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Britain Hangs Itself
Museum “rehang” says it all.

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Thumbnail credit: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

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Every year, I make a new year’s resolution: not to be surprised any act of self-loathing by white people. I’m prepared to be disgusted; that happens all the time. But every year, something catches me by surprise.

Just this month, the Fitzwilliam Museum, associated since its founding in 1816 with Cambridge University, reopened after five years. It was closed for what’s called a “rehang.”

Credit: Andrew Dunn via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED
Credit: Andrew Dunn via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

That’s when a museum takes everything down and completely reorganizes its exhibits. Of course, the new “hang” was going to apologize for everything British. We knew that. But there was one little touch that I didn’t see coming.

The museum owns this famous painting of Hempstead Heath by John Constable.

It’s back on exhibit, but with a warning. The painting has a “darker side.” It implies that “only those with a historical tie to the land have a right to belong.”

You better not just admire this loving depiction of bucolic England.

You’ve got to stand there and think, “I bet all those people are white. This is awful. How racist!” The whole rehang is in this spirit.

The Fitzwilliam is one of Britain’s flagship museums, with over half a million objects. It helps set the tone for how Britain sees itself.

Credit: Zhurakovskyi, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Credit: Zhurakovskyi, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Its galleries used to be arranged in the usual way, with chronological displays of masterpieces.

Now, the pictures are grouped by “theme,” such as “identity,” “migration and movement,” “inner lives of women,” and “men looking at women.” Paintings from different eras and in completely clashing styles hang next to each other to bring them into “thought-provoking dialogue” – except that you know exactly what you are supposed to think.

In the “identity” gallery, you now have portraits by the 18th-century artist William Hogarth right next to this celebration of miscegenation called “An 18th Century Family.” It’s by a black woman named Joy Labinjo.

Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

Her work takes up a whole wall, but, well, black people take up a lot of space. The Guardian, in an article called “Inclusivity shouldn’t be controversial,” approvingly calls this juxtaposition “subversive.”

Right. A museum’s job is subversion. And that is why we have a black lady dressing her hair, next to portraits from an earlier, better time.

Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

Here’s another recently acquired treasure, more black ladies painted by yet another black lady.

Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

The notice in the Identity gallery explains that all those old, boring Hogarth-type paintings of rich people were “vital tools in reinforcing the social order of a white ruling class,” as if Britain should have had a black ruling class.

And, you see, people had their portraits painted as a way to grind down the poor.

It’s all part of the awful legacy of what used to be called Great Britain. The gallery note explains that, “Unless we understand our histories, and the images that embody them, we can’t hope to repair some of the damage that those legacies caused.”

The Fitzwilliam repairs some of the damage with a Nigerian man’s sculpture of a Jamaican dancing on the British flag.

Here’s more damage repair. Black lady artist Barbara Walker “turns the tables on European art,” as one journalist happily put it.

She copies a historical painting with a minor black figure and bleaches out the central white figure. She’s like the American black, Kehinde Wiley, painting Napoleon out of a famous portrait and painting in a black man.

Needless to say, the Fitzwilliam is proud to display – for the first time ever – the first known British painting of a female nude by an open lesbian, Ethel Walker’s 1916 Silence of the Ravine.

And paintings by the famous portraitist John Singer Sargent now come with a breathless reference to “speculation he led a secret, queer life.”

Adolphe Giraudon, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Adolphe Giraudon, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Queer, mind you, not gay.

The sign in the Migration and Movement gallery explains that “while some people chose to leave their homes, global conflict, discrimination and European colonialism meant others fled or were exiled by force.”

But the Fitzwilliam’s great and abiding sin is that its namesake and founder, Richard Fitzwilliam, had a grandfather who helped found the South Sea Company, which did a little slave trading.

The shame of it! And so, as part of this grand reopening, the Fitzwilliam has put on what will be the first of three especially self-loathing exhibitions, this one called Black Atlantic: Power, People, Resistance, with Barbara Walker whiting out the white man, as usual. It comes with a trigger warning: “This exhibition explores themes of enslavement and racism. It includes depictions of slavery and objects linked to violence and exploitation.”

Except that the museum had hardly anything that had to do with slavery. No chains, no whipping posts, no slave-ship manifests, so it has to make do with containers for Caribbean crops, chairs made of trees allegedly cut down by slaves, and trinkets used to trade with natives. Imagine the curators’ joy when they found this punchbowl that celebrates “success to the Africa trade.”

The Fitzwilliam had such a shameful lack of actual paintings of Negroes for this exhibit that it had to borrow Portrait of an African Man from the Netherlands and Portrait of a Man in a Red Suit from the Royal Albert Memorial Museum.

Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

As you saw earlier, though, the Fitzwilliam is making great strides with its contemporary affirmative-action collection.

Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

The museum website notes sorrowfully that “we still benefit from Atlantic enslavement in terms of our finances and collections and are making a commitment to reparative justice,” whatever that is.

Ironically, even Wikipedia notes that although the South Sea Company had a monopoly on the slave trade to South America for a few years, it never realized any significant profit from its monopoly.

Doesn’t matter. The Fitzwilliam was built on blood money and must apologize forever. It’s following the priorities the 135-year-old British Museums Association sets for its 580 institutional members: “Address the climate crisis” and “decolonize and democratize [their] collections.”

The whole country is officially obsessed with blacks. For example, Trafalgar Square in the center of London has a plinth at each of its four corners.

Three bear statues of British heroes but this one was built for an equestrian statue of Willim IV that was never made.

Credit: Matt Brown, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Credit: Matt Brown, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In 2003, control of the plinth was turned over to the City of London, which has put up insulting modern rubbish such as this Blue Cock – here is another one of the German lady-artist’s masterpieces, Rat King – and this blob of whipped cream, which is equally inspiring and beautiful.

Now that London has a Pakistani mayor, Sadiq Khan, the fourth plinth has gone black

Credit Image: © Justin Ng / Avalon/Avalon via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Justin Ng / Avalon/Avalon via ZUMA Press

What’s up there now is called “Antelope,” a statue – by an African, of course – of a giant black man and a midget white man.

Credit Image: © Vuk Valcic/ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Vuk Valcic/ZUMA Press Wire

Here is the sculptor boasting at the unveiling. [antelope] 0:12 – 0:22

In 2026, the plinth will get a bronze statue of “everywoman” by an American black woman named Tschabalala Self.

She says she depicts black female bodies that “defy the narrow spaces in which they are forced to exist.

Credit Image: © Thomas Krych/ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Thomas Krych/ZUMA Press Wire

No narrow spaces for this lass, just like the paintings by black women at the Fitzwilliam.

Credit Image: © Malcolm Park/Avalon via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Malcolm Park/Avalon via ZUMA Press

I’m guessing “everywoman” will be about as tall as this black woman, also in London, standing next to her sculptor, yet another American, Thomas Price.

What appears to be the same giant black woman, takes up a lot of space in front the main train station in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

When she was unveiled, the Muslim-Moroccan mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb – here on the right – said he thought she would become Rotterdam’s most photographed attraction.

Jos van Zetten from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Jos van Zetten from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Credit Image: © ANP via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © ANP via ZUMA Press

He also said, “She is the future, our future, and this city is her home.”

In Bristol, England, there is a statue of a real black woman, an American named Henrietta Lacks, who had no connection with Britain at all.

Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc.
Credit: ZUMA Press, Inc.

You will recall that Bristol, in a BLM frenzy, tore down the city’s main benefactor, Edward Colston, who had stood in the center of town for 129 years, and pitched him in the river.

Credit: John Cassidy, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Credit: John Cassidy, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1950 and treated at Johns Hopkins Hospital for nine months but died at age 31.

