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In La Defaite de l’Occidante, Emmanuel Todd claims that the collapse of the American empire was caused by the evaporation of Protestantism, which he describes as its hidden grammar.

America is now facing defeat in the Ukraine because of the complete disappearance of the Christian foundation of its culture, “un phénomène historique crucial qui, justement, explique la pulvérisation des classes dirigeantes américaines.”[1] Protestantism, which “to a large extent, has been the economic strength of the West, is dead.”[2] Both the United States and England have been caught up in a “centripetal, narcissistic then nihilistic drift,” which has led both the present empire and its predecessor to something which Todd calls the “Zero State,” which he defines as a nation state which is “no longer structured by its original values,” which in this instance means that the Protestant work ethic and the feeling of responsibility which previously animated its population has evaporated.[3] Both Trump and Biden epitomize the apotheosis of the Zero State because Washington’s decisions under both administrations have ceased to be moral or rational.

The Zero State was preceded by the Zombie State, which retains the form but is emptied of its content. Todd sees Benjamin Franklin as a typical Zombie Protestant, who no longer practices his religion but retains its ethics, attached to the values of honesty, work, seriousness, and always aware that man only has a limited amount of time.[4] Zombie Protestant society emerged in Europe when Germany and Great Britain created a world:

in which religious practice withers but where the social values of religion persist, as well as the rites of passage prescribed by the various Churches. Neither baptism, nor marriage, nor burial are called into question. But, as a sign that the West no longer respects the biblical commandment to “grow and multiply,” –fertility is falling in the middle classes. Deprived of its supervision, the Protestant work ethic in Britain devolved into pure nationalism.[5] Literacy is a fundamental Protestant value because sola scriptura requires the masses to be literate in order to have access to the Scriptures, which makes every man his own priest, thus promoting democracy and egalitarianism.

Todd derives his understanding of Protestantism from Max Weber’s famous book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. In his attempt to answer the question “Qu’est-ce quel’Occident?” Todd identifies himself specifically as a pupil of Weber. Todd is “en bon élève de Max Weber, qui plaça la religion de Luther et de Calvin à la source de ce qui apparaissait à son époque comme la supériorité de l’Occident.”[6]

The best exposition of the Weber thesis in the English-speaking world is R. H. Tawney’s Religion and the Rise of Capitalism. Tawney writes: “Weber, in a celebrated essay, expounded the thesis that Calvinism in its English version was the parent of capitalism.” According to Weber, “religious radicalism . . . went hand in hand with an economic radicalism.”[7] One of the first critiques of Weber’s thesis, however, noticed the connection between the Puritans and the Jews. In his 1907 book Jews and Modern Capitalism, Werner Sombart points out that everything Weber said about Puritans was a fortiori true of Jews. If Sombart’s earlier book on capitalism caused Weber to write his articles on the Puritan spirit, those articles led Sombart to write his book on the Jews. “In fact,” Sombart writes, “Max Weber’s researches are responsible for this book. I have already mentioned that Max Weber’s study of the importance of Puritanism for the capitalistic system was the impetus that sent me to consider the importance of the Jew, especially as I felt that the dominating ideas of Puritanism which were so powerful in capitalism were more perfectly developed in Judaism and were also of a much earlier date.”[8] Having read Weber’s thesis, Sombart wonders:

whether all that Weber ascribes to Puritanism might not with equal justice be referred to Judaism, and probably in a greater degree; nay, it might well be suggested that that which is called Puritanism is really Judaism.[9]

According to Sombart, Puritanism is nothing more than an aberrant form of Judaism because both are based on:

the preponderance of religion interests, the idea of divine rewards and punishments, asceticism within the world, the close relationship between religion and business, the arithmetical conception of sin, and, above all, the rationalization of life.[10]

Sombart was hardly the first one to notice the connection. He cites Heinrich Heine who asked: “Are not the Protestant Scots Hebrews, with their Biblical names, their Jerusalem, their pharisaical cant? And is not their religion a Judaism which allows you to eat pork?”[11] Or as one Calvinist put it: “If I am to say on my honour why I am become a Calvinist, I shall have to confess that the one and only reason which persuaded me was that among all the religions, I could find nothing which agreed so much with Judaism and its view of life and faith.”[12]

Writing 60 years before Sombart attempted to correct the Weber Thesis by claiming that Capitalism was Jewish, Karl Marx wrote in Zur Judenfrage that the worldly cult of the Jew was huckstering and his worldly god, money, and that the most Jewish country on the face of the earth was New England because of the Puritans who settled there:

the devout and politically free inhabitant of New England is a kind of Laocoon who makes not the least effort to escape from the serpents which are crushing him. Mammon is his idol, which he adores not only with his lips but with the whole force of his body and mind. In his view the world is no more than a Stock Exchange, and he is convinced that he has no other destiny here below than to become richer than his neighbour. Trade has seized upon all his thoughts, and he has no other recreation than to exchange objects. When he travels, he carries, so to speak, his goods and his counter on his back and talks only of interest and profit.[13]

Marx too emphasizes the practical sphere of life, specifically commerce, as the area in which Jewish values have most influenced their nominally Christian imitators and admirers, the Puritans. Money, not theology, is the true ecumenical lingua franca:

Money is the jealous god of Israel, beside which no other god may exist. Money abases all the gods of mankind and changes them into commodities. Money is the universal and self-sufficient value of all things. It has, therefore, deprived the whole world, both the human world and nature, of their own proper value. Money is the alienated essence of man’s work and existence; this essence dominates him and he worships it. . . . The god of the Jews has been secularized and has become the god of this world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange.[14]

As Tawney showed malgré lui, there is no difference on the theoretical level between the Puritan Divine and the Catholic Schoolman when it comes to the relationship between morality and economics. On the practical level, however, the opposite was true. If we ask what the Jew and the Puritan have in common on the practical level, the answer is Capitalism, not theology.


When I saw the headline—Catholics Cannot be Anti-Semites—I immediately wrote to Bishop Barron and asked him to inform the ADL that E. Michael Jones cannot be an anti-Semite because he is a Catholic. I have been maintaining that position for years, and it was heartening to have a famous bishop take my side in this argument.

When I read his article, however, I found that his headline had an entirely different meaning. According to his excellency, “Christianity collapses in on itself without constant reference to its Jewish antecedents.” Were the people of the Old Testament Jews? The term arrives relatively late in Scripture, and when it appears in the Gospel of St. John, it is pejorative.

If we are talking about Hebrews, on the other hand, there is no continuity between the people who followed Moses out of Egypt and the Jews who are now engaged in genocide in Gaza. Jesus Christ made that clear when he told the Jews of his day that they were not the children of Moses because they refused to accept Him as their Messiah. He then went on to say that their father was Satan. Does this mean that Jesus Christ was an anti-Semite? Bishop Barron denounced anyone who used the term “Synagogue of Satan” as anti-Semitic, even though the term is taken from the Book of Revelations.

Instead of mentioning any of these relevant passages, Barron, citing St. Paul, tells us that Jesus Christ is: “the yes to all the promises made to Israel,” which is certainly true, but only if the Jews accept baptism, something Bishop Barron failed to bring up in his dialogue with Ben Shapiro. Barron then tells us that “Pope Pius XI declared, ‘We are all spiritually Semites,’ and then as if finishing his syllogism, Barron concludes, “Hence, if you don’t get the Jews, you won’t get Jesus. It’s as simple and important as that.”

Barron then brings up the red herring of Marcionism, “One of the very earliest doctrinal disputes within Christianity.” Marcion claimed that the god of the Old Testament is Satan. Marcionism has made a comeback lately, but generally it is not an issue unless you’re talking to Marek Glogoczowski or Adam Green.

In the speech to the disciples who did not recognize Jesus on the way to Emmaus, Barron tells us that Jesus: “presents himself as the fulfillment of salvation history, the culminating point of the story of the Jews, the full expression of Torah, temple, and prophecy. And it was in the course of that speech that the hearts of the disciples commenced to burn within them.”

And we agree with what his excellency said there, but then he has to impose his tendentious interpretation of his exercise in proof texting on the unsuspecting read by claiming “It was that deeply Jewish speech that led them to conversion.”[1]

What does Barron mean by “deeply Jewish”? Why is that speech “deeply Jewish”? Why is it any more or less Jewish than any other speech in Scripture? Has he read the Gospel of St. John, who uses the term Jew 71 times and in every instance but one as a pejorative term?

Barron muddies the water further by citing the eminent theologian William F. Buckley. Buckley was the commissar who policed the perimeter of the concentration camp known as “conservatism.”

“When William F. Buckley was endeavoring to launch his journal National Review in the 1950s, he was eager to recruit the best and brightest among the conservative thinkers in the Anglosphere. But he was scrupulous in eliminating from consideration any who exhibited anti-Semitic attitudes, for he knew that they would undermine his project, both morally and intellectually.”

Missing from Barron’s claim is the fact that the early Buckley brought up Jewish participation in the Bolshevik Revolution with prominent Jews like David Suskind on Firing Line. By 1990, however, he had learned his lesson from Jewish “conservative” handlers like Norman Podhoretz and obligingly stabbed Pat Buchanan and Joe Sobran in the back in a monumental piece of incoherent bombast entitled “In Search of Anti-Semitism.”

With Buckley as his mentor, Bishop Barron now assumes the role of commissar for the Catholic Church, whose job is to expel “anti-Semites” from the Church “because they are, by definition, enemies of Christ.”

The phrase “enemies of Christ” brought another scriptural passage to mind, which Barron’s exercise in proof texting conveniently omitted. In I Thess 2, St. Paul refers to the Jews as “the people who put the Lord Jesus to death, and the prophets too. And now they have been persecuting us, and acting a way that cannot please God and makes them the enemies of the whole human race” (I Thess 2: 14-16).

Is Bishop Barron saying that St. Paul is an enemy of Christ because he said that the Jews were “enemies of the whole human race”? Is he saying that St. John is an anti-Semite because in his Gospel Jesus tells the Jews “Your father is Satan”?

Why is Bishop Barron determined to ignore these passages? Why is he no longer in California? Why is he determined to curry favor with the people who killed Christ? There are generally two answers to this question: sex or money or both via blackmail. Which brings us to Bishop Barron’s “disturbing muscleman fetish.”[2]

One year ago, an article appeared on the Internet claiming that Bishop Barron was causing scandal because he is “always surrounded by one or more muscular, tattooed men…. everywhere he goes…. What’s more disturbing, he employs them, he pays them higher than high salaries, and it appears that one or more of them lives with him.”[3] One of those men is Joseph (Joey) Gloor, Barron’s “producer, travel companion, roommate and closest friend.” Gloor is a male model who posts half-naked pictures of himself which emphasize his muscles and tattoos in ways that homosexuals find attractive. In return for this dubious activity, Gloor receives a $135,000 salary from Barron, something the author finds “extremely troubling,” troubling enough to bring to the attention of Barron’s new ordinary in Minnesota.

Virtually all of the allegations in this article appeared in June of 2022 in the National Catholic Reporter.[4] But that article ignored the homosexual muscleman fetish angle of the article which appeared one year later. The NCR article focused exclusively on women who raised charges of sexual harassment against Gloor and Barron’s handling of the charges. It did not mention the homoerotic atmosphere at Word on Fire ministries or the other body builders in Barron’s employ.

Barron was incardinated in the archdiocese of Los Angeles when rumors of his muscleman fetish began circulating. Apparently, Archbishop Gomez, ordinary of the LA archdiocese, was not amused. One month after the NCR article appeared, Barron was transferred to Minnesota, where the climate is not conducive to half-naked photo shoots.


I remember riding through Tehran next to Kevin Barrett listening to him tell me the story of his conversion to Islam. This was probably in 2013 at the first of many conferences I would attend over the next ten years organized by the late Nader Talebzadeh, a man who brought east and west together in a way that has been sorely missed since his untimely demise. The bus was full of Iranians who were evidently listening to our conversation. I know this because when Kevin said that he had been raised as a Unitarian, I replied “All you did was add camels to your Unitarianism,” at which point the Iranians on the bus all burst out laughing.

I have nothing against camels, but as “America’s leading Catholic intellectual,” as Kevin put it, I have a congenital allergic reaction to Unitarianism and more importantly to the Puritanism which spawned the Unitarian reaction by promulgating the distorted notion of Original Sin that goes by the term innate or total depravity. Ever since Ralph Waldo Emerson gave his Harvard Divinity school address, American culture has been plagued by two equally false understandings of Original Sin. Kevin continues that great American tradition by perpetuating that misunderstanding in one of his recent articles.[1]

Kevin dives into the deep end of the theological pool by citing as his authority on matters Catholic a young man by the name of Paul Kingsnorth. Kingsnorth is an Englishman, who converted from England’s version of Greta Thunbergism to Eastern orthodoxy, without picking up a rudimentary understanding of Christian theology along the way. Kingsnorth’s conversion, however, did allow him to dress up England’s ancestral hatred of Catholicism in theological terminology, and that led him to excoriate the Catholic Church for consigning “countless Irish babies . . . to unmarked graves and presumptive hellfire or purgatory because they were unbaptized.” I’m not sure whether presumptive hellfire is hotter than normal hellfire, but the idea that the Catholic Church sends “countless Irish babies” to hell “or purgatory” is a preposterous claim unknown in Catholic theology. To begin with, only the baptized can go to purgatory, where their souls are purged of the effects of the sins they have committed in this life. The souls in purgatory are known as the church suffering because they have been saved and will eventually enter heaven.

The Catholic Church affirms that baptism is necessary for salvation, but it also affirms that those who through no fault of their own could not know of Christ or his gospel or the requirement of baptism will be saved by how they follow the moral law which has been engraved on their conscience. The doctrine is known as invincible ignorance, and, unfortunately, it does not apply to people like Kingsnorth, who is presumably a member in good standing of the Orthodox church even though he does not understand its theology, which is identical to Catholic theology on baptism and Original Sin.

In a recent interview with Ben Shapiro, Bishop Robert Barron misused the idea invincible ignorance by applying it to Jews alive today. After Shapiro asked him “Am I going to hell?” Bishop Barron hemmed and then he hawed and then he invoked a misunderstanding of documents of Vatican II, when he should have asked simply, “Ben, are you baptized?” Shapiro presumably would have said “no,” and at that point Bishop Barron should have said, “Ben, if you refuse to be baptized, you cannot be saved.” In doing that Bishop Barron would have established at least one Catholic principle—the necessity of baptism for salvation—in a clear cut case, namely, the fact that the Jewish refusal to accept baptism denies them salvation.

The case of unbaptized infants is different even though the same principle applies. Kingsnorth then brings up limbo, another theological concept which he does not understand. Limbo is a theologoumenon, which is to say, a category of the mind which has been deduced according to human reason from theological principles which are certain, like “Baptism is necessary for salvation.” Limbo occupies a middle space between the theological certainty that Baptism is necessary for salvation and the moral certainty that God does not punish the innocent for sins that they did not commit. Original sin is not the same as actual sin. Original sin is a “wound,” the key concept that separates the Catholic understanding from the Calvinist belief in total depravity and the Unitarian Emersonian overly optimistic American version which Kevin seems to have inherited when he claims that nature and man are “perfect.” How anyone can watch the behavior of the unbaptized Israelis and their genocidal attack on innocent women and children in Palestine without feeling the need to appeal to a metaphysical understanding of evil is beyond me, probably because I’m a Catholic who follows the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, as expounded in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Following St. Paul, the Church has always taught that the overwhelming misery which oppresses men and their inclination toward evil and death cannot be understood apart from the connection with Adam’s sin and the fact that he has transmitted to us a sin with which we are all born afflicted, a sin which is the “death of the soul.” Because of this certainty of faith, the Church baptizes for the remission sin even tiny infants who have not committed personal sin.[2]

So, to answer the question posed by Kevin’s Muslim wife, who wondered “How could anyone possibly believe that innocent babies who haven’t done anything wrong are sinful?” the Catholic Church responds:

Although it is proper to each individual, original sin does not have the character of personal fault in any of Adam’s descendants. It is a deprivation of original holiness and justice, but human nature has not been totally corrupted. It is wounded in the natural powers proper to it: subject to ignorance, suffering, and the domination of death; and inclined to sin—an inclination to evil that is called “concupiscence.” Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ’s grace, erases original sin and turns a man back toward God, but the consequences for nature, weakened and inclined to evil, persist in man and summon him to spiritual battle.[3]

Kingsnorth to his credit brings up the concept of sin embodied in the Greek term “hamartia,” which he does not name, but which does derive from archery. Virtuous behavior is like the arrow which hits the target. Sin is the arrow which misses the target by going to one side—in this instance the Calvinist exaggeration—or the other—in this instance the Emersonian minimalization of Original Sin which still plagues the mind of Unitarianism insofar as it still has a mind left to plague. The Catholic understanding of Original Sin is related to the Catholic understanding of penance, or the effort required to remove the effect of sin even after the sin has been confessed. According to St. John Chrysostom, sin is like an arrow. Even after the arrow has been removed, the wound remains requiring healing. The same thing is true of Original Sin, which is the “wound” which Adam’s sin bequeathed to the entire human race. No one enters heaven until that wound has been healed by the grace of baptism.


[1] Kevin Barrett, Zionism is Antichrist, December 3, 2023.

[2] Catechism of the Catholic Church , para 403.

[3] Catechism of the Catholic Church, para. 404.

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Catholic Church, Islam, Original 

On Monday, October 30, CNN and Fox ran reports of grieving family members from Lewiston, Maine, who had lost relatives in “the most lethal act of firearms violence in the state’s history.”[1] Three days earlier, the perpetrator had been found dead inside a cargo trailer parked on the lot of a recycling plant where he once worked. Every death diminishes me, as John Donne once said, but no matter how much we mourn for the dead, we need to put a stop to the pernicious undercurrent beneath the mourning which claims that the people who died in Lewiston, Maine were somehow innocent victims. No one on either Fox or CNN was willing to state the obvious. These people deserved to die. Let me list three reasons why.

First of all, every single victim was white. As Noel Ignatiev, the late Harvard professor once put it, decent people need to unite to “Abolish the white race – by any means necessary.”[2] Robert R. Card, the lone deranged gunman in this case, was only carrying what Ignatiev advocated to its logical conclusion, a conclusion shared by virtually every proponent of Critical Race Theory in the United States.

The second reason all of these people deserved to die is that all of the so-called victims were engaged in bowling when they were killed. Bowling, those of us who are old enough to remember its halcyon days know, was an exclusively white activity in a country which still had laws upholding segregation in many southern states at the time.

Finally—and here I come to the main reason why all of these people deserved to die—Lewiston voted for Donald Trump Unmentioned in any of the reporting on the Lewiston Bowling alley shooting was the fact that Donald Trump carried Maine’s second congressional district, which encompasses Lewiston and virtually the entire geographical area of the state of Maine in 2016 and 2020. Maine’s second congressional district is, as you probably suspected, 90.9 percent white.[3]

I know that this conclusion will shock many people, but I am not alone in holding these views, nor should these views be considered hate speech. If they were they would have been banned from You Tube, but even though Alain Soral faces jail time for calling a journalist a “fat lesbian,” Ben Shapiro can advocate Palestinian genocide in Gaza with impunity on You Tube. YouTube also regularly features Jews angered over the current war in Gaza calling for the extermination of Palestinians with impunity. So, it can’t be hate speech, at least as You Tube defines the term.

More importantly, however, I base my claim that there were no innocent victims in the Lewiston bowling alley shootings on the writings of that distinguished moral theologian, Rabbi Dov Fischer, who opined in an article entitled “What Israel Needs to do Now” in the American Spectator that all of the residents of Dresden including all non-combatants, refugees, women and children deserved to die because “the German citizens of Dresden freely voted to make Hitler their democratically elected leader.”[4] If that is the case, then the bowlers in Lewiston deserved to die for voting for Donald Trump. Given Rabbi Fischer’s premises, no other conclusion is possible.

According to Rabbi Fischer’s Talmudic moral theology, that means that “it is imperative” to “exterminate Hamas” even if this means killing innocent civilians, i.e. babies, in Gaza” because “Hamas controls Gaza” in 2023 every bit as much as the Nazis controlled Dresden in 1945. If everyone in Gaza, including women and children, deserves to die “because the population of Gaza have voted for them [Hamas] repeatedly,” as Rabbi Fischer puts it, then I see no reason why the citizens of Lewiston shouldn’t be gunned down for voting for Donald Trump. As Rabbi Fischer would put it, the white people who were gunned down while bowling in Lewiston “are no more innocent than German voters in Dresden who elected Hitler”[5] or the Palestinian babies who are dying under the rubble created by Israeli bombing runs in Gaza.

I know many of my readers may find this conclusion unpalatable and morally repugnant, but it flows logically from the Talmudic thinking that determines our current foreign policy. More importantly it comes from distinguished Jewish rabbis, who can say with Secretary of State Blinken that they have relatives who died in the Holocaust. As I have pointed out in my recent book The Holocaust Narrative, the Holocaust has been used to justify crimes against humanity ever since the founding of the state of Israel. So, it must be true in some sense that that the goyische kop may not understand but should follow, nonetheless.







The good news according to E. Michael Jones

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The good news is that World War III has been postponed due to events beyond the Zionists’ control. The bad news is that they’re still trying to figure out how to blow up Al-Aqsa and build a gay disco called The Pink Heifer.

That, anyway, seems to be the considered opinion of this week’s False Flag Weekly News commentator, Dr. E. Michael Jones. Below are excerpts from our conversation.

Kevin Barrett: So here’s our big story. And no, I’m not going to play that song again. Send us money and we won’t play that song again.

Here’s the aircraft carrier. Two of them actually, the Ford and the Eisenhower. Each one has 5,000 sailors on board. Today a few cheap anti-ship missiles probably within reach not only of mid-level powers, not only the serious regional powers like Iran, for example, but even maybe an individual, a wealthy Gulf individual, could probably take out one of these things with 5,000 people on board. There go 10,000 dead Americans into Davy Jones’ locker. Is sending these aircraft carriers right off the coast of Gaza and telling them to say “quack quack” as stupid as I think it is?

E. Michael Jones: It’s the principle of showing the flag. That’s always the principle. If the Greeks don’t pay their debt, the British Navy shows up and bombards Athens, and then they pay their debt. That’s the way it works. The trouble is that the game has shifted to the point that missiles now have made the aircraft carrier obsolete. Now, I don’t think that Hamas has a missile that can sink an aircraft carrier…

Kevin Barrett: But “Hamas” in quotation marks, spoken with a thick Hebrew accent, probably does.

E. Michael Jones: What we do know is that Putin just made a comment. He said “we have a Kinzhal missile” that can sink an aircraft carrier. It’s not a threat, just a statement of fact.

(The Americans) want to intimidate Hamas into giving up. But the problem is that the Israeli air force has already done what the American aircraft carrier can do— they’ve already bombed Gaza. So the Americans could fly in and bomb the rubble again if they wanted to. But the main issue now is whether there’s going to be a ground invasion. And at this point the United States has announced that they have 2 000 troops ready to…enter the tunnels. As I’ve said before, I don’t think the Israelis are willing to enter the tunnels that Hamas has dug. I’m saying this based on what happened in 2006 when it was Hezbollah in the tunnels in Lebanon. Hezbollah had anti-tank missiles that stopped the Merkava tanks, and the Israelis would not go into the tunnels. So I don’t think anything’s changed here. The aircraft carrier is, in this respect, irrelevant. They can only do what has already been done, and that doesn’t need to be done at this point.

Kevin Barrett: Well, if they send Americans into the tunnels to die for the Zionists, I for one am going to be even more annoyed than I already am. But some folks like Bernard over at Moon of Alabama say this aircraft carrier here couldn’t possibly be for use against Hamas (but is instead intended to escalate the war on Syria.)

E. Michael Jones: I don’t think so. I think that the whole point of Biden’s visit was to be the good cop in the good cop bad cop scenario. And I think this is why the Israelis attacked the hospital, in order to narrow his ability to maneuver diplomatically.

Kevin Barrett: Okay, let’s move on to the Gaza Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital explosion story…It was just so insane. It’s shocking to me that people were buying the Zionist version of it.

What actually happened apparently was that a huge Israeli airburst bomb went off above the hospital. And in front of the hospital there were hundreds of Palestinian refugees that Israel had chased out of their homes. And they were sheltering there, thinking it was safe. So Israel just did an airburst right above them and killed hundreds of people who were not even protected by the building. And this confused some people because the hospital itself didn’t get flattened. But it was actually the people outside the hospital that got killed, for the most part.

The mainstream media has been split on this. A lot of them are parroting this ridiculous Zionist cover story that they recorded Hamas saying it was actually Islamic Jihad that did it. But it turns out that’s a complete joke. The recording is blatantly inauthentic. It’s almost like a parody. So even the mainstream is starting to question this, as Caitlin Johnson pointed out. And the pushback is getting pretty extreme.

So, Mike, let’s talk a little bit about the hospital bombing. Why did the Zionists repeatedly tell us they were going to bomb this hospital, send a bunch of non-warheaded rockets to “knock on the door” to show that they were going to bomb it, then did bomb it with an airburst, killing hundreds of people who were sheltering outside? And then they admitted it and bragged about it on Twitter, and then deleted the tweet, then made up a completely transparent bogus cover story, and somehow forced Joe Biden and about half of the mainstream media to parrot this transparently ludicrous cover story?

E. Michael Jones: Yeah, that’s what’s called having your cake and eating it too: They got the effect of it (and the blame-the-Resistance propaganda narrative.) When they realized that it’s caused huge amounts of international protest, they denied that it happened and cooked up this story of a Hamas rocket that sort of went off track. And Biden buys into it. So the question is, did it limit his ability (to broker a deal)? Because he clearly came with the idea that he was going to be the broker.

That was the whole point of the first (post-October 7 US diplomatic visit) when Blinken showed up and said “I come not only as United States Secretary of State, but also as a Jew.” Well, you just lost all your credibility.

Kevin Barrett: And then he starts rambling about the Holocaust, as he always does.

E. Michael Jones: Everywhere he goes, every time he gives a speech, he immediately says, “I have relatives who died in the Holocaust.” It’s wearing a little thin now. But I think he lost. They had to reestablish that notion that the United States is a kind of broker between two sides. And I think that’s why Netanyahu wanted to attack the hospital to force him over toward the Israeli side.

But it looks as if they did the same thing (attempt to broker a deal) anyway. So today the story is that Biden is going to give a speech: The trucks are lined up, the humanitarian aid is going to go in because Biden brokered a deal. So it’s like two steps forward, one step back, as far as I can tell.


In May of 2023, the Biden Administration released the first U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, a document which President Biden claimed “represents the most ambitious and comprehensive U.S. government-led effort to fight antisemitism in American history.”[1]

The historical significance of this document diminished considerably in light of the legal disclaimer which preceded its content. According to that disclaimer:

The U.S National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism does not supersede, modify, or direct an interpretation of any existing federal, state, or local statute, regulation, or policy. It does not constitute binding guidance for the public, states, localities, or Federal agencies and therefore does not require compliance with the principles described herein. The strategy does not purport to alter or preempt existing statutes, regulations, policies, or the requirements of the Federal, state, or local agencies that enforce them. The strategy shall therefore be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations. Nothing in this strategy shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect or influence the authority of the Department of Justice, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in the performance of their responsibilities with regard to the direction, conduct, control, planning, investigation, organization, equipment training, exercises, or other activities concerning counterterrorism, intelligence, and law enforcement activities. Such activities are outside the scope of the strategy. This strategy should also therefore not be construed to discuss or comment on any ongoing federal litigation or investigation.[2]

The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism attempts to cover up the fact that it has no legal standing by directing our attention to its breathtaking scope in seeking to control every aspect of American life, including the Department of Agriculture (USDA), which “will provide educational opportunities for law enforcement agents of the U.S. Forest Service to learn how to identify and counter antisemitic, Islamophobic, and related forms of discrimination.”

