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The August 11, 2017 tiki-torch procession was a total humiliation for the University of Virginia (UVA). Three hundred men conducted a fair and legal protest of Jewish power on their precious campus, and their Antifa goons weren’t able to break it up. So, UVA—a feeder-school for the FBI and the Department of Justice—decided to get... Read More
Earlier this month I published a long article on the notorious 1994 genocide in Rwanda, explaining that the actual facts may have been very different than what I'd always assumed. As reported by the Western media, Hutu extremists assassinated the country's moderate Hutu president by shooting his plane out of the sky and then immediately... Read More
In his recent State of the Union speech, Joe Biden referred to “democracy” nearly a dozen times. Democracy, he said, was currently “under assault” and “under attack”; the January 6 riot put a “dagger to [its] throat” and was its “gravest threat.” As a result, democracy “must be defended”; and indeed, we must “embrace” it.... Read More
In La Defaite de l’Occidante, Emmanuel Todd claims that the collapse of the American empire was caused by the evaporation of Protestantism, which he describes as its hidden grammar. America is now facing defeat in the Ukraine because of the complete disappearance of the Christian foundation of its culture, “un phénomène historique crucial qui, justement,... Read More
“It’s time for Jews to be feared!” declared Rabbi Shmuley recently. Jews having failed to overcome anti-Semitism by trying to be loved, respected or admired, must now make themselves feared. This is the new watchword. The problem is, if Jews want to be feared, then they must also accept being hated. “Fear of the Jews”... Read More
In May 2013 I resigned from PEN America over the appointment of former State Department official Suzanne Nossel. A decade later, PEN America has become a propaganda arm of the state. PEN America, once an important defender of rights for writers, editors and artists, has, under the direction of former State Department official Suzanne Nossel,... Read More
Did a rabbi say that “a thousand Blacks aren’t worth the fingernail of a Jewish man”?
Why, yes. More than one rabbi has expressed openly this white Jewish supremacist rhetoric in both Israel and America. And though Jewish leaders have tried mightily to portray themselves as equal rights crusaders, the mind and mentality of white supremacy runs deeply through Jewish culture and history. Now, let’s look at the Jewish fingernail facts.... Read More
After six months of blocking ceasefire resolutions at the United Nations, the US delegation submitted its own draft resolution on Friday ostensibly aimed at stopping the hostilities so humanitarian aid can reach the starving people of Gaza. Unfortunately, the American team linked the proposed ceasefire to the release of hostages and to the repudiation of... Read More
Alt-Righters who hate Israel because of Woke Diaspora
While the mainstream Right is generally very pro-Israel, Alt-Right types have protested a Zionist double standard regarding how American nationalism and White identity issues are treated compared to Israel. This applied to old school White Nationalists as well as Paleoconservatives, with Pat Buchanan making these points back in the Bush era. It was also common... Read More
No more shadow play. It’s now in the open. No holds barred. Exhibit 1: Friday, March 22, 2024. It’s War. The Kremlin, via Peskov, finally admits it, on the record. The money quote: “Russia cannot allow the existence on its borders of a state that has a documented intention to use any methods to take... Read More
As I was saying to Diocletian over Prosecco just last week, it is hard to run an empire these days. You have to lie to people more or less incessantly to keep the troops minding the perimeter in supplies. No falsehood is too preposterous to gain the public’s acquiescence. At times you have to deceive... Read More
Last October the Nation of Islam filed a landmark federal lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) in New York City for relief and damages from their malicious practice of labeling anyone they disagree with as “anti-Semitic.” As The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said on October 28, 2023: “We have... Read More
Conservatives of whom there were few in universities, media, and politics were a principled opposition of the wayward ways in which Americans were being led. They were defenders of the Constitution. They believed that the US government’s job was to protect citizens’ constitutional rights and to serve American interests rather than the interest of foreign... Read More
Nothing happened in Tiananmen Square. If something had happened, whoever it had happened to would have definitely deserved it, but nothing happened. What are they saying happened? CNN: A model of the “Pillar of Shame,” a memorial to victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre that was controversially removed from a Hong Kong university in 2021,... Read More
Museum “rehang” says it all.
Thumbnail credit: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Every year, I make a new year’s resolution: not to be surprised any act of self-loathing by white people. I’m prepared to be disgusted; that happens all the time. But every year, something catches me by surprise.... Read More
Paul VI's unwittingly appropriate words in his 1972 homily have formed the basis of much speculation from Catholics as to what, exactly, is this smoke of Satan, and how is it connected to Church affairs, scandals, and the decline in reverence witnessed in most parishes since Vatican II? As a supporter of Vatican II, Paul... Read More
From obscuring the West’s role in starving Gaza to sensationalised accounts of mass rape by Hamas, journalists are playing the role of propagandists, not reporters The past five months have been clarifying. What was supposed to be hidden has been thrust into the light. What was supposed to be obscured has come sharply into focus.... Read More
Why did Chuck Schumer call Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an "obstacle to peace" and demand new elections in Israel just weeks before an IDF ground offensive in Rafah? Hasn't Schumer opposed a ceasefire in Gaza from the beginning? Hasn't Schumer criticized pro-Palestinian activists and their public protests? Hasn't Schumer been a champion of the... Read More
Léon Degrelle (1906–1994) began his career in Belgium as a Catholic journalist who worked for the conservative Catholic periodical Christus Rex. In 1935 he founded the populist Rexist Party, morphed from Christus Rex, which was increasingly influenced by Italian Fascist doctrines. When the Germans invaded Belgium in 1940, the Rexists were mostly in favor of... Read More
They have waited 10 long, suffering years to vote in this election. And vote they did, in massive numbers, certifying a landslide reelection for the political leader who brought them back to Mother Russia. VVP may now be widely referred to as Mr. 87%. In Donetsk, turnout was even higher: 88,17%. And no less than... Read More
A new book by David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., and Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., The Assassination of JFK: The Final Analysis (2024), was published on 8 March 2024 and had sold 4,000 copies by 15 March (“The Ides of March”), which reflects the public’s thirst for truth about the death of our 35th President. David and... Read More
Like Raymond Aron, we believe we need to distinguish between power and might. Power is the organization that makes might effective, but power can also become impotent, meaning that power without might is nothing. Keeping this in mind, let’s start our anthology 1 – 1965 Konrad Adenauer, “One should not underestimate the might of the... Read More
Although the November 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy was surely one of the most famous events of the twentieth century, its sixtieth anniversary passed a few months ago with relatively little attention, probably overshadowed by the looming defeat of Ukraine in its war with Russia and also the enormous civilian casualties following... Read More
Looking back to what I wrote in 2012, in the midst of the so-called Arab Spring and its aftermath, it is striking just how much the Region has shifted. It is now almost 180° re-orientated. Then, I argued, “That the Arab Spring “Awakening” is taking a turn, very different to the excitement and promise with... Read More
David Cameron, the United Kingdom’s foreign secretary, recently announced the UK may recognize a Palestinian state before the Palestinians and Israelis finalize a peace deal, but that “no such move could come while Hamas remains in Gaza.” At the same time, the United States is reviewing options to recognize a Palestinian state after the war... Read More
For the essential world history lessons spoon-fed to most Americans, it probably goes something like this: Out of thin air, the Germans began hating the Jews, mistreating them, and then they sparked World War II as a means to conquer the planet. For many sixth-grade students today, this simplified history concept begins by assigning them... Read More
Here’s a film about the 1950s – “The World As It Was” – that will tell you a great deal about life in the U.S.A. today, while disabusing anyone of the notion that nostalgia for that mephitic decade is in order, for it was a time when “democracy” tended toward totalitarianism. In doing so, it... Read More
Ultra-Privileged Antifas and University Admins Pose as Victims; Entrap and Attack Normal Citizens
Arrests around the country. Dozens of secret indictments. Blatant cooperation between Antifa and public officials. A pack of well-connected professors and careerist law students foaming at the mouth to prosecute their political enemies. Yeah, that’s Charlottesville alright. The August 11, 2017 tiki-torch vigil is back in the news in a big way. But to understand... Read More
Or is there finally a reckoning developing for its sins?
There have been some interesting developments over the past few days relating to Israel’s demonstrated subjugation of the government at all levels in the United States as well as its domination of the entertainment and news media. Nearly everyone now accepts that the current situation is not due to ordinary Americans actually liking what Israel... Read More
Savior Complex, HBO Original, 2023 “Savior Complex,” a three-episode documentary series on HBO Max, shows us the world of Christian missionaries in Africa through the eyes of young white women who dedicate their lives to helping Africans, but who end up at odds with each other and with the Africans. The series tells the story... Read More
And it’s your fault they have to leave home.
This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Earlier this week, we got this headline: “Haiti’s leader resigns as gangs run rampant through country engulfed in crisis.” Haiti is, in other words, living up to its characterization in 2018 by then-President Donald Trump as a — let’s paraphrase and say — dung heap of... Read More
I love the imagery of a vampire ball. We may also speak of a “blood orgy.” RT: That is definitely happening. It might even be the single most important upshot of the Ukraine war, when we look back on it in history. Russia has become the standard bearer of resistance against the Evil Empire, At... Read More
Full interview (English Dub) I wrote a long thing based on some of these comments earlier, but I think it’s important to see all of the top comments Putin made in his recent big interview with Dmitry Kiselyov, the head of Rossiya Segodnya, which was released before the upcoming election. Although I am big on... Read More
Ever since the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche announced that “God is dead,” it has been fashionable to question the historical authenticity of Jesus. During the last century, numerous books addressed the issue. One of these, Caesar’s Messiah (2011), by Joseph Atwill, is representative and argues that the Flavian dynasty invented Christianity to create a population of... Read More
Kabul’s key asset is its location but it needs to make a positive contribution to the region by being a good neighbor. The best way forward for Kabul is to keep the Islamic State et al. boxed in, which may require intelligence sharing and cooperation with the neighbors and the U.S. to secure the country... Read More
An important myth about the position of Jews in the American South during the slavery and Jim Crow eras continues to heavily influence common perceptions about the role of Jews as victims of hatred and bigotry. Fundamental to the popular legend is the belief that Jews in the South were somehow outsiders in a peculiarly... Read More
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin addressing an AIPAC forum in Washington, D.C., Jan. 10, 2023. (DoD, Alexander Kubitza)
As was to be expected, considering the extreme complexity of the U.S.-Israel relationship, our recent article on “The Myth of Israel as ‘US Aircraft Carrier’ in Middle East,” far from settling this controversial issue, aroused numerous objections. We see these disagreements as an invitation to respond, in the hope that a friendly debate can contribute... Read More
John the Revelator recorded some wild imagery from his Aegean island hideout mushroom trip. (At least that’s my theory). In his Book of Revelation, he uses the term “Synagogue of Satan,” and similar to the Mark Twain “history doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes” quote, this biblical archetype/symbol remains constant yet changes as it travels... Read More
The Body of a Palestinian Prisoner, Crushed Flat While Alive by an Israeli Tank
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
What is driving Israel's war on Gaza? (Land, Hamas, ideology or something else?) Ron Unz---I think that a complex mixture of all those different factors is responsible, each being uppermost for different individuals. But obviously the triggering event was the extremely successful Hamas raid on October 7th and the total shock and horror it inflicted... Read More
The inattention to reality is not an electorally ‘incidental’ and irksome issue that needs better PR management by the campaign team. Alon Pinkas, a former senior Israeli diplomat, well-plugged into Washington, tells us that a frustrated White House finally has “had enough”. The rupture with Netanyahu is complete: The Prime Minister does not comport himself... Read More
Anti-Israel sentiment is definitely flourishing worldwide. No one seems to be able to figure out why, however. Experts have described it as “a total mystery.” Reuters: Yeah, why doesn’t Amsterdam open a museum for the 31,000 dead Palestinians? This is a massacre that actually happened, unlike the Holocaust, which the Jews don’t present any evidence... Read More
Democratic elites and the reporters who clerk for them were effusively approving of Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech last Thursday evening—not so much for what he said, which came nothing new, as for the demeanor of our enfeebled president. Never mind that Biden reduced an occasion intended to address all Americans as to... Read More
Robinson Erhardt Discussion
Robinson: Michael, I read in your book, Killing the Host, that you decided to become an economist after meeting one named Terrence McCarthy, who explained to you why financial crises tend to occur in the autumn after crops are harvested. And this was an interesting question. What’s the story and why was it so compelling... Read More
An apocalypse, or cataclysmic unveiling, is underway
Rumble link Bitchute link Are we living through a Jewish apocalypse? Many of my friends think so. Linh Dinh isn’t the only one who thinks the COVID “Jewjabs” are a plot to exterminate the goyim. Then there’s the alleged Jewish plan to destroy America through crime and unchecked immigration. Linh recently emailed me: Well…no. I’m... Read More
The end of the greatness of Western Civilization in one man’s death. * * * On February 17, 1998, a frail centenarian passed away in Wilflingen, Germany. Born in 1895, Ernst Jünger’s life was far more noteworthy than simply its prodigious length — it was a life that epitomized the gallantry, curiosity, patriotism, intelligence, and... Read More
Well it finally arrived. Retired Col. Douglas MacGregor gave a response to President Biden’s Hitler-like state of the the union address two days ago. Good. Not so good is everything else. Whether this is just a vanity move by the good Colonel, or a “testing of the waters” for some future Presidential run, who knows.... Read More
As horrifying and harrowing as the situation in Gaza is, sometimes the best thing is to just laugh out loud. The Jews have reached unbelievable, cartoonish levels of evil, recently using aid deliveries as ambush points, opening fire on starving people waiting for food. Now they are using food as bombs. RT: Other news outlets... Read More
President Joe Biden scored a political success last night, beating the low expectations for his State of the Union. However, white advocates watching it rolled their eyes. Within a few seconds, he had invoked World II, Hitler, and January 6. This was a shameless campaign speech as he claimed “freedom and democracy are under assault... Read More
“Haiti in Turmoil” is an evergreen headline. Ever since independence, the country has been a disaster, spiraling from one crisis to another. The catastrophe that is Haiti was universally recognized until recently, with countless jokes and pop culture references. That changed when President Donald Trump reportedly referred to it as a “s**thole country,” leading celebrities... Read More
Victoria Nuland's retirement is an admission that Washington's premier foreign policy project has failed. No government official is more identified with the Ukraine fiasco than Nuland. She was on the ground micro-managing activities during the 2014 coup, and has overseen the State Department's sordid involvement since the war began. Her career-path is inextricably linked to... Read More
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The evidence is clear — but often ignored
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism