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A persistent misunderstanding both in the world of HBD and general medical and psychological science at large is the notion of what constitutes a "disorder." When does a phenotype represent a physiological or behavioral malady? For behavioral issues, most people regard the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as the "final word" on... Read More
Post updated, 6/10/14. See below! As we saw previously (see My Most Read Posts), my post Maps of the American Nations is the single most popular post so far here on my blog. Americans all over are supremely interested in both their origins and the reasons for the cultural quirks of the different American regions.... Read More
"Misdreavus" was having a field day on Twitter yesterday. Here are some the products of that: For the record, "misdreavus" is non-White, like me. He is also gay. And the coup de grâce: How about that? These are basically the running themes on my blog, and other places in the HBD-space. As we've seen with... Read More
Updated, 10/17/15. See below! In this post, I will review Gregory Cochran's "gay germ" hypothesis. I wanted to make an index of Cochran's posts from his and Henry Harpending's blog West Hunter that discuss it. These posts don't seem to all show up under the "Homosexuality" category there, and I wanted links to them to... Read More
Interestingly, none of the commenters to my previous post (Gay Germ Fallout?), with the exception of Luke Lea, seems to be talking about the main point of the post: the consequences should people discover that there is a gay germ. The discussion is focusing on whether or not the pathogen exists, which it almost certainly... Read More
Readers here will recall my recital of Greg Cochran's hypothesis that obligate male homosexuality is caused by a pathogenic agent, likely a virus (please see 100 Blog Posts – A Reflection on HBD Blogging And What Lies Ahead: Homosexuality (the “gay germ” hypothesis)). This is by far the most likely explanation for male homosexuality (see... Read More
This is my 100th blog post. Upon reaching this milestone, I thought that this would be a great time to take moment to look back at my experience as a blogger in Human BioDiversity (HBD) and share my thoughts on the things to come. 1. The Beginning 2. Fertility 3. Immigration and the economy 4.... Read More
Greg Cochran argues that it is highly likely that exclusive male homosexuality is caused by an infectious agent, likely a virus. As he explains, there are several good reasons to suspect that this is the case, including: the low heritability of male same-sex attraction (0.22) the absence of homosexuality in hunter-gatherer populations the relatively high... Read More
Updated: 8/30/12. See below. First and foremost welcome to my new blog site! From now on all my posts will on WordPress, All of the posts from my old blog can be found here on the new site, however the old blog will remain active so readers can find my previously linked articles. Please update... Read More