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Post updated, 1/14/15. See below! Let me start by once again giving the disclaimer that I am an unapologetic atheist. Of course, I would conclude that being an atheist is the only natural position one can have if one is being a true scientist. Now, that said, I realize that I am only able to... Read More
Continuing my ongoing investigation into fertility, I wanted to take another look at who's having children. This post will look at fertility from a different angle: the spread in fertility by sex, IQ, political orientation, and education. I was prompted to this by a recent article describing parenthood in Norway. It found that a fifth... Read More
This is my 100th blog post. Upon reaching this milestone, I thought that this would be a great time to take moment to look back at my experience as a blogger in Human BioDiversity (HBD) and share my thoughts on the things to come. 1. The Beginning 2. Fertility 3. Immigration and the economy 4.... Read More
For the record, one can be liberal (as I am) and be against continued mass immigration. Check out these folks: Once every few decades, the stars align for major immigration legislation. According to political analysts, the United States may be at such a juncture now. Barack Obama’s re-election as President has concentrated politicians’ attention on... Read More
This post is meant to serve as a prod to certain of my smart liberal friends to start having children. It will come as no big surprise to my long time readers. The 2012 General Social Survey (GSS) results have been released. I decided to take a quick look to see if certain trends were... Read More
Edit, 10/26/12: I've added a table of contents, to make navigating through this long post easier! Unlike the vast majority of HBD'ers, I lean to the political Left on a variety of issues. The primary reason for this is that most of the stuff that comes out of mainstream conservatives in America is utter insanity.... Read More