Credit Image: © Ben Birchall/PA Wire via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Ben Birchall/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

Doctors took tissue samples and cultured the first human cell line capable of sustained multiplication outside the body. As was the practice at the time, the doctors didn’t ask permission. The cell line has been useful in medical research.

When the statue was unveiled in 2021, there was much joy at the announcement that this was the first public statue of a black woman by a black woman in all of British history.

Henreitta only produced a few diseased cells, but the base of the statue says, “To all the unrecognized Black women who have contributed to humanity.”

Why is the statue in Bristol? There must be a lot of unrecognized black women forced into narrow spaces there.

And, on and on it goes. The same year Henrietta was unveiled, a giant bust of George Floyd went up in Brooklyn, another black hero whose only achievement, pardon me, was to die.

Credit Image: © Ron Adar/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire
Credit Image: © Ron Adar/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire

Why do white people apologize for their own history – their own existence, really – and glorify others, especially blacks? No other people could ever be tricked into this. You can blame Christianity, blame the Jews, blame pathological altruism, blame two world wars. Even taken all together, white self-loathing runs so violently against human nature, you wouldn’t believe it if you didn’t see it, day after day after day.

And as craven whites put yet more non-whites in charge – of museums, cities, associations, universities – they will drive the country into ever-more-degrading expressions of contempt for you and for me, and for every white man who ever lived.

I see no national solution. We can build fortresses of pride and sanity in our daily lives, our families, our communities, and expand from there. But a nation whose elites tell you that this painting has a dark side of exclusion and racism is lost.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. SafeNow says:

    Seven years ago I bought a copy of the just-published “Curating Revolution,” which details the practice of using curated exhibits to convey a political message during the cultural revolution. Mao’s basic idea was that many people, especially children, find it difficult to understand a political message in the abstract. But they grasp the message perfectly well when presented with concrete exhibits of paintings and other artifacts. The terms “proof of crime” and “ironclad evidence” are used in the book. This fascinating, superb work of historical research and analysis was prescient, because the US is now adopting Mao’s program. When I bought the book, I thought I would be reading pure history. Little did I realize that I would be learning about Red Guard templates that would be used in the US a few short years later. Denise Ho probably did not realize that within a few years her book would create the anti-woke linkage between the cultural revolution and the current liberal one; this brilliant historian probably receives many frowns now, when she walks across the Yale campus; too bad because the book is both brilliant and important.

    • Thanks: Miro23
    • Replies: @HammerJack
  2. Pastit says:

    It is shocking that Great Britain is bending over backwards to glorify niggers at the expense of their native White people. Will the Whites there ever stop the self loathing and once again be proud of their history and accomplishments? The English seem bent on denigrating their past and replacing it with niggers. Truly pathetic.

    • Agree: AlexanderEngGB
    • Replies: @Godly5
    , @Pythas
  3. Odyssey says:

    Australia hangs itself – 4 meters tall figures of an African boy and girl at the entrance to the National Gallery in Melbourne.

    • Replies: @Pythas
  4. BS.

    Whites don’t hate themselves.

    Stop misleading people.

    Jewish intellectuals & oligarchs promote anti-White ideologies, through Hollywood, media, academia, etc. If you’re a self-confident White who’s not willing to accept the narrative, you get cancelled and get pushed out of the middle-class. If you’re willing to nod your head to the narrative, you get to continue to live the “American dream” of the gigantic SUV, suburban McMansion, big screen tv, 401K plan, annual trips to Disney Land, etc.

    As long as Jews continue to have their hands on the levers of power & information control, Whites will continue to nod their head to the narrative.

    Why don’t Whites attempt to over turn the system?

    A few reasons.

    1. No unity. Whites are very isolated from their extended families, neighbors, co-religionists, etc. There’s no sense of community or togetherness. There’s also no sense of collective identity. Whites are a scattered collection of many individuals, not a cohesive group. Everybody is doing his or her own thing, without any willingness to work together to advance the broader tribe.

    2. Most Whites are frivolous people. They want to go shopping, eat out, watch sports ball, etc. The average White guy doesn’t care about making his ancestors proud or defending Western civilization. His attention is mostly focused on the NFL Draft and his NCAA March Madness bracket. The average White guy is more knowledgeable about the Baltimore Ravens pass-rush than the details of immigration policy. This mentality explains why nobody cares to do anything.

    3. Whites are extremely cowardly these days, probably due to generations of easy living. They don’t want to make sacrifices, get hurt, or take risks. Instead of overturning the system, the average White is more focused on adapting to the new social order and maximizing the economic & social benefits that he can extract. It’s the easy way out.

    Very few Whites (even Liberals) ever wanted things to get to this point, but they had no say in the matter. The current order was forced on them.

    Their leaders got bribed & sexually blackmailed by various Jewish oligarchs (Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Haim Saban, Sheldon Adelson, etc.), which is why their institutions are so focused on subverting them.

    At this point, multiple generations have grown up under something resembling the current order. Very few Whites can remember a time when Whites collectively worked together to advance their group interest. Since at least the 60s, Whites have been forced to nod their head to the Jewish narrative.

    Until Jews abdicate from the throne, Whites will be forced to continue to flagellate themselves.

    • Agree: AZTK21
    • Replies: @Godly5
    , @Miro23
  5. Yikes. Happened to fall into conversation with a young black fellow who was delivering a package and he pointed out that it isn’t ordinary black people that are telling whites they have to be ashamed of themselves. It’s the pseudo-intellectual modern Uncle Toms and the reliably neurotic white liberal bourgeoisie who seem so embarrassed by their status. Not to mention the timeless pleasure of censuring others who possess your own vices, or maybe just normal human shortcomings. Humility, empathy, community – what are those things?

    • Replies: @Godly5
  6. Whites need a Klan mindset.

    • Thanks: Cloud Posternuke
  7. The cause of the unnatural, chronic, White self-loathing is dysgenic decline over at least a couple of centuries since our Industrial Revolution massively lowered youth mortality allowing lower-quality people to reproduce and made travel very easy allowing people to marry too-genetically-different people within-race too often (see Professor Edward Dutton’s work for more details on our long, dysgenic decline).

    Obviously, chronically-declining worldwide IQs and other, similar declines in overall personal quality mean that modern civilisation cannot be sustained indefinitely. We can’t feed anywhere near 8 billion people without enormous amounts of industrially-produced fertiliser, for example.

    So the solution is reversal of White dysgenic decline (a similar decline is now also starting to be shown by all other races who have taken advantage of our pioneering inventions and other advances).

    A eugenic trend could be achieved intentionally and there are many examples of clever men advocating for this around a century and more ago, but nowadays there is little to no sign of that happening as awareness of population genetic decline is close to zero, and therefore it’s very likely that a eugenic trend will happen by surprise.

    • Replies: @Etruscan Film Star
  8. Anon[358] • Disclaimer says:

    Congrats Morons. Your odyssey will end in….

  9. Solutions says: • Website

    Exploiting racial tensions is just another red herring, an easy touch point of division to manipulate.
    Try to look past these superficial and irritating division points.
    It’s not white vs black, it’s not left vs right, and it’s not even “the Jews” vs “the Gentiles” either – it is the elites vs the rest, always has been that way. They simply use whatever is convenient at the hour to keep us divided and at each other’s throats. Social engineering 101.

    • Agree: Alden
  10. Rich says:

    Uppity lower-class Whites challenged the ruling class and even managed to sneak a few of their people into positions of power, so a correction had to be made. I’m very surprised that the Western ruling class actually wants to rule over an empire populated by sub-Saharans and other mud peoples, but that seems to be where they’re going. Some kind of brain disease, maybe?

  11. This is the sort of thing which needs to be considered (but will not be) by those who proclaim the “virtues” of open borders.

  12. Godly5 says:

    It’s a moot question in a sense.
    Even if some future generation of whites hypothetically stop and say “enough is enough” they will already have been effectively disenfranchised by mass migration and won’t be in a position to have their nations returned to them anyways. That’s what makes this so insidious and disturbing. Whites think this is a cute little game of BDSM, oh how exciting to bow down before a black man and kiss his boot, riveting! But demographics is destiny and the other side is playing for keeps.

  13. Godly5 says:

    If whites won’t do anything to stop it then what’s the difference really? Maybe they aren’t in charge of it but they consent to it. You can say it’s just out of fear or whatever but they’re letting it happening all the same. Most whites have made a calculation – they won’t be around for the day when their great-grandchildren are beheaded in the streets of their ancestral lands, so it’s easier to just stay quiet, keep going to work and keep paying taxes. As long as there are enough Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and reality TV shows, who cares if the race is being killed?

  14. Godly5 says:

    Maybe this “young black fellow” isn’t openly onerous but I can promise you one thing, he ain’t leavin’. So you can be friends with the “based black guy” and he can stroke your ego about how he’s one of the good ones but he’ll be replacing you all the same.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  15. Miro23 says:

    At this point, multiple generations have grown up under something resembling the current order. Very few Whites can remember a time when Whites collectively worked together to advance their group interest. Since at least the 60s, Whites have been forced to nod their head to the Jewish narrative.

    IMO a good illustration of the timeline is this short article on the history of Boeing by Charles Wing-Uexküll (thanks to Priss)

    Boeing’s Uncontrolled Descent

  16. Alden says:

    That obese woman in the blue dress statute. It’s a repulsive nasty caricature of a vulgar black woman strutting her stuff.

    100 years ago the NAACP, Jack and Jill Links and other black organizations were pressuring stores not to stock pictures little statues etc portraying blacks as vulgar and ugly.

    Jack and Jill Links and others were organizations of rich striving black women to be and to bring up their kids to be ladies and gentlemen. Links was the black debutant parties.

    Britain is going all out on the black thing. I wonder what all the Muslims and Hindus think about it. I’ve been seeing YouTube trailers about ancient black Britons Tudor era blacks all sorts of nonsense. Some claim that all the Tudor royals were really black Africans. Whose skin color was repainted White. And that there was destruction of blacks in art statutes etc. might be confusing the reformation destruction of religious art. Who knows.

    One thing the British are doing I really approve of. The idiot intellectuals and woke progressives are going all out trashing England and the royal family because of the slave trade. It’s about time Until recently the useful idiot woke progressive uni grad intellectuals of England endlessly criticized us Americans because of slavery and our evil treatment of slaves and blacks after slavery.

    Completely in denial of the fact that it was England that brought blacks to America. And that it was an English judge in the English colony of Virginia 1654 who ruled and decreed that black, but not White indentured servants were chattel slaves for life. 1654 most employees were indentured servants. Free to leave with a bonus payment after the contract was ended. But England made the blacks slaves.

  17. Pythas says:

    Let’s see if the Chinese or Japanese, or Koreans, or Russians, or the Malaysians or Thais or Vietnamese or Mexicans or anyother country except in the 3rd world negro countries do this shit. Only the dumbshit WASP’s who are overlorded my the kikes do this bullshit. Truly repugnent to the senses and revolting to the mind…I just thought imagine all these fat disgusting negroes in all those Playboy magazines from the 1950’s 60’s, 70’s, 80’s as centerfolds! There would be a revolution in the streets in the West. Oh by the way WASP’s your now offically a dead race/ethnicity. Spiritually and culturally dead.

