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[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

See also: Manafort, Marlborough, And Robert E. Lee: Criminalizing Policy/ Personnel, Differences— U.S. Politics Regressing To The Primitive

Settling in the U.S.A. in my forties, I brought with me from the Mother Country some preconceptions.

Foremost was the U.S.A. I’d seen from a distance while growing up: a great can-do nation, victorious in two huge wars, a popular culture bubbling with vitality, technological leadership culminating in … a Moon landing!

Reading and listening, I got some historical background: a group of colonies maturing into a nation under the guidance of well-read, broad-minded Enlightenment scholars; the civilizing of great Western spaces inhabited by stone-age nomads; the Civil War (presented as high idealism in action); the steady businesslike advance to modernity.

The American story, extracted in outline from history like that, is a wonderful one: uplifting, encouraging.

But then today I open my newspaper and read about current events which have not a trace of uplift or encouragement about them: illegal aliens swarming in across the southern border, property rights surrendered to squatters, lawlessness unpunished [ It took 6 cops and 15 minutes to arrest a single fare-dodger: NYPD reveals difficulty of MTA’s turnstile-jumping crisis, NY Post, March 22, 2024], merit abandoned in favor of ideological posturing[ High-schoolers worried about antisemitism, SATs are spending thousands to apply to as many colleges as possible, by Rikki Schlott, NY Post, March 23, 2024]

And then, the lawfare against Donald Trump, which may come to some kind of a head next week.

Monday, March 25th, is the deadline for The Trump Organization to post a bond.

Why do they need to post a bond? Because on February 16th New York State was awarded a half-billion-dollar judgment against the Organization on grounds of civil fraud. March 25th was the deadline for them to pay up.

The Trump Organization has appealed the judgment. They can of course do so, and we’ll see how the appeal goes when it finally gets to some judge’s desk.

The best reason for hoping that it goes in Trump’s favor is the protection offered by the 8th Amendment against excessive bail and excessive fines.

Does that protection apply to state judgments as well as federal ones? Yes it does: That was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court on a 9-0 vote in a landmark case (Timbs v. Indiana) five years ago in a decision authored by The Notorious RBG.[Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Trump’s $355 million fine, by Susan Shelley, Los Angeles Daily News, February 24, 2024]. Numerous pundits—including, recently, Vivek Ramaswamy—have predicted that Trump’s fines will be annulled on 8th Amendment grounds[Ramaswamy predicts NY ruling against Trump could energize this key voter group ‘in droves’: ‘Seismic impact’, .Fox News, March 22, 2024].

As excessive as the February judgment surely is, however, until higher courts can ponder and annul it, the Trump Organization still has to post a bond in lieu of payment.

Finding a bondsman able and willing to write a check for half a billion dollars is not easy, though. In fact it has proven impossible. So come Monday the Trump Organization will be in default on the February judgment.

That will give the plaintiff in February’s lawsuit the right to seize the organization’s assets. The plaintiff is New York State, so it all sounds coolly impersonal: a state as plaintiff, a business organization as defendant.

In fact that’s just legal cosmetics. Driving the prosecution is New York State Attorney General Letitia James. The Trump Organization is Donald Trump and his family members.

Letitia James ran for the office of Attorney General in 2018, during the Trump presidency. A key theme of her campaign was hatred of Trump, whose presidency she declared “illegitimate.” She made an oft-repeated vow that if elected she would strive to destroy Trump. This lawsuit was in fulfilment of that vow.

This is law personalized.

In pre-modern Britain there was a legislative process called a “bill of attainder.” This was a bill, passed through the national legislature, declaring some specific person to be guilty of a crime, usually treason or some other capital crime. There was no trial, no judicial process, just a law declaring that person to be guilty.

This hounding of Trump is not a bill of attainder in that strict sense. It can’t be, as our Constitution forbids such legislation. It’s mighty close, though.

Letitia James is not the only radical Progressive in the government of my state. The state legislature is thick with them. Probably there is a hard core of state legislators meeting in back rooms up there in Albany to see if they can’t find some way round the Constitutional ban.

And even without a full Constitution-dodging bill of attainder, major damage is being done here, and not just to Trump and his businesses.


[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

Colorful rhetoric was in the news this week, the color being red.

Campaigning in Ohio for a Republican Senate candidate in last Tuesday’s primary, Donald J. Trump had words to say about automobiles being imported from China. The actual words:

We’re going to put a 100 percent tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those guys if I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole. That’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country, that’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars, they’re building massive factories.

Bloodbath, by Liz Wolfe,, March 15, 2024

The Regime Media promptly interpreted that, in their suspiciously unanimous way, as Trump threatening a violent, bloody uprising if he is not elected President in November.

Their shrieks of pretended outrage soon drowned out the few calm voices pointing out that most dictionaries allow the word “bloodbath” as a metaphor for, to quote the website: “A period of disastrous loss or reversal.”

This little episode—I suppose someone somewhere has already called it “Bloodbath-gate,” may that person rot in Hell—goes into the file of Trump verbal stumbles along with the 2015 warning about illegal border-crossers from Mexico,

They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

â€They’re rapists.’ President Trump’s campaign launch speech two years later, annotated, Washington Post, June 16, 2017

And then, two years later, at a presser following the Charlottesville demonstration against taking down a Robert E. Lee statue, when a reporter said the demonstrators were neo-Nazis:

You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.

In Context: Donald Trump’s â€very fine people on both sides’ remarks (transcript), Politifact, April 20,2019

So: Rapists-gate, Fine-People-gate, and now Bloodbath-gate.

You may call Donald Trump a sloppy speaker. When you do as much public speaking as he does, though, and when an almost uniformly hostile media is keenly looking out for every possible opportunity to mis-represent his words, these -gates are what you’re bound to get.

I do approximately zero-point-zero-zero-one times as much public speaking as the Donald, but I can easily recall things I’ve said that would be just as easy to mis-represent as Bloodbath-gate etc. etc.

The other specimen of colorful—in fact blood-colored—rhetoric that caught my eye this week came from old Clinton warrior James Carville in an interview this Wednesday night at CNN.

At one point in the interview Carville told Anderson Cooper that

To be candid, Anderson, President Biden is not the best attack politician I’ve ever seen in my life. And hopefully leave it at that. But there are a lot of people to do what I call “the Wet Work.”

Anderson Cooper remarked, smiling: “It sounds like a mob hit.”

Carville replied:

Kind of, but it’s paid TV and stuff like that. But yes, it’s a CIA term to take a guy out.

Carville: Biden Should Let Surrogates Do the â€Wetwork’ Against Trump, by Pam Key,, March 20, 2024

That had the reverse effect to Bloodbath-gate. The Regime Media was silent, but It brought out Trump supporters alleging that Carville was proposing the assassination of Trump [Clinton Operative James Carville Suggests Biden Campaign Assassinate Trump to Win Election, by Nick R. Hamilton,, March 22, 2024].

I doubt that’s what Carville meant. Like Trump in Ohio, he was just being careless with his metaphors.

There has, though, for some time been an undercurrent of speculation that the Regime might indeed try to take Trump out Sicilian-style. That undercurrent came to the surface last summer in Trump’s interview with Tucker Carlson.

Here was Tucker at 7m11s into the interview:

I’m looking at the trajectory since 2015, when you got into politics for real, and then won. It started with protests against you, massive protests, organized protests by the Left, and then it moved to impeachment twice …

And now indictment. I mean, the next stage is violence. Are you worried that they’re going to try and kill you? Why wouldn’t they try and kill you? Honestly?

Tucker on X Debate Night Interview with Donald Trump Transcript,, August 24, 2023

Trump gave a long-winded indirect answer. If he has thought about the possibility of being assassinated, he doesn’t want to share his thoughts in public.

It isn’t just Tucker Carlson who’d like to know. A possible Trump assassination comes up in private conversation a lot.

A few weeks ago, chatting with a friend who follows developments in military technology much more closely than I do, he expressed surprise—genuine, so far as I could tell—that no political assassination has yet been carried out by drone.

Those gadgets can apparently do facial recognition, greatly reducing the probability of error. Said my friend, shaking his head: “It’s only a matter of time.”

My advice to Donald Trump:


[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

Earlier: St. Patrick’s Day Is NOT Immigration Day—Irish-Americans Are White, And Being Replaced Like The Rest Of Us

Tomorrow, Sunday March 17th, we mark St. Patrick’s Day. I’m sure you all know the story of St. Patrick, but I’ll offer a very brief reminder.

Patrick was a BRITISH! lad who, when just a teenager, was kidnapped by raiders from IRELAND!! and carried off to be a SLAVE!!! in their country.


This was actually a common occurrence sixteen hundred years ago. Some of us Brits have been petitioning the U.K. government to bring a case for reparations against the Irish in the International Court of Justice, but so far without result.

Eventually, young Patrick escaped back to Britain, where he then studied to become a priest. After ordination he returned to Ireland to convert his former slavemasters. Snakes feature in the story somehow, but I forget the details.

Patrick duly became the principal Patron Saint of Ireland. And there is news from Ireland on the cultural front that’s worth noting.

The people of Ireland—the Republic of Ireland—had a referendum on March 8th.

The referendum concerned their country’s Constitution, which has been the basis of Ireland’s law and identity since its adoption in 1937.

In particular, the referendum was about whether or not to amend two particular parts of the Constitution. To amend them or not to amend them? Yay or nay?

Both concerned Article 41, which concerns the family. Currently, it opens with a firm declaration of the importance of that institution.

The state recognizes the family as the natural primary and fundamental unit group of society, and as a moral institution possessing inalienable and imprescriptible rights, antecedent and superior to all positive law.

The state pledges itself to guard with special care the institution of marriage, on which the family is founded, and to protect it against attack.

Constitution of Ireland Online PDF

That’s Section 41.1. Immediately following is Section 41.2:

In particular, the State recognises that by her life within the home, woman gives to the State a support without which the common good cannot be achieved.

The State shall, therefore, endeavour to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in labour to the neglect of their duties in the home.

I’m sure you see the problems there. “The institution of marriage, on which the family is founded”? “By her life within the home, woman gives to the state a support without which the common good cannot be achieved”?

You can hear the Progressives howling. WHAT IS THIS, THE MIDDLE AGES? AFGHANISTAN?

So the proposals before the voters were to amend the Constitution by changing the wording there.

The proposal for that first section there was to change it with an addition and a subtraction. The addition would have enlarged the section by adding a qualifying clause after the word “family.” Here’s the proposed clause: “Whether founded on marriage or on other durable relationships.”.

That addition of words in the first section was to be swiftly balanced by a subtraction. In the existing Constitution the word “marriage” is followed by the clause “on which the family is founded.” The proposal would have struck out that clause.

For the second section, about a woman’s life within the home as a key support of the State, the proposal was for total replacement. The section would be replaced by new wording that identifies as the key support “the provision of care, by members of a family to one another by reason of the bonds that exist among them.”

The word “woman” would then not be present at all.

So Yay votes on these two questions would amend Ireland’s Constitution to bring it more into line with the sensibilities of our Ruling Classes in the modern Western world.

A key axiom of those sensibilities is of course that there is no such thing as sex. So what need to mention women or traditional marriage in one’s national Constitution?

So on March 8—which happened to be International Women’s Day—Ireland’s voters went to the polls to vote on these Constitutional amendments.

The result, not to keep you in suspense: Overwhelming majorities voted Nay on both proposals.

  • On the first, the one with an addition and a subtraction both designed to suck all meaning from the word “marriage,” the Nays were 68 percent.
  • On the second, the one annihilating talk of “a woman’s life within the home,” the Nays were 74 percent.

Ireland Rejects Constitution Changes, Keeping â€Women in the Home’ Language, by Megan Specia, NY Times, March 9, 2024

The single district that voted Yay: Dún Laoghaire, an upscale suburb of Ireland’s capital Dublin, no doubt contaminated, I’m ashamed to say, by its historic role as the terminus of the ferry from England.

The large context here is the West’s Cultural Revolution, in which Ireland has played the part of a key indicator.

I’ve been writing about this for more than twenty years. Here I was for example in March 2002 at National Review Online, a column I titled “All Eyes to Ireland.”

• Category: Culture/Society • Tags: Ireland, Political Correctness 

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

See earlier: Majority Deport: Canada’s Pre-Crime Hate Speech Law and Sam Melia: UK Man Convicted Of Hate Speech For Saying ”It’s OK To Be White” And “Reject White Guilt,” Etc.

Two items here on the rapid decline of free speech in parts of the Anglosphere that do not enjoy our First Amendment.

  • Canada

To your mental list of Indians and Pakistanis who have risen to positions of high power in Anglosphere nations—Rishi Sunak the U.K. Prime Minister, Sadiq Khan the Mayor of London, Humza Yousaf the First Minister of Scotland, Leo Varadkar the Prime Minister of Ireland, and I’m sure others I have forgotten—to that mental list you can add, if he’s not already on it, Arif Virani, below, a Gujarati Muslim born in Uganda who serves as the Attorney General and Minister of Justice for Canada, our friendly neighbor to the North.

Mr. Virani is currently championing the Online Harms Bill, a law to greatly increase penalties for so-called “Hate Speech” online.

At that point when I’m reading a news story—I mean, the point where the phrase “Hate Speech” shows up—I wander off down through the news story looking for their definition of “Hate Speech.”

Aha! Got it. CTV News, March 6th,

In both its human-rights legislation and the Criminal Code, the government is now seeking to define Hate Speech as “content that expresses detestation or vilification.”

Government says only extreme online hate speech would be probed by human rights body The Canadian Press, March 6, 2024

That article is accompanied by a picture of Virani doing a press conference, backed by, presumably, his visibly multiracial staff.

That’s actually a toned-down definition. An earlier version of the Bill defined “Hate Speech” as “likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt on the basis of their race, gender, religion or other prohibited ground of discrimination.”

Seems to me that on that earlier definition you could find yourself behind bars for an off-color online joke about Jews or blacks. That would rule out about half the stuff online that I find funny; also much of the stuff that Jews and blacks find funny.


Even with that toning-down, though, the Bill will still get you life imprisonment for “advocating genocide,” and five years porridge for “hate propaganda.” I couldn’t find a definition for either of those terms, but I’m betting there’s room in them for plenty of judicial mischief to further erode freedom of speech.

  • Britain

In my mother country, there is an organization called Patriotic Alternative, standing up for the legacy population of the country and against mass Third World immigration. I have only just heard about them so I can’t tell you much other than they have a nifty website.

Up front on that website, if you scroll down a page or two, is a big clear display of numbers.

When I looked just now it was headed with a big number: 27. Underneath that, left to right, were the numbers: 19, 13, 308, 41.

You have to read the numbers in reverse order. Patriotic Alternative did some demographic research and came up with the precise instant when white British people will fall below fifty percent of the country’s population.

It will be at some point in the year 2066. The precise point is given by those numbers, read in reverse order: 41 years, 308 days, 13 hours, 19 minutes and 27 seconds from when I glanced at the screen. Cute.

Thirty-four-year-old Samuel Melia is a regional organizer for Patriotic Alternative. As a side activity he set up a group called the Hundred Handers on the social media platform Telegram, winning himself more than 3,500 subscribers. These subscribers could download and print white nationalist stickers.

What did these stickers say? “Reject white guilt,” “Nationalism is nurture,” “We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066” and “Diversity—designed to fail, built to replace,” and that perpetual favorite (and hate object) “It’s OK to be white”. [UK man with Hitler picture in home used sticker campaign to stir racial hatred, court told, by Robyn Vinter, Guardian, January 16, 2024]

Hateful stuff, eh?

On March 1st Mr. Melia was sentenced to two years in prison for the offense of “Publishing or distributing material intending to stir up racial hatred,” and another two years, to run concurrently, for “Encouraging or assisting the commission of the offence of racially aggravated criminal damage.”

I don’t know what the criminal damage was in that second charge. Since it got Mr. Melia the same two-year sentence as the first offense, “Publishing or distributing material intending to stir up racial hatred,” I guess it didn’t involve anything very destructive.

In an Orwellian twist, the prosecution acknowledged that the stickers themselves said nothing illegal or untrue. It was Mr. Melia’s intention in printing them that was at issue. He has literally been convicted of a Thought Crime.

That’s the state of free speech in Britain today.

Both these free-speech items record the poison fruit of multiculturalism, without which legislation like Canada’s Online Harms Bill and whichever law Mr. Melia broke by printing a sticker saying “Reject white guilt” would have no reason for existing.


[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

Mr. Bumble, the beadle in Dickens’ Oliver Twist, was present when his wife sold stolen goods. He therefore shared responsibility for that offense, he was told, because “the law supposes that your wife acts under your direction.“

Mr. Bumble, a man of spirit, replied that “If the law supposes that, the law is an ass—a idiot.“

Reading the day’s news, I am more and more inclined to agree with Mr. Bumble. The law, which is the foundation of all our rights and liberties, looks more and more like a gibbering fool: an ass—a idiot.

That is the case with both criminal law and civil law. They are two fools; or, as Mr. Bumble would say, two asses.

I came to the recording studio this morning after reading the New York Post with my breakfast.

A young white male student, 29-year-old Iain Forrest, was playing his cello for the entertainment of passers-by in a central Manhattan subway station February 13th. A black female stranger, 23-year-old Amira Hunter, picked up Forrest’s metal water bottle and whacked him over the head with it.

The New York Post report gives no career or occupation for Ms. Hunter, but she has a rap sheet going back to mid-2019, when she would have been 18 or 19 years old: assault, assault, criminal contempt, criminal contempt, petit larceny, petit larceny, grand larceny (items worth $2,050 from Bergdorf Goodman). Occupation-wise, I guess “petty criminal“ fills the bill.

For the assault on Iain Forrest she was arraigned in a Manhattan court Thursday this week, charged with second-degree assault [Thief busted in brutal subway cello attack released without bail—despite even DA Bragg’s office wanting her behind bars, by Joe Marino, Amanda Woods, Alyssa Guzman, NY Post, February 29, 2024].

Her criminality was so obviously chronic, and her inclination to show up for court dates so faint—she missed three of her five dates last year—that the Manhattan prosecutors asked the court to hold her on bail, $15,000 cash or a $45,000 bond.

(If you don’t follow the Manhattan courts you may not know that the sentence “Manhattan prosecutors asked for bail“ sounds as astonishing to us locals as “Joe Biden held a one-hour press conference, patiently fielding reporters’ questions,“ or “Xi Jinping said that Taiwan has every right to be an independent nation if that’s what its citizens want.“ Any kind of restraint on criminals, even the minimal restraint of a bail order, is frowned on by Manhattan’s first black District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, right.)

The judge ignored the prosecutors’ request. Ms. Hunter was set free on supervised release, which I suppose means she has to check in with some kind of counselor once in a while, unless she can’t be bothered.

Plainly we are in Mr. Bumble’s territory here. What explains it?

Race and sex, that’s what. Black female petty criminal clocks white male cellist. She’s arrested and brought before a judge, name of Marva Brown, who is… a black female, pictured below.

Who in any position of judicial or administrative authority nowadays is not a black female?

Am I jumping to unwarranted conclusions based on irrational race and/or sex prejudice?

Am I hell.

Just tell me with a straight face, if you can, that had the person in the dock been a white male petty criminal charged with assault on a black female cellist, or even a white female ditto on a black male ditto, Judge Brown would have shown that same leniency. Tell me if you can.

Unless you are a continental-scale liar or deeply delusional, the words would stick in your throat unspoken.

So the criminal-justice system is FUBAR. How about civil justice?

Forward a few pages in my New York Post. Here are two retired New Yorkers, name of Landa, both 68 years old. They have an adult son afflicted with Down Syndrome.

Retiring last year, the Landas purchased, for two million dollars, a house in the pleasant New York City suburb of Douglaston, on Long Island’s north shore, twenty miles and a million-and-a-half dollars west of your genial host’s rustic abode. They signed the contract last October.

The Landas haven’t been able to move into their new home, though. There’s a squatter in there, a young fellow named Brett Flores, 32 years old. Mr. Flores was a resident caregiver to the previous owner, who died early last year. He just went on living in the house while whoever had inherited it conducted the sale to the Landas.

He’s still living there, refusing to move. He’s even tried to rent out rooms in the house to other tenants. He himself of course pays no rent. Nor does he pay property tax or utility fees—the Landas have been paying those since October. When the Landas tried to enter this house they own, Flores called the cops on them:

They’ve been to civil court five times to try to get him out; at a hearing in early January, he showed up without an attorney—which under the law halted proceedings, rather than forcing him to represent himself or forfeit.

More recently, he filed for bankruptcy, which under city law again blocks the owners from even continuing the case to get him out.

Queens couple’s squatter nightmare shows the madness of New York’s â€tenant protections,’ NY Post, February 29, 2024

These laws protecting squatters’ rights are a serious nuisance. I opened my January Diary with a segment about them, from which, quoting myself:

In New York State a squatter who’s been living on your property for thirty days or more has tenant rights, and those rights are generous. In the minds of our progressive lawmakers and the fools who vote for them, tenants belong to the class of oppressed people while landlords are of course oppressors. Get it? Seen through the CultMarx who-whom prism it all makes perfect sense.


Words of caution

I think I’m detecting some faint stirrings of triumphalism among my fellow immigration restrictionists.

My boss Peter Brimelow is smiling over at X about an exit poll from the February 24th South Carolina primary. Immigration led as “Most important issue” with 41 percent of those polled. Peter: “VDARE has waited a long time for this.”

Numbers like that are good to see, I agree. As’s designated pessimist, though, I feel bound to offer some words of caution. With all proper respect to the boss, triumphalism may be premature.

The impulse to mass immigration among the elites of Western nations is a mighty and relentless force, never to be underestimated. For poll numbers like those South Carolina ones to translate into national policy, you need a Ruling Class that actually likes the people it rules, or at a minimum doesn’t hate them. We don’t currently have a Ruling Class like that.

I am sure Peter remembers, as I do, the great surge of popular support for British politician Enoch Powell following his “Rivers of Blood” speech on April 20th 1968. That was the speech in which Powell warned against the downsides of mass Third World immigration. There is a good account of the speech and its consequences in Chapter 11 of Simon Heffer’s biography of Powell.

Britain’s political Establishment was shocked by the widespread public support for Powell. Heffer gives us a quote from Richard Crossman, then leader of the Labour Party-controlled House of Commons, later to become editor of the Establishment-Leftist weekly New Statesman:

Crossman, summing up the whirlwind of the preceding week in his diary for 27 Apri l, noted that Powell had “stirred up the nearest thing to a mass movement since the 1930s … Enoch is stimulating the real revolt of the masses … he has changed the whole shape of politics overnight … it has been the real Labour core, the illiterate industrial proletariat who have turned up in strength and revolted against the literate.”

(That diary entry of Crossman’s deserves pride of place in a catalog of educated progressives (Crossman was the son of a judge, educated at Winchester College) expressing their fear and disgust at the revealed preferences of filthy dimwitted gap-toothed Bible-thumping homophobic commoners, should anyone compile such a catalog.)

The polling on Powell’s great speech? From that same biography:

At the end of April, Gallup had undertaken a survey that showed beyond question that Powell had spoken for Britain. Of those questioned, 74 percent agreed with what he had said and only 15 percent disagreed … Before the Birmingham speech only 1 percent of those questioned had felt Powell would be the right man to replace [Tory Party leader Edward] Heath were there a vacancy … Now Powell, with 24 percent, was the clear favourite …

On May 9th, just three weeks after Powell’s speech, there were local elections. Heffer tells us that:

Officially, the main parties steered clear of immigration. Unofficially, it dominated the campaign. Conservative [Party] candidates and their helpers encountered mass support for Powell, and found it helping their cause.

Hoo-ee! With those great poll numbers and that “mass support” for an immigration-restrictionist politician, immigration must have been dramatically cut back in following years, right? Today, 56 years on from Powell’s speech, the demography of Britain should be very little changed from what it was in 1968, right?

Wrong! and wrong! The net migration numbers (immigration minus emigration) actually crept up a bit in 1969, the year following Powell’s speech. Then they took off through the 1970s and soared like a rocket through the 1990s and 2000s.

They are still way higher than in 1968. The net rate for this year is running at two and a quarter per thousand of Britain’s population. The rate in 1968 was negative zero point three per thousand—that is, a net e-migration.

The number for illegal immigration in its most obvious form—I mean, crossing the English Channel in boats as opposed to just overstaying a visa—was thirty thousand last year, and it’s on the same track so far this year.

Meanwhile those 56 years of null-P—that is, of ignoring Enoch Powell’s logic and its huge base of public support—have worked their demographic magic. Politicians, educators, and opinion leaders in Britain today cower in their homes and offices fearing assaults by Islamic radicals, mainly immigrants or descendants thereof.

One Member of Parliament has already been assassinated by a descendant of Somali immigrants; and that was before the passions unleashed by the Hamas attack on Israel and Israel’s response.

So: A smile and a chuckle over those South Carolina poll numbers? Sure, I’m smiling too. Triumphalism? Not yet.

Mass deportations?

Chatting with like-minded friends, I think a further spur to optimism has been the frequency with which the phrase “mass deportations” has been showing up lately in news reports from both here and Europe.

I’m fine with mass deportation as an idea, done humanely of course; but there are serious obstacles to it ever being done.

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Immigration, Political Correctness 

The biggest news story of the last few days has been the ruling by a New York Court that Donald Trump had, over several years, overvalued some of his properties in filings with banks and insurance companies.

The prosecutors argued that those overvaluations got the Trump Organization better terms than it would otherwise have got from those lenders, saving the Organization hundreds of millions of dollars.

This was a civil trial, not a criminal one. A civil trial usually involves some person or organization, the plaintiff, claiming that he, she, or it has been wronged in some way by some other person or organization, the defendant. Civil trials most often end with a cash settlement. Nobody goes to jail; and in jurisdictions with capital punishment, nobody gets executed.

Because life and liberty are not at stake, civil trials are looser than criminal trials. There won’t necessarily be a jury or a defense attorney, and the plaintiff’s case doesn’t have to made beyond a reasonable doubt, only on the preponderance of evidence.

All right, enough Law School 101: So these lenders, these banks and insurance companies, sued Trump for defrauding them, right?

Er, no. In fact, quote from the February 16th New York Times:

The victims—the bankers who lent to Mr. Trump—testified that they were thrilled to have him as a client

Trump’s Harsh Punishment Was Made Possible by This New York Law, by Ben Protess and Jonah E. Bromwich, February 16, 2024

So who was the plaintiff here, and how was he, she, or it wronged?

The plaintiff was’s nemesis, New York State Attorney General Letitia James. How had she been wronged by Trump overvaluing properties he owns? She hadn’t.

You see, New York State has a law (New York Executive Law § 63(12)) passed in 1956 and not much used, that lets the State Attorney General bring cases of civil fraud against defendants even when no identifiable person or organization has been harmed.

The A-G does not even, in fact, have to show that the defendant intended to defraud anyone, or that his actions resulted in financial loss.

The logic seems to be that there is a general wrong when someone does what Trump did, ”distorting the market” and ”undermining the integrity of New York’s business world,” to quote the A-G’s lawyers prosecuting the case.

In fact this prosecution was highly selective. The New York Times couldn’t find a single case, in all 67 years that law has been on the books, where it was used against an individual or a company that did not commit a criminal offense, or go bankrupt, or leave financial victims.

The prosecution was entirely political. When Letitia James was campaigning for the office of Attorney General in 2018 she openly promised that if elected she would destroy Trump.

She could not, at that point, have known of anything she might prosecute him on, least of all the obscure picayune law she eventually used. She just hated Trump’s politics. In search of something to prosecute him for, she sent her staffers out on fishing expeditions.

The promise ”Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” is generally attributed to Lavrenty Beria, Stalin’s secret-police chief. Whoever said it, it neatly encapsulates what passes for justice in totalitarian states … And now, in the U.S.A.

Letitia James’ partner in crime here was trial judge Arthur Engoron. There was no jury, so it was entirely up to Justice Engoron to settle the penalties. He went to the limit, hitting Trump with close to half a billion dollars in fines and interest.

He further loaded that up with restraints and restrictions that make it impossible for Trump to continue doing business in New York and difficult for him even to appeal the ruling. Not satisfied even then, he hit Trump’s two eldest sons with four-million-dollar fines each and two-year bans on doing business in New York.

This is deep trouble for the Donald. It’s not even clear how he can meet all the court’s conditions. He can of course appeal; but this is a state case, remember, and New York State appeals courts are just as loaded up with radical-progressive Trump-hating judges as the regular trial courts are.

Running for President is expensive, too. Having plenty of your own cash surely helps. Now Trump has way less cash than he had a month ago.

So: a major triumph for our communist ruling class and a body blow to those of us clutching to the dwindling hope that our nation’s justice system might keep itself standing clearly, firmly separate from the personal vendettas of powerful politicians.

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Donald Trump, Judicial System 

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

I hope readers will forgive me for yet another long grumble about New York State, where I live. I believe there are some general deductions to be made—issues bigger than just the Empire State.

I opened my January Diary with the plain declaration that “I love my country but I don’t much like my state.”

I recycled that in last week’s podcast to make the point that as bad as New York State is, New York City is worse.

I looked back to a town hall meeting that New York City Mayor Eric Adams had held at the end of January. Referring to a video clip of the meeting, I told you that Hizzoner was

…standing holding a mike, out in front of citizens who’d come to watch him speak. Seated in a long row some way behind him were twenty officers of the city, people Adams had appointed.

Watching that video clip later with more attention to the panning shots, I think the actual number of city officials in that row was 39, not twenty. Twenty-two were female, that’s 56 percent.

Identification by race and ethnicity defeated me. These were background shots, faces seen at a distance.

New York City—the city that Eric Adams is the Mayor of—is 31 percent non-Hispanic white, 29 percent Hispanic, 23 percent black, 17 percent other.

From what I could figure out, the city officers on show there were a little blacker than that, though not by much. How many of the whites were Hispanic, I can’t say. The opening address was given in English but with the Spanish text scrolling on a screen.

The main point of the meeting was for Mayor Adams to blame his dismal showing in opinions polls on racism. In aid of that he asked five of his Deputy Mayors to stand and show themselves.

Every one was a female. One was a light-skinned Indian lady.[Indian-American Meera Joshi nominated to serve on New York’s transport board, Press Trust of India, February 13, 2024]The other four were light-skinned blacks—mulattos or quadroons, two bearing Hispanic names.

Mayor Adams’ punch line, received with much applause: “Have you ever seen this much chocolate leading the city of New York?”

That, he went on to explain, is why he’s unpopular. Racism!

There was a withering deconstruction of that whole town meeting, in the February 7th New York Post by Bob McManus, the paper’s resident curmudgeon.

McManus writes:

Why an all-minority mayoral cabinet would by itself generate the poll numbers plaguing Adams is a mystery.

And, perhaps more to the point, the only white male in a major elected leadership role across all of New York is state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli.

Everybody else—the governor, state legislative leaders, New York’s attorney general, the chief judge of the Court of Appeals and the speaker of the New York City Council—is either of color, female, or both.

Note to NYC Mayor Adams: You’re not criticized because you’re ‘chocolate’ or ‘Jesus’, February 7, 2024

At that point, the following thought leapt right to the front of my mind, unbidden. Thought: “That’s your problem, right there.”

I didn’t mean Mayor Adams’ problem, I meant New York State’s larger cultural, legal, and political problem, of which the state’s crazy Attorney General Letitia James is merely an example.

Only one white male in a major elected leadership role across all of New York State?

There are some matters of definition to be sorted out there.

What about Senator Chuck Schumer? And the current Mayor of Binghamton is a non-Hispanic white guy. McManus can’t plead that he only meant people with just state-wide authority, having included the New York City Council Speaker in his list.

If we allow a little latitude for Pundit’s License, though, McManus probably isn’t far off. A position of executive, legislative, or judicial authority in New York State? White men need not apply.

Black women, on the other hand, need hardly go to the trouble of applying. They will be eagerly sought out and pushed forward by the current political apparatus.

As I noted here on last year as the fuss over Harvard President Claudine Gay was heating up:

Reading the news about our universities taking the side of Hamas after October 7th, I was a bit surprised to see that the President of Harvard University is a black woman.

I really shouldn’t have been. Black women zoomed to the top of the status ranks when I wasn’t paying attention. Educated black women are in terrific demand; every organization wants one. President of Harvard? Oh, definitely—got to be a black woman.

In February 2020, on the campaign trail, Joe Biden promised that if, as President, he got the opportunity to nominate a Supreme Court justice, he would nominate a black woman. He accordingly did so.

New York City Mayor Adams believes that by appointing five nonwhite females to be Deputy Mayors, he was striking a mighty blow against entrenched prejudice—boldly, fearlessly defying the established way of doing things.

In fact he was just scurrying along obediently with early-21st-century Western cultural fashion, like the midwit conformist he is.

Two more cases of social and cultural fashion for prejudice against white men showed up in news stories this week.

The first of them concerned those numbers out of the Writers Guild of America West that Steve Sailer posted at on Tuesday.


[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

I started out my January Diary grumbling about New York, the state of which I am a tax-paying resident. Quote from me: “I love my country but I don’t much like my state.”

Well, as bad as New York State may be, New York City is even worse. That came to mind the other day when I was watching video of New York City Mayor Eric Adams addressing a town hall meeting in Brooklyn at the end of January.

There in the video was Mayor Adams, standing holding a mike, out in front of citizens who’d come to watch him speak.

Eric Adams blames political woes on race, compares himself to Jesus in racially charged video

‘Have you ever seen this much chocolate lead in the city of New York?’ Adams said to an applauding crowd

By Michael Dorgan, Fox News, February 6, 2024

Seated in a long row some way behind him were twenty officers of the city, people Adams had appointed.

Here’s a brief sound clip.


Look at this team, folks. Look at this team. Look at my, look at my Deputy Mayors.

First Deputy Mayor: Sheena Wright. Deputy Mayor—Stand up! Stand up! They need to see you.

Deputy Mayor Williams-Isom. Deputy Mayor Meera Joshi. Deputy Mayor Almanzar. Deputy Mayor Maria Torres-Springer. (Applause.)

Have you ever seen this much chocolate leading the city of New York? (Applause.)

And then go down the line—look, look who’s here. This is representative of the city! That’s why people are hating on me.

You trying to figure out why they’re hating on me? They’re hating on me because …

How many of you go to church? Man, this is a Matthew 21 and 12 moment. Jesus walked in the temple. He saw them doing wrong in the temple, he did what? (Shouts from the audience.)

I went to City Hall to turn the table over.

The five Deputy Mayors Adams named there comprise four mulattos or quadroons, two of whom are apparently Hispanic, and one light-skinned Indian lady, Meera C. Joshi.

And before proceeding I cannot forbear telling you my favorite name of all the Mayor’s staffers: Tiffany Raspberry[Tweet her], right, his Director of Intergovernmental and External Affairs, another quadroon, or perhaps an octoroon.

Not only did I get a smile from the lady’s name, in fact, I got another one from her job title. “Director of Intergovernmental and External Affairs”: How can anyone acquainted with old British TV sitcoms not think of Sir Humphrey Appleby and his Department of Administrative Affairs?

Anyway, there was Mayor Adams explaining that the low opinion in which he’s held by the people of his city is caused by racism; and then doubling down by comparing himself to Jesus Christ.

So I guess the mayor’s low poll ratings are nothing to do with the squalor and lawlessness he presides over. In particular they are nothing to do with the battalions of illegal aliens crowded into city hotels, parks, and schools, or sleeping on the city streets.

To be perfectly fair to Mayor Adams, not all of what ails New York City is his fault. The illegal aliens, seventy thousand last time I checked, are a gift from Biden and Mayorkas, who show no interest in helping Adams out in any serious way.

The lawlessness is the fruit of legal and judicial reforms driven by other elected officials. Big names here are Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and New York State Governor Kathy Hochul. Both are quite strongly opposed to sending anyone to jail for anything at all—anyone, that is, whose name is not “Donald Trump.”

Governor Hochul proposes to close five state prisons in the next fiscal year[Hochul budget proposal includes language to expedite up to 5 prison closures bt Ryan Whalen, Spectrum Local News, January 16, 2024]. Prisons are bad, bad places, you see, the inmates disproportionately black because of “structural racism.”

Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg, whom Governor Hochul could dismiss if she wanted to—which of course she doesn’t—so favors illegality he made no objection to city courts releasing illegal aliens [Alleged migrant attack on NYC police sparks political uproar, BBC, February 2, 2024] —five of them without bail [ At least 7 arrested, accused of attacking police officers outside New York City migrant shelter, CNN, February 2, 2024]—who attacked police officers last month.


[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

Yesterday, I mentioned David Goldman’s scorn in his recent Asia Times piece (Mike Pompeo’s four China mistakes in one sentence, January 31, 2024) for what I called “our foolish and feckless China policy.”

I was still chuckling over Goldman’s critique when I settled down to watch Tucker Carlson interviewing Vladimir Putin on X.

The interview actually confirmed David Goldman’s scorn for our foreign policy elite. Our post-Soviet Russia policy was equally foolish and equally feckless.

Putin’s main beef is NATO’s eastward expansion, with our apparent intention to continue it all the way across Ukraine to Russia’s borders.

Given the facts of mid-20th-century history and the instability of Russia in the immediate post-Soviet years, you can’t blame the Baltic and East European states wanting to be in a defensive alliance.

Why did we have to be part of it, though? —in fact the lead decision-maker in it, sometimes overriding the wishes of European countries, according to Putin?

A sensible U.S. foreign policy would have been to leave NATO the week after the Warsaw Pact was dissolved in February 1991. The Europeans, who far exceeded Russia in population and wealth, and included two—count ’em, two—nuclear powers could then have handled the Eastern Question as they saw fit.

We, meanwhile, could have developed friendly, helpful relations with Russia as they got back on their feet after the Soviet fiasco.

They would be just another big, distant nation we could have commercial relations with, like India or Brazil.

Why didn’t we take that path? Because the architects of our foreign policy are, as David Goldman tells us, terminally stupid.

And who, exactly, are those architects? Our Presidents?

Well, here is Putin speaking about the year 2000. It’s at 30m52s in to the interview:

At a meeting here in the Kremlin with the outgoing President, Bill Clinton, right here in the next room, I said to him, I asked him, “Bill, do you think if Russia asked to join NATO, do you think it would happen?” Suddenly, he said, “You know, it’s interesting. I think so.” But in the evening when we met for dinner, he said, “I’ve talked to my team. No, no, it’s not possible now.”

Somewhat later, at 36m20s in, Putin describes a visit to the U.S.A. in 2007, when he met with then-President George W. Bush and his Dad in Kennebunkport, Maine. He suggested to the President and his team that Russia, the United States, and Europe all work together on a missile-defense system. Quote:

They said it was very interesting. They asked me, “Are you serious?” I said, “Absolutely” … “We need to think about it”, I’m told. I said, “Go ahead, please.”

That ended with U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visiting Putin in Moscow and, further quote from Putin, quote: “In the end, they just told us to get lost.”

These exchanges prompted Tucker Carlson to say, quote:

So twice you’ve described U.S. presidents making decisions and then being undercut by their agency heads. So It sounds like you’re describing a system that’s not run by the people who are elected.

“That’s right,” says Putin; and of course it is.

Presidents propose, but unelected apparatchiks dispose.

The U.S.A. is an administrative state. Bureaucrats make the key decisions. Why did we not quit NATO in February 1991 when the Warsaw Pact dissolved itself? Because there were too many “iron rice bowls” at stake—too many flunkeys with cozy, well-paid jobs exercising authority over lesser flunkeys.

Please don’t think I was nodding along in agreement to every single word Putin said. For one thing, my Russian isn’t good enough. For another, I assume that, as a trained KGB officer, Putin’s devotion to the truth is less than total. There were definitely some eye-rollers in there.

For example, he tells Tucker Carlson at 57m3s that, quote:

The German troops, even the SS troops, made Hitler’s collaborators do the dirtiest work of exterminating the Polish and Jewish population. Hence, this brutal massacre of the Polish and Jewish population.

When Putin says “Hitler’s collaborators” there, he is referring to Ukrainian Nazis, of which there were indeed some. Did any of them collaborate in the Katyn Forest Massacre of 1940, when more than twenty thousand Polish military officers and intellectuals were murdered by the Soviet secret police?

I suppose it’s possible; but the Massacre was ordered by Stalin and his Politburo. So far as we know from postwar investigations and trials, the murderers and their superiors were rank-and-file Soviet NKVD personnel, not especially Ukrainian.

The NKVD was of course the direct ancestor of the KGB, of which organization Putin was a faithful employee for fifteen years.

But why were there Ukrainian Nazis willing to fight against Russia?

I did a Ctrl-F on the entire transcript of Tucker’s interview with Putin, first looking for the word “Holodomor,” then just for the word “famine.” No hits in either case.

John Derbyshire
About John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire writes an incredible amount on all sorts of subjects for all kinds of outlets. (This no longer includes National Review, whose editors had some kind of tantrum and fired him. He is the author of We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism and several other books. His most recent book, published by com is FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT (also available in Kindle).His writings are archived at