On the Eve of Eid Day, Laborers of PPMI Karawang Own New Residences


Solidaritas.net, Karawang – Labor housing program initiated by Indonesian Muslim Workers’ Brotherhood (PPMI) DPC Karawang Regency keeps on progressing. This year PPMI continues the program in East Karawang area. As a result, many laborers have signed purchase agreement for the proprietary ownership of the residence. There are chances that the purchase agreement will be rising during 2015.

construction of ppmi residence
PPMI residential area construction. Photo by: Julian.

As in East Karawang, the housing program takes place in Citra Swarna Grande Residence. On Thursday (June 26, 2015), PPMI Karawang has organized the purchase agreement for proprietary ownership of the residence, between the laborers and housing developer, as an official launching of the program. At this first stage, about 110 laborers who work around the area have signed the purchase agreement.

“110 people had signed the credit covenant in Citra Swarna Grande Residence and this was the first round of contract, due the newest housing project in eastern Karawang. On Thursday, June 25, 2015 as the premiere credit agreement and may this can be a homecoming gift from PPMI Residence Team, as the laborers are going to go to their hometown,” said the Head of PPMI Karawang Residence Team, Odin Liana who led the program, Sunday (28/6/2015).

PPMI Karawang had been starting the labor housing program since 2013. At that time, they established hundreds of houses for laborers in Central Karawang area, precisely in Citra Swarna Pratama Residence. In Novemebr 2013, the residences started to be inhabited by the laborers. Then, they continued the program in the end of 2014 in Palumbon Asri Residence, West Karawang with the total unit approximately 500 houses.

 “All particular members of PPMI and laborers in Karawang had been covered. For example, in western area, we established residences in Taman Palumbon Asri Residence, in central area there is Citra Swarna Pratama Residence, as for eastern area, the residences had built in Citra Swarna Grande Residence,” added a man who usually called by Kang Odeg, as he gave an explanation.

According to the man who actively serve as the Head of Training and Missionary Sector of PPA PPMI of PT. Supravisi Rama Optik MFG, the houses that they facilitated as a joint program with the housing developer, were intended for their members, including the 110 laborers who just signed the purchase agreement in Citra Swarna Grande Residence. But they give the opportunity from the laborers of other unions to sign up through PPMI.

Source: Solidaritas.net Bahasa Indonesia

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