    • Replies: @Pythas
  18. Pythas says:

    A few other things. Imagine all these fat disgusting nigger women in Playboy magazines from the 1950’s 60’s, 70’s, 80’s. There would be a revolution in the streets. Also Odyssey just like all these niggers with the filthy jew underwriting these attacks on Western Culture and Civilization tore down statutes of Great American Men (not that the nigger would know what a marble or bronze statue is just look where their from say 300 years ago and tell me if you know of any?) one day we are going to eradicate these abominations out of our culture which isn’t theirs. It will happen.

  19. Miro23 says:

    Maybe this “young black fellow” isn’t openly onerous but I can promise you one thing, he ain’t leavin’. So you can be friends with the “based black guy” and he can stroke your ego about how he’s one of the good ones but he’ll be replacing you all the same.

    Not sure about that. When the Jews are gone (same as they’ve been removed from every country they’ve tried to hijack), he’s on his own and can probably work it out with the Anglos (same as the Latinos). The end result looks like a Anglo-Latino-Asian-African country that might work fine.

  20. Pythas says:

    Absouletly correct niggers are pathetic like I’ve been saying for a long time. Here’s a 100% alien race from a different continent that has no common heritage, common traditions, common language ( yes I know they speak this Germanic Language), common sir names (except the ones they now steal or was given to them by master), common attire (the niggers didn’t even know what clothe was) common social mores, common laws (the niggers didn’t even have written law or higher law) and you except most Western men not just British which i’m not of Anglo-Saxon lineage to believe this bullshit because the nigger didn’t have a Culture and Civilzation like Europe’s? And I don’t care if European men went down into their primitive lands in sub-saharan africa to Christianize their sorry primitive behinds and convert them into what they wanted to and also to get natural resouces since European men and in particular British men created the Industrial Revolution which these primitives wouldn’t even know about. So they can fuck-off.

  21. @SafeNow

    “Inclusivity shouldn’t be controversial”

    So true! And we’re busy defining inclusivity as the erasure of white people. Slow, subtly at first; then more rapidly and violently. And always in the near distance, if you listen closely: the gleeful rubbing of hands.

  22. Anon[334] • Disclaimer says:

    Not White people! Ever seen a Bulgarian,Frenchman or Greek indulge in White Guilt? No way…that is only for suckers in the Anglosphere or satrap Germanic countries.

    • Disagree: Cloud Posternuke
    • Replies: @Odyssey
    , @Cloud Posternuke
  23. SafeNow says:

    Several comments here observe that whites lack unity. One commenter points-out that the other side actually takes steps to keep us “at each other’s throats.” True, and true. But I must observe that I see a lot of needlessly harsh “at each other’s throats” right here on Unz. We are all basically brothers here. Differences are usually quite small. So we should be more polite to each other when criticizing. Yes, that’s it.

    But then again, many of us have observed, quite correctly, that whites got themselves into this predicament precisely because whites are too polite, too decent. So I don’t know what the answer is as far as being polite is concerned. Probably Trump’s style is correct…the time for being polite is over. I hate to see it go. I am ancient and came from a sweeter, more civil, dignified time.

    By the way, a recent study ranking the 50 states for politeness placed California dead last by far. (I wonder where this came from) Montana was the most polite.

    • Thanks: Etruscan Film Star
  24. Over 50 years ago, I found myself in the “Constable Room” at the National Gallery. I was astounded by the massive size of some of the works. There is a calmness about them, making you feel like you could step into them. It was something that I really didn’t anticipate.
    Part of my “roots” are North of the English border and the other, not from Britain at all. I had no sense of “only those with a historical tie to the land have a right to belong” in a landscape none of my ancestors would ever have seen.
    This Negrophilia, irrespective of the source of promotion, is insanity on stilts.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  25. @AlexanderEngGB

    A eugenic trend could be achieved intentionally and there are many examples of clever men advocating for this around a century and more ago, but nowadays there is little to no sign of that happening as awareness of population genetic decline is close to zero, and therefore it’s very likely that a eugenic trend will happen by surprise.

    Who put the curse on eugenics? As you note, a century ago the idea was at least respectable, even if not widely accepted. Since then it’s gone down the chute so fast and completely as to suggest a calculated hit job. By whom? Was it the Every. Single. Time. Assassination Bureau? Possibly, but I know of no evidence along that line. Replies welcome.

    What kind of surprise could start a eugenic trend?

  26. @Alden

    Completely in denial of the fact that it was England that brought blacks to America. And that it was an English judge in the English colony of Virginia 1654 who ruled and decreed that black, but not White indentured servants were chattel slaves for life.

    Irrelevant. Irrelevant. Irrelevant. There, I’ve said it three times.

    “English were the real slavers” is as pointless as “Democrats are the real racists.” White advocacy should be made of sterner stuff.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Alden
  27. Wokechoke says:

    Much of it is about who will blink first. A game of aesthetic dare. The technicians making these statues are certainly not blacks. The curators and donors even less so. The artists just make a sketch on a napkin and have a team make these bronzes for them.

    • Replies: @Curmudgeon
  28. Wokechoke says:
    @Etruscan Film Star

    Certainly if the judge was a resident of the colony anyway. Americans didn’t just start existing at the revolution.

  29. Gallatin says:

    Don’t visit this museum ever again. Let it be empty.
    Don’t patronize a place that insults you.

    When the economic malaise hits, there won’t be budgeted money for empty-buildings curated by subversive. No one will pay for this art either.

    • Agree: Katrinka
    • Replies: @HammerJack
  30. The destruction of the West went into overdrive with the Jew bankrolled election of Barack Obama.

  31. Anonymous[452] • Disclaimer says:

    ” … it was England that brought blacks to America … ”

    – And it was also England that brought the first white people to north America.

    You Fool.

    • Replies: @Alden
  32. Odyssey says:

    Asian Bulgars and African/Middle Eastern (future) Greeks were not originally white but got the whiteness from the natives and maybe that’s why they don’t feel White guilt. The concept of the French is something like the Americans.

  33. @Anon

    Wrong. I live in a mostly Germanic country with a Francophone Majority Population in the Western part.

    They are the most negrophile traitors I have ever seen. Importing Negroes and Maghrebines in order to emulate our French neighbours’ “sophistication” and voting hard left pro EU politicians, for decades. All this in oder to distinguish themselves from the much more conservative (and successfull) Germanic majority population they despise so much.

    Plus, the French were also responsible for bringing rapey Negro soldiers into the Ruhrgebiet during the 1920s. Even before, they would send Zuaves and Tirailleurs into battle against the Germans.

    The French were already building mosques and fetishizing Negroes during the Belle Époque. They went downhill quick after the Dreyfuss affair.

    • Replies: @Miville
    , @Alden
  34. AZTK21 says:

    Wait, the author fails to recognize the greatness of the negro race! Look at the extraordinary works of sub-Saharan Africans, who invented … well, who couldn’t invent the wheel or written language or architecture or worthwhile art but damn, those mud huts are astonishing!

    What kind of racist favors cathedrals and stained glass over mud huts?

    • Replies: @Alden
  35. Miville says:
    @Cloud Posternuke

    Before : those who had the means in the 18th raised “little negroes” bought from Triangular commerce and taught them mostly rythmical music before abandoning them in the suburbs, resulting in the suburbans getting very tawny with the generations passing.

    • Replies: @Cloud Posternuke
  36. @Miville


    Yes, I heard of nobles bringing their Slaves to France, but I thought the ancien régime actually did get rid of them in the end, unlike postrevolutionary France.

    At least I thought so. Interesting insight!

    • Replies: @Alden
  37. Why do white people apologize for their own history – their own existence, really – and glorify others, especially blacks? No other people could ever be tricked into this. You can blame Christianity, blame the Jews, blame pathological altruism, blame two world wars. Even taken all together, white self-loathing runs so violently against human nature, you wouldn’t believe it if you didn’t see it, day after day after day.

    All of the above. Whites are too open minded and mistakenly perceive, and have been further led to perceive, their open-mindedness as triumph. Not just moral triumph. They actually think they are winning some game.

    It’s a strange triumph, every time you think you’re ‘winning’ you’re actually having another pound of flesh extracted from you. That’s white people.

    Somehow you have to break whites’ connection between their open-mindednness and sense of triumph. Working towards this end should be a good percentage of our work.

    Jews see this white weakness from miles away and attack it, pumping this flaw with Jewish neuro programs to push whites even further into their own destruction.

    • Replies: @Etruscan Film Star
  38. Alden says:
    @Cloud Posternuke

    Nobles stayed in France and never went to the colonies. Unlike the middle and working classes who assumed they could better themselves in the colonies.

    It was the men colonists from the sugar and coffee islands who brought their free and acknowledged mulatto quadroon octoroon and 16tharoon children to France.

    • Thanks: Cloud Posternuke
  39. Alden says:

    Scandinavian German Swiss and British wanna be Jew Christians purposely destroyed every bit of stained glass in those countries in the 1500s. Not a shard survived.

    • Replies: @Malla
  40. Alden says:
    @Cloud Posternuke

    Must be Belgium why not say so?

    • Replies: @Cloud Posternuke
  41. Malla says:

    White people seem to have this old history of self harm, many a times due to some Jew ideology or some ideology from the Middle East. White people are doing it even today, continuation of an old habit.

    But White people are not alone, an ideology created by Jew Marx is having the same effect on the Chinese. Let us not forget the Cultural Revolution, when the Chinese Commies destroyed their own heritage. And it still continues to this day too.
    Crackdown on China’s Folk Religions: 6,000 Temples Destroyed
    Folk Religion Temples Wiped Out Across China

  42. Alden says:

    You’re the fool. It was Spain that brought the first Whites to North America. American states of Florida 1513, New Mexico 1540 and the North American country of Mexico 1521.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  43. Alden says:
    @Etruscan Film Star

    How is it irrelevant that the English settlers of Virginia welcomed the first blacks in 1619 and that an English judge in an English colony ruled that blacks were chattel slaves not indentured servants in 1654?

  44. Anonymous[272] • Disclaimer says:

    You are a triple fool for trying to weasel out of your dumb comment by quoting garbage irrelevancies.

    The nation which became the USA was settled by English people. They only ever considered themselves to be English one people with those back home.
    From the earliest days, the colonies in north America were subjects of the English crown, there was no legal distinction. The move to independence came much later, and by this time slavery was accepted as an institution by the leaders of independence, who were big slave owners themselves.

  45. @Alden

    Almost, but not a bad guess. It is Switzerland.

    Did not know that there are more Flemish than Wallonians though. Found it out now.

    Thought it to be vice versa since the francophone culture of belgium is much more known and present where I live than the Germanic.

  46. @Gallatin

    Don’t visit this museum ever again. Let it be empty.
    Don’t patronize a place that insults you.

    It’s more than museums. It’s our countries.

  47. @Wokechoke

    Indeed. Some of those statues look like sketches on a napkin.

  48. @Vagrant RIghtist

    Whites are too open minded and mistakenly perceive, and have been further led to perceive, their open-mindedness as triumph. Not just moral triumph. They actually think they are winning some game.

    The poet Robert Frost said, analogously, “A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.” So many whites have been persuaded by leftist, and now woke, sermonizing over several generations they think their moral worth is measured by their guilt for being white.

    They can’t even bring themselves to declare, “It’s good to be white.” The most they can allow themselves is, “It’s OK to be white.” Ya know, give us a little break, we’re really not so bad.

    Whites willing to overlook or even collaborate with the open enmity of those who would practice ethnic cleansing on them deserve utter contempt. More important, they need to be driven from any form of power.

  49. On a positive note, total collapse of the current dispensation is imminent.

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