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A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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American Jewry is facing an unprecedented domestic crisis over its support for Israel’s war in Gaza. The last two pieces of unpopular Jewish-backed legislation rammed through the House, the Antisemitism Awareness Act and a $95 billion dollar foreign aid package to Ukraine and Israel, required Republican Majority leader Mike Johnson to circumvent his own party... Read More
Eleven states are fighting the madness.
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. The fight to get rid of diversity equity and inclusion in higher education is one of the best things to happen in a long time. State governments are finally waking up to brazen anti-white discrimination — paid for by tax dollars — and doing something about... Read More
I don’t know about April being the cruelest month, but for me April 2024 has the busiest month for a long time. April was bracketed, beginning and end, by two long (500 miles, 320 miles) road trips. In between were two dinner clubs in Manhattan, at one of which I gave a speech, and a... Read More
Related: Sleazy Jew NYU Professor Says Students Protesting Israel are Incels Here’s the thing about the Jews: they will send in brutal police to beat you bloody if you protest them. Meanwhile, they will also deploy an army of psychiatric kooks to claim the only reason you ever question any action by any Jew is... Read More
The Right talks about power, but still lacks the will to use it.
A young Dutch female lawyer has undertaken the task of encouraging white Europeans to take a stand against the replacement of countries consisting of ethnic nationalities, such as Germans, English, French, Italians, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarians, with towers of babel. In our world today, as in George Orwell’s novel 1984, words are turned upside down and... Read More
The recent Congressional hearings leading to a bloodbath of university presidents brings back memories from my teen-age years in the 1950s when everyone’s eyes were glued to the TV broadcast of the McCarthy hearings. And the student revolts incited by vicious college presidents trying to stifle academic freedom when it opposes foreign unjust wars awakens... Read More
There never was a taboo!
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. I’m very happy to announce that the taboo against talking about race differences in IQ is gone. In fact, there never was a taboo. This recent article, “The Mythical Taboo on Race and Intelligence,” sets us all straight. There have been “extensive publications, citations, and discussions... Read More
Is South Africa America’s Future?
The American dissident right has a strong interest in South Africa, as far as a template for America’s future, as Whites face becoming a minority. Afrikaner commentator, Dan Roodt, described South Africa as the canary in the coal mine for the West. The American left also has an interest in South Africa’s politics, especially the... Read More
25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed Explained in Under 2 Minutes
I would add several more. For example, the independence of doctors requires private practice. Private practice is being destroyed systematically by medical insurance, malpractice insurance, Medicare, Big Pharma, and the US Congress which panders to Big Pharma for campaign contributions. Medical doctors are being forced into becoming employees for HMOs where they have to follow... Read More
I found the following article (below) of interest, so I am passing it on. It symbolizes for me, in iconic fashion, another major reason that the millennia-old inherited society around us is collapsing, to be replaced by a monstruous, dystopian Gulag, a counter-reality where our tried-and-true verities are unceremoniously dumped onto the ash heap of... Read More
Christopher Rufo has been unveiling the anti-white statements of Katherine Maher, the new head of NPR. An editor resigned after he wrote about left-wing bias at taxpayer-funded NPR. The new anti-white head will keeps her job despite her views, and NPR boots a dissident. Institutional control is secure. People make fun of scholars from a... Read More
At the very point that countries such as India and China are increasingly nationalistic and are increasingly inculcating their youth with militaristic and nationalistic values [Is the BJP altering textbooks to promote Hindu nationalism? By Murali Krishnan, DW, 25th May 2022], we are infantilising our own people. The newly published The Anxious Generation: How the... Read More
The NGO that makes these programs, LGBT Youth UK, is entirely staffed by women, homosexuals, and trannies. Adult homosexuals are preying on very little kids in government schools and no one is doing anything to stop it. Instead, Scottish right-wingers are making endless YouTube videos decrying wokeness in the latest Star Trek show. GB News:... Read More
Danish genetic researcher, Emil Kirkegaard, had a recent study asking 500 Americans what they considered to be the greatest taboos. Racial hereditary and IQ disparities were by far the greatest taboo, beating out incest, p-dophilia, gay germs, and anti-Semitism. Unfortunately, I am very pessimistic about hereditarian thinking being normalized anytime soon, and it is actually... Read More
I don’t understand what so-called “normal people” think when they see the way America supports Israel. How does it make sense, unless America is run by the Jews? How is that not the only possible explanation? At least with Russia, you can see that the US is trying to destroy a competitor nation. They want... Read More
The Biden Regime is using federal money to bribe the Aggies, Texas A&M University, to come up with ways to advance “race-based hiring” in public schools. Possible you remember or have heard that Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement was about judging “people by their character and not the color of their skin.”... Read More
If it wasn’t for racism, black people wouldn’t act like this. If there was some other reason than racism, it would have to be something intrinsic to them, racially, and “genetics” are a debunked hoax like Ivermectin horse paste. The only reason they act like this is racism. Shut up about this “genetics” hoax, or... Read More
America’s prestige has rapidly declined. The 2003 war in Iraq, the 2008 financial crisis, Edward Snowden’s exposure of the NSA’s spying program, the weaponization of the US dollar, and America’s diplomatic isolation in support of Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza have chipped away at the persuasion power of Washington’s argument that it is uniquely qualified... Read More
A recent post on AmRen caught my attention for more than just the story it told. It was about a white employee of a Historically Black College or University (HBCU) in Missouri and how she won a settlement after filing a discrimination claim. The HBCU in question was Harris-Stowe State University, an institution I hadn’t... Read More
The cracks are getting wider in the ugly and evil idol of transgenderism. A report has just been published in Britain pointing out some big flaws in the ideology that governs the “care” offered to confused children and adolescents. It’s added to the doubts increasingly being expressed about translunacy. For example, sixteen-year-olds aren’t allowed to... Read More
O.J. Simpson is dead. The always amusing New York Post declared: The Associated Press had a different story: The Gray Lady had an interesting view: Blacks celebrated O.J.’s acquittal not because they thought he was innocent, but because they thought he was guilty. I suppose “he was a murderer but the acquittal was good because... Read More
Black people are a cartoonish menace. Elvis Dunderhoff keeps doing these AI images of orcs. Frankly, I’m pretty sick of these AI images, and I don’t think switching to pixels helped much at all. I don’t understand why he can’t just switch up with different styles. Instead we got that gross painting style for weeks,... Read More
Blue cities and blue school boards see merit as a tool of white supremacy and have erased it. The latest example is the closing of schools for the gifted in the woke city of Seattle, Washington. You guessed it: there were too many white and Asian students. In America merit has been overthrown by “equity,”... Read More
You might not know this, but libraries are an awesome place to get high and have sex with strangers in public. That’s the nature of the transformation into a utopia: places that used to be for education for children become places for unique individuals to engage in joyful activities. New York Post: “Homeless and mentally... Read More
Have you ever noticed how physically unattractive Woke people tend to be? Both the males and females are relatively ugly and the males are relatively short and physically weak. Both are clearly high in mental illness. It’s almost like there’s something genetically wrong with them. Well, your eyes don’t deceive you. Some fascinating new evidence... Read More
With the ongoing destruction of America and Western Civilization, this year is the most important of our lives! Most Americans sense it, but readers of this publication know and understand it. But what do we do now that the most important battle of our lives is at hand? We must unite behind well-coordinated plans, and... Read More
The so-called “open society” is one that will by design eventually descend into chaos, for eventually the New World Order will use this to their advantage: ordo ab chao (“order out of chaos”). Every wedge is used to break apart the solid social structures from social cohesion to the family — consider “diversity,” “radical individualism,”... Read More
First, just how many are black.
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Most people think virtually every serial killer has been white. Almost all blacks probably agree with Nickole Cunningham, who is on San Franco’s committee to figure out how much the city owes blacks in reparations. As she said last year, “Straight white men are serial killers.... Read More
As a millennial, I am reminded of a Simpsons reference when almost any situation develops. The investment elite media and some political figures have in the country music career of black singer Beyoncé Knowles-Carter is an example. In one Simpsons episode, the fictional cartoon show within the series, Itchy & Scratchy, has been bought by... Read More
Yet another academic outrage, although this one concerning not the classroom but published science journals. We science geeks have long since got used to the fact that Scientific American magazine, which we once revered, now has an editorial board composed entirely of hysterical 13-year-old girls. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Blogger Turfed Out—Defenestrations Will Continue Until Morale Improves... Read More
As anti-Israel sentiment creeps into mainstream conservative discourse, a number of Jewish authors — some who try to interface with white radicals — have sought to counter this rising tendency with proverbial Pavlovian bell-ringing: opposition to Zionism is the agenda of “brown people,” “the woke left,” “anti-whites,” and “Third Worldism.” This discourse is intended to... Read More
It is difficult to assess with certainty the popularity of zoophilia. The subject being still taboo in most civilized societies, no one would dare to publicly admit his sexual attraction for his goat, dog, or horse. [1] But judging by the thousands of porn sites devoted to this subject, sex with animals is more commonplace... Read More
J.K. Rowling Stands up for Chromosomal Reality and the Rights of Women
Scotland’s newly minted Hate Crime and Public Order Act makes it a felony to "stir up hatred" relating to age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being “intersex.” The maximum punishment is seven years’ imprisonment. Scotland’s Prime Minister Humza Yousaf said the law was designed to deal with what he called a "rising tide... Read More
Dmitry Trenin reports that Russia has come to its senses and, as I have long recommended, turned her back on the West, a morally debauched, socially dysfunctional, and politically disunited and disintegrating polity. For years Russia was handicapped by its pro-Western intellectuals, but the West’s demonization of Russia has forced them to change their spots... Read More
Glum news this week for friends and contributors. It looks as though we, financed as we are solely by the generosity of donors, shall have to surrender to the mighty armies of lawyers and judges fielded by New York State Attorney General Letitia James, financed by bottomless funds of public money. That follows news... Read More
There have long been conspiracy theories that the world is ruled by a group of elite pedophiles or at least ephobophiles—those who are attracted to sexually mature but very young girls. Just such a vast, elite pedophile ring — centred around Hilary Clinton — was a key strand in QAnon thinking [QAnon conspiracists believe in... Read More
I remember when Easter was a major religious holiday. Today it is “Transgender Day of Visibility.” President Biden told us that “Today” this Easter Sunday, “we send a message to all transgender Americans You are America, and my entire administration and I have your back.” The Resurrection of Christ has been replaced with a celebration... Read More
One wonders what South Korean car executives thought when they first heard about the charges against them. A lawsuit is for victims who have been harmed to recover damages. However, much as the Civil Rights Act has largely replaced the Constitution, Anglo-Saxon norms are being replaced by the idea that blacks are not responsible for... Read More
Meet the goy grovel. It’s the most important ritual of modern Western life. Sycophancy and self-abasement are poured out by gentiles before Jews in the hope of social gain and material reward. Goyim grovel with particular energy and enthusiasm at Hanukkah, the minor Jewish festival artificially inflated by Jews to compete with and blur the... Read More
The New York City Council is begging the New York state Supreme Court to permit the council to ignore the New York state constitution that only permits citizens to vote. The city council says that allowing illegal immigrants to vote can only strengthen democracy “by increasing civic engagement.” Think about this for a moment. For... Read More
We’ve got to stop ‘excluding’ everyone else!
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Last week I told you that the famous Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge has issued a warning to viewers of this John Constable painting of Hampstead Heath. It has a “darker side” because it implies that “only those with a historical tie to the land have a... Read More
In America if you go on vacation for a week or two and leave your home unoccupied, or if you rent property and it is vacant between leases, immigrant-invaders can break into your property and occupy it as squatters. Home owners and rental property owners can get no help from police, prosecutors, or from “their”... Read More
Activists and government ministers are demanding more non-whites in the English countryside. MP David Lammy does not think it is diverse enough. He may feel more at home in his ancestral Guyana. The black hole that is the black civil rights movement is beginning its gravitational pull on another source of money. Blacks in Boston... Read More
I often speak of the US as a tower of babel. The evidence is all around us. I just received a notice from my private supplemental insurance to Medicare. The notice stresses its language assistance services. The private company offers its Medicare supplement customers communication in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Tagalog, Russian, Arabic, Haitian Creole,... Read More
Chris Rufo, hero of the counterattack against DEI, has struck again, outing another black female DEI professor, Harvard’s Christina Cross [Email her/Tweet her], pictured right: Rufo goes into (appropriate) excruciating detail about this accusation. He then asks …what is happening at Harvard? We ha
Strong men create good times, Good times create weak men, Weak men create bad times, and Bad times create strong men. The Past Is a Future Country. The Coming Conservative Demographic Revolution Edward Dutton & J.O.A. Rayner-Hilles Societas, 2022 The end is nigh … * * * Part I: My Awakening The world is falling... Read More
In May 2013 I resigned from PEN America over the appointment of former State Department official Suzanne Nossel. A decade later, PEN America has become a propaganda arm of the state. PEN America, once an important defender of rights for writers, editors and artists, has, under the direction of former State Department official Suzanne Nossel,... Read More
“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” is an anti-white, anti-heterosexual, and “gender by choice” indoctrination program. It is designed to marginalize normality and to replace it with abnormality, to destroy the confidence of normal white people, and to position them in law as second class citizens against whom discrimination is legal. The state of Alabama has passed... Read More
Nothing happened in Tiananmen Square. If something had happened, whoever it had happened to would have definitely deserved it, but nothing happened. What are they saying happened? CNN: A model of the “Pillar of Shame,” a memorial to victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre that was controversially removed from a Hong Kong university in 2021,... Read More
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The evidence is clear — but often ignored