with an underage person is bad and manipulative.

Would you rather be beheaded by the guillotine or burned alive at the stake? I'm sure most people would have a preference.

We can't do anything about the time period it's based on. Shit like this was normal and it was bad. But don't tell me you'd have no preference if you were in the character's shoes.

Rape bad. Sex with underage person bad & manipulative

It's all bad

[NO SPOILERS] What character is loved by fans but you just don’t get it? by speciallydolxn in gameofthrones

[–]Pulsar07 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

If I expressed myself unclearly or supposedly did a 180, it's because I didn't make myself clear. Picking the right words isn't always my strong suit, and English isn't my first language.

I was trying to argue from the context of a fictional situation of a fictional character, based in a fictional world *based on the timed period when this was normal and would happen regardless*.

Rape is bad. Sex with an underage person is bad and manipulative. That doesn't need to be made clear. Again, I was talking in the entire context. I'm sure Daenarys would have a preference (and it wouldn't be the show version) even if both her choice are obviously bad. Rape is bad. Sex with an underage person is bad and manipulative.

Would you rather be beheaded by the guillotine or burned alive at the stake? I'm sure most people would have a preference.

We can't do anything about the time period it's based on. Shit like this was normal and it was bad. But don't tell me you'd have no preference if you were in the character's shoes.

Rape bad. Sex with underage person bad & manipulative

It's all bad

[NO SPOILERS] What character is loved by fans but you just don’t get it? by speciallydolxn in gameofthrones

[–]Pulsar07 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Wel yeah obviously. I pointed out multiple times that it's a bad situation. Nobody here is saying that, in real life, X version of rape is better than Y version. Given the context of that world though, I'd guess Daenarys would prefer the book version.

We can't do anything about the time period it's based on. Shit like this was normal and it was bad. But don't tell me you'd have no preference if you were in the character's shoes.

[NO SPOILERS] What character is loved by fans but you just don’t get it? by speciallydolxn in gameofthrones

[–]Pulsar07 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I was unclear then, as I didn't intent to imply that anyone underage can consent in any serious situation. Because they're children.

And yeah I agree, predators come in al shapes and sizes. Arguably it's the ones that seem the least suspicious and appear more trustworthy that can have a more lasting impact, because of the betrayal of trust. Though I'm not a victim myself so I'm only guessing.

[NO SPOILERS] What character is loved by fans but you just don’t get it? by speciallydolxn in gameofthrones

[–]Pulsar07 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

We've already established that the whole situation is fucked up. Such were the times the story is loosely based on unfortunately.

[NO SPOILERS] What character is loved by fans but you just don’t get it? by speciallydolxn in gameofthrones

[–]Pulsar07 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No I'm pretty sure her first time with him was more gentle and with consent*. It definitely stood out. Someone else just pointed out that the other times were without her consent though, so that might be what's confusing us.

*Not actual consent as it should be

[NO SPOILERS] What character is loved by fans but you just don’t get it? by speciallydolxn in gameofthrones

[–]Pulsar07 3 points4 points  (0 children)

So like in the show? Only the first time was "slightly more gentle" then

[NO SPOILERS] What character is loved by fans but you just don’t get it? by speciallydolxn in gameofthrones

[–]Pulsar07 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Technically she did clearly consent in the books. (Still underage obviously so yeah that's messed up)

Obviously it's a pretty fucked up situation. She's 14 and forced in to marriage. Which should say enough. My point is that in the books he doesn't just bend her over after creepily circling her like a predator. Instead he gently leads her into it until she clearly consents. In the context of a fucked up situation, it's a lot better then what the show did.

Stephanie Cohen 545 lb deadlift. Over 4 times her body weight. by Admirable-Stand-7826 in toptalent

[–]Pulsar07 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I hear more people talking about back and knee pains who don't workout.

With proper technique suited to your anatomy and a proper buildup in strength, lifting "heavy" is perfectly safe and, for most people, better for their body. We're build to move after all.

sent this to our DM. he only answered with " : > " by GiorgiodiVilla in dndmemes

[–]Pulsar07 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Ah yes, "Reapers". The immortal race of sentient starships allegedly waiting in dark space. We have dismissed that claim.

Anon wants a virgin by LoadOk5992 in greentext

[–]Pulsar07 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Current marriage statistics can hardly be compared to past ones, when people were more likely to stay together because they had to, not because there was sufficient affection or pleasure between the two parties. Things like cheating were often swept under the rug to keep up appearances. I'm not saying cheating is normal. But unfortunately it can be plain old bad luck, for either party.

The dating scene isn't getting rougher, but it has changed.

I don't even get the virgin/inexperienced kink. An experienced woman could be just as if not more sexy. I think you're just stuck in your head with some weird old fashioned notion that's just not realistic (if it hardly ever was when talking about mature women (or men for that matter)). Adapt, go touch some grass, listen and empathise. There are bigger "red flags" to worry about than someone's body count.

Brooklyn Subway Shooting: Multiple Shot by JacquesMouse in news

[–]Pulsar07 4 points5 points  (0 children)

If only someone had managed to shoot the shooter... in a train wagon filled with smoke and full of panicking people...

No way that could go wrong.

Anon is a victim by rinisini in greentext

[–]Pulsar07 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Easy there Sundowner

Don't go using child brains or something