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Trump’s ten-point plan to dismantle the Deep State Source: @TheCalvinCooli1 on X Trump has signaled that he is out for revenge in his second term and vows to "root out" what he called "the threat from within." Trump has told his supporters that he will direct the Justice Department to investigate "every Marxist prosecutor in... Read More
I wrote an essay for The Unz Review last May about why I supported Robert F. Kennedy Jr for president. I also explained my reasons for backing Kennedy in an interview with Kevin Barrett at the time, and even in a silly song that I wrote. I have prepared this follow-up essay to explain why... Read More
[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] See also: Manafort, Marlborough, And Robert E. Lee: Criminalizing Policy/ Personnel, Differences— U.S. Politics Regressing To The Primitive Settling in the U.S.A. in my forties, I brought with me from the Mother Country some preconceptions. Foremost was the U.S.A. I'd seen from a distance... Read More
Jared Kushner has some interesting ideas
I had an interesting discussion last week with a Washington-based political pundit who expressed some what I thought to be eccentric views on possible developments in the presidential campaign over the next six months. He said that that strange little man Jared Kushner is at it again engaged in secret meetings, but this time he... Read More
[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] Colorful rhetoric was in the news this week, the color being red. Campaigning in Ohio for a Republican Senate candidate in last Tuesday's primary, Donald J. Trump had words to say about automobiles being imported from China. The actual words: The Regime Media promptly... Read More
See: A Total Reevaluation of the 2024 Election Israel Jews Prefer Trump to Biden I’m going to write another longer thing about how I’m open to Trump not having turned totally to the dark side, but only if he loses. I’m got sort of like a head cold right now, probably going to take it... Read More
As readers know, I have wondered how the ruling elite are going to get their puppet Biden reelected. His own Justice Department cleared him of charges the Justice Department is pressing against Trump for having national security documents in his unauthorized possession by ruling that President Biden is too mentally incompetent to stand trial. No... Read More
The Democratic Party had one last chance to implement the kind of New Deal Reforms that could save us from another Trump presidency and Christian fascism. It failed. Joe Biden and the Democratic Party made a Trump presidency possible once and look set to make it possible again. If Trump returns to power, it will... Read More
Trump’s whole thing with China was that he wanted to compete with them economically. That’s what he ran on and I believe it’s what he actually wanted. Then he went ahead and surrounded himself with lunatics like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo who wanted a war with the Chinese, to push for some kind of... Read More
Donald Trump, a former game show host famous for calling for the Jews to “finish off” the babies in Gaza, floated the idea some weeks ago that we should continue sending the Ukraine money to fight an endless war, but instead of calling it “aid,” we should call it “a loan.” Of course, the loan... Read More
I suspect that some of my readers are getting worn down by the continuing refusal of our rulers and manipulators to acknowledge any truth. I myself get worn down. Tucker Carlson’s interview with Steve Kirsch reveals that it is impossible in the medical world to speak the truth. The top doctors and medical research scientists... Read More
Well it finally arrived. Retired Col. Douglas MacGregor gave a response to President Biden’s Hitler-like state of the the union address two days ago. Good. Not so good is everything else. Whether this is just a vanity move by the good Colonel, or a “testing of the waters” for some future Presidential run, who knows.... Read More
Due to extreme changes in the global and domestic situations, my views on the upcoming 2024 election have changed drastically in the last several months, so it’s appropriate I give a basic outline of what my positions were and what they are now. Infamously, I had said since 2024 that there is zero chance Donald... Read More
President Joe Biden scored a political success last night, beating the low expectations for his State of the Union. However, white advocates watching it rolled their eyes. Within a few seconds, he had invoked World II, Hitler, and January 6. This was a shameless campaign speech as he claimed “freedom and democracy are under assault... Read More
The US Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Colorado was devoid of authority to use the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment “insurrectionist ban” to keep Trump off the primary ballot. This power is reserved to the US Congress. This ruling is well and good. But it seems that everyone has overlooked the basic fact that Trump has... Read More
I’m not making election predictions. This whole thing is an absolute mess and it just keeps getting more bizarre. The only prediction I’m making is that whatever happens, nothing is going to change (unless the US empire collapses). RT: That’s disgusting. Go back to your country, you vile cunt, and take your voodoo hag mother... Read More
California has been many things to America—most recently, the state acts as the poster-child of the immigration-driven blue dystopia which many fear is the future of the U.S. as a whole. But this image, while generally accurate, also obscures another: white Californians are a more complex group than the immigrant populations, largely non-citizen, they now... Read More
Political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson discuss the rhetoric and reality of Bidenomics, and how good US President Joe Biden really was for the economy. Transcript RADHIKA DESAI: Hello and welcome to the 23rd Geopolitical Economy Hour, the show that examines the fast-changing political and geopolitical economy of our time. I’m Radhika Desai. MICHAEL... Read More
CPAC is the great annual jamboree of official American conservatism. Nowhere else will you find such ardent devotion to God, country, and the Constitution. Nowhere else will speaker after speaker tell you that the United States is the greatest nation in history — and in the next breath tell you that it is on the... Read More
The biggest news story of the last few days has been the ruling by a New York Court that Donald Trump had, over several years, overvalued some of his properties in filings with banks and insurance companies. The prosecutors argued that those overvaluations got the Trump Organization better terms than it would otherwise have got... Read More
Why RFK JR. is a Chad Centrist
While you could say that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an old school Democrat, he takes bold anti-establishment positions that go beyond just being a Social Democrat. Social Democrats tend to believe in centralized power and strong institutions while RFK jr. seems more sympathetic to decentralization. Regardless, the old school left is almost treated as... Read More
The Democrats appear to be the New Stalinist Party. My conclusion is based on how they abuse law. President Trump has suffered eight years of legal abuse from Democrats and their corrupt prosecutors and judges. It began with Russiagate led by the CIA, Justice (sic) Department, and FBI. It was a total orchestration long since... Read More
The video is here. Tucker’s interview with Mike Benz is incredibly important. Exposing the deep state which is fundamentally attempting to prop up our current, substantially Jewish elites at the expense of populism and Trump. This completely vindicates the skeptics of the 2020 election by showing that any social media messages doubting mail-in ballots or... Read More
The electoral base that Biden is going to need for re-election is heavily against his support for Israel’s war on Gaza. There is no way to hide from that fact. For more than four months, President Biden has been the main enabler for Israel’s mass murder of Palestinian people in Gaza. Every day, hundreds of... Read More
In 234 years of American history, no president has been criminally prosecuted. The entire world knows that the felony and civil charges against Trump are fabricated and concocted. It is obvious that the Democrat Party uses law as a weapon against political opponents just as Stalin did. Democrats are the worst and most dangerous enemy... Read More
The scandalous behavior of New York State’s legal bureaucracy in the matter of President Trump’s real estate victimless non-crime has attracted widespread derision: You Don’t Have to Love Trump to Laugh at Letitia James’s ‘Fraud’ Case, by John Tamny,, November 9, 2023. Recently, AP posted a definitive analysis: Dissolving Trump’s business empire would stand... Read More
Here are their names: Tom McClintock, California Mike Gallagher, Wisconsin Ken Buck, Colorado Thanks to these three, the borders of the United States remain wide open. As I wrote on this website on February 4, “Israel can evict Palestinians from the the Palestinians’ villages in Palestine. Tiny Latvia can deport Russian ethnics born in Latvia... Read More
[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on] Back at the beginning of the Biden administration—the very beginning: I'm looking at my podcast dated January 22, 2021, two days after the inauguration —I tried to float a meme. That's a thing I have tried many times to do, with no success; but... Read More
My ranking of the 2024 Candidates: A: Robert F. Kennedy Jr (independent) B+: Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (independent), Peter Sonski (American Solidarity), Michael Rectenwald (Libertarian) B-:Donald Trump (Republican), Vivek Ramaswamy (Republican, withdrawn), Russell Cohen (independent), C+: Marianne Williamson (Democrat), Chase Oliver (Libertarian) C: Ryan Binkley (Republican), Cornel West (independent), Jill Stein (Green), Cenk Uygur (Democrat) C-:... Read More
Benjamin Netanyahu shows Joe Biden who’s boss
Over the past ten days there have been several interesting developments in the continuing ethnic cleansing of Gaza, as well as increasingly on the West Bank, by the Israeli military supplemented by armed settlers. In one particularly grotesque killing, Israeli commandos disguised as medical staff and Arab civilians burst into a hospital room in Jenin... Read More
The government's services keep getting worse. Even their lies. The Bushies told us we had to invade Afghanistan to catch Osama bin Laden and then to go into Iraq because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. As the Pentagon knew, bin Laden was already in Pakistan; as Hans Blix and Scott Ritter told us,... Read More
I sometimes wonder what the Founders, if they could return to life and see their creation, would think of today’s American Republic. President George W. Bush described the Constitution of the United States as “just a goddamned piece of paper” before he went on a rampage all over the world in what he called the... Read More
More than 4 in 10 Republicans in New Hampshire, a state that allegedly loves freedom, voted for her. This is sickening and shocking. (I mean that sincerely – this is actually shocking.) RT: Every headline is saying “Trump Wins!” But everyone knew Trump would win. It is a much bigger story that “Haley” got 43%... Read More
The theft of the election, which happened right in front of everyone, did not unleash bedlam. Keeping Trump off the ballot in Colorado wouldn’t do that either. RT: Donald Trump’s lawyers have warned that the entire entire US could be plunged into chaos if the country’s Supreme Court upholds the state of Colorado’s decision to... Read More
About a week ago, Chilean American independent journalist, Gonzalo Lira, died in a Ukrainian prison. Gonzalo Lira certainly had bravado, charisma, and a big ego, and was constantly reinventing himself. For instance, from a filmmaker to libertarian financial journalist, to PUA/passport bro, to geopolitical correspondent, and finally a POW/prisoner of conscious. Regardless, I found him... Read More
Fani Willis, the incompetent and apparently corrupt black female Atlanta district attorney reportedly put in office by George Soros’ billions, is in more hot water than Trump is in from her fabricated case against him. Fani appointed Nathan Wade, who is believed to be her lover, special prosecutor to aid in Trump’s kangaroo trial. According... Read More
During the 2022 midterm elections, President Joe Biden gave an angry speech with a menacing black-and-red background, calling his GOP opponents enemies of equality and democracy. It seemed like a sign of desperation — the tactic of a failing president trying to distract people from real economic problems by inciting hatred. Much of the country... Read More
The Supreme Court faces a quandary: It must choose between democracy and the Constitution. Compared to Trump v. Anderson, the notorious case of Bush v. Gore was a straightforward affair: It should not have been heard. Because elections are administered by the states, the Florida Supreme Court's 2000 ruling ought to have been the last... Read More
Zero Hedge hosted a “was January 6 an inside job or an insurrection?” debate between six people representing each side. Alex Jones, Glenn Greenwald, and Darren Beattie represented the anti-conspiracy side, while Destiny and two Jews represented the theory that Trump was planning to use disorganized groups of boomers to seize control of the US... Read More
Now that we’ve taken off our holiday party masks and furtively tiptoed into 2024, the presidential election looms only ten months away. I find myself violently uninterested in the whole sorry affair. I can’t recall a time in my life when I cared less about the candidates or the outcome. It wasn’t always this way.... Read More
Informed people understand that the indictments, civil charges, and judicial rulings against Trump all involve what is politely called “a stretch of the law.” But they do not seem to grasp that Trump’s defense against the charges is not based on the falseness of the charges but on whether he has presidential immunity. In other... Read More
During the donation drive, I was supposed to install the software to fix my AI images. But then I decided I would buy a new GPU after the donation drive. I’m gonna do that later this week. I can’t order it on the internet, because I’m banned from having a bank account for the rest... Read More
2023 was an eventful year, and a fascinating time to observe events from the perspective of the dissident right. Event after event seemed to give credence to many of our narratives, and many of the topics which were once limited to us became hot topics of debate among very powerful figures. Here’s what we learned... Read More
Contrasting MAGA and Rightwing Multiculturalism
During a rally in New Hampshire, Trump proclaimed about migrants that, “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and... Read More
Civil rights groups are suing under US law in behalf of immigrant-invaders who are not US citizens and have no protection of US civil right laws. The issue is a Texas state law that permits Texas authorities to arrest and deport illegal immigrants. The claim is that illegal immigrant-invaders are protected from Texas law by... Read More
See also: Trump’s Indictment—Like I Said, This Is A Communist Coup Can a movement win if it has the right tactics but the wrong target? The story of the American Conservative Movement after the Cold War suggests that it can’t. The American Right has chased tangential issues, acted as controlled opposition, and operated more like... Read More
Colorado’s 100% Democrat Supreme Court has ruled that Trump cannot stand for president in Colorado because he is an insurrectionist. But Trump has not been convicted of being an insurrectionist. It is only an orchestrated Democrat political charge untested in court and the appeal process. So here we have total proof that the Colorado Supreme... Read More
Fake elections for a fake country. America is not a country. It’s a slave colony for the Jews. Think about it. Reuters: Yeah but we’re talking about the GOP primary, bro. Of course, this is a setup for a SCOTUS case on whether January 6 is the same thing as the Civil War. Trump vowed... Read More
The GEOFOR editorial board asked Paul Craig Roberts, Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy (USA), a PhD in Economics and US Undersecretary of Treasury in the Reagan administration, to give his assessment of the political situation in the US and whether a candidate other than Biden could result in a more reasonable US policy... Read More