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Museum “rehang� says it all.
Thumbnail credit: © Joe Giddens/PA Wire via ZUMA Press This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Every year, I make a new year’s resolution: not to be surprised any act of self-loathing by white people. I’m prepared to be disgusted; that happens all the time. But every year, something catches me by surprise.... Read More
If war movies generally dwell on the physical manifestations of war, understandable given its nature, there is a subset of the genre that deal with the POW experience away from the battlefield — THE GREAT ESCAPE begins in a prisoner-of-war camp but belongs more in the prison-break genre. Because we are shown enemies co-existing in... Read More
Peter Brimelow refers to an “interglacial� period in the 1990s when taboo books on race were released by mainstream publishers. Titles such as Paved With Good Intentions, The Bell Curve, Alien Nation, Why Race Matters, Race, Evolution and Behavior, and Hating Whitey are some of the books that challenged racial orthodoxy yet were still published,... Read More
The end of the greatness of Western Civilization in one man’s death. * * * On February 17, 1998, a frail centenarian passed away in Wilflingen, Germany. Born in 1895, Ernst Jünger’s life was far more noteworthy than simply its prodigious length — it was a life that epitomized the gallantry, curiosity, patriotism, intelligence, and... Read More
Sometimes it takes our bodies to return us to our souls. And our little pains to remind us of the indescribable pain of the savage killing and dismemberment of innocent children and adults in Gaza and many other places by U.S. weapons produced in clean factories by people just doing their jobs and collecting their... Read More
In May last year I found myself in Budapest, surrounded by Neo-Classical architecture. The centre of the city is incredibly beautiful, and so consistently so, that it’s easy to become lost. A young, and rather cynical, female student I was with actually commented, referring to two London skyscrapers: “Budapest needs a Gherkin or a Shard,... Read More
I see a lot of faggots and retards complaining about not having a girlfriend. Is there anything more gay? Kevin Costner, who is experiencing a massive career renaissance in his 60s, starring in one of the most popular shows on TV, Yellowstone, was recently divorced by his whore wife. They were married for 18 years,... Read More
Dostoevsky and the End of the West
Our society is coming to resemble a dystopian “peoples’ paradise� in its darkly disturbing features. Think back to iconic works of literature like Arthur Koestler’s Darkness At Noon and George Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four. Are we not living in a society which is little more than a cross between the nightmare visions of Koestler and Orwell? Do... Read More
Despite calendars and clocks and all the mental gymnastics we use to control life and time, surprises are at the heart of existence. This may seem like a truism, but if so, it is one of those truths we often avoid in our desire for stability and the quelling of anxiety. Our expectations, a form... Read More
Earlier: The NYT's "Banned Books" List: Grossly Misleading As A Measure Of American Close-Mindedness I spend most of my time in France after having worked there for 17 years, but I have access through an app called Cloud Library to e-books from the public library in my little town in Maine. The selections are quite... Read More
Previously: Hamas Found Guilty of Rape in Another Dimension of the Multiverse The Jews have provided zero evidence for “mass rapes.� They said they accidentally destroyed all the evidence. Then they told totally absurd stories about women getting gang-raped and decapitated with shovels. Now they just present these claims as if they are established fact.... Read More
Augusto Monterroso's "The Lion's Share" Reads Like Alt-Right Aesop
I discovered the great Latin American fabulist Augusto Monterroso through a bilingual Arabic-Spanish edition of La Oveja Negra y Demas Fabulas (The Black Sheep and Other Fables). I have read through it slowly several times, checking the Spanish words I don’t know against the Arabic, and the fewer Arabic ones against the Spanish. Monterroso is... Read More
With each passing year, society moves farther from tradition, leaving behind the foundations of the European culture and civilization we hold dear. Technological and geopolitical developments continue to render the history of millennia increasingly alien and impenetrable. At the same time, many of us have grown up in the “New World� and are many generations... Read More
In the age of Marvel, turbo charged self-aware irony, and shoehorned diversity in film, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find something interesting to watch. By and large, movie lists are seldom worth publishing, but I’ve been told that I have a novel taste in cinema. Several of these are foreign, some deal with very dark... Read More
Now that our revels are ended, the holiday celebrations and feasts, if one had them, just a dream melted into thin air, our hungers perhaps richly satiated temporarily or not, our visions project us into a new year in which we hope to realize in a not insubstantial way the images we see before the... Read More
Taki Points Out that the Jews in Hollywood Are Doing the Same Work on White People that the Nazi Filmmakers Did on Jews “Hollywood is hard at work in maintaining the myth that everything that the West has achieved since the Greeks was due to the white man’s cruelty and ability to steal from the... Read More
If the Christmas Movie could be construed as a genre, its catalog is underwhelming to say the least. Stories draw strength from conflict, but most Christmas movies keep tensions to a minimum lest holiday cheers be dampened. The assumption is people watch Holiday Movies for uplift; they want to be blissed out, not pissed on.... Read More
A people without roots is a people without a future, perhaps not a people at all. The trend of “white erasure� in historical films, art, and even documentaries suggests that our rulers know this and are deliberately writing whites out of our own history. This includes even myths and legends. While non-white stories belong to... Read More
A Powerful, Riveting, and Masterful Documentary Series Begins
It is hard for those who have not lived through the shattering political assassinations of the 1960s to grasp their significance for today. Many might assume that that was then and long before their time, so let’s move on to what we must deal with today. Let some old folks, the obsessive ones, live in... Read More
The first Grand Theft Auto VI trailer dropped on Monday. This is the latest installment in the most popular video game franchise in history, a series of narrative-driven and cinematic action adventure games where the player takes the role of a criminal and carries out various crimes, including the titular crime. Making a new entry... Read More
James Kunstler's provocative opinion piece this year, “Call the Exorcist�, details the ways in which the current order isn’t merely corrupt, abusive, and/or tyrannical but downright insane verging on the demonic. According to the BBC film critic Mark Kermode, THE EXORCIST is the greatest movie ever, a rather extravagant claim. Still, Kermode's appraisal is understandable... Read More
This is a film that was produced and released by Disney while knowing that it would be a flop. Disney is a publicly traded company, with fiduciary duties to shareholders. It is illegal for them to purposefully lose money in this way, and I don’t understand how the SEC is not suing them. They sued Elon Musk for smoking a joint!
Previously: Disney’s Latest Niggerfest May be One of the Worst Flops in Cinema History Legal scholar and conservative commentator Jonathan Turley has a piece up at The Hill about Disney’s latest SEC filing, wherein they admit that they are letting down shareholders by purposefully refusing to produce media that their consumer base enjoys, and instead... Read More
Should I stop putting “nigger� in the titles? I don’t think it matters at this point. The Daily Stormer is devolving into self-satire as its author prepares for merciful death. I wrote a thing a couple weeks ago about Disney’s own dive into self-satire, being pushed as a company that only produces George Floyd-oriented entertainment... Read More
People don’t really seem to be aware of it, but George Floyd’s fat, stupid corpse is still hanging over all of society. Probably, everyone is aware that Disney has turned the Marvel Cinematic Universe full George Floyd. However, people without kids and people with kids who don’t take their kids to the movies anymore because... Read More
Killers of the Flower Moon is the biggest-budget movie ever made in my home state of Oklahoma. Filmed in Osage County with its beautiful, rolling prairie, the movie is based on David Grann’s book, Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI. The book and film explore the murders... Read More
I was a huge fan of Ayn Rand from my early 20s until a few years back when I began to wonder whether there was “more to it� than the ostensible admiration for the productive classes and a ruthless advocacy for freedom from needless government interference in one’s life. Rand’s work even may have an... Read More
The Vindication of the Independent Journalist
Perhaps you have had an epiphany that WE, the sane, the rational, the intelligent and the reasonable, now endure within a populist stupidity that is propagated by a worldwide theatre of journalistic lies, endemic media propaganda, aggrandized disinformation and government-mandated ignorance? Worse. We, whose minds- and conscience- still demand an informed and developed opinion based... Read More
Stormer Ebonics Translations is a series of ebonics-to-English translations of rap music songs, designed to help non-native ebonics speakers better understand the vibrancy and deep-rooted heritage of black culture. A recent song by rap artist 42 Dugg has gotten a lot of play in the scene. With only 1.8 million views, it is not as... Read More
Five Classic Films that Southerners Should Explore
It’s no secret that Hollywood over the past three decades has not been kind to the South or to the Confederacy. The last major films that have in any way been fair or which attempted to be objective about the Confederacy were, probably, “Gettysburg� (in 1993) and “Gods and Generals� (in 2003). But despite general... Read More
I’ve been especially taken by the “Rich Men North of Richmond� phenomenon that’s so big in the news these days (it’s late August of ‘23). As you know—no need for a lot of exposition here—it’s a song by a heretofore unknown singer/songwriter who goes by the name of Oliver Anthony. As The New York Times... Read More
As everyone on earth is too well aware, a couple weeks ago, a ginger-bearded hillman with gynecomastia and dogs took the world by storm with a song about how he is poor and it’s the fault of rich people. His name is Oliver Anthony or Anthony Oliver. (I legit don’t remember – it’s a stage... Read More
I don’t think that many of us realized that Carlos Santana is still alive. There is no worse possible way to find out that Carlos Santana is still alive than reading that he’s bowing down and groveling to trannies after saying that there are only two sexes. CNN: The criticism Santana faced on Thursday prompted... Read More
They definitely did not blacklist him because he sucked. Hercules was like, the best show ever. Although, he was a genre actor, who logically should be showing up in stuff like new Star Trek shows. As we know, they’re doing something very different with Star Trek. I saw there was a new Babylon 5 show... Read More
Leftists ruin everything. Nothing, not even children’s toys, is immune from their hateful ideology. A case in point is Greta Gerwig’s Barbie. There are countless women who played with Barbie dolls as children, put them aside when they grew up, and occasionally think nostalgically about them without ever suspecting that they were the targets of... Read More
Finally, after seemingly endless decades of waiting, America can celebrate the death of Cormac McCarthy, the worst novelist ever. McCarthy was known for such repulsive hack tripe as “Blood Meridian� and “The Road.� Along with edgy and predictable shock shlock, he also wrote kiddie romance novels. Born to an Irish Catholic family, McCarthy, like many... Read More
We just lost our greatest novelist
Above is my new interview with John Friend of The AFP Report. The topic: Soros and Anti-Semitism. Below is a brief tribute to Cormac McCarthy, including my recent conversation with Linh Dinh on McCarthy’s The Road . -KB Whoever America’s greatest living novelist is, it isn’t Cormac McCarthy any more. The author of The Road,... Read More
A Player's Perspective
Chanda Chisala has written a series of articles for this website, dealing with the strong performance of many Nigerians and other black Africans in competitive Scrabble. He argues that this fact invalidates the poor results of African populations in IQ tests, his key point being that you have to be very smart to excel at... Read More
070720-F-5502S-003 ..      An F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft from the 18th Fighter Squadron positions itself behind a KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft during exercise Red Flag in Alaska on July 20, 2007.  More than 80 aircraft and 1,500 service members from six different countries are flying together to sharpen their combat skills in simulated combat sorties.  DoD photo by Capt. Tana R.H. Stevenson, U.S. Air Force.  (Released)
The greatest artwork of the 20th century: a General Dynamics F-16 Flying Falcon (Wikipedia) What was the greatest artwork of the twentieth century? Some would choose a painting by Picasso or Rothko, a sculpture by Brancusi or Epstein, an installation by Kapoor or Weiwei. Not me. I don’t like any of those artists and I... Read More
Disney’s live-action remake of The Little Mermaid is slated to become a box office flop, despite a strong Memorial Day weekend showing in the American market. The film has so far earned $186 million dollars domestically in its first 10 days of release, though attendance sharply declined in its second weekend. Internationally, where Disney generally... Read More
The Jews won’t tolerate you disagreeing with them. They are now going after Roger Waters – a pointed critic of Israel – for being against Nazism, saying that satirizing Nazism is the same thing as being a Nazi. They’ve been trying to get at this guy for years. This is what they’ve come up with.... Read More
The world mourns the passing, at 96, of the activist and icon Harry Belafonte. Among the many honors that poured in were tributes from presidents Biden, Obama, and Clinton of the United States, the leaders of African and Caribbean nations, and United Nations Secretary-General AntoÌ?nio Guterres, who said Mr. Belafonte, reflecting the spirit of many... Read More
Literature can shape the way we look at the world — even without our knowing it, or being beware of the specific literature in question. A Bible verse shared during a church service or a few lines of poetry offered in a classroom can have this effect. With novels, well-drawn characters can stick with us... Read More
Tristan Tzara (Samuel Rosenstock)
The twentieth century saw a proliferation of art inspired by the Jewish culture of critique. The exposure and promotion of this art grew alongside the Jewish penetration and eventual capture of the Western art establishment. Jewish artists sought to rewrite the rules of artistic expression — to accommodate their own technical limitations and facilitate the... Read More
Classic American novel slapped with ‘trigger warning’
Gone with the Wind now begins with a cautionary note and a lengthy condemnation of “white supremacy� This is an example of the falsification of American history. Gone With The Wind, a classic love story set during the period of the destruction by violence of the Confederate States of America has been reduced by frauds... Read More
The lives of William Shakespeare and Sir Oswald Mosley are separated by more than three centuries, but they exist simultaneously in those corners of the Jewish mind where time, fact, and fiction are entirely relative. The Jews, it must be admitted, are a talented people. The strangest of these talents is the capacity to engrave... Read More
Symbolically, the decaying Empire unveiled some of its most putrefying, pornographic cultural products in the week in which Burt Bacharach, composer of sublime pop-music, departed to the heavens. The beastly bacchanalia unfolded at the 2023 Grammys and the Super Bowel (sic) halftime hump-along, showcasing zero skill, 0 imagination, 0 talent and 0 beauty. Those vaguely... Read More
British writer Paul Johnson died on January 12th at age 94. Hearing the news I felt as though I’d lost the other party in a friendship going back decades, but which I’d been neglecting for the latter half of that span. That’s �felt as though.� I wasn’t a personal friend of P.J.’s. I only met... Read More
There is probably no other area in which nationalists are as far behind their opponents as in cultural influence, or what Kevin MacDonald has called the “shaping of ways of seeing.� Both the books our young people read in school and the entertainment they consume in their leisure hours is filled with messaging hostile to... Read More
This article was originally published on Andrew Anglin is the only person writing thousand-word essays on MJ was a child singer. His father was a total scumbag, who very much liked the money he was making off his kids. When MJ reached the age of puberty, his father gave him hormones to stop... Read More
The opposite of a good thing can be counted on to also be a good thing. That reality—as I see it, anyway—prompts me to think about the opposite of whatever I consider true and valuable to discern how it might be true and valuable. Giving impetus to this activity is the assumption that, whether it... Read More
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism