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My 23andMe Results

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Here the long-awaited results. Pretty much as expected, with no major surprises. About 2/3rds Black, 1/4 White, 1/12th Asian. The only unexpected things are in my Asian ancestry. Apparently, contrary to what I have been told, I have no South Asian ancestry. Also, of my East Asian ancestry, half appears to be Southeast Asian, rather than Chinese. My Chinese component is relatively small.

Also, my paternal haplogroup is G-M342.

My maternal haplogroup is L2a-d.


• Tags: 23andMe, Ancestry, Genetics 
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  1. Politics aside, I find this stuff interesting and appreciate you publishing such personal information.

    My 23andme and confirmed some of what we expected, but there were certainly surprises. Came back with appreciable Scandinavian and English genes, which was totally unexpected.

    Also came back with some Caucasus genes, which that particular company says appear in Azerbaijan, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. My best friend now jokes that my “Chechen heritage” accounts for my occasionally less-than-placid personality (even though the company doesn’t mention Chechnya, Dagestan, or Ingushetia as part of its “Caucasus” grouping 😉

  2. Many thanks for that – I had wondered if you would do a 23andme test!

    • Replies: @attilathehen
    , @Henry's Cat
  3. Good stuff! Very interesting…..

  4. @RadicalCenter

    I think 23andme is confused by DICh (Dagestan/Ingushetia/Chechnya) and classifies them as a strange Balkan/Middle Eastern/Broad Southern European melange.

    For instance, me (I’m 1/4 Lak, that’s Dagestan).

    Which OTOH is pretty strange, since contrary to my expectations, I recall Razib Khan telling me in a conversation that there is a lot of population genetics data from North Caucasians.

    • Replies: @AP
    , @Not Raul
  5. JayMan needs to make sure his children marry Latinos to tick off all the boxes and become a progenitor of the coming cosmic race.

    • LOL: Liza
    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
  6. J1234 says:

    Thanks for sharing your results. I’ve thought about doing one of the tests, but they’ve had some problem with accuracy, I’ve heard. This involved inconsistent results with different groups of identical triplets. When they get those issues addressed, I might take a test.

    • Replies: @sf
  7. @Jay Ritchie

    He didn’t need the test. He looks and knows he’s black. He might have thought the results would be all white. Wishful thinking and a waste of money.

  8. Anonymous • Disclaimer says:

    Aren’t you Middle Eastern? Middle Easterners have black ancestry.

  9. Alliumnsk says:

    23andMe gives more than just ancestry (e.g. health prognosis), which might be useful too.

    • Agree: RadicalCenter
  10. @Jay Ritchie

    Never thank an exhibitionist. They don’t need the encouragement.

  11. Dutch Boy says:

    The only anomaly I found in my 23&me results was that I was 25% British/Irish (my Dutch and Norwegian ancestors would be surprised). The only thing I could figure was that I had some of my British/Irish wife’s spit in my mouth when I took the sample.

    • Troll: S
  12. AP says:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    My wife is 1/8 Kalmyk, and the Asian features are obvious (all non-Asians ancestors have been blonde blue-eyed ethnic Poles or ethnic Russians, she has dark eyes and thick straight black “Asian” hair like her 1/4 Kalmyk father and his 1/2 Kalmyk farther), yet 23andme has her as 99.8% European, .2% Mongolian. 23andme probably considers Kalmyks and other obscure Eurasian peoples as Eastern European.

    • Agree: Anatoly Karlin
  13. @attilathehen

    I’ve never had the fortune to see a full photo of Jayman let alone meet him but the limited pictures of his arm and children gave me the impression he was mixed race with some black ancestry. Of the West Indians I’ve got to know I think all those who – to me – looked entirely West African had significant admixture, particularly South Indian. I’d never have guessed before seeing family photos.

  14. @Dutch Boy

    Um, no, dude, the explanation is simply that you’re British and Irish.
    Swish with water and take another saliva test, and then you’ll have to admit it 😉

    From genetic tests, I was likewise surprised that this I likely have a little bit of British genes (5%) and 10% Scandinavian.

    Well, guess I’m just your “typical” Italian/Slavic/Swedish/Caucasian/English all-American White mutt 😉

  15. @AP

    Interesting, thank you.

    Realizing, of course, that her grandfather easily could have been much less than half Kalmyk or much more than half. As you probably know, we don’t necessarily inherit such predictable percentages of genes “proportionately” from each race or ethnicity.

    For example, my Mom’s genetic tests reported that she is more than 10% “Middle Eastern” (Arab / Sephardic Jew) and several percent Ashkenazi (aka “european Jewish”). But my tests showed 0-1% Middle Eastern and only 1% Ashkenazi Jewish. I apparently inherited a “disproportionately” high share of her Italian genes and almost none of her non-Italian genes.

    • Replies: @Almost Missouri
  16. @RadicalCenter

    Hmm … I thought you pretty much have to get half from each parent, and that it is the grandparents’ genomes that can–and do–vary considerably.

    I mean, you get one half of each pair of 23 chromosomes from each parent, so each parent ought always to be 50% of your genome. But since your parents do not necessarily give you 50% of each of their parents’ genome–indeed, since 23 is not evenly divisible by 4, they cannot give you 50% of each of their parents’ genomes–you can end up with wildly disproportionate share any of your grandparents’ genomes.

    Perhaps unconscious awareness of this has something to do with why grandparents can sometimes take wildly disproportionate interests in different grandchildren.

    • Replies: @JayMan
    , @nymom
  17. Pericles says:
    @Jim Christian

    So in this case they went a bit overboard?

  18. JayMan says: • Website
    @Almost Missouri

    Yup, you’re 50% related to each parent, but not 25% related to each grandparent (and not 12.5% related to each great grandparent and so on). Just the same, you’re not 50% related to each sibling.

  19. My test came back showing 99.7% Scotch/Irish . My family has been in America since the mid 1800’s and we were told by my Grandmothers when questioning them about our ethnic heritage that we were German and American Indian . We grew up eating scrumptious German cooking . We were also warned when inquiring about our ancestors to beware because we might find out some things we did not want to know . I am not really sure I trust the modern technologies but I do see the application in the end times scenario ie: Revelations 9

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @anon
  20. danand says:

    Just a tidbit to add. My daughter sent saliva samples to both 23&me and The results, surprisingly, at least to me, where within .7% of each other.

    In addition, 23&me correctly suggested/identified many relatives out to third cousins.

    • Agree: RadicalCenter
  21. I seriously doubt these tests are in any way accurate.

    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
  22. Anonymous [AKA "DinduNuffinsesquire"] says:
    @Jim Christian

    Which racists ,Blacks or Latinos

  23. Notwithstanding small allowances for possible mixed-race pairings in your ancestry prior to roughly the Napoleonic era, and for consanguinity, the most parsimonious explanation would seem to be that of your 128 great-great-great-great-great grandparents, visibly 88 were African black, 30 NW European, 5 SE Asian and 5 Chinese.

  24. @attilathehen

    He didn’t need the test. He looks and knows he’s black. He might have thought the results would be all white. Wishful thinking and a waste of money.

    OTOH, I hear 23&Me likes to report POC heritage when there is none just to mess with people…

  25. Do they always clump British and Irish together? Can they separate that? My folks are from the West Coast of Ireland. I would be about 99.99 percent “British and Irish.” Duh.

  26. Hibernian says:
    @Father O'Hara

    Pity Ireland and the USA. Each cursed with a West Coast.

    • LOL: bruce county
  27. anon[907] • Disclaimer says:

    I will try 23 and me as well as My Heritage and another site My Ancestry? to see how close they are to each other. I won’t smoke a cigarette before the tests. I’ll pay the bucks because my curiosity is high. That’s why I like Unz review and lots of its commenters.

  28. My father (deceased some 20 plus years) has a very common surname whose families are from Kerry and Cork but his father’s side may have fled to Cree (or also spelled Creagh in County Clare) a very long time ago. His mother was from Connemarra- area west of Maam Cross.

    My mother’s heritage is European (I gather?) but remains a mystery so I figure I’ll give it a go.

    Is the land cursed in the west or are we talking about liberals? The last thing my pop would ever be was a liberal. Little education but real smart.
    I never thought USA West Coast would turn out like it is. Do you think it is because too many East Coast flower power types and pseudo intellectuals moved there starting in the 60s?
    Thanks to all for comments. I learn a lot.
    I subscribed to The American Conservative when it first came out (I think it was 2002) when Buchanan was leading the fight to not invade Iraq . I didn’t know what role Ron Unz played until I read a recent article. It is a good thing there is a Ron Unz out West.

  29. Bruno says:

    I am 100% european (40% Spanish, 40% french, 5% basque, 5% Italian, 5% Irish, 3% Portuguese, 2% Sardinian) but my maternal DNA is found almost only among black people L2 like you. That’s fascinating !

    I look like Celtic (pale skin, red hair, thin lips, freakles etc)

    Looking in specialized site, they say I have a yet to be found haplogroup but the closest are
    L2a1c6. (African female heritage in Malta)
    L2a1c (n+1) (Bantu from south east to north west Africa )
    L2a1c4 (African heritage in Andalusia, my maternally origins are from there)

  30. Are you going to post your updated results, now that 23andme breaks down the results further into specific countries?

  31. sf says:

    I read a newspaper story about that. The results that the triplets got were within the claimed range of accuracy. Mine, for example, has 42% generic British isles, with a range of 9% to 72%. Based on family tree information, it would be 50%. It also showed 8% Scandinavian. I have no known Scandinavian ancestors. That is probably attributable to Viking raiders in the distant past.

    • Replies: @The scalpel
    , @Boo Radley
  32. Tsigantes says:

    Any test that puts ‘Middle Eastern’ and ‘North African’ as a category is not worth doing. In other words, they don’t bother with the genetic difference between [and among!] Egyptians, gulf Saudis and Persians. And any test that doesn’t single out Hungarians and Basques is also not worth doing.

  33. I just learned that you are Native American. To be precise, 0.8% Native American, but that’s enough to establish the truthfulness of my first sentence here.

    Which service is it worth using? 23andme, or some others? I know nothing about these, but maybe I’ll do such a test, too.

  34. The scalpel says: • Website

    A range of 9% to 72%?

    That is garbage.

  35. GregG says:

    My results came back as 1024th Elizabeth Warren.

    So I took a dump and went for a manicure and pedicure.

    Now I am pure again.

    • LOL: Bruce County
  36. Anonymous [AKA "mudturtle"] says:

    I had one of those things done and it showed that I was French, although I can go back more than four hundred years for English, Scots and some Danish.
    They told me that I am 20% Mozambican which was unknown to the forebears that settled in Virginia in the 1600’s
    I have as much southeast African genes as does Elizabeth Warren in Cherokee. Perhaps my children can get affirmative action crap when they “prove” their father’s heritage.

    • LOL: RadicalCenter
  37. @redmudhooch

    The tests from both major companies correctly identified my second cousins (and first cousins once removed, I.e. children of my first cousins) and third cousins.

    The two tests are also very largely consistent with one another.

  38. Anonymous [AKA "Merry Tree"] says:

    RE: American Indian Heritage

    Sounds like your grandmothers told you the same bogus story that Elizabeth Warren’s did.

  39. @sf

    My wife did a test and all known German, Scottish (British Isles) popped up with the unknown quality of 12% Scandinavian. Not very surprising since…well, history. Her reply was “But so much that nobody knows about?”
    I suggested that maybe Grandma was part of the welcoming committee that she wanted to keep on the down low.

    Wives have no sense of humor.

  40. Attention Fellow White-Privileged Americans: If you have Irish and British in your DNA, as I do (along with a bit of French, of course), you might be able to stand in front of Al Sharpton in the reparations line. In this “great” and “booming” economy, millions of white-privileged citizens have a better chance of qualifying for the reparations transfer payment than of snagging a full-time, non-temp job with rent-covering wages.

  41. Arioch says:

    > Here the long-awaited results

    this link is 404

  42. @AP

    So much for 23andMe.

    • Replies: @AP
  43. AP says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    It’s a glitch in the system, that isn’t applicable in most cases. Kalmyks are of Asian origin but they live in Eastern Europe.

    I wonder if Transylvanian Saxons are another example – do they show up as Balkan, or German?

    • Replies: @BloodSpirit
  44. nymom says:
    @Almost Missouri

    Also as I understood it the maternal grandmother has more genetic links with her grandchildren than their father does…

    • Disagree: RadicalCenter
    • Replies: @JohnPlywood
  45. stop pimping mossad racist bio warfare prescreening mossad

  46. @nymom

    Were you run over by a truck recently? Why do we have so many genetically illiterate matrifocal dirt people on this website? Is it the jewish and italian ancestry?

    Children are genetically more like their fathers than their mothers.

    • Troll: RadicalCenter
  47. anon[191] • Disclaimer says:

    You’re part whiskey are you? Scotch is a drink, Scottish is an ethnic group. You’re background is Scottish/Irish.

  48. Snert says:
    @Father O'Hara

    Ancestry can usually separate British and Irish because they use separate British and Irish reference populations.

    However, one reason why British and Irish are lumped together is that from a genetic standpoint, they are more or less the same people. This is especially true for the people of English, Welsh, Irish and Scots ancestry who take a Y-DNA test (paternal line only) and test positive for the R-L21 haplogroup.

    My own ancestry is a mix of Scots and Irish (and not Scotch-Irish, although my paternal grandmother’s family came from Northern Ireland) on both sides of my family but I also have remote French ancestry and a maternal great-grandmother whose paternal ancestry was English.

  49. @Father O'Hara

    Many regions in Ireland have a distinct DNA footprint:
    Some studies show differences are more pronounced in the West of Ireland.

  50. @AP

    Perhaps Belgian or German is a better question.
    “The Transylvanian ‘Saxons’ originally stemmed from Flanders, Hainaut, Brabant, Liège, Zeeland, Moselle, Lorraine, and Luxembourg.” wiki

  51. 23 and me isnt as useful as it seems and I dont trust them with my DNA.

  52. Snert says:
    @Father O'Hara

    The Brits and Irish are more or less from the same genetic pool; this is why the British and Irish tend to be lumped together in DNA tests.

    Most British and Irish males belong to haplogroup R-L21 (Britonnic Celt). In England, the percent of males who belong t9 R-L21 is 60% the remaining 40% belong to Germanic and Scandinavian haplogroups I, M, and R-U106). In Scotland and Wales, the percentage is 70%. In Ireland, however, the percentage is well over 80%.

  53. Not Raul says:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    I think that 23andMe might have goofed.

    Do you have any ancestors from MENA or the Balkans from the last 300 years?

  54. @Anatoly Karlin

    The Eurasian master race will compete with a certain inbred tribe to rule the relatively slow-witted, more volatile, less disciplined mestizo native Indian / white / sometimes slightly African majority in the former USA and Canada.

    Australia, too, until China tires of that and installs a proper Han administration to rule them.

  55. My mother bought me a 23andme kit. It got lost somewhere. I do know that is run by the Mormons from their Montgomery County, MD office, and they sell the data to the biotech firms up in Gaithersburg. They are making money on both ends: the sheeple and the people who sponsor crappy TV shows.

    • Thanks: Liza
  56. Sighted says:

    Yayyyyy you sent your genetic code directly to the new world order!

    23andme CEO ANNE WOJCICKI, sister of YOUTUBE CEO HORSEFACE SUSAN WOJCICKI and former wife of Google co founder Sergey Brin.

    And you thought you were doing a good job protecting your privacy by using a VPN or turning off Microsoft’s facial recognition software?

    They have you by the GENES.

    I’m sorry for laying the sarcasm on so thick but we can no longer sleepwalk through our lives – we have to be vigilant we have to be discerning.

    But perhaps the answer is secession.
    Lew Rockwell (.com)
    Tom Woods
    Brother Nathanael
    Jared Taylor at

    All talking about secession….

  57. @Dutch Boy

    The British are themselves a mixture (not always a blend) of Celt/Belgic/Pict/Norwegian/Danish/Saxon with a few Flemings added late in the day. The Normans were Vikings with presumably some French admixture, if the story of Duke Robert and the tanner’s daughter is any guide.

    So I’m never sure about “British genes” which could be pure Celt, pure Norwegian (potentially Orkney/Shetland) or various blends as above.

  58. Adûnâi says: • Website

    Today, I have researched a few fun facts about the three DNA research services: 23andme, AncestryDNA and MyHeritage. Namely, their geographical availability.

    1. 23andme: 53 countries (incl. dependencies). This encompasses Israel, Belarus and Hong Kong, but not Ukraine, Turkey or Georgia.

    2. AncestryDNA: 34 countries. This includes Turkey and South Korea, Georgia and Armenia, but nothing more apart from EU/NA/OC.

    3. MyHeritage: …

    The MyHeritage DNA test is available in all countries except for residents of the following locations: Israel, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, North Korea, Lebanon, Russia, and Syria (“Restricted Locations for DNA Genealogy”).

    I dug deeper, and found a curious snippet about the Russian case.

    At the end of February 2020, we decided to discontinue sales of MyHeritage DNA kits in Russia.[…]

    The reason for this is that we learned about a recent regulation in Russia that prohibits sending DNA samples across the border (in this case to MyHeritage’s DNA lab in the U.S.). Until the legal status of this is clarified, we felt it necessary to cease our sale of new kits in Russia. This was our decision and it was not forced on us. We want to make sure that we comply with Russia’s regulations. […]

    In addition, I have discovered that asking Mr. Brin from Ukraine about either one of them brings up an advertisement for MyHeritage. Hasidim, I’m looking at you. Here are some screenshots for the future.

  59. @JayMan

    Do you know if 2eand.e has increased its accuracy since your genome was examined?

    I did the tests a few months ago and was totally unsurprised by the analysis and even the characteristics predicted from my fairly high Neanderthal component seemed about right. But I have a multiracial extended family and I would be pleased to think 23andMe could get them all right..

  60. @JayMan

    What do you know about caste in Africa of which there is/was a lot and how it is reflected in gemomes and in who got transported to the Americas. Kwasi Karteng, of pure Ghanaian descent had the best academic results of any UK minister for at least 50 years and I have played tennis with another pure Ghanaian by parentage who has a PhD and was an investment banker in Homg Kong. A Barbadian doctor who looked after yhe Wezt Indian cricket team told me the smarter slaves went to Barbados. Even if that wasn’t true it occurs to me that the slaves who were sold to the foreign slave traders would have been the stupid and stroppy omes. It makes sense doesn’t it?

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