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A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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Earlier this month I published a long article on the notorious 1994 genocide in Rwanda, explaining that the actual facts may have been very different than what I'd always assumed. As reported by the Western media, Hutu extremists assassinated the country's moderate Hutu president by shooting his plane out of the sky and then immediately... Read More
Although the November 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy was surely one of the most famous events of the twentieth century, its sixtieth anniversary passed a few months ago with relatively little attention, probably overshadowed by the looming defeat of Ukraine in its war with Russia and also the enormous civilian casualties following... Read More
The Body of a Palestinian Prisoner, Crushed Flat While Alive by an Israeli Tank
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
What is driving Israel's war on Gaza? (Land, Hamas, ideology or something else?) Ron Unz---I think that a complex mixture of all those different factors is responsible, each being uppermost for different individuals. But obviously the triggering event was the extremely successful Hamas raid on October 7th and the total shock and horror it inflicted... Read More
Nyamata Memorial Site, Rwanda.  Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Although I sometimes fall short, I always try to be very accurate and careful in my writing, doing my best to avoid the mistakes that might be eagerly pounced upon by my legion of harsh critics. This is especially necessary when discussing the ultra-controversial topics that are so often the focus of my essays. For... Read More
Last week I published a long article that noted the astonishing acquiescence of America and the rest of the West in Israel's unprecedented slaughter and starvation of Gaza's civilians. In a related development, Elon Musk, one of the world's wealthiest and most influential figures, humbled himself for making a few mild, casually critical remarks regarding... Read More
Stanley Kubrick\
Last week I published an article noting that although technology industrialist Elon Musk probably ranks as the most powerful and influential individual in the Western world, he recently humbled himself, deeply apologizing for some of his casual criticism of Jewish activities and pledging to mend his ways. Traveling to Israel, he met with that country's... Read More
Although unknown to almost all present-day Americans, Emperor Henry IV was one of the most powerful European monarchs of his day. Under his twenty year reign, the Holy Roman Empire of the High Middle Ages governed Germany, the Low Countries, much of Italy, and other important lands, with many considering him heir to the fabled... Read More
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
In your opinion, is the ICJ's 'genocide' ruling convincing or overstated? Ron Unz---From the beginning I've been extremely reluctant to characterize the Israeli attack on Gaza as being a "genocide" because use of that term has become so wildly inflated and distorted in recent years, converted by dishonest Western governments and their mainstream media lackeys... Read More
Although his name has been almost totally forgotten for more than two generations, during the early 1950s Prof. John Beaty was a figure of some prominence, at least within conservative circles. A West Virginian born in 1890, Beaty earned his B.A. and M.A. at the University of Virginia, then completed his doctorate in Philosophy at... Read More
Even as the Israel/Gaza conflict has roiled the Middle East and raised fears of a much wider regional war, some of the political reverberations have also been felt across the American academic landscape. With graphic images of devastated Gaza neighborhoods and dead Palestinian children so widespread on Twitter and other social media outlets, polls have... Read More
Last month I explored the historical origins of the State of Israel and the intertwined expulsion of the Palestinian refugees from their ancient homeland. During this discussion, I emphasized the crucial role that the Jewish Holocaust had played in justifying and facilitating those momentous events of three generations ago. American Pravda: The Nakba and the... Read More
Although the subject is generally avoided in our politically-correct age, for many generations it has been known that different groups suffer from different social maladies, probably due to a complex mixture of innate traits and cultural factors. The Irish have long been plagued by drunkenness and sometimes clinical alcoholism. The Chinese have loved to gamble,... Read More
Eliminating the Entire Palestinian People
Two weeks ago the Sunday New York Times Magazine published a long cover-story on thirty years of failed Middle East peace efforts between Israelis and Palestinians, a tragedy that resulted in the enormous bloodshed and destruction of the last couple of months. The discussion featured three Israeli and three Palestinian academics, moderated by staff writer... Read More
Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore
Over 14,000 Gazans have died from the relentless Israeli bombardment of the last few weeks, two-thirds of them women and children and almost none of them members of Hamas. That total represents the official figures of identified bodies, and with most of the local medical system destroyed and so many thousands more missing, buried under... Read More
Did the Zionists Buy Palestine with the American Army During the Great War?
I'd recently mentioned that although I've encountered a multitude of so-called "conspiracy theories" on the Internet over the years, I've concluded that around 90-95% of them were false or at least unsubstantiated. However, the residual 5-10% were sufficiently well-documented and important that they had served as the basis for the lengthy American Pravda series I'd... Read More
For nearly three weeks I've been suggesting with increasing forcefulness that the official figure of 1,400 Israeli deaths from the Hamas attack may have been considerably exaggerated. Here's what I'd said last Monday: As far as I know, I was almost alone among Internet writers offering these bold speculations and I naturally received some sharp... Read More
Perhaps more out of habit than anything else, I still read the print edition of the New York Times every morning, something I've done for well over forty years, though given its sharp decline in quality that may not long continue. But while it does, the editorial selection of the front-page stories provides some important... Read More
Another week has now passed since the Middle East and the entire world were suddenly upended by the huge raid into Israel by the Hamas militants of Gaza. But the new developments over the last seven days have merely continued and confirmed the situation I'd already described last Monday. According to all news sources, some... Read More
A couple of weeks ago, the smoldering political landscape of the Middle East suddenly exploded as the Hamas militants of Gaza launched a surprise attack against Israel, unprecedented in its size and success. News reports now place Israeli fatalities at around 1,400, more deaths in a single day than the country had ever suffered in... Read More
Colin Powell Before the UN Security Council, Holding a Vial of White Powder Representing Deadly Anthrax
We just recently passed the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, the greatest terrorist strike in human history and an event whose political reverberations dominated world politics for most of the two decades that followed. Our Iraq War was soon triggered as a consequence, a disastrous decision that dramatically transformed the political map of the... Read More
Since late February 2022 Russia's war with Ukraine has dominated the global headlines, but what may have been the most important incident in that conflict has received only a sliver of coverage in the Western mainstream media. One year ago tomorrow a series of massive underwater explosions destroyed most of the $30 billion Russian-German Nord... Read More
Treason, Drugs, Homosexuality, Blackmail, and Murder in the 2008 McCain-Obama Presidential Race
I launched my American Pravda series just over a decade ago and during the last five years it has grown enormously, now including many dozens of individual articles and encompassing more than a half-million words of text. I'd still stand behind at least 99% of its contents, and the series probably constitutes one of the... Read More
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
Let's talk about the ADL. Some of your readers may not know that you have written extensively on the ADL and that your analysis prompted Paul Craig Roberts to call you "the bravest man I know." What Roberts was referring to, I think, is your riveting 2018 account of the ADL's shadowy history as well... Read More
We are now at the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks that ushered in our current century and unleashed a series of wars, killing or displacing many millions. The highest-profile terrorist attacks in human history had tremendous importance both for the world and our own country, but a couple of decades later their memory has... Read More
General-Secretary Leonid Brezhnev of the USSR
For Americans such as myself who came of age during the 1970s or early 1980s, the Soviet Union always carried the whiff of a decaying ideological empire, ruled by a decrepit political leadership class that had long since lost the trust of its own people. Such was my opinion at the time, and nothing I... Read More
During 1940 the determined efforts of President Franklin Roosevelt to involve America in the war against Hitler's Germany were blocked by the overwhelming opposition of the American people, running at 80% according to some polls. A group of young Yale Law School peace activists had launched the America First Committee and it quickly attracted 800,000... Read More
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
Let's talk about race, but let's focus on the thorniest issue of all: Race and IQ. Can you summarize the issue so that readers understand what we're talking about and explain why it is such a prickly topic? Ron Unz---For various reasons, there are few topics more taboo in modern American society than the notion... Read More
It's been nearly a year since I last updated the SimilarWeb traffic metrics for our own webzine and eighty-odd others, so I spent a couple of hours doing that. Here's the chart, showing the totals for July, ranked by total Pageviews. Most of the other websites listed are alternative outlets, but I also included a... Read More
Investigating the Sounds of Silence
Last week the New York Times ran a lengthy front-page hit-piece against Robert F. Kennedy Jr., scion of America's most famous political family and an underdog challenger to President Joseph Biden in the Democratic Primaries. Kennedy's unexpectedly strong campaign had recently stumbled when the novice candidate made some incautious remarks at a private dinner regarding... Read More
The American Political System as Laughingstock or Trainwreck
I'm not sure whether Donald Trump has ever heard of Eugene Debs, the austerely incorruptible early leader of America's Socialist Party. But I think there's a growing likelihood that their two names will soon be paired in many news stories as we move towards the 2024 election. Although almost forgotten today, Debs was a very... Read More
I just did a two hour podcast interview with Patrick Casey, primarily focused on racial/ethnic issues, especially those related to the hidden aspects of Affirmative Action and the massive Jewish over-representation in elite institutions: Here are several of my articles most relevant to this discussion: Affirmative Action and the Jewish Elephant in the Room The... Read More
Under the right circumstances, even an unsuccessful Presidential campaign can serve as a powerful lens for focusing public attention upon issues normally avoided by the mainstream media. I think that the success or failure of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s longshot Democratic Party primary challenge to President Joseph Biden should best be considered in such terms.... Read More
Credit: Gage Skitmore/Wikimedia Commons; Shutterstock
As the 69-year-old heir to the most famous political dynasty in our country's modern history and the son and nephew of slain American leaders, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has lived his entire life in the public eye. But although he's had a successful career as an environmental lawyer and political activist, America is a large... Read More
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
In the West, we're taught that Hitler is the embodiment of all evil, but it's more complicated than that, isn't it? The more I read about Hitler, the more convinced I am that his views about the Versailles Treaty were fairly commonplace among Germans living at the time. It seems to me that if Hitler... Read More
Just over three years ago, a black lifelong criminal named George Floyd died of an apparent drug-overdose in Minneapolis police custody. This might seem a very minor incident of little importance. But by emphasizing certain distorted facts and hiding others, our media transformed that event into a symbolic flashpoint and thereby ignited a political and... Read More
For those interested in continuing their debate on the Holocaust, I'm providing this Open Thread. Here are several of my own articles closely-related to this subject: American Pravda: Jews and Nazis Ron Unz • The Unz Review • August 6, 2018 • 6,800 Words American Pravda: Holocaust Denial Ron Unz • The Unz Review• August... Read More
The top American news story at the end of last week was the Supreme Court's 6-3 decision in Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, striking down the use of race in college admissions and thereby overturning nearly a half-century of its own past rulings. The print editions of our leading... Read More
By most accounts, the 6-3 Supreme Court decision striking down the Affirmative Action policies of Harvard University and other American colleges seems considerably stronger and more expansive than many had expected. Although it is difficult to predict exactly how this legal precedent will play out, the victory of these Asian plaintiffs may mark a major... Read More
Later this week the U.S. Supreme Court will release its verdict on the landmark case Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College, widely expected to severely curtail or possibly even ban the use of race in college admissions, perhaps one of the most momentous court rulings of recent decades. After a half-century of continual growth... Read More
Credit: Wikimedia Commons
World War II ranks as the greatest military conflict in human history and became the shaping event of our modern world, with the account told in many tens of thousands of books. But over the last five years I've published a long series of articles providing elements of the story that are sharply---sometimes even shockingly---at... Read More
Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz
Let's start with Hitler. In the West it is universally accepted that: Hitler started WW2 Hitler's invasion of Poland was the first step in a broader campaign aimed at world domination Is this interpretation of WW2 true or false? And, if it is false, then---in your opinion---what was Hitler trying to achieve in Poland and... Read More
My original American Pravda article was published just over ten years ago and that same mark is rapidly approaching for the website as a whole. With such a double anniversary now upon us, I think it's worth explaining the origins of those two interrelated projects and recapitulating how they unfolded. For nearly three decades I've... Read More
As a political scientist in his 30s, Dr. Richard Hanania has become an influential writer on policy matters, increasingly building his reputation for thoughtful if provocative analysis, and I'd listened to his interesting podcast discussion with Steve Hsu last year. He's quite active on Twitter and in early January one of my articles on the... Read More
I published my original American Pravda article just over ten years ago, emphasizing that our reality was created by the media, which many of us eventually discovered was far from reliable. Our American Pravda Ron Unz • The American Conservative • April 29, 2013 • 4,500 Words Then five years ago this month I launched... Read More
Early on the morning of May 3rd the Kremlin was attacked by two explosive drones, and although these were destroyed by the defenses, the Russian government claimed that the incident had probably been an assassination attempt against President Vladimir Putin. I was skeptical at the time, but when Ray McGovern was interviewed a few days... Read More
The Anatomy of an Internet Hoax
For well over 40 years I've read the print edition of the New York Times almost every morning, trying to keep myself informed on important world matters. Until recently, I read it very carefully, but in the last few years I've noticed such a tremendous decline in its quality that these days I usually just... Read More
Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken
I've recently published a couple of articles focused on the Neocons, the ideological faction that has now dominated American foreign policy for more than thirty years. Did the Neocons Save the World from the Thucydides Trap? Ron Unz • The Unz Review • April 18, 2023 • 6,500 Words Dislodging the Neocons, Difficult But Necessary... Read More
Husband and Wife: Bush Neocon Robert Kagan and Obama/Biden Neocon Victoria Nuland
Last week I discussed the ironic role that America's dominant Neocons may have played in shaping recent world events, perhaps inadvertently producing a beneficial outcome exactly contrary to their aggressive intent. Over the last decade, prominent political scientists such as Graham Allison of Harvard and John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago had argued that... Read More
Over the last couple of years I'd begun seeing our growing conflict with China described as an inevitable consequence of "the Thucydides trap" but hadn't been entirely sure of the source of that idea. Decades ago, I'd had a very strong interest in Classical Greek history, so the reference was obvious to me: the bitter... Read More
The world's most influential newsweekly is probably the Economist, and I've been a continuous subscriber since late 1979, a period of more than 43 years. For the last couple of decades, I've usually just glanced at an issue before placing it among my stacks of past numbers, but this week's cover story caught my eye:... Read More
About Ron Unz

A theoretical physicist by training, Mr. Unz serves as founder and chairman of, a content-archiving website providing free access to many hundreds of thousands of articles from prominent periodicals of the last hundred and fifty years. From 2007 to 2013, he also served as publisher of The American Conservative, a small opinion magazine, and had previously served as chairman of Wall Street Analytics, Inc., a financial services software company which he founded in New York City in 1987. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Harvard University, Cambridge University, and Stanford University, and is a past first-place winner in the Intel/Westinghouse Science Talent Search. He was born in Los Angeles in 1961.

He has long been deeply interested in public policy issues, and his writings on issues of immigration, race, ethnicity, and social policy have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, The Nation, and numerous other publications.

In 1994, he launched a surprise Republican primary challenge to incumbent Gov. Pete Wilson of California, running on a conservative, pro-immigrant platform against the prevailing political sentiment, and received 34% of the vote. Later that year, he campaigned as a leading opponent of Prop. 187, the anti-immigration initiative, and was a top featured speaker at a 70,000 person pro-immigrant march in Los Angeles, the largest political rally in California history to that date.

In 1997, Mr. Unz began his “English for the Children” initiative campaign to dismantle bilingual education in California. He drafted Prop. 227 and led the campaign to qualify and pass the measure, culminating in a landslide 61% victory in June 1998, effectively eliminating over one-third of America’s bilingual programs. Within less than three years of the new English immersion curriculum, the mean percentile test scores of over a million immigrant students in California rose by an average of 70%. He later organized and led similar initiative campaigns in other states, winning with 63% in the 2000 Arizona vote and a remarkable 68% in the 2002 Massachusetts vote without spending a single dollar on advertising.

After spending most of the 2000s focused on software projects, he has recently become much more active in his public policy writings, most of which had appeared in his own magazine.

Personal Classics
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
The Hidden History of the 1930s and 1940s