Leftists ruin everything. Nothing, not even children’s toys, is immune from their hateful ideology. A case in point is Greta Gerwig’s Barbie. There are countless women who played with Barbie dolls as children, put them aside when they grew up, and occasionally think nostalgically about them without ever suspecting that they were the targets of Leftist consciousness-raising. But from the very start, Barbie sets them straight.
Barbie begins with a voiceover that sounds like a witch. In the bad old days, little girls only played with baby dolls, which their cunning parents foisted on them to brainwash them into wanting to become mothers. It was soooo boring.
Then, to the opening strains of Richard Strauss’ Also sprach Zarathustra, a monolith appears above the primitive little girls, exciting them to an orgy of baby doll smashing. Smashing baby dolls is in questionable taste. It smacks of killing babies in effigy. I guess Roe v. Wade really died hard for the Sisterhood.
The monolith is Barbie. First introduced in 1959, Barbie changed everything. Instead of playing mothers, little girls began playing Barbie. Who was Barbie? Barbie is an emancipated single woman with lots of clothes and other accessories that you can buy for her, including a boyfriend named Ken. But Ken and Barbie don’t marry and have kids. They don’t even have genitalia. As the movie points out, Barbie once had a pregnant friend, but that doll was discontinued. Thus, Barbie does not prepare women for motherhood, but spinsterhood.
Barbie and Ken were initially archetypal Nordics living the California dream, when California used to be synonymous with blond surfers rather than tech geeks with wretched physiques.
But then the kvetching began. Ugly people are a huge burden on society. Not only do they ugly the place up, they also resent their betters and want to tear them down. Moreover, they wish to overthrow the standards of beauty by which they are judged inferior.
Whites, especially Nordics, have long been the focus of the lusts and resentments of the darker, less comely races. And beautiful whites have been lusted after and resented by the fat and ugly of all races. As America becomes more miscegenated and non-white, the rising tide of ugliness threatens to wash away all standards. Thus, Barbie and Ken have become the symbols of everything loathed by the Left’s bio-Leninist coalition: feminists, the fat and the ugly, Jews and other non-whites, etc.
Barbie and Ken have been accused of making brunettes feel bad for not being blonde (as if the world does not contain countless hot brunettes). They have been accused of making ugly people feel bad by being too damn beautiful. They have been accused of making fat people sad by being lanky and fit. And they have been accused of making non-whites feel inferior by being archetypal good-looking whites. It would really set these people off if Ken and Barbie were capable of producing blonde plastic babies.
Barbie’s manufacturer responded to the Leftist hate coalition in two ways. First, they diversified Barbie. Barbie can now be every shade of black and brown, as well as ugly and fat. Second, they marketed Barbie as a feminist icon. It wasn’t a stretch; after all, she was a childless, materialistic, single career girl. Barbie, I am sure, started out as an innocent children’s toy. But she has been retconned into a Leftist psyop by a giant corporation. Capitalism has simply learned how to coopt and commodify Leftism.
This cynical marketing strategy is hilariously parodied in the movie as “Barbieland,” where every woman is Barbie, Barbie comes in all colors and sizes, and every Barbie leads a perfect life, even Wheelchair Barbie. Every sort of diversity is represented. There’s a gay ally doll named Allan, and the black President Barbie is obviously a transsexual or drag queen. Come to think of it, a lot of the Barbies look like drag queens.
Barbies do everything. They run the government. They run the industries. They award one another prizes. We are even asked to believe that they risk breaking a nail as sanitation and construction workers.
What about the Kens? They do nothing. They are just accessories. As far as Barbie knows, they don’t even have houses. They just hang around on the beach.
But Barbie (played by Margot Robbie) and Ken (played by Ryan Gosling) are just not happy as perpetual adolescents in a post-historical consumerist utopia. Barbie has thoughts about death, and she’s beginning to age. Ken, moreover, is not happy being in the friend zone forever.
At this point, I was beginning to think that Barbie could become a great subversive film exploring how feminism and the sexual revolution have failed worse than Communism, producing a world in which more people than ever are lonely and incapable of forming friendships, relationships, and families. I wondered if we would meet Benzodiazepine Barbie and SSRI Barbie, as well as Incel Shitposter Ken.
I was really hoping the movie would end with these two archetypal Nordics leaving behind their empty materialism, growing some genitals, and starting a family. Since Barbie and Ken are literally the only white, non-dysgenic couple in the whole film, the future of the white face hinges on the production of the Margot Robbie-Ryan Gosling miracle baby. But, of course, Tinseltown will go to any lengths to prevent that from happening.
Barbie seeks advice from Cynical Wine Aunt Barbie, known in the movie as “Weird Barbie.” Naturally, she gives bad advice. Weird Barbie blames her problems on society. Specifically, she says that she became weird because a little girl in the real world “played too hard” with her, whatever that means. Weird Barbie suggests that Barbie’s problems may have the same origins. So Barbie sets off for the real world, and Ken joins her by stowing away.
Ken and Barbie arrive in Los Angeles, one of the most politically correct cities on the planet, which is depicted as a dystopia of sexism and patriarchy. It is not, however, depicted for the dystopia it really is: overrun by Third Worlders, junkies, and beggars.
Barbie is dismayed by the patriarchy, but Ken is entranced. He’s never felt affirmed and respected as a man. The depiction of bro-culture is genuinely appealing, which is highly subversive. Ken decides that power, responsibility, and horses are the answers to his malaise. He thus decides to bring the patriarchy back to Barbieland. The Barbies immediately knock off the career girl stuff and become dutiful Stepford Girlfriends to the Kens. Everyone is much happier with the new order.
Meanwhile, Barbie meets the source of her discontent: a middle-aged Latina with visible black ancestry who looks like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She has a weak, bumbling white husband and a sneering tween daughter who spouts woke drivel. The Barbie returns to Barbieland with the two Latinas, where they are horrified to discover Ken’s patriarchy. The Barbies have obviously been brainwashed. Honestly, I don’t think a woman on the planet could say no to Gosling’s Ken. He’s an amazingly charismatic actor and makes a lot of this dumb role. Sadly, a lot of people hate him for that.
Naturally, Barbie and the Latinas work to overturn the patriarchy. AOC easily snaps the Barbies out of their brainwashing with feminist duckspeak. The Barbies then conspire to get the Kens fighting with one another (“Let’s you and him fight.”), and while the Kens are distracted, the Barbies overthrow the patriarchy. The Kens go along with it, because they literally don’t have the balls to say no.
As the movie ends, the woke inclusiveness is being laid on pretty thick. Make way for Ordinary Barbie, Sweatpants Barbie, Hotflash Barbie, and Cankles Barbie.
Thus, for a brief moment, the Kens wonder if maybe they, too, might have some affirmation in the new order. But justice and consistency are not Barbie’s strong suits — any Barbie’s strong suits — so no.
At that point, I sensed that some men in the audience were on the brink of taking up lead pipes and clubbing Barbies like baby seals. (Hey, they’re only plastic, like the baby dolls at the beginning.)
Barbie finally tells Ken that she just doesn’t want him, further proving this film was written by feminists. Then, in an excruciating scene in which Rhea Perlman plays Barbie’s Jewish creator (((of course!))), Barbie becomes human, then moves to the real world (if you can call Los Angeles the real world). We soon learn what Barbie’s newly-found humanity entails when she walks into a gynecologist’s office. Barbie has a vagina now, but something tells me that she’ll still end up as sterile as her plastic sisters.
And that, dear reader, is the happy ending.
Barbie is one of the most cynically-marketed movies I have ever seen. The bait consists of Robbie and Gosling, who bring in people with Nordic sex appeal — which the whole movie then conspires to destroy.
The bait also consists of enough striking images and bits of song and dance routines (did I mention Barbie is a musical?) to convince people that this is a wholesome, nostalgic comedy — only to deliver shrill, woke tirades and cringe-inducing jokes about masturbation and genitalia.
The very existence of the Barbie doll is an example of how capitalism monetizes nihilism and social decline by selling dolls to little girls that make them less likely to have little girls of their own. That’s no way to run a society.
Barbie has an evil message, but fortunately, this movie is dumb, draggy, and obnoxious, so it is unlikely to poison many innocent minds. Indeed, because it is so crassly anti-white and anti-male, it might accidentally red pill more people than it harms. In fact, I am betting the Manosphere will be mining this movie for memes long after the Sisterhood has forgotten it.
How about a comical movie about Klaus Barbie?
I’m going to assume this Author used some of his money to buy a ticket to go see a stupid movie. Why did he bother, unless it was to collect some information for a crybaby article like this one.
Some day this movie will be priced at $1 on the discount table. Or maybe it’ll be seen in the Free box. Personally, I won’t be putting the thing in a playback machine even then.
I can’t say I’ve emerged from all the publicity without learning something. That the Barbie doll was an offshoot of a post-WW2 German product was certainly interesting.
What I learned from watching Barbie:
– All men in both Barbieland and the real world are dopes whose only pleasure is in subjugating women
– Women can do everything better than men can
– Men have no self-respect
– A woman’s best life is to have no need of men at all
– Girls don’t like boys, girls like cars and money
Barbie was created by a Jewish woman for the purpose of promoting feminism. So, yes, it was a Jewish psyop.
The fact that Barbie made so much money tells me that the world just can’t end soon enough. Bring on the (natural) climate change.
Another great piece.
The hype and hoopla re Barbie is drawing a lot of attention away from Sound of Freedom.
This movie seems so insipid and dull that I couldn’t even finish the review. Thanks for attending this movie so that I don’t have to!
Thanks for watching it so I don’t have to.
“The very existence of the Barbie doll is an example of how capitalism monetizes nihilism and social decline by selling dolls to little girls that make them less likely to have little girls of their own. That’s no way to run a society.”
Lol wut? It was a toy made more than 50 years ago. Don’t see everything with modern eyes. As for the movie…I have no desire to see it. Oppenheimer it is.
This could be subliminal mental seeding to reinforce the social acceptance, once the time is deemed to be right, of a desired replacement for Joe Biden by Michael Obama.
This is a bit retarded. Only a homo would write such thing. Nordics are not all like in Nazi posters or gay movies. I spent time in Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Germany. Most white people are average. And getting fatter. In Germany now there are some land whales that rival the American ones. Now, I do agree that white people are on average more handsome than non-white people, but real beautiful people are only the top 10%. Most white people are NOT beautiful. They are just average and a lot are ugly. In fact, I’d say that, on average, Southern European women are more beautiful than Nordic ones. But perhaps not on the top 10%. Some non-whites can be beautiful too, in particular Asians, but others too.
What non-whites envy from Nordics are just the rarer features of blonde hair and fair skin, but that can be fixed chemically, I guess.
“Barbie” is a stupid movie, and we all know the idea of Barbie dolls was stolen by a Jew from a German. Also, Ken is obviously gay and Barbie is a transgender — like the models of the fashion industry, they were created to have somewhat masculine features.
However, you can’t trump instinct. Little girls still find ways to get Barbie “pregnant” and having a baby. And there are models of other older dolls which have pregnant bellies with a baby inside. So in this sense, I don’t think the brainwashing really works, biology is stronger.
1997 song and video hit ‘Barbie Girl’ from Scandinavian band Aqua was something else altogether … from a different era and in fact a different culture
1.2 billion views of that music video, just below – some lyrics:
It seems to be literally impossible for this site to post a non racist article anymore. Even to criticise a ridiculously manipulative woke film racism has to be brought into it.
No wonder self-respecting writers have by and large taken their writing elsewhere.
I can’t imagine adult person watching movie about Barbie! But then I couldn’t imagine them watching movies featuring comicbook heroes nad vilains either, but there you go, together with Transformers, witches, zombies branded the living dead …!
This guy is quite funny, unfortunately seems that crap movie is making huge bags of cash for the studio.
Capitalism is actually employing the age old method defeating the opposition by leading it. Leftists only have themselves to blame for this. After deciding that a frontal assault on the economics wasn’t achieving the desired result – at least not on leftists’ impatient timetable – the left tried to run an end around capital with culture. Nothing doing; capital saw them coming miles away, and swiftly and virtually seamlessly coopted the cultural ploy. Leftists who hoped to win on economics through the cultural subversion gambit proved as inept as WNs who try to sneak up on Jews by softpedaling their racial critique. Doesn’t work, never has, never will.
Barbie in real world USA would blow up to 174 lbs (current average weight of American females), get covered in smeary undecipherable cartoonish tattoos, then get into a relationship with an unemployed black felon who ends up stabbing her to death.
Isn’t that what every little girl should aspire to?
I love the great despisers, because they are the great adorers, and arrows of longing for the other shore.
The real man wants two different things: danger and play. Therefore he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.
That one is actually mostly true (but add also shoes), so perhaps it’s a “redpilled” movie? 😀
Appreciate this author recognizing/disclosing disturbing patterns and the sinister subliminal symbolism that seems to be epidemic within many if not most Hollywood films.
Grew up at 124 South Cordova St, Apt-C, Burbank, California 91505 (drive-by in a Bing-Camera-Car sometime). Where the front-yard of our apartment was almost in the shadow of the “Warner Bros. Water Tower.”
Lived there up until age six. Back in that day, and just across the street, a chain-link fence enclosed much of the studio lot, enabling me to observe up close and personal – actors in costume clothing with thick pancake makeup on their faces, wandering around outdoor 2-D movie sets.
In eighteen years of living in the back-yard of Hollywood, it became crystal clear to me, that this entertainment monopoly with all of its ego-centric plastic-posing-people, is really nothing more than some creepy/cringy curse on humanity.
Meanwhile, in the real world… Victoria.
I can’t imagine adults watching anything else. Is there anything in American (Global) culture that is NOT about toys or comic book heroes, etc? We are thoroughly infantilized. We eat like children (fast food and sweets), watch childish stuff, etc. At the same time, children are sexualized. What is this Barbie movie about if not sexualization of children? Gynecologyst? Wtf.
Two points:
1) Am I right in understanding that Barbie left the matriarchy she created….to go back to the patriarchy?
is *precisely* backwards. How it should read:
Leftism has simply learned how to coopt and commodify Capitalism.
Literally LOL at this…I wondered if we would meet Benzodiazepine Barbie and SSRI Barbie, as well as Incel Shitposter Ken.
Great stuff!
Why do adult people go to movies about children’s toys?
Created by a money laundering jewess who said she wanted to create “something that girls want to be.” There was nothing innocent about its creation. The kike knew exactly what it was doing to force changes in culture.
Oh, and Barbie and Ken are named after her daughter and son, so there’s that incest propaganda again.
Oy vey. Talk about Tikkun Olam!
But it is also typically Jewish that the Yenta Ruth Handler stole the entire idea for “Barbie” from a despised Nazi.
How Jews ‘Stole’ The Idea For ‘Barbie’ From A German Toy Company And Made A Fortune
This story by the Yenta doesn’t make any sense to me. In 1956 American Jews still hated Germany. In fact, most American Jews were still boycotting Germany from when “Judea Declared War on Germany” in 1933.
Also a typical blatant I.P. theft, as anyone who reads has known for years, original Barbie was an exact copy of the German Bild Lili, seen by the Jewish woman in occupied Germany.
An interesting question is, what were the (U.S. citizen) Jewish couple doing there at the time?
One must guess from the timing, something connected to U.S. occupation of the U.S. occupied zone.
Great minds in synchrony!
No such luck.
“Barbie” hasn’t failed for the leaders of the revolution. The billionaire globalists now have their homogenized NWO populations. IMO “Barbie” is a bit of fun for them – the same as their other Hollywood counter-cultural garbage. It doesn’t have to appeal to the public. It has to appeal to themselves – and their power to demean and destroy the cattle (Anglo Americans).
Let me introduce Lilli:
Trevor’s (or Greg’s) movie reviews are generally entertaining, even great, despite in many cases not agreeing with all points at all.
One would hope that he received a ticket gratis as a reviewer.
After reading this, I sure am not in a hurry to see it, if ever.
Trevor’s sexual orientation may also be associated with a greater than usual interest by a boy in Barbie in younger days.
And his name would be “Kendi”.
Well, the German “Lilli” is almost the spitting image of Aunt Fritzi Ritz in the American comic strip “Nancy”.
So maybe Ernie Bushmiller is the *real* creator of Barbie.
When did you visit Germany and the Scandinavian countries? Probably well after the Second World War, unless you’re a time traveler. And that’s when dysgenia began to predominate, especially in Germany, with the genocide of the finest specimens during all the ww2 massacres.
You only have to watch German pre-war documentaries, and not just propaganda pieces, to see that Germanic people were generally incredibly beautiful, far more than other less geographically preserved Europeans.
Take for exemple today Americans : Decades of contraception, abortion, sexual degeneracy, junk food and drug use have made them physically mediocre, if not very ugly. Nothing but absolutely nothing to do with the America of the 50s.
Remember going to Sweden as a 18 year old with my buddies back in the early 90’s.
We were all agreed Swedish women were exceptionally beautiful compared to those back home in the UK.
We all also remembered the angelic looking women from ABBA band that was beamed onto UK tv growing up, although too young to have sexual feelings but even an elementary school kid could recognise female beauty when we saw it.
Things have changed now of course obesity, ugly woke promotion and cultural enrichment much of that is probably gone.
Truly a tragedy for the Scandinavians
I have convinced my son to NEVAR date a white girl. The death of irony I know.
He only looks for Asian chicks and I think he should consider (He is a good looking kid.) going overseas for a wife, or, a girlfriend.
White women are now, on a percentage basis, just as likely to ruin your life as a negro is likely to break the law.
Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, but life is like blackjack.
Like the man said in “Goodfellas”, “Why take a chance?”
White girls are programmed overtly and covertly to hate you before you even meet them for coffee.
How incredibly stupid to make such a big deal about a stupid doll.
Not true, I was at the beach and saw one overweight White woman under say 35 who didn’t have any visible tattoos. It was amazing. I had to say something just to make sure she wasn’t a European immigrant, but she had the full NY accent. The beaches and parks in the tri-state area are full of grandmas with tats. Remember when only bikers and military vets had tattoos?
Strange turn of events. I havent seen an article running 3,000 words which starts with the premise of society being a neo-leninist quagmire and then goes on to pin the same phenomena on the alienation caused by capitalism. So, what is it really?
Also, for an excellent treatment of the Nordic dream (Nordic Nordic not Nordic American), may i humbly suggest Den brysomme mannen (2006)?
Just reading the line about Benzodiazapine Barbie and Incel Shitposter Ken totally made my day. I would never go see this movie in a million years, and in fact avoid most all new movies nowadays, but reading Mr. Lynch’s reviews is always a hoot.
Have you heard about “divorced Barbie”?
She comes with all of Ken’s stuff.
Barbie may seem like an innocent toy for girls, but before Barbie girls played with baby dolls. Barbie indoctrinated generations of girls to believe the ideal life was a childless fashion show and sexual freedom. Just look like Barbie and you will be happy. Now I could name at least 20 women friends, family, and work associates who are old, childless, alone and unhappy. You’ve come a long way baby.
Don’t I know it.
Quite wrong.
Actually, blonde Nordic women envy East Asian women for their black hair and better skin tones (brownish not gray). It’s non-white women at the top of the female beauty hierarchy.
They said it themselves:
https://kjonnsforskning.no/en/2015/09/blond-sexy-and-immigrante at all.
If you look at the winners of beauty pageants its mostly women with lustrous black hair and brown toned skin.
Most blondes like Robbie and Scandinavians are fake blonde, btw
“In 1956 American Jews still hated Germany.”
No they didn’t. You see, the Holocaust hadn’t been invented yet.
For all you poor fools who keep calling Robbie a “blonde nordic”, this is a picture of her as a child:
As you can see she is neither blonde nor Nordic, but rather black and castiza looking. It is doubtful she is even fully white just looking at her facial features.
Stupid fucks. For all that yapping you do about hair bleach you sure seem to miss when your own race does it.
Seeing is believing.
Yeah but I don’t think that’s Barbie’s fault. Well, not only. Just another brick in the wall.
Mattel changing the once loved toy into different shades and shapes may not be as big problem as someday, the fat and ugly decide to store up the much desired Nordic DNA to mass produce living Barbies to satisfy their devilish lust.
How Jews ‘Stole’ The Idea For ‘Barbie’ From A German Toy Company And Made A Fortune
“Jew, Ruth Handler — who looks like a cross between the Jews Madeleine Albright and Bela Abzug”
Great line.
Thank you, I’d wrongly assumed (from an incorrect article) around 1951, but you are correct. So after the establishment and start of rearmament for BRD or DBR.
Also, thanks for the quote you posted, I only was certain that it was a case of copyright theft, the quote you posted makes it very clear that it was an active and agressive process, but no question, an I.P. theft.
My comment that the ‘Handlers’ were likely not on holidays and your similar statements are valid, in what capacity were they (and particularly the husband) visiting the Germany hated by their people of the time?
I don’t believe the ‘holiday’ idea.
Or this one?
The little girls of my generation liked to play with Barbie because they wanted to be hyperfeminine. I never understood why girls would squeeze into skintight jeans and put on daring tops if they didn’t want to get laid. It seems like a kind of competition: “look, I’m sexier than you. Boys, stay away there is nothing to see here.”
My daughter, a very serious girl, never played with dolls, let alone Barbies. She once told me that she would like to go out with boys, but it’s always the weirdos who try dating her. She is the Scandinavian type, blonde, curvy, with hobbies like swimming, riding and fencing. I explained to her that she falls into the trophy pattern for a certain type of man. Like all of us, she should find a partner among fellow students at college or university, because after that it will be difficult.
Thanks for mentioning that the 1959 Barbie doll is a nearly identical rip off of the 1955 German doll Bild Lili, and for raising the question about those Jews’ connection to the occupation. Is there anything honest about these people at all?
Now I understand why the US troops were abruptly withdrawn from Afghanistan, despite that Phony War being multi-$$$TTT bonanza for the Pentagon contractors.
4 Wives Slain In 6 Weeks At Fort Bragg
Soldiers kill wives after serving in Afghanistan
Uniformed Goyim Cattle becomes restive abroad and just can’t decompress & submit to their fat ugly bitching Barbies ( the kind of Barbies enlisted men marry – Six Sigma Top Quality Barbies are well above their pay grade).
From now on all deployments will be strictly domestic. Country is teeming with enemies 😁
Nice try, ‘Macready’. To claim the subversive nature and intent behind the Barbie doll is an anachronism expressing today’s sensibilities is about as illogical and factually incorrect as it gets. The subversive, Jewish nature of the doll was much greater back then.
Adults go to the movie because it’s an adult movie celebrating the Jews’ use of a toy to achieve the moral subversion of three generations of girls.
Vietnam supposedly banned the movie because it had the Nine Dash Line in it.
What I learned from watching Barbie:
– All men in both Barbieland and the real world are dopes whose only pleasure is in subjugating women
– Women can do everything better than men can
– Men have no self-respect
– A woman’s best life is to have no need of men at all
– Girls don’t like boys, girls like cars and money
Dude… you paid to see this movie?
Even free tickets… you watched it?
>Barbie doll is an example of how capitalism monetizes nihilism
>As for the movie…I have no desire to see it. Oppenheimer it is.
If anything is nihilist, it’s the atomic bomb. And the movie is the ultimate (thus far) capitalist monetization of the atomic bomb.
Lol, nothing brings out the butthurt like racial aesthetic comparisons.
I’m not at all sold on the value of the ‘argument from beauty.’ I think it embarrasses more whites than it encourages, an embarrassment further fueled by non-white raging.
Recently, a second wife in my extended family went in to a nursing home. She is well past 70. She fits the stereotype of evil step-mother in many ways. She was an original Barbie owner, and she collected them all her life. She had 2 children only so she could have them replace her husband’s children from his first marriage – and she got them cut out of the will. She counseled her daughter not to have more than 1 child. She spent 20 years covering up for her son’s drug addiction, which she anachronistically based on his former wife’s desire to have a second child.
This old woman never openly espoused Feminism in any form, and yet she acted her entire adult life against basic family desires and values. She loved Barbie far more than she loved any actual friend she ever had. And what she loved about Barbie was all the fancy careers with Ken left just hanging on.
Advertising is propaganda, which means products also serve key roles in ideological brain washing.
This JTA article claims that the saw the lilly doll in Switzerland:
Is Barbie Jewish? The complex Jewish history of the doll, explained
Ruth Handler, the Jewish pioneer of goy groomers.
Once we get the editing technology we will shape this into a great pro-White film.
“Why do adult people go to movies about children’s toys?”
Good parents go to make sure their children aren’t subjected to marxist indoctrination.
Well OF COURSE Women can do anything Men can! The Feminazis are right; Women don’t need Men. All you have to do is change or nullify the Laws which end up denying Men their Basic Rights. Examples. You can set Court Ordered quotas for hiring Women regardless of Merit. You can give Women the Power to scream sexual harassment and, without any proof, you can get a Male fired from his job. You see, Women are more competent than Men BUT if you make the tinest sexual comment to them it so traumatizes them YOU the (White) Male must be fired from your employment. However, when it comes to Divorce, even the good little Feminazis are just Old Fashioned Girls. Even these Feminists need a life time of financial support from Men because there are soooo many obstacles Women face in Society. And this itrue no matter how many Laws or Rules get changed. The people who promote this Hatemongering, Racist crud should be horsewhipped out of the Country.
The real lesson-
Blonde haired, blue eyed women are STILL the pinnacle of beauty in the world.
Every other race knows it too, and it isn’t marketing, or racism, or any of that bullshit.
It’s pure genetic Darwinism.
Every human on the planet KNOWS that blonde hair and blue eyes are at the top of the human genetic pyramid.
The reason why all the coloreds get so triggered by all things white, is because deep in their own DNA, they know they are inferior. They resent whites with every fiber of their being, because every fiber of their being knows the truth!
You can lie to yourself, you can play make believe, and you can writhe and seethe and wretch… but you can’t lie to your own DNA. Biology is stronger than any thought a man has ever had, or ever will have.
Do you know why you can’t live by eating dogshit? Because your biology won’t afford for it. There is no part of your being that would let you kneel down in the grass, and choke down dog shit, even if you were starving.
That’s biology!
And biology also tells you that breeding with a black as coal, 4 ft tall Aboriginal woman (unless you’re an Aboriginal male) is an unacceptable genetic decision. And written in your DNA is the most honest truth that you will ever know- For breeding purposes, a blonde haired, blue eyed woman is the very best that you can do!
The fact that this is 100% true is what animates 90% of the anti-white racism on the planet!
Every dirt eater KNOWS they are inferior, and there is never, anything, they can do about it!!
The best they can hope for is to breed with one, and get your kids part way there, but it will never work, because those dominant dirt genes will always get in the way. Hence, you and your bloodline will always be inferior, and the superior Aryan race is forever out of your grasp.
LOL. Come on, isn’t it obvious? Those are not “good parents”, those seem “clueless parents”.
However, to find anything that is NOT indoctrination these days is pretty hard. Especially in children’s stuff. I don’t see much you can do except basically just watching old classic movies, or not watching anything.
Thanks for that, too, in this case like a leaky sieve of lies from Ruth Handler.
‘Oi crayated it aw on moi own’.
Right now, people in Takara-Tomi and movie studios in Japan are trying to work out how to make a movie of Rika-chan, but can’t work out how.
One point that interests me, and is apparently reflected in the film, at some stage Mattel decided to eliminate all of the ‘friends’, which existed last time I noticed, and make them all ‘… Barbie’ or ‘… Ken’. Weird.
Looking at photos of Robbie at publicity events, she will soon have to decide to either be a serious actress or take the Kidman path of artificial glamour, botox and bleach, but then, Robbie is already a bottle-blonde. In old photographs, she has chestnut hair.
She doesn’t look nowhere-near-middle-aged any more.
Kidman used to have freckles and curly red hair (the curls may have been from a hairdresser, but she is a natural red-head, not blonde).
The old movie James and the Real Girl, which I haven’t seen and don’t want to see, is just a copy of a better Japanese movie, which I did see and was quite good.
We were all agreed Swedish women were exceptionally beautiful compared to those back home in the UK.
The theory is that the Vikings took the better looking women from Britain and nearby areas. I wouldn’t doubt it as it seems that Britain was robbed.
I really feel bad for single British men. Their situation is even worse than America.
America has these shrill, obnoxious and fat women that act privileged due to a limited market and being raised to believe that White men deserve to be maligned. It turns them into a complete mess. On one level they are still attracted to White men but also have unrealistic expectations because they watch television and don’t have much competition. They also maintain a subconscious leftist belief that White men held everyone back including all women. This attitude isn’t common in the country but in the city it is endemic. White men that want a woman would do well to stay the hell out of the cities.
Britain not only has this problem magnified but takes the derision of White men to another level. The pop television there is unreal. Might as well just line up White men to perform self-flagellation. The sad thing is how many British White men take part. Britain has all these self-loathing White television hosts and comedians. Some end up in America like John Oliver.
Dude… you paid to see this movie?
Even free tickets… you watched it?
I know some conservatives that went and saw the shape of water where the chick gets banged by a water alien.
They told me it was disgusting and couldn’t believe that would be in a movie.
I didn’t mention that every review mentioned the scene and that I somehow avoided the movie.
Well they sure showed Hollywood their disgust by paying for two full price tickets.
I can’t name 20 but I’m meeting quite a lot of them. The sad thing is that they’re basically intelligent and attractive women. Apart from the time and work needed for a professional career, they don’t seem to be interested in lower status men (marrying down). The paradox being that they themselves are busy working to reduce the status of potential marriage partners (by taking 50% of mens professional employment).
What rage? Only rage I see is white trashionalists who are mad that Asian and Mestiza women are the best looking women. I’m white.
Look at the Miss Universe winners of he last 30 years. Maybe one of them is white.
Thanks. Been waiting for this one. Everything here is on point. Of course, you could have added more.
Of course the hideous 4’11” Jewess creator is presented as Goddess — who created Barbie and tells her how to think. Just like in real life–the Jewess feminists have told our white women to see their own men as enemies while women of competing races are their allies.
Also look at the all-white-men board of Mattel in the movie with what’s his name comedy guy. What pisses me off is that even though it’s a farce, it’s so stupidly over-the-top that my fear is that our gullible women don’t even realize the obvious: https://investors.mattel.com/governance/board-of-directors/default.aspx the head of Mattel’s board in real life, of course, is a Jew, and see the others. you konw. The farce in the movie is like a Jewish fantasy of the patriarchy that simply does not exist, obviously. The “real world” is presented as the Jewish fantasy that might have been closer to existing in 1959.
The shortest way to put it: the real world is Barbieland, as presented in the movie. Women are told to party and they are entitled to all benefits without any responsibilities.
I can’t name 20 but I’m meeting quite a lot of them. The sad thing is that they’re basically intelligent and attractive women.
I used to work in an office with liberal White women. The typical woman had a bachelor degree but without any math requirements. They were a dime a dozen while we struggled to find Excel experts. We would get these grads with the GIRLZ RULE attitude but could barely edit a spreadsheet. This was about a 20:1 ratio if that gives you an idea. Meaning 1 in 20 took useful classes.
Most were childless and unhappy. They had unrealistic standards but also never went out much. I never saw a single one with a Black guy. But they would talk about Black shows/music at work as if they were open to all races.
The more fascinating phenomenon is that they would drop everything for the right White man.
Job, friends, liberal beliefs, religious/non-religious beliefs, resentment of White men, all of it within weeks. I always wish they made an honest announcement upon leaving: F-ck you bitches, Craig’s parents own four carwashes. Kiss my ass and don’t come to my wedding. It’s in Montana anyways. I’m out and I hate you all.
They still retained a sort of female chameleon ability. They had the YOU GO GIRL attitude at the office but I truly believe that most would commit a felony to land the right White man. I think a few of them would literally kill for a lawyer or upper class type.
Yes, Barbie was a ripoff. Besides the fact that Germany produced a Barbie-like doll before this Jewish ‘inventor’ allegedly came up with the idea, idealized ‘Barbies’ were drawn by talented artists before and during WWII. Alberto Vargas is one of the most accomplished. This man had talent! Enjoy:
You are not white, Jew.
where have you been?
he’s not a Jew
he’s a notorious Hindu incel that relentlessly (and laughably) insists (and wishes) he’s white
You have the editing technology on any P.C. I can only do it on work P.C. home P.C. is too old for any but photo or audio editing, have too much work to slack off on work P.C. now.
Go for it, plenty of clips out thar already, good free video editing software is easy to find.
Must (-.-)Zzz・・・・now.
So, at the end, it was still more about $$$ than about the romance & the “heart”.
Barbie was never intended for children. Barbie was a sex toy named ‘Lilli’ that was designed in Switzerland in the 1950s and was popular primarily with perverted single men in Europe. At the time, a Jewish woman named Ruth Handler, who with her husband, owned the then-small company named Mattel toys, was on holiday in Germany and apparently fell in love with this doll, brought it to the US and began marketing it as a “more mature” toy for little girls “exploring womanhood”.
Aesthetically, I tend to prefer European women, but one advantage of Asian women is that they age better. Many white women already start to show signs of aging before they even turn 30. Asian women still look much better well into their 30s. Also, Asian women appear to be less prone to obesity.
Did leftists also ruin your ability to write headlines, Trevor?
Wishful thinking.
Besides, why are you even pretending to doubt? I thought it was common knowledge that white men prefer Asian and Latina women. It’s actually tylically only South Asian men and a select number of closeted gay men who like white women.
I think Barbie (the doll, not the movie) worked in more subtle ways than the thing about “not reproducing”. Everything about Barbie is about consumerism — buying stuff. The Barbie house, the Barbie car, the Barbie pool, the Barbie airplane, etc.
White women in the West have become Barbie caricatures in this sense. Obsessed with fashion, fads and vapid consumerism, and seeing men as just another fashion accessory, to be discarded next summer.
Most white women have become simply a bad proposition for most men. No wonder many are going after Asians or Latinas, who are still not completely corrupted yet (although getting there, too).
Did Trevor Lynch actually go to see this tortuous movie? If he did I have respect for his intestinal fortitude without getting sick.
Someone had to say it.
US Grant was a gay Vampire familiar though. You telling me Lincoln wasn’t a Negroidolotrous blood sucker?
It’s just an update of this chubby rock. When we starved as hunter gatherers the makers made these fatsos, now that we increasingly stuff our collective faces we have makers market this pin up…
The United States and the English speaking countries are not the world. The rest of the world is doing quite well thank you. If you people want to self-destruct, do it with our blessing, but don’t include us in your stinking boat.
White men who endlessly express their lust over Asian women are sickening pigs. The rest of us don’t care, we don’t want to hear about your fantasies, cravings or lusts. Just go and jerk off in silence.
True, but as an OP mentions, the 1933 declaration of war would still have applied.
“I can’t imagine adult person watching movie about Barbie!”
Its propaganda made FOR CHILDREN MOSTLY GIRLS to pollute their brains & fuck up their lives, that`s the point
That’s what all the latest Hollywood stuff is about they are willing to take the hit on ruining old movie franchises and poor viewing figures for “THE MESSAGE”.
Oppenheimer? Why waste time on more WW II propaganda. Watch Europa: The Last Battle and learn something.
Lol. She is from Queensland. High UV zone, and blondes typically tan. She is apparently half Scot and half German/Sorb. Fairly Nord, I would say.
I have often wondered what percentage of blonde girls actually end up having light blonde (natural) hair at age 25. Probably the number is not very high. Almost seems like it is an evolutionary youth signaler.
To be fair, Hollywood probably does distort this number a lot.
Not gonna say blonde/blue-eyed isn’t attractive, but coloring is only part of it. Bone structure, symmetry and proportion go a long way too. All else being equal, I would rate a dark haired/light eyed woman as the genetic lottery winner. cf., Linda Carter, Megan Fox (putting aside the craziness).
After a lifetime of observation, I don’t rate “romance and the heart” even slightly. Apart from the lowest levels of society it’s all about social position (when you marry you automatically gain the esocial position of the husband) – and it’s got a lot to do with money and property. IOW making a deal. A beautiful woman sells herself for social position. The only caveats are age and physical attractiveness. Other things being equal (which they usually aren’t) – an attractive woman will go for male physical fitness/attractiveness.
But basically it’s a deal. Sad but true.
“Capitalism” was coined by “Communists” as a derogatory, the word is not older. Moreover cap and com are two arms of the same stains, played against the middle as if they were actually different choices.
You can call them Jews, or Freemasons, or Socialists, or Mystics, or Occultists, or Cultists, or Satanists, or Luciferians, or Psychopaths, or Narcissists, or Magicians, or Witches, or Practitioners, or Artists, or Wiccans, or many others, yet the most accurate name always has been and will be Children of the Father of Lies. They need a thousand names and a million faces because all of them are disposable and created to be destroyed. They speak in symbols and allusions like Rorschach-blots, because they have no fundamental truth other than their vainglory. They and all their works are layer after layer after layer of bullshit constructed with the only end of obtaining power via treachery and then using it to destroy everything contrary to their phantasy.
It all boils down to them quite literally believing that they are God and that everything else is to be subjected or destroyed. Of course they don’t say that outright, you have to get through hundreds of layers of self contradictory BS first. “You are smarter than the others!” “This is the real root of your religion!” “This is the ancient truth that has been kept secret from the undeserving!” “The crass wouldn’t understand!” “We are Enlightened, we are the mind of God!” etc.
“Enlightenment” > French revolution > “Communism” > WWI > “Socialism” > WWII > “Humanism”/”Democracy”/”Globalism” > ?
Somehow the “noble goal” of getting power/freedom/equity for everyone else… always means taking it for yourself “first” with these sorts. Rationale for their desired violations.
For the sane ones, it has nothing to do with the race, and only partially to do with appearance, and is mostly to do with the behavior and expectations. NA women are mostly spoiled brats. Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Thai/Fillipino/whathaveyou women are generally much less so.
I will flip “Barbie” 180 degrees with the Bernstein scene from Citizen Kane. Roger Ebert called it the best dialogue of any scene in the history of the movies. Whenever I watch it I get the feeling of ..gee, something must be in my eye. One minute three seconds. Just in case you are not familiar with this emotionally overwhelming scene, here it is…
Speaking of blondes, the original Parent Trap (1961) is an interesting film historically.
There is one shot at the camp, in the mess hall, where every girl, or very nearly every girl, in the frame is blonde – I want to say at least 7 or 8. If they were remaking it, and setting in the same year, I doubt there would be even half the number. But it seems obvious that it was done totally unconsciously.
One girl at the camp was rather swarthy.
But, IIRC, not a single black in their depiction of Boston.
LOL> I’ll be checking the movie out this weekend. I love satires/comedies.
Men have all kinds of opinions and videos out right now dissecting the movie. It really bothers them. Their reactions are just as funny as this movie appears.
Nobody is going to go back to the (never happened) 1950’s Leave It To Beaver world, where men go out to work everyday, many just doing nothing or dilly dallying with the one divorcee in the office, while little wifey in her pretty dress and pearl necklace keeps home immaculate for him while still producing the finest roast dinner with freshly baked cookies.
So Barbie was a Shiksa all along! Now it all makes sense.
Guess now they can ditch Ken all together and come out with a fat, bald and ugly billionare jew doll for Barbie II. Not a Harvey doll. That ship sailed. But, well, I’m sure someone will think of something. They’ll probably settle for an anatomically correct black Ken doll and just leave it at that.
But, really, when you think about it, the whole thing is just so adolescent and pathetic, them too. They’re just so obsessed with white people. It’s amazing so few whites have caught on to the joke enough to start feeling good about themselves.
I mean, really, all the money and power in the world and the only way for them to feel good about themselves is to hate whites. That’s really taking predatory and parasitic co-dependency to a whole new level. They obviously see something too many whites can’t see. That whiteness = Awesome!
Great article! One of Trevor’s best.
I think Abe was an vampire killer.
So- these women wouldn’t pass something I call the Shalamov Criterion….
Forty-Five Things I Learned in the Gulag
22. I saw that women are more decent and self-sacrificing than men: in Kolyma there were no cases of a husband following his wife. But wives would come, many of them (Faina Rabinovich, Krivoshei’s wife).
Barbie is endorsed by elite human capital IMO.
Barbie was just a small part of the Jewish-sponsored sexualization of children. We see it much more clearly today in the re-gendering of children beginning in kindergarten, the UN pronouncement that children should have “sexual partners” from kindergarten onward, the (mainly but not exclusively) Jewish pedophilia that has always existed, the sections of the Talmud where rabbis are arguing that a small girl needs to be “three years plus a day” old before she should be used for sexual intercourse, and a whole lot more. The evidence is everywhere.
This is “In Extremis”. As you know, most human affairs don’t operate at this level – so it’s irrelevant.
I like the Drinker but he pretends (or maybe truly believe) that Hollywood was fine pre-woke days, sure (((they))) weren’t as overt with “THE MESSAGE” but it was there, always was.
I personally prefer dark haired with fair skin women (although it’s not like I dislike blonde or anything) but I’m not a Nordic, I’m French, so maybe that’s why, as to eye color I don’t care, but it would be sad if light colored eyes disapeared for sure, even if mine are brown.
The ((jews)) just pander to the lowest common denominator for the money and/or power. Whether they’re pimping communism, globalism, wokeism, or even Zionism (Oi, Jesus was a Jew! Come to da Bibleland!) they take the path of least resistance no matter how low they have to stoop. Then, when they’ve brought humanity low, they have to set up a totalitarian Zoglodyte bodyguard to protect their belly-crawling gained wealth.
Like lawyers, politicians and television hosts (think Rachel Maddow, Sean Hannity, Jerry Springer) they’re the most ignoble creatures you will ever meet. Yet they masquerade as the “chosen”!
They would be comical if they weren’t so dangerous and ultimately deleterious to humanity.
That’s because reality and the entire world around us is racist. “Non-racism” only exists in the minds of the willfully ignorant. Step away from your fairy tales.
Ahh.. the short, no-nonsense & to-the-point old books
FICKLENESS Owing to his restless, active, variety-loving nature, the blonde is inclined to be changeable, fickle, scattering and irresponsible. His optimism and hopefulness make him all the more liable to these weaknesses. He is always expecting greater and better things just beyond or in another field of activity. Since he likes to deal with large affairs, to organize and to create, the blonde is inclined to be impatient of detail, and therefore when detail is entrusted to him to neglect it or rush through it in a slovenly, haphazard manner. On account of his optimism, eagerness and aggressiveness, the blonde is liable to be impulsive and erratic, and therefore undependable. The domineering qualities of the blonde are liable to excess, and it is by no means uncommon to find blondes in executive positions who are merciless drivers of men.
DRUNKENNESS It is notorious that drunkenness is prevalent in England, Scotland, Ireland, America, Scandinavia and Russia, which are inhabited by blondes, and where whiskey, alcohol, brandy and vodka — the stronger liquors — are drunk. The darker peoples of France, Italy and Spain consume more liquor per capita than the blondes of these northern countries, but they drink it in the form of lighter wines and take it constantly, so that there is very little drunkenness among them. In other words, the blonde inclines to take strong liquor in large quantities at a time, thus causing drunkenness; the brunet to take light liquor in small quantities at a time but more frequently, thus escaping drunkenness.
THE DEGENERATE BLONDE The abnormal, degenerate blonde, instead of being a picture of exuberant health and vigor like the normal blonde, is pasty of complexion, with dull, spiritless eyes, cold, clammy hands and feet, disordered nervous system and weak digestion. Instead of being optimistic, hopeful and courageous, he is often pessimistic, cynical, and full of nervous fears. Feeling the exhaustion of his nervous force, he is liable to form a drug habit. Another result of the destructive power of light in the blonde is excessive obesity. Physicians tell us that obesity is the result of nervous disorder, and Major Woodruff points out that this nervous disorder in the blonde is often due to excessive light. The too stout blonde is often nervous, irritable, lazy, careless and slovenly.
For easy college credit in Applied Blonde-ology visit:
Blondes and Brunets (1916) by Blackford, Katherine
He ignores the Jew at the end. Quite the red pill.
Video Link
Why “watch” anything? Live life.
Not unusual for a Scot.
If you mean “the Critical Drinker” doesn’t name the Jew in his review, of course he won’t, Youtube is how he pay the bills, he’s never gonna name them, his channel would be gone and his face is public, he is Scottish his life would be over. None of those “anti-woke” movie critics do, they are mostly 90’s liberals and don’t like most modern “woke” movies, that’s it, plenty of them think Jewish actors and directors are white anyway (at least they pretend to).
The only one who does is this guy, at least he used to, he’s naming them in all his old videos and is quite funny :
He calls them “gems” here, he was using the whole “2% of the population” and some Hitler quote back then. There’s no way in hell you can do that on Jewtube nowadays.
Everyone of his old subscribers are in on the jokes, but you can’t do them nowadays.
Nobody cares about your opinion, AK. Go back to your Pfizer-sponsored posts.
He doesn’t even mention the final scene with Rhea Perlman as an incarnation of Ruth Handler (creator of the toy).
Your son is conditionned to hate his own kind ( negros for the girls, chinks for the boys) and you are an idiot.
If you could sh…your mouth and your inversion of reality : dark hair especially east Asian hair are the most common, boring, type of hair on the planet. ( Negroid hair are uglier but – until recently – less common.
And for the skin, that yellowish thing is often nauseating.
I think you’ve been traumatized by my comment about the worthlessness of Asian phenotype.
You are a sexual pervert with deep masculine insecurity.
A normal, self-confident white man looks up, not down.
The Barbie movie is made for 40 year old millennials, not for kids. Most products that would have been considered children’s products in the past, like cartoons and such, are actually made for and marketed at millennials because they spend all of their money on toys and games.
It pains me to say it, but ANY adult American man or woman who actually goes to the “movies” or watches TV,( much less allowing their children to do so ) is probably already THROUGHLY indoctrinated, and will only learn through suffering.
The last movie I watched on the big screen was Apocalypto, a few weeks after it was released.
Which was well worth it.
When I was young, I could understand what Barbie represented. She had a home, a car, and lots of clothes with no visible means of support. Barbie was a hooker. Ken was her pimp.
So, at the end, it was still more about $$$ than about the romance & the “heart”
I wouldn’t go that far. They all desired the romance of a White man even though they were indoctrinated in college to believe that such desires were sinful.
They really did want a boyfriend and eventually a husband. Sex in the City is Hollywood fiction. Most White women don’t act like gay men.
The main problem was that their expectations were unrealistic. They not only expected a White man with a career but also expected him to be average or taller height, Democrat but not a pussy, nice smelling, good with kids, etc. They all had this belief that since they were “educated” (4 year sociology or art history degree) that they deserved a White man with a career. That would lead them to sneer at blue collar guys as if a lawyer was waiting for them.
But they would drop everything if a White man came along that could afford to take them on as a housewife. That’s unlikely though in the city since childcare and housing are so expensive. So their best bet was to run into some guy who shuffled them off to Montana. That is what I was referring to.
Most however would not obtain that status and would join the bitchy girls club. It was really sad to be honest. The lot of them would have been much happier if they were like White trash and hooked up with some unemployed guy that had a Camaro and an attitude. Most were doomed as Democrat voting dog moms. There is a huge underestimation of how much liberalism is driven by bitter White women that were unable to get married.
For the sane ones, it has nothing to do with the race, and only partially to do with appearance, and is mostly to do with the behavior and expectations. NA women are mostly spoiled brats. Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Thai/Fillipino/whathaveyou women are generally much less so.
Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
Just visit a liberal area if you want to see what happens when White men marry Asian women.
The White men tend to pick Asian women for looks and have kids with these 5’3 sex dolls. Then the same men seem surprised when they get “supreme gentlemen” that are more interested in video games than sports. Basically introverted half-Whites that get picked on by Black and Hispanic kids. It isn’t right but that is what happens here in the multi-racial utopia that is the USA. White women carry Viking genes even if half of them have been mindwiped. The genes are still there.
Those Asian wives get just as controlling as liberal White women once the ring is on. As with liberal White women the weak White man makes them anxious. They have an evolutionary desire for a man with a spine.
I had a very pretty Asian girlfriend in college and after a few months I couldn’t stand her. They will act pro-male and traditional but in reality they are just playing their own game. They aren’t stupid and come from a culture of trying to ensnare men by acting innocent. I shook my head at my White friends that envied me. I eventually told one of them that he could have her. Get your fill because you will be disappointed.
I much prefer the honest rural White woman that will tell you when a joke was bad or when your sh-t stinks. White men are selling their futures by chasing non-White eye candy. I knew half-Asians growing up that viewed their dads as pervs and their moms as sluts. Imagine having a son that thinks you just wanted to pound some Asian ass and didn’t care about starting a wholesome family. That is what happens.
USA Today weighs in–with a load of baloney…
I have been told by noted cinema expert Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz that director Greta Gerwig’s new movie about the classic Mattel toy is nothing less than “Chinese communist propaganda.”
How does he know that? Because there’s a cartoonish map shown in the movie, and that map has dashes on it, and then there’s something about China being on the map, and I don’t honestly understand the rest of it, but I know that’s all the information I need to be ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGED at this filth being pushed on me and the daughter I don’t have!!
Ted Cruise in Texas–Insured to the teeth—-has brunch with GWB after attending church —
Commercials in the US really are on another level, ours are bad but not as much, or at least it would seem, I avoid TV like the plague.
I doubt that it’s copying, but you may be amused to know that David Cole also used Klaus Barbie in a sub-heading for today’s The Week that Perished.
is entirely wrong, plagiarist of the toy is correct.
That said, if Trevor didn’t mention it, it’s no big omission.
OTOH, ‘Handler’ and ‘Perlman’ are both cliched Jewish pseudonyms, so LOL at that.
Paddock dating pattern detected.
“Most products that would have been considered children’s products in the past, like cartoons and such, are actually made for and marketed at millennials because they spend all of their money on toys and games.”
Which is why Didney has jacked up its park ticket prices to ridiculous levels, makin it impossible for the average family to attend it parks. It also lets Didney disregard whether parents like or want the woke movie content they have been developing and distributing.
You needed to watch a crock-of Jew-shit movie to learn those things ?
You really watched Barbie??? Why?
“ Perverted single men” must be why so many men are discussing the movie Barbie on this site.
Follow the nose and —men who wear pink suits???
“Barbie” has rapidly accumulated US$351.4 million in U.S. and Canadian theaters, a rate that will soon make it the biggest box-office hit of the summer. Every day it’s played, “Barbie” has made at least US$20 million.
And the “Barbie” effect isn’t just in North America. The film made US$122.2 million internationally over the weekend. Its global tally has reached US$775 million. It’s the kind of business that astounds even veteran studio executives.
“That’s a crazy number,” said Jeff Goldstein, distribution chief for Warner Bros. “There’s just a built-in audience that wants to be part of the zeitgeist of the moment. Wherever you go, people are wearing pink. Pink is taking over the world.”
To understand what the enemy are doing.
In sum: unrealistic expectations combined with silly socio-cultural preferences.
What a load of horse dung, assuming this whole thing isn’t a complete joke. Blonde (and blue eyed) males tend toward risk aversion and social anxiety; among women there seems to be no correlation between personality and hair/eye color. Males are much more likely to be blonde, too. It seems like blonde hair evolved to aid social cooperation and cohesion; it’s a visible signifier of a less aggressive and sociopathic individual and puts people at ease. And there is no prejudice against blonde guys, unlike the abuse thrown at red-heads.
Produce a movie called Barbie Strident. Make it about a hookNose chanteuse with huge knockers and no morals. Have her be a squatter on stolen land in Moochistan, kvetching with other gold-diggers with hot tatas and burning bushes.
Call her boy-toy Shlomo Shunn, a bicycle-seat-sniffer, whose best friends are Jeph Hap-Steen, Hervé Whine Styne, and Bubba Nuttyahoo.
Center the aktion on Goya foodies (“goyam”) beating the snot out of Strident and her “sisterhood of the trafficking perps” (https://tinyurl.com/55hbduze) for getting rich grifting a concocted event they dub The Holycost.
See who “cares” then.
We’ll wait.
Agreed! Great comment!
There are actually very few naturally blonde men in America.
Blonde American boys normally have brown hair when they are adults. Most of the blonde females in America use hair products.
You have to go to Sweden or Germany to see a lot of natural blondes.
@John1955 is clearly unhinged. The Nordic countries outpaced everyone in living standards until they started experimenting with multiculturalism. Spain should be the European leader if his drunken rant had any truth. Both Spain and Italy still have old world style corruption.
“Men don’t buy Porsche’s for themselves, they buy them for women.” “Nice Porsche.” “Gotcha bitch!”
Dave Chapelle.
I think I have those quotes correct, been a minute since I watched it.
In other news, I asked my 20 year old daughter if she was going to see the Barbie movie. Her response was why should she go watch a movie that trashes men. I guess I did something right…
That article is from 2002.
I actually (unfortunately) watched it. Don’t ask me why, I hadn’t planned to see it and it was the first Hollywood movie I watched in years. Well, the hype is real: it’s one of the ugliest, most retarded, unfunniest, preachiest films I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t even have a plot, and what little it has makes no sense whatsoever. The jokes are not even funny. The script seems to have been written by a Women’s Studies major. It’s dumb. It lowered my IQ in 33 points. I think it’s bad on purpose and they are just rubbing it in our faces now, that they tell us exactly what kind of ugly world they want and people even pay to see it.
Classic Friedrich Nietzsche. Thus Spake Zarathustra should be required reading for every schoolboy aged ten and up.
You mean like Jeffrey Dahmer? Or John McCain, the traitorous Hanoi Hilton shabbos goy?
I’m from Minnesota, natural blonde hair is not terribly common amongst any population anywhere but natural blonde hair is definitely more common among males. Amongst traditional MN demographics (e.g. white people), maybe around 1 out of every 25 guys has yellowish* blonde hair into adulthood. But among white gals, it’s more like 1 out of every 40, maybe 1 out of 50. People are more trusting of females anyway so there has been less pressure for them to naturally have blonde hair to put other people at ease. As you say, blonde is more common among kids too, so people who have natural blonde hair into adolescence and adulthood retain a more innocent, less threatening appearance.
*Of course it is subjective as to what qualifies as blonde… And yes a good number of blonde kids darken to brown hair eventually… But not all do.
I think it’s bad on purpose and they are just rubbing it in our faces now, that they tell us exactly what kind of ugly world they want and people even pay to see it.
Well you bought a ticket so I guess their plan worked.
Are you a masochist? Serious question.
I saw the Barbie poster and cringed at the idea of sitting through it at the theater. At home you can at least have a laptop and beer out.
I’m amazed at my fellow anti-globalists that not only watch these movies but pay full price.
Go make a donation to the Ed Mullins Incarceration Fund. Your non tax deductible contributions will help support this shameless, worthless, useless piece of white trash bum shit through his two years of federal hard time. Especially since the taxfeeder pension bum can’t steal anymore taxpayer money to parasitically sustain his lifestyle, and commissary items are increasingly expensive.
A street gang of taxfeeder pension bums on welfare.
Hello my fellow anti globalist…
On balance it is a good idea to check on the expensively produced propaganda so you can see the tricks. Your fellow-fellow antiglobalists are probably on other sites saying “if you have yet to see the film you can’t comment on its message. And it’s just a film.“ While you are here saying “you insecure fool you spent your money.” Typical duplicity across platforms.
Schindler’s List, by Spielberg, after all is said and done uses every nasty trick Goebbels is repeatedly accused of employing in his supposedly false propaganda. I don’t regret seeing it back in the day. While it’s obviously so manipulative the film is a crash course in Jewish tricks.
Those two are homos, LOL. McCain went prematurely grey in his late twenties…. Gay dudes abuse themselves so bad they often go prematurely grey. As per yer treason comment, gay dudes are vastly over-represented in anything involving verbal skills and sociopathy… Including politics, law, and the “intelligence” field. Christopher Steele looks really baby faced; a good bet he’s gay given his occupation and gays being more baby-faced than straights.
Dahmer was anxious and socially awkward, and not surprisingly turned to drinking to loosen up.
Also, blondes tend towards mediocrity/functional but boring averageness due to their reserved/anxious personalities…. Big losers and big winners are more likely to be darker haired. Apropos of that is Scandinavian countries being big on equality and hating snobbery/braggadocio, and the most Nordic part of the US, the Upper Midwest, remaining more egalitarian than other parts of the US.
It’s interesting to see Jud Suss and Schindler’s List play simultaneously.
You’re not kidding. Asians actually agree with you. They find their own physiques wanting and subpar as well. Their admission of guilt? Just look at the Asian racial intermarriage rate with whites. Nearly half of Asian-americans marry whites, according to Pew Research.
I got a sequel idea for “Crazy Rich Asians”: “The Self hating Slants and Slopeheads”.
I’ve seen this stated by several academics. Dr. Kevin MacDonald ( The Culture of Critique) states that the Scandinavian tendency toward egalitarianism has driven its suicidal immigration policies as well as having been the impetus for their formerly extensive welfare state. This Nordic altruism is also explored by the writer Roger Devlin, e.g. in his book Sexual Utopia in Power.
I take from it what I chose to take from it.
Women were much happier under patriarchy, men can overturn the gynocracy in a day if they choose to, modern women treat men like shit and are ludicrously unhappy despite having everything, also the supporting actor (Ryan Gosling) absolutely steal everything.
Despite being a pardoy of patriarchy and masculinity it made it look amazing, like Vorhoeven did with what he called fascism in Starship Troopers
‘Trashionalist’ was a tell.
The most natural blonds are in Russia and the Baltic.
I’m surprised it took the Asia-phile so long to get in the thread. I knew the pro-white looks comments would bring him (?) in .
Lilli was herself a likely part of the American psy-op to corrupt the strait-laced German people with pornography. E. Michael Jones has documented the American (Or better yet, the Jewish-American) campaign to abolish anti-obscenity and pornography laws in post-war Germany.
Most Scandinavians have brown hair as adults, although blond adults are much more common there than in the USA. My Dutch/Norwegian family is typical of this pattern, with super blond children going to dishwater blond/light brown as adults. I refer to blond hair as typically a juvenile color phase, which is why women like to lighten their hair to look more youthful. I am not all that big on hair color; I am more attracted by facial features and body contours (which are harder to fake, absent plastic surgery).
Maybe; but my baby blues had something to do with it (as well as the paycheck).
We have been visiting Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, a white Utopia (89% white). Tattoos (which I abhor) are universal. I particularly abhor them on women. I commented to my wife that, if I were a young guy in CDA, it would be particularly challenging to find a spouse, since, in addition to my usual stringent criteria (friendly, intelligent (IQ>120), and nice-looking), she would have to be tattoo-free. I would be down to <2% eligible here.
I Disagree.
They are most common in the English North East. Newcastle, Scarborough, Hull, York etc. The Protestant Northern Irish are relatively fair as well as many moved from Lowland Scotland and Northumbria.
In terms of images of the hair, an inordinate number of Plantagenets from Henry Plantagenet to John Gaunt’s grandchildren were.
Richard II was almost shockingly so…
Much like his Grandfather…
and Great-Grandfather…
and French Royal Cousins…
That may very well be the case, although I would not lean to heavily on the supposed staight-laced quality of Germans. The corruption you refer to encounters mostly enthusiastic consent.
I refer to blond hair as typically a juvenile color phase, which is why women like to lighten their hair to look more youthful.
That is certainly true here but if you have been around Nords from Europe a surprising amount of them retain blond hair into adulthood.
I am not all that big on hair color; I am more attracted by facial features and body contours (which are harder to fake, absent plastic surgery).
I’ve never been a fan of blond women in the US because it tends to go with fake tans and terrible taste in movies.
Blond girls also tend to get an entitlement attitude even at a young age. Anyone who has worked with children can attest to this unfortunate reality. They are more likely to have a queen attitude and girls around them will accept it. They often have moms with dyed hair that encourage it.
I really would discourage anyone from marrying an American blond unless she is Christian or traditional. You are asking for a world of pain if you marry the superficial blond with her gang of bleach blond friends.
if I were a young guy in CDA, it would be particularly challenging to find a spouse, since, in addition to my usual stringent criteria (friendly, intelligent (IQ>120), and nice-looking), she would have to be tattoo-free. I would be down to <2% eligible here.
It would be a terrible place to find a woman.
Boise is heavily Mormon and Evangelical. Your non-tattoo woman would have some serious religious expectations. Most the women you see in a city like Boise are already taken.
I guess I’m the oddball here that likes a few tattoos on a woman.
The sleeve is a bit much though. I still can’t get used to biker sleeves on friendly baristas. I always wondered if it annoys bikers.
One thing missing in the understanding of advertising. Advertising not only has to convince you to buy a particular brand, it also has to convince to be a consumer of the product type in general.
Let me explain what I mean, and it is incredibly simple. What is the point of convincing me, for example, that Winstons are a better smoke than Marlboros if I don’t smoke tobacco? No point. I might believe it, but if I don’t smoke, the manufacturer gets no money out of me.
Perhaps the most egregious violator historically has been Anheuser-Busch. The purpose of their fantastically segmented advertising is not to convince beer drinkers to drink Budweiser. The purpose of it, essentially, is to get postadolescent youth and young adults to drink beer incessantly. Anheuser-Busch knows that if people drink, inevitably, a considerable share of the market will fall to them and, they know, their product will remain the gateway product in the market.
Everything works that way. The object is always, make you into a consumer of the product category ahead of some of category of products you could spend your money on. Then comes selling you the brand.
Gotta hand it to Gerpig; making Barbie into a feminazi icon was some 4th-level chess maneuvering.
You’ve touched on one of my favorite memes. I say, the reason why aging female politicians never to seem to get in trouble the way the men do is because there is no law against owning 500 purses or 2000 pairs of shoes.
The end of the West. Virtue signaling is more important than genetic and ethic continuity. Follow the path that you don’t understand with motivation you cannot fathom. Be sure not-*dread*- to get pregnant. Sweet little sheep. Did you all pack your dildos, or do you procure your sausages as you encounter them?
I take it you’re not a disciple of Gramsci.
Not the whole movie, but a comical scene from Rat Race…
Dudes. Dudes. Honored fellow Steve afficionadi. Can we slow down for ~ eighty seconds? Don’t all change your minds unless you really feel the energy, but let’s ease up on the Prussic-acid ink and please hear me out for just another 474 words.
Okay, at first I did like Serra’s “Tilted Arc” because (a) somehow — magically, from most angles — it kept itself from falling over radius-ward and gwooshing a whole lot of people into papadums with a scarily tiny section of a circular arc, (b) we used to play sort-of handball against the thing at night, and (c) like so few of its fellow sculptures, it had already changed a lot since Serra put it in — at first it was black — with all the Glen-Canyony seeps of rust and exhaust deposits and mystery scarring and graffiti that even he actually likes — and it would continue to change, for at least more than a thousand years. Before him and Andre and a few others, it was a whole industry to KEEP art stuff from changing — outside of Japan, anyway.
However, youse-all may partially forgive me to hear that I actually DID in fact get into a few arguments with my position: that even though the Big Slab fat in w — fit in? went perfectly with with the abandoned- Kazakhstani-construction-site vibe of its surroundings — the faux-terrazzo “plaza” growing cyst-like out of the ugly-as-Rondo Hatton good-enough-for-government-work prefab building, all in a setting of at-least-as-ugly streets climaxed by a fine view of the hmygoditmusthavetakenanactualgenius, onthelevelofPalladio to design — oh god the paint thepain the pain (now in the voice of Hervé Villechaize)Theee plane, Theeee PLANE!!! Something EVEN UGGGGGLIIIIER (the Manhattan Bridge) maybe, just maybe, those poor exhausted indentured lifetime-sentence drones “working” in that building might, maybe, deserve some grass. Maybe — and and I realize ths is asking the State for more than it’s been able to get its head around since Frederick Law Olmsted — maybe even a tree. And for God’s sake, really — really enough for reality — it doesn’t ruin it THAT much to move the thing. Serra just has Ozymandas Syndrome.
Paula Cooper, Dan Flavin, or the October crowd always shouted me down.
Well, you know the rest of the tale. Finally they did flat-car the sucker upstate. The plaza was then pockmarked with the most unarguably hideous electric-avocado-green-extruded-resin combination bench-and-table mushroomstrosities that any government employee has ever tried to find a comfortable angle in.
Still, okay. I mean, the poor bastards. Let them spread out their loser-ass bag lunches and play Old Maid together. Have a heart, okay, o —
….. But…. later, when I’d moved to an ugly-ass sky-condo across Broadway on Duane — and after a few bouts of waiting in line for my this-is-seriously-life-or-deathNOW Methylphenedate, Hydrocodone, etc. cocktail for > two!!! hours!!!!! at the corner Duane-Reade (yes, named for the Downtown streets) behind Large Marge and her many twins and her little dog too — I started saying “okay, wrong again. These people DESERVE Tilted Arc.”
I hope that by now I’ve become less of a priveliged-ass art snot that I’d again vote reluctantly for that ghoulzone as it is now.
Or would I?