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The constant videos and social media posting … Why? The constant videos and social media posting … Why?
Good god why?

Why did Shanann document and broadcast every. single. second. of her and her family’s lives on social media? Did she ever say why in a post or video?

I know the short answer is attention. But I’m curious if she ever gave a reason. Was it all just to sell Thrive/Le-Vel? If so, idk what some of the videos had to do with their products …

Also, was she a prolific social media poster BEFORE she was selling Thrive/Le-Vel?

I couldn’t tolerate someone close to me doing this. And no - I’m absolutely not trying to justify Shanann’s murder at all - as annoying as she was, it goes without saying that she didn’t deserve to be murdered, and Chris is exactly where he belongs. That said, idk how anyone could be THAT embedded in social media and not realize that it might be a problem for people close to them.

Question about Lee and Coder interrupting when Ronnie says "lawyer" Question about Lee and Coder interrupting when Ronnie says "lawyer"
General Discussion

In Oxygen's Criminal Confessions episode about CW, Lee and Coder talk extensively about their decision to let Ronnie talk to Chris "alone". They say it was a risk because they didn't have anything they could use to detain CW. The polygraph meant nothing, though CW did not know that. He literally could have said he wanted to leave and they'd have been obligated to let him go. They picked up on the admiration CW had for his dad. Letting the two talk thinking it was private might get Chris to say something that would NOT let him walk out. If they let Ronnie talk to CW and he went into protective dad mode and told CW to shut up and lawyer up, they'd be screwed. Ronnie instead went into man-up dad mode and told CW to tell him what was going on. CW tells RW that SW killed the girls and that he killed SW in rage. RW mumbles something about a lawyer and then Lee and Tamburglar barge right in.

For those of you with legal knowledge - would their admission that they intentionally interrupted the meeting when Ronnie suggested they find a lawyer, or the fact that Ronnie mentioned it at all, be enough to throw out his confession? Or would it be of any advantage to CW's defense?

moment from Chris moment from Chris

Ive talked about shannan enough- I’ll turn to my thoughts on Chris. I’ve listened to all of the interviews with Chris. I think he is slow. His interviews were so hard to listen to. Even the way the detectives talk to him. He’s a child killer and they are talking to him like a 3 year old kid. Like they had to call up somebody special that handles people that our on some intellectual spectrum.
But one particular moment that stood out to me was his after prison interview. I think they asked “what was she doing while you were choking her” and he said “idk maybe she was praying. There’s a bible verse, forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing, maybe she was saying that ” paraphrasing exact words but.. why would he really think in her dying moments she would be asking God for forgiveness for Chris? Idk after that I just felt like the whole thing was boiled down to a narcissist getting together with somebody slow. I feel SO bad for Bella and Cece. What shit parents and bad lives they lived.

Benadryl for sleep required the Allergy & Asthma drama Benadryl for sleep required the Allergy & Asthma drama

I grew up with SEVERE asthma. I ended up in the ICU and nearly lost my life to anaphalaxis a few years ago. Sadly, a few of my kiddos inherited some of my allergies and asthma, none to the extent I have them, thank goodness. So, when I hear all of these LIES about how her kids had these extreme allergies...NOPE!

Lets just go ahead and call this for what it was=== she was dosing them with benadryl so they would comply with the "sleep training" of 15 hours a day. 12 hours at night, 3 hours during the day for a total of 15 hours. Growing, beautiful, HEALTHY little girls locked behind closed doors like flowers in the Attic...

IF SW was able to retort all of these severe life threatening allergic reactions, nobody was going to question her never going anywhere without the benadryl...

Keep in mind, these allergic reactions were not witnessed by others.

All kids get bad colds and viruses, and it is my contention that she used those very normal aspects of childhood to boost the stories of these severe allergies and asthma.

As I have shown in my deep dive of her dosing the girls nightly with benadryl, that should never be given for those intentions...and CeCe was way too young for that dosage period! No doctor would allow this. Very likely, Ceces behavior had ALOT to do with being given unnecessary medications like this...she was too young period...but benadryl can cause hyperactivity in certain individuals and there would be no data to report for her age what the side effects would be as it is NOT reccomended for her age.

*yes, I know that in certain situations doctors can advise benadry for a short time, for certain situations. We are NOT talking about that. We are talking about SW dosing Cece and Bella EVERY night. ****

With SW, each set of histrionics had the ulterior motives of making it easy for her to deal with the girls for the few hours she had to during the day...AND to ensure that the girls caused zero issues while she was on her endless vacations.

The girls were being exploited in the greed and lies, and THAT is the reason I continue to speak out.

To see literally hundreds of strangers worshipping a woman that they did NOT know saying that she was such a wonderful Mother and they want to be just like her is scary. Using Benadryl to control your children is disgusting.

This dovetails into our previous discussion as to why the Watts get so much hate. This is another instance of CinW standing up and saying this behavior is bizarre. CinW reported that SW would line the girls up like little birds and give them benadryl and tylenol EVERY night before bed in the other insane bedtime rituals that I am not going to touch on right now...

By keeping the girls "sick" she kept them medicated. At the end of the day, the medicated girls couldnt fight the, "sleep training." This kept the girls under control, and literally at the end of the day that is all that matterred, that she had control;(.

*** there are lurkers watching what I write here, then going to my channel to write their garbage. So, unfortunately, I need to make this point; Discussing neglectful behavior that occurred in life that contributed to a dysfunctional and toxic family situation does NOT mean that I am saying that she "deserved" her fate. It DOES however mean that the narrative of this bizarre tragedy happening for no reason to a perfect family with a perfect mother needs to stop. The TRUTH and the FACTS may lead to understanding and ultimately the education, identification, and prevention of neglectful and toxic behaviors can be addressed before this ever happens to innocent children again.**

Thrive ingredients and hallucinations or mania Thrive ingredients and hallucinations or mania

Just came across this breakdown of ingredients in the products which includes so many stimulants (odd for a multivitamin I always thought and confined in this video). What was really interesting is effect on some people including mania and hallucinations. What role did the company play in ensuing no trial happened as surely Chris’s claim of hallucinating would be scrutinised in relation to this product. Who knows if Thrive worsened some of SW’s paranoia and manic behaviours?

Something happened the other day that has me rethinking this entire case. Something happened the other day that has me rethinking this entire case.

I'll be the first to admit that i am completely ignorant where modern technology is concerned so I'm doing my best to try to understand this. According to the discovery, the geotab in Chris's work truck did not register any additional weight that morning despite him claiming that he put sw and the girls in the truck. Well...

My husband's jeep is in the shop as they had to order a part that has yet to come in. The dealership gave him a loaner car to use in the meantime. This is a 2024 vehicle with all the bells and whistles including the same geotab that was in cws work truck. We went out for breakfast the other day and requested a Togo box for our uneaten food and my husband placed the box in the back seat. When we got home the vehicle notified us about the item when he turned the engine off. This box couldn't have weighed more than a pound yet the vehicle registered the weight.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Edit: so based on other people's suggestion that this may occurred because my husband opened the back door, not because there was something placed in the backseat, and they are correct. I opened the back door, placed nothing on the seat, drove around the block and received the same alert when the engine was turned off. Thank you to those who gave me this insight. As i stated in my original post I am technology ignorant.

Why the Hate for Cindy and Ronnie? Why the Hate for Cindy and Ronnie?

It seems like nothing they say or do is good enough especially for the shiners. It's completely clear to me that these are two people who have suffered just as much as the Rzuceks have. There's no proof that they didn't love Bella and CeCe, and it really upsets me when I hear the lame excuses like, "oh, look how awkward Bella is with Cindy"—Bella was awkward with everyone at first. But in all the videos and photos of the Watts with their grandchildren, I see two engaged people who have a huge amount of love for their granddaughters and it shows!

People will then point out, "Oh but the girls are so much more happy to see Sandie! See how excited they are??". There's a reason! Their Mother was coaching them to get excited, and another reason is that they saw her more often, because she was Shannnannnnn's mother. This is an unfairly biased way to look at the relationship between them. There are videos and photos of Cindy at the airport, dropping all of her luggage on the spot to hug her granddaughters. She didn't give a shit about the photo op or a perfect video. She was just happy to be with her grandchildren.

And when Ronnie is in the interrogation room with Chris, and he learns the details of what happened, he seems relatively calm—because the investigators told him that he must remain calm. Yet you can see it in his body language that he is absolutely horrified by what has happened. He and his wife are given a raw deal by zealous shiners who obviously don't have families, or if they do, they shouldn't. Ronnie and Cindy loved their grandchildren. And their loss is just as painful. They also have to deal with the fact that their son did this. Cindy's declaration of forgiveness rubbed a lot of people the wrong way; I get that it sounded tacky. Just imagine, though, that it's the only way they would be able to start moving forward with their lives.

Sorry for ranting. Just had to get it off my chest.

How is it possible CW didn’t know Shannan wasn’t making any money? How is it possible CW didn’t know Shannan wasn’t making any money?

I get he was not the brightest guy but he claims he thought SW was making about as much as he does. If that was the case how did he never question the bankruptcy, Credit card debt, Or being behind on so many bills? He said he got paid and handed his check right over to SW.. Why the hell would that be necessary if she already has her own income? It just doesn’t make sense that someone wouldn’t notice their household doesn’t have two incomes equally contributing to expenses.

Anyone have thoughts or theories on how she could keep this illusion alive for so long?

Student loan fraud? Student loan fraud?

New to this sub! I was watching a Youtube video that mentioned SW starting nursing school shortly before moving to CO. Student loan repayment was also later listed as one of the reasons behind their financial hardships... Is there evidence that she started the program? Or is the implication here that she applied to some community college/tech school that accepts anyone, solely with the intention of dropping out immediately after collecting the student loan check? The timing with the move from NC to CO seems weeeiiirdddd.

Weird or Cute? You decide. Weird or Cute? You decide.

(already linked to specific time in video):

Here is my take:

Bella babbles, does her strange grunt noise, and is kind of all over CeCe, who then suddenly lays down with this unfocused zombie look in her eyes. She doesn't even blink for TWENTY SECONDS. Is she tired? Dosed with something? Did somebody power her off? Then Bella starts rubbing her back. (Honestly, what was with all the 'rub my shoulders, rub my back' shit? Were there any boundaries in that household whatsoever?) Gross. A toddler is not an adult, does not have aches and pains and does not need a massage. Should Bella have fanned CeCe with palm fronds and fed her marshmallows, too? Was everyone in the presence of a Toddler Queen?

And of course, SW just sits and records silently—for a long time. Why? This is one of her videos that felt like creepy surveillance (“Mommy’s watching you..”) Was Bella just trying to show SW that she just absolutely loooved CeCe to get positive attention? Poor Bella. In my opinion, SW wanted to record only CeCe, and Bella was an annoyance. More blatant favoritism on display.


Munchausen by proxy arguments for and against Munchausen by proxy arguments for and against

Seeing all the doctor's the girls went to, like most of you, I thought Shannann had medically abused the girls... And then I had my second child, who was born with a birth defect. Luckily, it is treatable. But it was only after 3 orthopedic surgeons that the condition was treated successfully. In addition, my child has to see the gastroenterologist and ENT for different reasons. Then to top it off, a peanut allergy. I feel like my poor baby can't get a break. My point is, he legitimately needs all these doctors. I wish more than anything he didn't. That isn't a sign of medical child abuse. My older child has none of these issues, but after school started, from fall until spring, it was a revolving door at the pediatricians office as one got better the other got sick. At one point, we were literally there every week for a month. So, that also isn't a red flag for me.

What does stand out to me is the public posting about the children's illnesses. I have posted pics of my child in casts or braces, while he was receiving treatment, but only because we took family pics. I wouldn't exclude my child because he's different. I'm proud of my children, just the way they are. But I would never post pictures of them in the doctor's office or publicly discuss they're medical problems. (I have posted my son's condition when asked, but only to raise awareness and again because I am proud, not ashamed.)

One picture of Bella, naked, in the doctor's office struck me particularly. It was such a horrible invasion of her privacy and dignity. I wish I had a link to the pic. That is really the only reason I don't discount the Munchausen theory entirely. The numerous doctor's aren't a red flag. If you have a child with medical issues, it's an unfortunate part of life.


What is one unknown you wish was known What is one unknown you wish was known

Without the trial there is so much we dont know. Obviously lots of posts go into different topics and what ifs, but some are more intriguing than others. My opinion is the murder case is not that complicated and CW murdered his family because he is a psycho. However, there are plenty of unknowns i wish we knew that might change peoples perspective on how they view NK, SW, Law enforcement, or even Roos/Watts families.

Was Bella usually ignored? Was Bella usually ignored?

Hi, I've been on here for a little while but don't comment much. I wanted to get some opinions from people who watched more videos of Shannan with the girls than I've seen. I just came from a post about a video where Shannan keeps telling Cece to do the squat walk,and there's a few things I wanna touch base on. First of all, what's with her always yelling at Bella? Like,if Bella tries playing with something she's told she has to share. But she never says that to Cece when she starts crying and screaming when Bella has something. She seems to either flat out ignore Bella or only acknowledge her to yell at her. If you see the video, you can see a part where Bella does the weird squat thing that Cece is doing. Shannan completely ignores her (AGAIN) but keeps talking to Cece and interacting with her. Anytime Shannan yells at Bella and her face is visible you can see how hurt and detached that baby feels. My next thing is what's with her acting like Cece is a dog or some kind of performance? Is that just me? Because it seems to me like she treats that lil girl like a trained animal. It just really bothered me. Am I wrong and possibly just viewing all this from an odd stand point? I'm sorry if I come off as bashing anyone,that's not my intent at all.

The Aspen trip to save the marriage.... The Aspen trip to save the marriage....

Of all the crazy things, this part amazes me the most. They literally are days away from court with the HOA. Shannann has flown around the country all summer. No one is telling me that the financial strain they faced didn't effect the marriage at least a little bit. And Shannann thinks yet another trip without the kids is the solution to save their marriage. What!?! I would have been so anxious about court, I couldn't think of going anywhere, Groupon or not. It's insane! What was Shannann thinking?

Also, I find it so strange that she NEVER traveled anywhere with the kids, except the NC trip. Maybe it's me, but I wouldn't want to travel without my kids. When we can afford to go places, we always have entertaining the kids in mind when picking destinations. That's what makes vacations fun for me, seeing their excitement, etc. I'd look at her trips as unenjoyable business trips that you don't even get paid for. In fact, they cost you money!

I always thought she loved her kids. Sure, mom burnout is real. But seeing how she loved to take off without them and never missed them, something was off.

But anyway, back to my original thought... the Aspen trip, WTF was she thinking that would accomplish?

The streamer Z and all other new Watts YT. How do we feel about them? Is anyone streaming any NEW info? The streamer Z and all other new Watts YT. How do we feel about them? Is anyone streaming any NEW info?

Six years into the case and we've seen the Good, the Bad, the cons, and the crazies come and go from YouTube.

I did a sweep and saw a fresh batch of peeps recycling old videos like old car salesmen passing them off as latest news.

Personally, aside from Del, Reels, and Neek Peeks I don't bother with the new channels. The Zowoki channel- tons of refried. Is there anyone out there posting REAL NEW stuff?.