
Doing my civic duty by Lord_Ahrim1536 in 2007scape

[–]Murderous_Waffle 1 point2 points  (0 children)

How to tell me you don't vote without telling me you don't vote.

Some real doomer vibes here. Youve been taking too many black pills

Doing my civic duty by Lord_Ahrim1536 in 2007scape

[–]Murderous_Waffle 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It's also /r/enlightenedcentrism

This whole thread is pandering the same BS that both sides are equally bad. Which is unequivocally false.

🎃 by DrinkMoreCodeMore in networkingmemes

[–]Murderous_Waffle 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I've seen end user uptimes of 200 days, 37 is nothin!

DP Dough doesn’t tolerate trolls by Finn_Flame in PublicFreakout

[–]Murderous_Waffle 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think this one is on the UofM campus. I know that they have one there and the shit head is wearing a MN gopher sweatshirt from what it looks like.

Georgia early voting numbers continue shattering records by dreamcastfanboy34 in UpliftingNews

[–]Murderous_Waffle 15 points16 points  (0 children)

In Georgia, Joe Brandon only won by 11kish votes. Every vote counts. It's insane how much it matters in a state of 10 million people.

This goes for almost every state. People win elections by thousands, and at most hundreds of thousands. Democrat policies are by far the most popular in America. We are letting Republicans win by not turning out to vote.

Families shocked when battery replacement for electric vehicle tops $20,000 by seat51c in technews

[–]Murderous_Waffle 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That's very interesting points about the i4. I don't think luxury cars are supposed to feel like you're detached from the road? I don't know, but that doesn't sound like an experience you'd want. I want the car to be comfortable, yet also fun to drive.

Some Kia boys stuff.




The range is my biggest concern with the Leaf, also the look/size. I'm 6'8. I aint fitting in that lol. I barely fit in the model 3.

The supercharger no credit card needed process, plug and play, literally. Is a convenience I never thought I wanted.

Families shocked when battery replacement for electric vehicle tops $20,000 by seat51c in technews

[–]Murderous_Waffle 0 points1 point  (0 children)

100% all around. My sales experience was top notch. My sales advisor still responds to my emails 2 years later after I bought the car to answer questions about re-upping to the next.

For me, my top priorities were charging network, availability

Won't consider another EV until the supercharger network opens up/more chargers. I just got the CCS adapter for my Y now I can go to EA, Superchargers, all L2 chargers, and any other DC fast charging network. I have every single option. I want a Rivian and it seems like they might be the runner up for charging availability in the future.

Families shocked when battery replacement for electric vehicle tops $20,000 by seat51c in technews

[–]Murderous_Waffle 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I will say that every test drive was just my gf and I; the sales people were not in the cars with us due to COVID restrictions.

Funny, I did mine in March 2021 test drive with the MachE. Covid was still very real at that time.

I mainly lease because it personally made sense financially for me. Tons of my miles are from work (over 75%). So I get mileage reinbursements. So it made sense, hey I get money for "wear and tear" on my car + gas. Well I don't have gas, so might as well "wear and tear" on a lease. It's not my car at the end of the day.

But who knew that car prices would skyrocket in the last 2 years. My Y is $15000 more than when I leased my current car, and I would love to be able to buy out because my residual value is disgustingly low at something like 33k (new being 65k-70k, used being more than 33k).

It feels a lot like ecosystem lock-in with Google/Apple except it's a major electronic wired into my house

Lol, yeah it kinda do be like that. Some people have suggested to get a J1772 charger instead even if you get a Tesla. It makes sense. But I don't want to use an adapter everyday. I'm ok every now and again but not all the time.

Yep. If I can't drive it I'm not buying. Some of these cars cost almost 100k. Unreasonable expectation to not have test drive. I feel like they can afford 2 cars for a test drive. Right?

As for the other vehicles:

I won't consider the bolt. I don't like GM's track record. As a company and with EV's in general. Don't like the look either.

Ioniq 5/6: is interesting. Hyundai's implementation and the whole car is good all around. But they put a poor taste in my mouth about their response on all the Hyundai's/Kia's getting stolen (I live in near the MN area where it's happening quite a bit or it was there for a minute). I would've liked some sort of recall to fix the security vulnerability.

Polestar: TBD. Interesting. Company doesn't have a track record.

EV6: Same Hyundai reasoning. Waiting for future models to fix some key design things that bugged me. Watched a video on Short Circuit Youtube channel. Some of their design decisions were interesting.. Like not being able to change either the volume or the HVAC at any given time you must keep only one or the other up at any given time. What's the point of physical buttons if you're going to implement it like that?

Rivian: I want. Badly. 90k :(

Lightning: Is sick. I want, but may not like it for the same reasons as the MachE

Leaf: Naaaaahhh

BMW i4: Cool car. Looks like real luxury. Not sure If I want/need to go there. BMW track record is meh. Heated seats subscription, lol. Their cars are expensive to fix, don't know it will translate, also these german cars are locking us out of the hood!! I want my frunk dammit!

Toyota: Don't even get me started. What a poor EV implementation. (BZ4X)

VW: Luke warm. Kinda meh.

Minor disclaimer. I won't get any non-tesla vehcile until the Supercharger network is opened up for all cars. Sorry. I had a lot to say about stuff.

Families shocked when battery replacement for electric vehicle tops $20,000 by seat51c in technews

[–]Murderous_Waffle 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I didn't test drive all of those. But I test drove the Y before the MachE, and the MachE just didn't do it for me.

Regen breaking was weak, the touch screen on the car was laggy, and general software implementation was poor. Sound system seemed to be worse, but didn't get that much time with the car. The test drive experience was much worse. Required a salesman that didn't know anything about the car in there with me. I only got to drive it for about 10 mins. I didn't even get to go up to highway speed.

The Y just drove better, but the MachE wasn't bad by any means. Much better software on the Y.

Also I wanted to stay away from purchasing the car from a dealership. Ended up with the Y.

I am going to re-up after my Y lease is done and buy the next Y. PSA don't lease a Tesla, you get locked in, like your balls in a vice locked in, it's not necessarily a bad thing as in it sucks when you want to buy or sell the car to a 3rd party. But for some people it might work. The payment is only like $100 less, so it's really not worth it.

But unfortunately with Polestar and Rivian you can't really test drive them. Which is sooooo dumb. I'm not considering an EV if there is

A. No service center in my state

B. Can't test drive.

Those are just base line requirements. Then I can compare and see which would be better for me after that.

My school blocked Google by NormalBluJay in mildlyinfuriating

[–]Murderous_Waffle 100 points101 points  (0 children)

The DNS filtering tool is probably expensive. So maybe not cheap on blocking you from using the internet.

Does duck duck go work? That'd be really funny if it did.

Layer 3 overkill or just reasonable documentation? by elementalism in homelab

[–]Murderous_Waffle 1 point2 points  (0 children)

He has to be. That's the only way this would make sense. Should really be documenting virtual links if you are using them. Since it can cause a lot of confusion.

Layer 3 overkill or just reasonable documentation? by elementalism in homelab

[–]Murderous_Waffle 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I also want to use Not so Stubby Areas because I like the name.

Layer 3 overkill or just reasonable documentation? by elementalism in homelab

[–]Murderous_Waffle 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yup would have to rebuild the LSDB each time for a flapping link.

Multi area ospf is just easier anyway. To be able to separate things in your head. Like each site could get its own area.

What company will you never work for again and why? by Wholesome710069420 in ITCareerQuestions

[–]Murderous_Waffle 0 points1 point  (0 children)

but you can say that you worked 986 hours when really what you were probably doing is working for 15-30 minutes on one thing and billing for the whole hour.

It's not possible to work 986 hours it just isn't, so yes. You're over exaggerating the amount of work you did. PLENTY of people work 16 hour days. You don't see them claiming that they worked 1000 hours a month. Even if you work weekends. It only comes out to 500 hours. Which I'm guessing you didn't work every weekend.

This is goofy billable hours shit. Not actually reflecting the amount of hours you worked.

What company will you never work for again and why? by Wholesome710069420 in ITCareerQuestions

[–]Murderous_Waffle 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My point is simply when telling the story there is no point in over exaggerating the amount of hours that you worked because it simply discredits you.

Just say that you worked 500 hours in a given month. That's still a fuck ton. It confuses more people by saying you worked 986 hours. When that's physically and theoretically impossible.

and yes I recognize that most people "only" work 40 hours in a week. All my questions were rhetorical.

What company will you never work for again and why? by Wholesome710069420 in ITCareerQuestions

[–]Murderous_Waffle 0 points1 point  (0 children)

But 16 hours a day is only 496 hours in the period of a month. I'm so confused.

If you're billing for your time worked in a month it would be less than the total amount of hours in a given month, no?

Time worked per day x number of days (31)?? Equals 986 hours? Hwat

You're not exactly being 100% clear here. How can you work on "multiple projects at once" and bill multiple hours in 1 hour. Like we recognize that you were not working 986 hours in a month, right?

What company will you never work for again and why? by Wholesome710069420 in ITCareerQuestions

[–]Murderous_Waffle 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Target... It was my first job in IT. They have a revolving door of IT support people. Train new people in quarterly for a cheap contract teaser rate. Then they let you go before the contract is up.

I got a call 10 minutes after my shift was over "not to go into work tomorrow".

Bet it's like marginally cheaper to just have a bunch of people trained often and pay those people less. Instead of keeping the people you trained on and giving them $5 more/hr.

It takes basically 6 months to get you up to speed to learn about all the thousands of acronyms that you have to learn to do your job. Omg so many acronyms. Large companies are just awful to work for anyway. You are but a gear cog in the system. There is no way to really move up inside the company either.

Their management is a shit show as well. I worked in their stores and in the corporate office. Both awful.

But hey I recognize that they gave me the experience that I needed to find another company that is better for me. Even if they used me and abused me. It was only 10 months but I vow to never work at an IT call center like that again.

restrict wifi access. by One_Tennis_3015 in HomeNetworking

[–]Murderous_Waffle 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You have too much faith in a child to figure out Mac address filtering and potentially whole network whitelist. Most kids have no fucking idea where to start.

If a kid goes to these lengths to bypass the system then you need to do more parenting. Cuz clearly they aren't getting it. It's not a point of completely locking them out. It's making a statement.

On a complete side note. This can be done with a segregated VLAN opnsense or pfsense as well. They have a built-in schedule feature that turns off the internet to that interface. This would be much simpler to set up than 802.1X.

restrict wifi access. by One_Tennis_3015 in HomeNetworking

[–]Murderous_Waffle 6 points7 points  (0 children)

You don't need dot1x for this purpose. A simple Mac address filter and a schedule feature is on most consumer routers at this point.

How much power is your homelab drawing? by JumboShrimp6060 in homelab

[–]Murderous_Waffle 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I am also working on getting some solar. Our bill is practically what the payment will be.

/r/homelab will be the people to make solar affordable for everyone else.