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"The world is kind of deserting Israel right now," Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) remarked after meeting with members of the pro-Israel lobby American Israel Public Affairs Committee. "So they're worried about that." Their concern is warranted. Less than six months after Hamas attacked on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people with brutality that sparked widespread sympathy... Read More
Liberals believe a compromise that gets us closer to a goal is better than no progress at all. But compromise can lead to the dead end of dilution and a false sense of resolution. The early 20th-century progressive and presidential candidate Robert "Fighting Bob" La Follette argued that politics played into different a psychological dynamic.... Read More
Homelessness is the single most powerful indictment of capitalism, the embodiment of human disposability, the ultimate expression of callous cruelty. In this nation where one out of 16 rental homes is vacant at any given time, one in 600 Americans (550,000) sleeps outside. An additional 3.7 million people, the so-called hidden homeless — one out... Read More
Wages high enough to cover basic expenses are only the beginning of the Left's struggle to eliminate economic insecurity. We must also fight for workers' rights on the job, as well as a robust and sturdy social safety net to protect people when they find themselves out of work. Americans suffer the worst worker benefits... Read More
When Gallup pollsters ask Americans what causes them the most stress and worry, personal economic concerns — the cost of living, lack of money, the gap between rich and poor, difficulty finding a job or, if they're employed, low wages — consistently come in first, so much so that they can't imagine saving for the... Read More
The $1.6 trillion we waste each year on the Pentagon is an irresistible target for leftists looking for funds to appropriate to the human wants and needs that are currently going un- and under-addressed. Let's redirect those funds to something more worthwhile than slaughtering innocent people around the planet — i.e., anything else. But why... Read More
Lyndon Johnson, cautioned that his support of the Civil Rights Act was too bold and politically risky, famously responded: "What else is the presidency for?" The United States of America is one of the richest, if not the richest, nation-states in the history of the world. It also is the most unequal. So its people... Read More
We Americans are repeatedly told that the United States is a conservative country in which the 50-yard line of ideology is situated significantly to the right of the Western European representative democracies from which our political culture derives and to which we are most often compared. But there is a gaping chasm between the policy... Read More
The government's services keep getting worse. Even their lies. The Bushies told us we had to invade Afghanistan to catch Osama bin Laden and then to go into Iraq because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. As the Pentagon knew, bin Laden was already in Pakistan; as Hans Blix and Scott Ritter told us,... Read More
The summer after junior year, my college expelled me. Six years later, I returned and graduated with honors. During the interregnum, I worked. But finding a decent job was tough. No matter how easy or rote the gig, every prospective employer listed a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite to apply. I drifted from temp work... Read More
The Supreme Court faces a quandary: It must choose between democracy and the Constitution. Compared to Trump v. Anderson, the notorious case of Bush v. Gore was a straightforward affair: It should not have been heard. Because elections are administered by the states, the Florida Supreme Court's 2000 ruling ought to have been the last... Read More
The Left is doing something right. And it's something that I initially disagreed with, even though I didn't comment in a public space. When Israel overreacted to Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on western Israel with a brutal saturation bombing campaign against the Palestinian civilian population of the Gaza Strip, defenders of human rights, antiwar activists... Read More
Victimhood or vengeance: choose one. You can't have both. Israel is about to learn that. Supporters of Israel's government (as opposed to Israel writ large, which includes millions of Israelis who distrust their government) ask: Why are so few people still talking about Oct. 7? "It is striking and in some ways shocking that the... Read More
I talked to a lot of people in Afghanistan, where I reported about the fall 2001 U.S. invasion. Young or old, urban or rural, no matter their ethnicity, they all expected the victors to work miracles after the Taliban's defeat. "America will build roads, schools, buildings, everything." "Now Afghanistan will be beautiful." "We will have... Read More
President Joe Biden doesn't care about the country. He doesn't care about his party. He doesn't mind if Donald Trump wins back the presidency. The only thing he cares about is himself — his ego, to be exact. I'm not inside Joe's head. But there's only one other possible explanation for his stubborn continuing insistence... Read More
A few weeks ago, from an international and domestic-U.S. public relations standpoint, Israel might have been able to bring its war in Gaza in for a hard landing. Now it has painted itself into a corner. Gaza has been destroyed. By this time next year, so will Israel — not its physical plant, but its... Read More
It is useful when you feel stumped to step back and ask yourself: What if I were coming to this person/situation/decision fresh, without precedents or historical baggage? Inertia is a powerful and insidious force. How many times, working in an office, when you ask why something is done a certain way, do you get the... Read More
Supporters of Israel, who are mostly on the Right, believe the Israeli government's official story, which is that the Jewish state's bombing campaign and ground invasion of Gaza has one objective: deposing Hamas so its fighters and government no longer pose a threat. According to this narrative, Palestinian civilian deaths are unavoidable collateral damage in... Read More
Won't you please kill the homeless woman who lives on a bench on the median strip of the street near my apartment building? She doesn't bother me. As far as I know, she doesn't bother anyone else either. The woman who lives in the middle of the street is nice. I like her. Last week,... Read More
Polls keep saying the same thing: Voters think President Joe Biden is too old. The latest comes from some outfit called "The New York Times." According to these "Times" people: "An overwhelming 71% said [Biden] was 'too old' to be an effective president — an opinion shared across every demographic and geographic group in the... Read More
"Israel has a right to defend itself and its people," President Joe Biden said on Oct. 7, hours after Hamas fighters killed more than 1,400 Israelis. "Thou shalt not kill" is probably the oldest and most widespread moral and legal edict in human civilization, common to nearly every culture. However, there is one universal exception:... Read More
Hi. Joe Biden here, asking for more money for Ukraine and Israel. Many Americans are asking: Why, while millions of Americans are unemployed and getting evicted and starving and homeless, should we ignore our own people and send billions of dollars to foreign countries instead? The answer is: democracy. We have to defend democracy. Ukraine... Read More
In the days and weeks and months and years after 9/11, when you questioned how the Bush administration responded to the terrorist attacks by al-Qaida, right-wing Republicans and liberal Democrats alike answered with a passive shrug. "Well," they said, "we had to do something." Then you pressed about Bush's specific responses — those somethings. Invading... Read More
Six weeks after 9/11, I thought I perceived a "new American thoughtfulness" in response to the attacks against New York and Washington, D.C. "For the first time in memory, Americans are reconsidering the wisdom of supporting an Israel whose reactions to Palestinian terrorism is itself increasingly indistinguishable from terrorism," my syndicated column for Oct. 23,... Read More
We already know partisanship can be toxic. It also has some overlooked side effects. Team politics — the type of partisanship in which adherents of a party excuse every act of hypocrisy and wrongdoing by their own side while exaggerating and lying about the purported evils of the other — fuels censorship. Consider climate change,... Read More
Bipartisanship is dead. But job-killing trade agreements like NAFTA were promoted by politicians of both major parties alike — until Donald Trump. "Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization, moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas. Globalization has made the financial elite, who donate to politicians, very, very... Read More
Unemployment is low — lower than at any time since the Vietnam War. Real wages are increasing. Inflation, voters' top concern for the last several years, is slowing. Democrats are confident enough about how things are going that "Bidenomics" is at the center of their case for another four years in the White House. Yet... Read More
The laws of political physics, it seemed, had been reversed. The president had been exposed as a pathological liar and a serial cheater. The butt of relentless jokes on television comedy shows and online, his reputation and legacy in tatters, he endured the ultimate opprobrium a federal official can face under the American constitutional system,... Read More
Many medical experts and journalists believe that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is wrong about vaccines. They say that Kennedy, a candidate for the 2024 Democratic nomination for president, wrongly says that COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective and incorrectly validates assertions that childhood vaccinations can cause autism. Many people, all of whom are pro-Biden Democrats, say that... Read More
"We believe that the damage done to the ocean in the last 20 years is somewhere between 30 per cent and 50 per cent, which is a frightening figure. And this damage carries on at very high speed — to the Indian Ocean, to the Red Sea, to the Mediterranean, to the Atlantic. ... Everywhere... Read More
The idea that third parties are spoilers is a baseless conspiracy theory on par with the Loch Ness monster, the man on the grassy knoll, and Pizzagate. But what if you're worried, like many Democrats, that voting for a third party like the Greens' Cornel West or, if they ever get their act together, someone... Read More
Each time Donald Trump has been indicted, his poll numbers went up — among Republican voters who closed ranks around him in response to what they decried as politically motivated "lawfare." Now he enjoys a commanding lead for the GOP nomination. Of course, it's one thing to win the nomination of your party, an exercise... Read More
Within the Democratic Party, a quirky single issue has become the focus of opposition to primary challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: his reputation as an anti-vaxxer. For the purpose of this discussion, let's set aside the question of whether or not the criticism is accurate. RFK Jr. denies being against vaccinations in general, says he... Read More
Many things that everyone knows are not true. Sometimes, quite rarely, one of those widely believed falsehoods not only turns out not to be true but obscures the fact that the exact opposite is true. Most people believe that small political parties siphon off votes from one of the two major parties. Mainstream media repeatedly... Read More
President Joe Biden recently told a group of children that he has "six grandchildren. And I'm crazy about them. And I speak to them every single day. Not a joke." Sounds sweet. It's not. People who read and watch Republican-leaning news outlets have long known that the president has a seventh grandchild, the product of... Read More
Winning, as your parents probably told you if they were decent people, isn't everything. It's OK to lose or fail, as long as you clearly did your best. President Joe Biden doesn't understand this truth. He's trying to attract votes from working-class people next year by marketing himself as some sort of Bernie Sanders-style warrior... Read More
Denial is neither a river in Egypt nor just a psychological defense mechanism identified by Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud's daughter. It's the guiding principle of President Joe Biden's reelection campaign. Polls consistently show that the vast majority of Americans, including most Democrats, don't want Biden to run again because they think he's too old. This... Read More
"Trump always gets all the coverage," an adviser to one of Trump's opponents tells Politico. "This is what it's like to run against Trump." Poor babies! If only Trump's rivals could do something to get attention. Trump gets more media attention because he's unpredictable and therefore interesting. "Listen, because you never knew what he would... Read More
No one is above the law. But indicting the front-runner for a major political party's presidential nomination, a former president to boot, on charges with a maximum sentence of 400 years in federal prison sets the stage for a full-blown constitutional crisis. Is there some way to hold Donald Trump accountable for playing fast and... Read More
The problem is not that the electorate is polarized, siloed into self-reinforcing media echo chambers and mutually contemptuous — that's the cause. The problem is that neither the partisans of the left nor those of the right can imagine themselves, for even a second, on the other side of the ideological divide. This phenomenon is... Read More
"Government," observed the 14th-century Arab political theorist Ibn Khaldoun, "is an institution which prevents injustice other than such as it commits itself." Draconian prison sentences handed down to those involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot highlight this truism. Though he didn't enter the Capitol that day, Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes, 57, received... Read More
Hello. I'm Ron DeSantis and I approve of the following message. As you may have heard, I'm running for president of the United States. You could only have heard it because I announced it on an audio-only platform called Twitter Spaces, which my friend Elon Musk assured my staff is futuristic and will therefore appeal... Read More
Visitors to Bath, England, learn that the town's namesake first-century spa deteriorated following the collapse of Roman authority in the fifth century. Unmaintained, the reservoir silted up and blocked the drainage system, burying the facility and surrounding buildings under yards of mud. Tutored by the Romans, the local English initially knew how to keep the... Read More
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll places the president's approval rating at a record low, 36%. In the modern era, no president has been reelected with numbers like these. Fifty-eight percent of Democrats want their party to nominate someone other than Joe Biden in 2024. Of Democrats. If the election were held today, Donald Trump... Read More
A country that loudly and repeatedly expresses what it purports to be its principles, yet cavalierly ignores them on a whim, rightly earns the contempt of its own citizens and those of other nations, especially when the hypocritical government of that nation criticizes others for failing to adhere to their pompously proclaimed rules-based international order.... Read More
Coupled with leaks from inside his campaign, President Joe Biden's announcement video indicates the general tenor and strategy of his upcoming reelection bid. Biden's messaging is especially notable for what it's missing. Absent from the voiceovers and images is a reference to the COVID-19 crisis. Biden was arguably elected in the first place in large... Read More
"Am I real?" "Do I exist?" "Do you see the real me?" Humans have always asked themselves these existential questions. These days, Marianne Williamson and Robert F Kennedy Jr. have more reason to wonder about their corporeal status than most. Earlier this week, because I felt that I deserved to suffer, I tuned into a... Read More
In the United States, no man is above the law, not even the president — if his name is Donald J. Trump. A decade before 1884, when he was elected to his first term, Grover Cleveland fathered a child with Maria Halpin, a widow. Thing is, she testified under oath that Cleveland had raped her.... Read More
Is a system working as well as possible? Inertia lulls people into believing that legacy products are great — even that they're perfect — without objectively considering whether it's really true. The QWERTY computer keyboard works, but the 1936 Dvorak version is superior. Skim milk makes you fatter. The U.S. may still be a shining... Read More
"When you surround an army," Sun Tzu counseled in "The Art of War," "leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard." Partisans on both sides of America's everything-looks-like-a-hammer politics have forgotten this basic tenet of strategy — and are likely to pay for it. Donald Trump announced that he expects to... Read More
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement