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A deep dive into the manipulation of money and consciousness by the powers that control our daily lives
Archon (Gnosticism) ... any of a number of world-governing powers... In the last decade we have seen an exponential change in the manipulation of basic human instincts through a technological and societal shift often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Everything we do, from sex, dating and purchases to political affiliations and how we... Read More
Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange
‘I've implied the junction of the organic, the lively, the sweet – in other words, life, the orange – and the mechanical, the cold, the disciplined [the clock].’ Anthony Burgess explaining the title of his novel, A Clockwork Orange. As the coronavirus sprang upon us in the first months of 2020, it seemed possible that... Read More
Night of the Living Dead (1968) - Directed by George Romero "I have always liked the 'monster within' idea. I like to think of zombies as being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters." - George Romero The most heinous thing a human can do is eat another human. Fear of cannibalism along with the other... Read More
Let’s do a thought experiment and imagine that the Arabs had gotten the better of the Israelis in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and after years of conflict, all that was left of Israel was the Gaza strip. Assume for a moment that instead of Palestinians, over 1.8 million Jews were crammed into the 11 mile... Read More
Contemporary baptized, corporatized and sanitized man rarely has the occasion to question his identity, and when he does a typical response might be, “I am product manager for a large retail chain, married to Betty, father of Johnny, a Democrat, Steelers fan and a Lutheran.” His answers imply not only his beliefs but the many... Read More
As gold broke below the psychologically important level of $1,200 an ounce late in December of 2013, the mainstream financial media burst with headlines like this one fromMarketwatch, "Gold’s Safe-Haven Role is Over". The Nobel prize winning economist from The NY Times, Paul Krugman, penned a wicked missive on the ‘barbarous relic’ by invoking Keynes... Read More
ID1974 /
Bill Keller, editorialist for The NY Times and former executive editor of the paper, has recently penned a strong attack on Vladimir Putin arguing that Putin’s leadership “deliberately distances Russia from the socially and culturally liberal West”, describing the Kremlin’s policies as “laws giving official sanction to the terrorizing of gays and lesbians, the jailing... Read More
Sylvana Rega /
Criminals leave signatures. There is consistency in their motives, methods, alibis and techniques. A detective from the Spanish National Police said that investigators knew within minutes of reaching the mangled remains of commuter trains in Madrid where almost 200 commuters were killed that the Basque terrorist group ETA had not carried out the attack- a... Read More
September was not a good month for the U.S. dollar. The world’s reserve currency is sustained in large part by the Petrodollar, the agreement by the Saudis and OPEC to price oil in dollars and only accept dollars for payment. The US gets a guaranteed demand for its fiat currency and in exchange the US... Read More
The Tide has Changed Since 9/11 the state’s power has grown exponentially and it’s ability to wage war and infiltrate a digitized populace has reached epic proportions, but the pendulum has reached its apogee. The Obama Administration has made a terrible miscalculation regarding the public’s reaction to it’s proposed military intervention in Syria and it... Read More
betto rodrigues /
The Trayvon Martin affair was one of the most important media events in recent memory. The major networks spent endless hours of prime time discussing it, but what made the episode so exceptional was who benefited from the incredible amount of coverage. At the heart of the story were two young men who both made... Read More
A very small yet conscious minority has come to the realization that the current world regime is one giant corporate infomocracy that needs to be terminated with “extreme prejudice”, disengagement being the weapon of choice. The next revolution will not be carried out by mobs of angry people, guerrillas, terrorists or, god forbid, politicians. It... Read More
Both Eric Cantor and Michele Bachmann have extreme religious views. In Cantor's Zionism God expressly desires a piece of land in Middle East be ruled and occupied by Jews. Bachmann's Dominionism asserts that Christians should play a special role in the American Republic. However, the major news outlets have treated their religous beliefs very differently.... Read More
The recent financial fireworks in the US and in Europe have made it clear that QE3 is close at hand. The third installment described herein is much more than just another revving up of the printing presses, as it will involve a paradigm shift intent on restoring currencies and maintaining the current power structure. It's... Read More
Bankers, War Mongers, Drug Dealers, The New York Times, The Military Industrial Complex, the Neo-Cons, The Wall Street Journal, The DEA, Organized Crime, The CIA, the FBI, The FDA, The Department of Education, The Federal Reserve and the IRS. “With politicians like these,who needs terrorists?” Ron Paul Ron Paul is neither a big man nor... Read More
After a tense week with world markets teetering on the edge of collapse Angela Merkle finally met with her French counterpart Nicholas Sarkozy and they ended the seventh month chill in their once cozy relationship. According to The Independent, they faced a serious impasse regarding bank haircuts in the "déjà vu all over again" Greek... Read More
Arthur Rimbaud - 1872 All writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the bottom of their motives there lies a mystery. Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom... Read More
José TomásThe SP 500 hit an apocryphal low of 666 during the financial crisis in March of 2009 from which point it has surged to more than double in price in about two years. This bull market is one of the most robust in US equities history; its only rivals are the end of the... Read More
The Money Lenders by Quentin Metsys - 1466 "I'm just a banker do doing God's work." Lloyd Blankfein Much has been said about both the moral hazard of banks being bailed out and people bailing out of mortgages. The major question raised was, would this ‘bailout’ contagion infect the integrity of our economic and political... Read More
America’s once vibrant Republic has morphed into an imperial oligarchy. The regime has weaved a new dogma preached faithfully by pundits and politicians of both parties. As that dogma crumbles in the face an impending economic collapse, the vast majority of citizens will be left in an ideological vacuum. Palin or Obama, Fox or CNN,... Read More
All the Usual Suspects In the last few years Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, Norman Podhoretz of Commentary, Charles Krauthammer of The Washinton Post, Bill Kristol from the The Weekly Standard and Thomas Friedman of The New York Times have all clamored for an attack on Iran. The debate has been shaped. Do we or... Read More
You know that screeching sound a balloon makes as it's about to burst? The world economy is the balloon and the slew of trillion dollar bailouts over the last two years were of the last bursts of air from a set of exhausted, dollar denominated lungs. BUBBLES When did this bubble begin? Some would reach... Read More
It is a sad state of affairs for the Republic when the only people willing and able to speak the truth, the relevant truth, are its generals. In the last few months the USmilitary has taken the ideological lead in changing American foreign policy and in calling attention to the most important economic and geo-political... Read More
In 1967 Time Magazine named the Baby Boomer Generation “Man of the Year”. It was the Summer of Love; they were trying to reach Nirvana by various means, fighting a war in Southeast Asia while protesting it at the same time and making some memorable music in the meantime. As Clair Raines noted “never before... Read More
Poster Says “Warning! A PLO agent in the White House.” In March of 2010 the the Israeli Interior Ministry decided to announce the construction of 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem while United States Vice President Joe Biden was on a high profile official visit to Israel. Should Americans care who builds what in Israel?... Read More
The Catholic Church considers itself to be the church that Jesus founded when he said to Saint Peter “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Pope Benedict XVI is, according to the Church,... Read More
I didn’t want to like Don Delillo’s Underworld. I am not sure why, sometimes books, like people, just strike you the wrong way. In general, I trust my instincts. I grudgingly began the big tome, hoping I was right. This is not a book that sucks you in easily. It keeps you interested as it... Read More
Much of America saw Barack Obama as a savior. After eight years of George W. Bush and a country literally run by oil men, military contractors and Neo-Cons promoting a pro-Israeli agenda, many people had the feeling that their government was the same as the mega corporation they worked for; all lies, marketing, and incredible... Read More
The most powerful dogma of the modern world is the belief in abstract money. It led to the financial meltdown and is at the center of the current debt crisis. As the following graph shows, if the world economy had continued on the same track as it had for the first seven years of the... Read More
Baseball on the radio is one of the most authentic sounds of the American spring and summer. Double plays are turned, the bottom falls out of breaking balls, pitches are tapped foul, nubbed, dribbled tomahawked, drilled, driven and crushed. Pitchers look in, check runners, shake off signs, go in to their windups, batters check their... Read More
In 1961 Bill Wilson, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), wrote a letter to the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung to thank him for his role in the founding of AA. In the 1930’s a wealthy American alcoholic, Rowland H., desperate for a cure for his affliction, went to Switzerland to seek out the help of the... Read More
In one hundred years when books are written about the history of film, 2009 will have its own chapter about two very important films that will pave the way for many a masterpiece. The two films are Avatar and Paranormal Activity. They couldn’t be more different. One cost $240 million, or roughly $1 million a... Read More
According to The New York Times “When a 1991 survey by the Library of Congress and the Book-of-the-Month Club asked what the most influential book in the respondent's life was, Rand's Atlas Shrugged was the second most popular choice, after the Bible.” Is this a good thing? It is certainly a very American phenomenon. Americans... Read More
I have a good friend who is very intelligent. She is a highly educated scientist and I would say that her IQ is in the 135+ range. But not only is she very intelligent, she is unselfconsciously intelligent, which is a refreshing trait in today’s self-congratulatory culture. Remember when athletes didn’t jump up and down... Read More
Donald Trump stirred the pot regarding the Obama "birther" issue and the President reacted quickly, releasing the long sought after "long form" and effectively killing the issue. Trump opted for prime time over campaigning to be the POTUS; nonetheless, his stunt created a precedent for candidates to call out the president on issues and pressure... Read More
Ben Bernanke’s head is resting gently on a block of wood. A large angry man is lifting an axe, and this just maybe the first head to roll in the January Revolution. Who is holding the axe? Well, let’s just say someone who got up after a long slumber. He's not feeling too well. You... Read More
A remorseful Jimmy Carter finally asked for forgiveness. During this season of candles and mirth, Jimmy Carter finally saw the light and offered an Al Het. Many are skeptical and assume that it’s simply a ploy to aid his grandson’s campaign for a seat in the Georgia Senate, but we, in the spirit of the... Read More
For years, people have been calling for the world to forgive third world debt. The amount of effort that poverty stricken countries make just to pay interest on their debt while people are starving and living in misery is shameful. Corrupt governments stole big portions of what was borrowed instead of investing it in infrastructure... Read More
If Murphy’s Law ever met 2010, it could literally mean the end of an era that began in the industrial revolution, what will one day be called the industrial age. An age that will be marked by three phenomena: consumption, extreme violence (against humans and the environment), and innovation. The beginning of the 19th Century... Read More
The Internet has changed many things; for example, remember opening a letter from an old friend? I am afraid our children will never do that, and if you don’t have children, there is a good chance you are young enough to never have done it yourself. Personal communication has changed immensely, mostly by format and... Read More
My family had a close connection to the New York Sun in the period around the turn of the 20th Century. My great grandmother’s uncle, William Laffan, owned the paper and was its editor, my great grandfather was the circulation manager, and my grandfather Phillip Bolger and his brother William both worked on the paper,... Read More
On August 20, 1991 many people in the Soviet Union turned on their televisions to see all regular programming replaced by Swann Lake in an apparent information black out and power vacuum. Gorbachev’s cabinet staged a reactionary coup while he was vacationing in Crimea and for all intents and purposes the Soviet Union died with... Read More
The distribution of wealth in the United States has become more and more unequal since the mid 1970’s. Wealth is not income, it's the stuff people own, houses, cars, money in the bank, stocks, bonds, etc as opposed to income which is money earned from work, rent, dividends among other things. The United States has... Read More
Politics in America is dominated by the center, where the center goes, so goes the nation. It is time for that center to create an agenda, clear, concise and with real consequences for those will to accept the challenge of governing the nation. We have two political parties, and that is plenty. They serve their... Read More
We often think of Israel as a Jewish state or France a Catholic country. But the United States is more Christian (83%) than Israel Jewish (76%) or France Catholic (65%). There is often talk of a Judeo/Christian heritage, or our multiculturalism. But only 4% of the United States population identifies themselves as part of a... Read More
The discussion of Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 has focused on the features of websites and the internet in general. The categorization provides at least one way to see the web progressing and it creates potentials for 3.0, which still lies almost entirely in the future. Many bash this as hype and techno-talk, but it... Read More
Robert Bonomo
About Robert Bonomo

Robert Bonomo is a blogger, novelist and esotericist. He has lived and worked in Madrid, San Francisco, Buenos Aires, Kamchatka, Miami, Valencia, Cartagena, New York and a few other not so interesting places. He has toiled as a writer, blogger, car salesman, land surveyor, media buyer, spice salesman, transportation salesman, teacher, advertising salesman, marketing manager and consultant (of course he had to be a consultant too). He has done some other things but asked that we not mention them here.

Robert is a late blooming anarchist and has been published in some of the leading alternative media sites including,, Global, Activist Post, Business Insider, Pravda, RINF, Astrological News Service, Occidental Observer and Henry Makow. When the smoke clears, the tyrants are vanquished and liberty is restored, he will have done his part, God willing.