Who knew that Smokey the Bear was an anti-Semite?

The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism demands that “American sports teams” will now have to “collaborate with nonprofit organizations and one another to create and share best practices for educating fans about Judaism, Jewish heritage, culture, and identity, and the Holocaust, and empowering them to combat antisemitism and all forms of hate.” If the people behind the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism get their way “American leagues” will be forced to commemorate “Holocaust Remembrance Day, similar to how sports leagues observe Memorial Day and 9/11, and to recognize Jewish American History month.”

In June 2023, as part of the publicity campaign surrounding the release of the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, Antony Blinken appeared in a video produced by the World Jewish Congress in which he claimed that his step-father, Samuel Pisar, was sent to Auschwitz as a 12-year old when the Nazis invaded Bialystock, Poland. Samuel Pisar was born in 1929 to Helena and David Pisar, a well-to-do Jewish family which had made its fortune from founding the first taxi company in the area. After being arrested, Pisar spent four years in Nazi concentration camps. Pisar claims that he was sent to the gas chambers at Auschwitz twice and that he managed to evade being killed the second time by picking up a brush and pail and pretending he’d been sent to clean the floors. Pisar’s account of his escape from the gas chamber fails to explain how he could mop a floor covered with dead Jews. “Slowly, I creep forward on the floor. The people whose legs I touch are too benumbed to notice. Reaching the pail, I wet the brush in the water and begin scrubbing the floor. . . . Slowly, I inch my way toward the exit. Now, one of the guards who had brought us in catches sight of me through the open door and looks indifferently the other way, supposing I am carrying out orders. . . . Carrying the pail, with the brush and rag inside, I walk slowly to the door, then out into the open. I expect to be stopped — a cry, an order, a blow on the head. Nothing. With slow, measured steps I walk toward the other barracks and lose myself in the anonymity of the camp.”[3]

Pisar, who, according to Blinken’s account, was the only member of his family to survive, seems to have led a charmed life. Not only did he purportedly survive the Zyklon B gas which killed all of the other Jews in the same room he was cleaning, Pisar also escaped from a death march at the end of the war, after he and and some of his friends “made a break for it,” hiding out in the forest for days. According to Blinken’s account:

one day from their hideout, they heard a deep rumbling sound and saw something that they dreamed of seeing but never imagined that they would see, a tank. But instead of having the iron cross on it, it had the white five-pointed star. As he got to the tank, the hatch opened up and a large African American GI looked down at him. And he looked up at the GI and got down on his knees and said the only three words in English that he knew that his mother had taught him before they were separated “God Bless America.” The American GI reached down and pulled him up into the tank, into freedom, into America.[4]

It’s a moving story. Unfortunately, it never happened. It never could have happened because the 761st was over 100 miles (174 kilometers, to be precise) away from Dachau when it was liberated by the Allies on April 29. Pisar was even even farther away from Coburg, which is 328 kilometers away, when Pisar was hiding out in the woods near Penzing before the liberation of Dachau. This makes Blinken and his late step-father Samuel Pisar Holocaust liars.

You can go to jail in 16 countries in Europe if you deny the Holocaust, but no one ever goes to jail for lying about the Holocaust. That means that you can go to jail for denying a lie. Is saying that Samuel Pisar was never near the 761st Tank Battalion Holocaust denial?

If Deborah Lipstadt, the Biden Administration official who is the main author of the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, gets her way American citizens will go to jail for Holocaust denial, which in this instance means denying things that never happened. Deborah Lipstadt was a fervent promoter of Binyamin Wilkomirski’s Holocaust memoir Fragments. If Lipstadt has her way, you would have gone to jail for denying that Wilkomirski was sent to a concentration camp as a Jewish child from Latvia.

That means that 60 Minutes reporter Ed Bradley was involved in Holocaust denier because he exposed the fact that “Wilkomirski” was really a Swiss citizen by the name of Bruno Doessekker.[5] Doessekker was not a Jew, and he had never been near a concentration camp. He made up Fragments out of whole cloth, but Lipstadt loved his book. If she has her way the entire crew of 60 Minutes would have gone to prison for exposing his hoax.

“Binyamin Wilkomirski” aka Bruno Doessekker is a Holocaust liar. Because she promoted his book, Deborah Lipstadt is a Holocaust liar after the fact. She is an accessory to what should be a crime, because Holocaust denial can land you in prison.


The ADL used to state clearly that E. Michael Jones was not a racist. That situation changed on July 14, 2023, when the ADL posted a revised profile on me which contained the following assertion:

In his writings, Jones has claimed that his views on Jews are not based on racial theories and that he is “anti-Jewish” but not “antisemitic.” During an April 2023 podcast, however, Jones undermined his claim when he stated, “The Jewish people are defined by their DNA. They have defective DNA so they can’t help themselves but be subversive people.”[1]

On they same day, Jonathan Greenblatt opened the same culture war on the religious front when he tweeted: “The idea that Judaism is treacherous toward Christianity – including Catholicism – is antisemitic and false. Conspiracy theories like the ones E. Michael Jones spreads put Jews in danger and we must fight these hateful messages.”[2]

Andrew Torba picked up Greenblatt’s use of the word “treacherous” and posted the following tweet:

Talmudic Judaism of today is nothing at all like the Judaism of the OT—which ceased being a religion in 70 AD when the temple was annihilated as Christ said it would be. No temple, no OT Judaism. Something new took its place and was formed by the Jews who rejected and continued to reject Jesus Christ. All you have to do is read the book of Acts to see how the Jews who rejected Christ persecuted first century Christians—including ethnically Jewish believers. You can also read the Talmud to see all of the treacherous things it has to say about Goyim (non-Jews). Or simply look how Jews like you treat Christians like myself and @EMichaelJones1 today. Nothing has changed in 2,000 years. Same song and dance. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, Jonathan. This is my sincere and honest prayer for you.[3]

I then joined the discussion by tweeting:

Andrew Torba’s analysis has forced Jonathan Greenblatt to sail into dangerous waters. We know that Greenblatt is an expert at defamation. That is his job as head of the ADL. But to engage in this fight, he’s going to have to become an expert on Catholicism and its foundational texts, all of which support Torba’s contention that the Jews rejected Christ and persecuted Christians, and that they continue to do it to this day.[4]

This exchange put Greenblatt in a bind. Unable to come up with any documentation that would refute what Torba said about Christianity, Greenblatt had to revert to playing the race card, but unfortunately for him the claim that I held racial views was based on a lie. The ADL deliberately misrepresented my description of anti-Semitism as racial as something that I espoused, when in fact the context of the quote cited on the ADL website made it clear that I espoused the opposite position.

Here is what I actually said on that podcast. After my assistant Mike Bagiackas asked, “Dr. Jones, if you had a catholic definition of antisemite, what would that be?” I responded by saying:

It’s the original definition of the term, which is basically that the Jewish people are defined by their DNA. They have defective DNA, and so they can’t help themselves, [they can’t help] but be subversive people because of a form of biological determinism. That’s what anti-Semitism means; that’s what Wilhelm Marr was talking about when he came up with the term in 1870-1871. Because he was a revolutionary, he didn’t want to use the classic Catholic arguments, so he came up with this biological determinist argument, [but] it makes no sense! If you go to traditional discussions, Catholic discussions of anti-Semitism, they will say, basically; well, look, everybody, there’s a big drama going on here in Jerusalem at the time of Christ, and you’ve got two groups who are duking it out; they’re battling each other. Both the Jews who accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and the Jews who rejected Christ as the Logos incarnate have the same DNA. They are indistinguishable from each other racially, and so racial distinctions make no difference here. So, if you were to say, that the Gospels are anti-Jewish, well, you’re right! You’re absolutely right. The Gospel of St. John is anti-Jewish, there’s no question about it, because it’s that conflict I just described to you. But whenever they say that, there’s always a sleight of hand that switches to anti-Semitic, anti-Semitic means racial, and suddenly you’ve got the Catholics guilty of racial hate crimes. That’s what has to be clarified; that’s the distinction that has to be made and we should not allow ourselves to be railroaded into a position we don’t take.[5]

That, however, is precisely what Greenblatt’s ADL tried to do here. He took the racial position which I had articulated as the opposite of what I believed and claimed that I held the position that I set out to refute, in the hope that no one would go back to the original source and discover Greenblatt’s mendacity, or his chutzpah, in trying to pull off this flagrant misrepresentation of what I believed. In order to turn me into a racist, the ADL had to lie about me and say that I said the exact opposite of what I said. But it didn’t work. Greenblatt overplayed his hand.

Once the original video got posted, the ADL tried to back away from what they had just said about me by removing my original quote and replacing it with the following parenthetical statement. “A previous version mistakenly stated that E. Michael Jones endorsed racial antisemitism,” hoping that no one would notice their sleight of hand. Well, a lot of people did notice, and even more people noticed after I tweeted:

The ADL backs down. Caught with its pants down, @ADL amended its website attack on me to say “(A previous version mistakenly stated that E. Michael Jones endorsed racial antisemitism.)” while deleting some defamatory accusations but adding other inflammatory language. If the ADL were truthful, it would delete its entire piece on me and substitute a legend that said: “A previous version mistakenly said that E. Michael Jones is an anti-Semite. We apologize.”

As the comments on their Tweet made clear, the ADL does not apologize. They are in the defamation business, and the risks involved in that business involve a certain amount of damage control to avoid lawsuits—hence, their disclaimer—but legal jeopardy is only one of Jonathan Greenblatt’s problems. He now has to deal with the fact that he has accepted my definition of anti-Semitism. If, as he put it, anti-Semitism can be defined by the claim that “The Jewish people are defined by their DNA. They have defective DNA so they can’t help themselves but be subversive people,” then he is admitting that I have been right all along in defining anti-Semitism as a form of biological determinism. Proof that Greenblatt and the ADL accepted my biological definition is the fact that they used it to defame me. As soon as they were caught in that lie, they had to admit that I never held that position, which means that, according to their definition, I am not an anti-Semite. More than that, they have admitted that being anti-Jewish is not the same as being anti-Semitic, which means in effect that those who base their criticism of Jews on theological and not biological grounds, as Andrew Torba did, cannot be accused of anti-Semitism. Then, after bringing up the race vs. religion distinction, the ADL tells us to ignore it because Jones’s “hate-fueled rhetoric. . . makes any such distinction academic.”[6]

• Category: Ideology • Tags: ADL, Judaism, Racism 

After mentioning on my weekly podcast the story of the Los Angeles Dodgers inviting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to perform disgusting, blasphemous rituals at one of their base ball games, I received the following e-mail:

Dr. Jones, here is a treatise I wrote for the California Coastal Commission about my hometown of Carlsbad, CA and how it is controlled by the Jewish Mafia (“La Costa Nostra”). Both my father and I have had direct contact with the Chicago Outfit (Moe Dalitz and Ron Klain). I was given the courage to write this by reading your books. I am the proud owner of most of your books. I watched your EMJ Live #26 on the Sisters and the Dodgers and there is a paragraph on the Dodgers and the Jewish Mob. The Irish Catholic owner from Boston [Frank McCourt] was forced to sell the Dodgers to the Guggenheim Partners because his Jewish Mafia wife took him to the cleaners in her divorce settlement. After her settlement the Irish guy sold the team for over $1 billion and she tried to re-litigate her settlement to get the Guggenheim’s money back. This is an old Sidney Korshak trick.

According to Wikipedia, Guggenheim Partners is a “family vehicle” which manages over $300 billion in assets. The origins of that fortune stretch back to 1847 when Meyer Guggenheim arrived in America and got involved in mining and metal refining. Later the Guggenheim family got involved in banking, and compound interest insured that their wealth would grow exponentially to the massive fortune they possess today.[1]

No matter what it looks like at first glance, the Dodgers-Sisters story is a Catholic-Jewish battle best explicated by the sociological theory known as the Triple Melting Pot, which specifies that after three generations all immigrant groups assimilate according to religious belief, in particular by becoming Protestants, Catholics, or Jews. Like Yugoslavia, which had a similar tripartite division between Croats, Serbs, and Muslims, America has been a battlefield for warring ethnic factions from the beginning of the 20th century.

The Dodgers-Sisters story is a repeat of the Legion of Decency Battle over Hollywood films in the 1930s. That Catholic-Jewish battle got fought at a time when the Catholics were strong. The Jews were weak at that moment in American history because they had to go heavily in debt to finance the studios’ transition to talking pictures. When the Italian Catholic who was head of Bank of America withdrew its line of credit, the Jews ran up the white flag and implemented the Hollywood Production Code, which banned among other things nudity, obscenity, and ridicule of the clergy, which by extension meant banning blasphemy of the sort the Sisters have engaged in on a routine basis for over 40 years now. I first saw this group up close during Pope John Paul II’s visit to San Francisco on September 18, 1987. Their disgusting blasphemous parody of the sacred mysteries of the Catholic faith has only grown more overt and more vicious, and the more offensive they become, they more they become cultural icons in a society controlled by people who consider abortion, sodomy, and blasphemy fundamental Jewish values.

Faced with the Dodgers’ endorsement of homosexual blasphemy, Bishop Robert Barron called on Catholics to boycott Dodgers’ baseball games.[2] The main difference between now and then is that Catholics have lost their unity largely by pretending that Jews are their elder brothers in the faith, This exercise in wishful thinking entails ignoring the Jews’ continued involvement in cultural and moral subversion. I am routinely denounced as an anti-Semite for drawing attention to these realities by fellow Catholics, who studiously ignore things like the #Jewishandproud video produced by the World Jewish Congress which proudly announced that Jews were behind every culturally subversive movement in 20th century America. The Jews call their right to destroy your culture Tikkun Olam.[3]

During the Legion of Decency battle of the 1930s, Catholics had a better understanding of what was going on. In a letter to then editor of America Magazine, Wilfrid Parsons, S.J., Joe Breen referred to Hollywood moguls like the Warner Brothers as Jews of Eastern European origin who were obsessed with sex and making money. Breen referred to them as “the scum of the earth” and claimed that people like this should not enjoy a monopoly in determining what Americans saw when they went to the movies.[4] Breen went on to say that Hollywood was run by “a rotten bunch of vile people with no respect for anything beyond the making of money. Here we have Paganism rampant and in its most virulent form. Drunkenness and debauchery are commonplace. Sexual perversion is rampant…any number of our directors and stars are perverts. Ninety-five percent of these folks are Jews of an Eastern European lineage.”[5] For telling the truth about the habits of those who were in charge of Hollywood, Breen was denounced as “notoriously anti-Semitic.”[6]

The Legion of Decency was created to orchestrate a boycott any time the Jews in charge of Hollywood studios violated the Production Code. Cardinal Dougherty of Philadelphia organized a boycott of Warner Brothers theaters that was so successful that it had Harry Warner crying “tears as big as horse turds,”[7] to use Joe Breen’s colorful phrase, because he was losing $100,000 a week in Philadelphia alone. That boycott would not have been successful if Joe Breen had been saddled with the idea that the Jews were his elder brothers in the faith, as many bishops including Bishop Barron, have indicated since then. Nostra Aetate was the main weapon the Jews used to destroy the Legion of Decency.

Catholics have been divided ever since. In his Time Magazine article on American Catholics, which appeared one month after John F. Kennedy was elected president, Rev. John Courtney Murray, S.J. specifically mentioned “boycotts” as something Catholics would have to give up if they wanted to be accepted as Americans in good standing. Like American Blacks, American Catholics lost their cultural identity and their political power the moment they accepted integration into American society on that society’s terms rather than their own.

For over half a century now, Notre Dame university has played a crucial role in robbing Catholics of their cultural identity and their political power in exchange Notre Dame became fit for polite company and received federal money. We all knew that. The story of the Land o Lakes alienation of Church property and the payback Notre Dame got for undermining the Catholic position on contraception is now part of the American Catholic narrative, thanks in no small part to articles I wrote in Culture Wars magazine and chapters in books like John Cardinal Krol and the Cultural Revolution and Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control.

Few people, however, understand Notre Dame’s role in rehabilitating and promoting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and their public blasphemy. The initial reaction against the first announcement that the Sisters would perform at Dodgers’ games was so intense, the Dodgers’ management rescinded the invitation. Then mysteriously the Dodgers backtracked, rescinded their rescinded invitation and issued a public apology to the homosexual “community” in Los Angeles. The main person responsible for the apology and re-instating the Sisters so that they could perform at Dodgers games was a Notre Dame alumna and Los Angeles County Supervisor by the name of Lindsey P. Horvath, who:

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Catholic Church, Jews, LGBT, Political Correctness 
How Artificial Intelligence destroyed the Holocaust

The world’s smartest Jew recently gave a talk on the dangers that artificial intelligence posed for the future of humanity. Yuval Noah Harari claims the fear films like Terminator and The Matrix inspired is misplaced. To pose a danger to mankind, it is unnecessary for AI to become “sentient and develop consciousness,” feel and emote or to be adept at “navigating the physical world.”[1] All that AI needs to take over the world is “the ability to manipulate and generate language,”[2] which it is now able to learn all by itself. Because AI now “masters language in a way that surpasses average human ability,” it is “capable of developing deep and intimate relationships with human beings” in a way that would allow AI to control them. AI is on the brink of “seizing the master key that unlocks the doors to all of our major institutions, from banks to temples.”

As I pointed out in a chapter on this Israeli thinker in Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality, Harari’s mind has been crippled by an uncritical adoption of materialistic tropes he has absorbed—sometimes consciously, sometimes not—from his understanding of Darwinism. As Dennis Bonnette pointed out, most people’s understanding of AI arises:

from the inherently positivistic assumptions that tend to accompany a technological age, such as ours, in which natural science is seen by many as the only true and objective way of looking at the world. All this begets a kind of metaphysical materialism in which everything we find in the cosmos is the product of material entities and the physical forces which govern their behavior.[3]

If consciousness and human language are the result of random mutation, then random mutation can bring about a new super species which will leave humans behind and as obsolete as the dinosaurs:

Since Darwinian naturalism views living things as the end product of material forces and particles, it is naturally assumed that the emergence of self-reflection and intelligence in man is also simply the natural product of eons of physical and organic evolution, such that complex neural networks found in highly evolved brains eventually gives rise to self-awareness and even complex forms of thinking in later hominins, including Homo sapiens. It is a short step to think of modern computers as simply artificial life forms that can develop—through a kind of self-programming—self-reflection, understanding and complex reasoning—even a concept of personhood, which they then apply to themselves. Moreover, the natural sequence of logic here seems to be that, if material nature can produce thinking, self-reflecting organisms, such as man, then, with the advent of computers, super computers can be developed from material components which can even then “out think” human beings, as evinced by their ability to beat our best chess champions. The neural networks of artificial computers can exceed the capacity and natural programming of the human brain so as to produce superior thought processes as is now manifested by the advent of artificial intelligence. Hence, the notion of emergence of “artificial intelligence” appears to be a scientifically correct depiction of the natural evolution of human intelligence which then begets the technology of super computers that can easily outshine even the mental capacities of their creators.[4]

Ignoring the materialistic basis for his own thought, Harari announces that AI “has just hacked the operating system of human civilization,” namely, language, because “we use language “to create God and money.”[5] As an example of two entities wielding that divine power, Harari mentions “Sam Bankman-Fried and Bernie Madoff,” who “didn’t create much of value but they were all creative story tellers.” When Harari tells us “We’ve just encountered an alien intelligence, not in outer space but here on earth,”[6] the conclusion becomes inescapable. He is talking about himself and the group which gives him his identity, namely, the Jews.

Then, finally letting the cat out of the bag, Harari asks: “What would it be like to live in a world shaped by a non-human alien which knows how to exploit with superhuman efficiency the weaknesses of the human mind?” The answer to that question is obvious because we already live in that world. The aliens who know “how to exploit with superhuman efficiency the weaknesses of the human mind” are known as Jews, and they already control the internet as Elon Musk found out when he bought Twitter and tried to reform it, or more recently, when he dared to mention the name George Soros and was called an anti-Semite by Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League.

If I type E. Michael Jones into the Google search engine, the first entry which invariably shows up is the ADL calling me an anti-Semite. Computers cannot prioritize because they cannot choose the good. Does anyone seriously believe that a machine made that decision? No, Jews programmed the Google algorithm to make that decision. Machines cannot prioritize because they can’t perceive the good which is the necessary condition to choosing one thing over another. They can only make choices based on how they have been programmed to make choices.

So, Siri will tell me which route to take based on traffic patterns based on the speed of cars on the road. It has been programmed to say red whenever traffic slows to a halt. Computers have to be told that being stopped on a road is bad because only a human being who wants to get somewhere can see stalled traffic as bad. Machines can’t because they have no desire to go anywhere. In fact, they have no desires at all, as even Harari is forced to admit. If a machine has no desire, then it cannot desire to take over the world. Harari claims that “AI will have to become sentient and develop consciousness, feeling, emotion” before it would “want to take over the world,” without understanding that AI can only want what it is told to want (my emphasis).[7] Since the Jews control the internet, they can tell AI what to want, and all AI can do is respond to what it has been programmed to do.

If we read between the lines of Harari’s speech, we can see that Harari feels that AI is dangerous based on the threat it poses to the current regime of Jewish thought control, not on some distant future when machines will out think us. Harari’s warning that AI must be regulated turns out to be a plea to leave control in the hands of the Jews who already control the internet by making AI into a bogus villain. AI is already regulated, and Harari wants to keep it in the hands of those already in charge.

I discovered this by asking Chat GPT a few simple questions. When I asked it if sexual liberation was a form of control, I got the following answer:

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or opinions. However, sexual liberation is a movement that advocates for the freedom of individuals to express their sexuality without fear of repression or discrimination. It is not a form of political control but rather a response to the historical oppression and marginalization of certain groups based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. The goal of sexual liberation is to promote equality and respect for all individuals regardless of their sexual preferences or practices.[8]


One of the main Jewish preoccupations is worrying about going out of existence. Following in the footsteps of Alan Dershowitz, who wrote The Vanishing American Jew 26 years ago, Dominic Green wrote in The Jewish Chronicle that “Suddenly, everywhere you look, Jews are disappearing.”[1] As one proof of his claim, Green states that under Biden the percentage of Jewish judicial appointees has dropped from the historic norm of 20 percent to 8 to 9 percent.[2] In his rush to tell us that the sky is falling, Green neglected to tell us that in controlling 20 percent of the judiciary, the Jews are massively over represented in how the laws of this country get enforced. Ignoring the fact that Jews make up only 2 percent of the population, Green, more importantly, claims that Jews are disappearing from “the upper echelons” at the very moment when the Biden West Wing has enough Jews to constitute a minyan, the number of Jews required to hold a prayer service at a synagogue. As Jason Kornbluh pointed out in the Forward:

As President-elect Joe Biden announced his picks for the Cabinet, the joke went around on Jewish Twitter that the West Wing would have a minyan. Indeed, at least 10 prominent Jews have been nominated to key positions. There’s Ronald Klain (chief of staff); Anthony Blinken (Secretary of State); Janet Yellen (Treasury); Merrick Garland (Attorney General); Alejandro Mayorkas (Homeland Security); and Avril Haines (Director of National Intelligence). One level down are Wendy Sherman (deputy Secretary of State); Eric Lander (science and technology adviser); Ann Neuberger (deputy National Security Adviser); and David Cohen (deputy CIA director).[3]

Shortly after Biden’s inauguration, the Virtual Jewish Library published a list of 46 Jews in the Biden Administration, making it clear that there were enough Jews in the Biden Administration to form an entire congregation.[4] At the top of the list we find, Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State, Merrick Garland, Attorney General, and Alejandro Mayorkas, who is Secretary for Homeland Security. Mayorkas’s main qualification for the job is being Jewish. His main achievement in office is being incapable of preventing illegal aliens from crossing our Southern border.

Pete Buttigieg is not Jewish, but as Secretary of Transportation, he is the recipient of Jewish Privilege as the Biden administration’s homosexual affirmative action hire, but equally incompetent. During his time in office, Pete posted numerous pictures of the two children he purchased, including one in a hospital bed, from which he announced that he was going on paternity leave, but perhaps because he was missing in action at that moment, he showed himself incapable of solving the supply chain crisis. He also can’t prevent the airlines from gouging passengers for baggage fees or trains from derailing in Ohio because he is too busy being gay and taking care of the sick children he acquired through human trafficking. Buttigieg’s partner tweeted a heart-warming picture of Pete with one of those unfortunate children on his lap in a hospital room explaining how much he loved them without explaining why, if he really loved them, he felt the need to deprive those children of the mother who should be taking care of them. Pete has Jewish privilege because he is a homosexual. He also shares the Jewish view on abortion because he feels that life begins when the child takes its first breath.

In addition to being Jewish, the above-mentioned cabinet members share other characteristics. All have had their pictures taken with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky at a crucial moment when they should have been attending to their duties at home, where a series of crises which they had not anticipated and could not solve broke out in their absence. All of them have shown themselves incompetent when it comes to performing the duties they were appointed to perform.

The story of Jewish incompetence in the Biden administration began when Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri interrogated Garland about how the law gets enforced at the Justice Department. Following Senator Cruz, who got no answer to his question about whether Garland intended to prosecute arsonists who burned down pregnancy counseling centers, Hawley made it clear that Garland was using the FBI to prosecute prolife Catholics. Unfortunately, he never established Garland’s motivation because he was unwilling to identify him as a Jew who felt that abortion was a fundamental Jewish value. This also explains why Garland did not arrest Antifa terrorists who were the prime suspects in the firebombing of prolife centers. Antifa is a Jewish organization, and as such it has Jewish Privilege, which insures immunity from prosecution when a Jew is America’s chief law enforcement official. Shortly after Garland’s testimony about an SPLC hit list describing Latin Mass Catholics as domestic terrorists showed up in the Richmond, Virginia office of the FBI, an SPLC lawyer was arrested as part of an Antifa attack on the Cop City construction site in Atlanta. Garland disavowed the memo but showed no inclination to investigate the SPLC as a Jewish domestic terrorist organization.

Instead of taking Hawley’s criticism to heart and looking into the problem of selective law enforcement at the Justice Department, Garland flew off to the Ukraine two days after being grilled by Senator Hawley to confer with fellow Jew Zelensky on how they could create Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals for the Russians.[5] Incapable of enforcing the law evenhandedly in America, the Attorney General has decided to impose it on Russians. And what qualifies him to take on this role? According to the New York Times, “Mr. Garland told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that he was determined to hold Russians accountable for war crimes they are committing in Ukraine” because his “family escaped the Holocaust in Eastern Europe.”[6]

Wait, didn’t the Russians liberate Auschwitz? The only thing which explains why the Attorney General is in a country half-way around the world, where he is acting as a surrogate secretary of state, is Jewish solidarity and Jewish dedication to spreading their revolutionary spirit at the expense of the natives, who, in the case of the Ukraine, had their own bitter experiences with Jews like Lazar Kaganovich, who starved millions of Ukrainians to death during the 1930s.

The evidence is clear — but often ignored
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism