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At Saturday’s great march in support of Palestine in London, police arrested members of the Communist Party of Great Britain Marxist-Leninist (CPGBML) for having a pamphlet on sale on their stall. The “illegal” pamphlet is entitled Zionism: A Racist, Anti-Semitic and Reactionary Tool of Imperialism. Just what is illegal about it, I do not know.... Read More
When you write a polemic, one meant to justify victory in a war, it would be best to deliver checkmate—that is, irrefutable proof that the correct side had won and that lives had not been sacrificed in vain. Edwin Black’s 1984 volume The Transfer Agreement, which chronicles the secret pact between the Third Reich and... Read More
Jewish thinkers and activists would like all of us to believe that there are few things in the world that is as irrational, deranged, rabid, virulent, odious, noxious, poisonous, toxic, abnormal, unnatural, and cuckoo-bananas as antisemitism. According to Jews, antisemitism has been a kind of collective, near-eternal, and almost-universal sickness that afflicted the mind, body,... Read More
In the aftermath of World War II, the governments of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France established an “International Military Tribunal” (IMT) to punish surviving leaders of Third Reich Germany. Its much publicized “Trial of the Major War Criminals” met and deliberated in Nuremberg from November 1945 to October 1946. Of the... Read More
Israeli Prime Minister made it to Kiev today, where he was greeted by the (pseudo) “traditional” Ukronazi slogan “Glory to the Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!”. For somebody like me who dislikes Zionism and Nazism just about the same, it was a sweet irony to see an Israeli Prime Minister officially traveling to the Nazi-occupied... Read More
In November 1940, a six-member delegation of Hitler Youth visited Japan, tasked by Adolf Hitler himself with a single task: “The only thing you need do is thoroughly experience the great spirit of the Japanese people that has arisen in their national polity.”[1] In honor of their visit, the Japanese composed a song entitled Banzai... Read More
Bob Fosse’s 1972 film Cabaret is supposed to be propaganda for Weimar decadence and against Nazi brutality. But the film utterly fails as propaganda insofar as it changes no minds. In fact, Cabaret is more akin to a diagnostic tool—like inkblot tests or gestalt images—for distinguishing between fundamentally different human types: people who love beauty... Read More
Around 35 years ago, I was sitting in my college dorm-room closely reading the New York Times as I did each and every morning when I noticed an astonishing article about the controversial new Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir. Back in those long-gone days, the Gray Lady was strictly a black-and-white print publication, lacking the... Read More
In the preceding part (The Donald Trump Phenomenon: Part 1: The American Nations), I talked about the geographic (and hence ethnic) variation in support for the various 2016 U.S. presidential candidates. In this part, I will focus on the turmoil in this particular election cycle, and what it means for our society and acceptance of... Read More