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It's that time again. There's been another horrific high-profile mass shooting. And as usual, all the nonsense that typically circulates when that happens is circulating again. "We need more gun control!" "The problem is mental illness!" Or "it's not mental illness!" "It's racism!" Chris Harper Mercer added another layer to the matter – the fact... Read More
Now that the blogosphere has discovered my finding that conservatives are outbreeding liberals by a rather large margin, many have taken it as a reason to rejoice. The genes for "pathological altruism" (which are a feature of the special evolutionary path that Northwestern Europeans have undertaken, which seems to result in such traits), which gives... Read More
Last night the right man was re-elected President. There is no question who should have been elected. Many conservatives in the HBD world supported Mitt Romney; but, really, there were no good reasons to do so, as many of these same conservatives pointed out: --- Today I want to write about the ridiculous Republican assertion... Read More
In the spirit of (partial) full disclosure, in my earlier post on the topic, I announced that I'm liberal. In this post, I'll announce that I am Black. That is, at least, according to American hypodescent; I'm a mixed Black/White/Chinese second generation Jamaican-American. As such, of course I have a soft spot for the American... Read More
Someone brought this to my attention (sensational title and all), and I couldn't resist. All I can say is it's about damned time he said this! By Amelia Proud PUBLISHED: 19:36 EST, 27 April 2012 | UPDATED: 10:44 EST, 28 April 2012 Barack Obama had some advice for the single men of America today -... Read More