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In La Defaite de l’Occidante, Emmanuel Todd claims that the collapse of the American empire was caused by the evaporation of Protestantism, which he describes as its hidden grammar. America is now facing defeat in the Ukraine because of the complete disappearance of the Christian foundation of its culture, “un phénomène historique crucial qui, justement,... Read More
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - JULY 26, 2012: Stained Glass depicting the legend of Jews stealing sacramental bread, in the Cathedral of Brussels, Belgium.
When I saw the headline—Catholics Cannot be Anti-Semites—I immediately wrote to Bishop Barron and asked him to inform the ADL that E. Michael Jones cannot be an anti-Semite because he is a Catholic. I have been maintaining that position for years, and it was heartening to have a famous bishop take my side in this... Read More
I remember riding through Tehran next to Kevin Barrett listening to him tell me the story of his conversion to Islam. This was probably in 2013 at the first of many conferences I would attend over the next ten years organized by the late Nader Talebzadeh, a man who brought east and west together in... Read More
On Monday, October 30, CNN and Fox ran reports of grieving family members from Lewiston, Maine, who had lost relatives in “the most lethal act of firearms violence in the state’s history.”[1] Three days earlier, the perpetrator had been found dead inside a cargo trailer parked on the lot of a recycling plant where he... Read More
The good news according to E. Michael Jones
Video link Watch on Bitchute The good news is that World War III has been postponed due to events beyond the Zionists' control. The bad news is that they're still trying to figure out how to blow up Al-Aqsa and build a gay disco called The Pink Heifer. That, anyway, seems to be the considered... Read More
Antony Blinken
In May of 2023, the Biden Administration released the first U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, a document which President Biden claimed “represents the most ambitious and comprehensive U.S. government-led effort to fight antisemitism in American history.”[1] The historical significance of this document diminished considerably in light of the legal disclaimer which preceded its content.... Read More
The ADL used to state clearly that E. Michael Jones was not a racist. That situation changed on July 14, 2023, when the ADL posted a revised profile on me which contained the following assertion: On they same day, Jonathan Greenblatt opened the same culture war on the religious front when he tweeted: “The idea... Read More
After mentioning on my weekly podcast the story of the Los Angeles Dodgers inviting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to perform disgusting, blasphemous rituals at one of their base ball games, I received the following e-mail: According to Wikipedia, Guggenheim Partners is a “family vehicle” which manages over $300 billion in assets. The origins of... Read More
How Artificial Intelligence destroyed the Holocaust
The world’s smartest Jew recently gave a talk on the dangers that artificial intelligence posed for the future of humanity. Yuval Noah Harari claims the fear films like Terminator and The Matrix inspired is misplaced. To pose a danger to mankind, it is unnecessary for AI to become “sentient and develop consciousness,” feel and emote... Read More
One of the main Jewish preoccupations is worrying about going out of existence. Following in the footsteps of Alan Dershowitz, who wrote The Vanishing American Jew 26 years ago, Dominic Green wrote in The Jewish Chronicle that “Suddenly, everywhere you look, Jews are disappearing.”[1] As one proof of his claim, Green states that under Biden... Read More
Since the publication of Brendan Whitaker’s article on the Mark Houck trial and my article on how I ended up on the FBI hit list for traditional Catholics in the March issue of Culture Wars, both stories have not only taken on legs; they have merged into a narrative that made national news after it... Read More
Within hours of the publication of the leaked memo from the FBI’s Richmond office targeting “radical traditionalist Catholics,” Tucker Carlson weighed in by launching an attack on the FBI, claiming that they tried “to manufacture crimes against sincere Catholics.” “The Bill of Rights,” Carlson continued, “prevents government from weighing in on religious questions. They don’t... Read More
By “Moishe”
Many of you have seen the picture of Jordan Peterson shaking hands with Binyamin Netanyahu over dinner in Jerusalem with Ben Shapiro beaming in the background. Many of you know that E. Michael Jones has extensive contacts in the intelligence community in the United States. What many of you might not know is that he... Read More
You heard it here first
In the special New Year’s Edition of False Flag Weekly News I asked E. Michael Jones if he had any predictions for 2023. Here is a condensed and edited transcript. Kevin Barrett: Last year at this time we were going from 2021 to 2022. And little did we know it would be the year of... Read More
On November 3, 2022, the University of Notre Dame hosted a debate between College Democrats and College Republicans which suddenly and unexpectedly turned from contentious to nasty when the question of abortion arose. Blake Ziegler, spokesman for the College Democrats, opened the abortion segment of the debate by saying, “I proudly affirm the women’s right... Read More
Kyrie Irving.  Credit: Erik Drost/Wikimedia Commons.  CC BY 2.0
How Dave Chappelle turned anti-Semitism into a joke
The Kyrie Irving incident seemed at first glance to be the classic example of hysterical Jewish over-reaction leading to the exact opposite of what the Jews intended to bring about. In response to a basketball player recommending a recent movie—From Hebrews to Negroes—which was available on Amazon, the Jewish CHEKA, otherwise known as the Anti-Defamation... Read More
The Attack on the Pipeline and the Resurrection of the Morgenthau Plan as the Long Arm of Jewish Vengeance
Within hours of the attack on the September attack on the Nordstream pipelines, a consensus emerged that the Americans did it, in spite of the fact that the mainstream media were united in blaming Russia. Only the Americans had the motive and the means. The evidence was circumstantial but irrefutable. Within hours of the attack... Read More
Apparently the Critical Race theoreticians never learned that we are not to speak ill of the dead. This became apparent when the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II of England spread through the ether on September 8, 2022. Uju Anya, an “anti-racist” associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, sparked outrage after... Read More
Daria Dugina.  Credit: Wikimedia Commons
In an article in the Unz review in July, retired CIA agent Philip Giraldi described an encounter he had at what he called “an antiwar conference.” The conference was in Mashhad, in Iran, and the “elderly gentleman,” much as I hate to admit it, was me. I may be elderly, but I am certainly not... Read More
Author Salman Rushdie.  Credit: Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0.
On Friday, August 12, a 24-year-old New Jersey resident by the name of Hadi Matar stormed the stage in western New York where the Anglo-Indian author Salman Rushdie was scheduled to speak and stabbed him 15 times before he was subdued by a security guard and members of the audience.[1] The assault was immediately labeled... Read More
The media hype surrounding the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade brought back memories of my engagement in the almost fifty years of America’s abortion wars . Eleanor Smeal, who was then head of the National Organization of Women, had just given a talk on abortion at the University of Notre Dame in what... Read More
As if determined to lend credence those who claim he is suffering from dementia, President Biden logged on to his Twitter account and opined: Biden is giving expression to what could be called the a priori school of foreign policy, according to which he can deduce a statement about reality from abstract principles. So, there... Read More
As in the culture wars, there are no truces in the war on Christmas. Although he didn’t start it, former Fox pundit Bill O’Reilly played a major role in popularizing the idea that someone was waging a war on Christmas when The O’Reilly Factor ran a segment on “Christmas under Siege” on December 7, 2004.... Read More
Greetings, Dr. E. Michael Jones and I met in Tehran in 2013. We’ve been crossing paths ever since—most recently last night on Press TV. (Watch above.) And speaking of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, whose martyrdom anniversary is tomorrow, below is my forthcoming written interview on the topic, which should be published soon at Best Kevin... Read More
“I will vote for him when he runs. I would have voted for his father, but I was too young. But I will vote for him. He was doing this before it got to be center stage, and now he’s the man of the hour.” That was Dr. E. Michael Jones, one of America’s leading... Read More
Katharina Volckmer, The Appointment: A Novel (Avid Reader Press/Simon & Schuster, 2020, Kindle file). Reviewed by E. Michael Jones Zelda Biller begins her review of Katharina Volckmer’s debut novel The Appointment, by claiming that it tells “a story that no German publishing house dared to publish.”1 The assertion is correct, but not in the way... Read More
Who watches over the guardians of tradition?
On July 16, 2021, the Vatican issued a motu proprio on the Latin Mass under the title of Traditionis Custodes which effectively revoked Pope Benedict’s motu proprio Summorum Pontificium, which made the Latin Mass more readily available to the faithful. That story began in 1988 when Pope John Paul II issued his own motu proprio... Read More
Our topic today is “Is race an important topic or a fiction?” And so, I'd like to begin our discussion of the concept of race with a reminder that historically race referred to ethnicity as well as physical characteristics. But before I do that I'd like to explain the difference between categories of the mind... Read More
Understand the Empire (The title should end with an exclamation point!) is the English translation of Alain Soral’s 2011 best seller Comprendre l’Empire, which was his prescient attempt to explain the role which France played in the global empire. Because it is only a part of that empire, France presents a simplified case study which... Read More
One of the most puzzling events of the first 100 days of the Biden Administration was the president’s decla­ration that the deaths of Armenians that occurred in 1915 constituted genocide. Was Hunter Biden dating Kim Kardashian? That was certainly more plausible than Joe dating Kim, but not really an explanation of what was actually going... Read More
On Monday, March 8, Ali Breland introduced himself to me via e-mail as a reporter for Mother Jones who was planning to do an article on Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab, a media platform which over the past few months had become the refuge of those who had been banned from Twitter. The most... Read More
“We have met the enemy and he is us.” — Pogo First of all, let’s announce the good news. Professor David Hawkes has declared war on the forces of anti-Logos in our age, telling us that the “profound hostility to logos,” which “permeates every aspect of modern and especially postmodern culture” is “only the latest... Read More
No one was more qualified to write a book on beauty than the late Sir Roger Scruton. He was a man of impeccable taste and cultivated manners who could charm an audience even when, after being invited to a symposium at Notre Dame to talk about beauty, he ended up talking about wine instead. He... Read More
On October 3, 1998, Pope John Paul II beatified Alojzije Cardinal Stepinac at the national shrine of Marija Bistrica in front of 500,000 Croats.1 The next step was canonization. On February 10, 2014, the memorial of Blessed Stepinac, Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, announced that the canonization... Read More
Russell Kirk, 1962. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
Thirty years ago, almost to the day, I spoke at Hillsdale College, the bastion of conservative academic thought nestled in the woods and hills of southern Michigan. My speech took place one year after the fall of the Berlin Wall and one year before the collapse of the Soviet Union, at what we can say... Read More
After playing Jesus in Mel Gibson’s blockbuster film The Passion of the Christ, actor Jim Caviezel became the poster boy for Catholics who wanted to use the film to share their faith. Playing that role also got Caviezel blacklisted from Hollywood films. In 2011, Caviezel told First Baptist Church in Orlando, Florida that he had... Read More
On September 27, 2020, Azerbaijan launched a military attack on the Armenian ethnic enclave known as Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan was quick to blame Turkey for Azerbaijan’s actions: Like Pashinyan, Adam Schiff, the Jew whose congressional district covers Hollywood and includes many influential Armenians, attacked Erdogan but omitted any mention of Israel’s role... Read More
Edmund Mazza begins The Scholastics and the Jews: Coexistence, Conversion, and the Medieval Origins of Tolerance by citing what he calls Jeremy Cohen’s “classic work,” The Friars and the Jews, in which Cohen argues that “the Dominicans and Franciscans developed, refined, and sought to implement a new Christian ideology with regard to the Jews, one... Read More
At the end of Euripedes' play The Bacchae, Cadmus asks his daughter Agave, “What do you see?” Agave is sitting center stage with a severed human head in her lap. It is the head of her son Pentheus, who was torn limb from limb by the women of Thebes as they danced naked on the... Read More
How Identity Politics Became Identity Theft
Karl Marx once said that history repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce. Nothing proved the truth of Marx’s claim better than the farcical battle over the statue of St. Louis in, yes, St. Louis which followed hot on the heels of the tragedy of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The battle over the... Read More
“Fear” is the first word of The Plot against America, the Philip Roth novel which just got re-cycled as an HBO series by David Simon and Ed Burns, creators of The Corner, The Wire, and Generation Kill. “Fear,” Roth tells us, “presides over these memories, a perpetual fear.” The memories in question are Roth’s, of... Read More
Over the course of 2019 the Jews lost control of the narrative in America. When Jews lose control they get upset, because, in a world without logos, the only order is the order they impose on the rest of us, a group known as the goyim, whom, Jews believe, have a natural tendency toward anti-Semitism.... Read More
“Die Eule der Minerva beginnt erst mit der einbrechenden Dämmerung ihren Flug. [1]” — G.W.F Hegel, Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts “I am a scientist working to stop coronavirus. We should cancel all Masses. [2] ” — Patrick O'Neill Pestilence is portrayed in scripture as a punishment for sin. Yahweh forgave David after he committed... Read More
Crown Heights Riot in New York City
Once again Michael Brown has held me responsible for attacks on Jews. Last year it was Pittsburgh and Poway. This time it was Jersey City and Monsey, New York. In order to make these accusations sound plausible against me, a man who prefaced virtually every YouTube video he ever posted on the Jewish Question with... Read More
Pornography is the unacknowledged subtext of Todd Phillips’ film Joker, which is a mash up of two films by Martin Scorcese, Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy. The scene of revolutionary violence which brings Joker to a close is a remake of Times Square during the era of Taxi Driver, which is to say,... Read More
After John Haldane’s tight-rope walk over a swamp of politically correct crocodiles at the University Notre Dame’s 2019 ethics and culture conference, John Waters’ talk seemed subdued by comparison. After getting used to the somber tone of his talk, the audience quickly fell under his spell. With his balding pate surrounded by a halo of... Read More
The Hexenhammer Debate
At 4:30 pm on March 30, 2002, Israeli military forces took over Palestinian TV stations when they occupied Ramallah in the West Bank. Shortly after occupying the Al-Watan TV station, the Israeli forces began broadcasting pornography over its transmitter. The Palestinians were outraged and bewildered. “Why in the world,” one woman wondered, “should one do... Read More
Previously Published - Part One In his first intellectual incarnation as a conservative, Sam fell under the spell of one-time Communist James Burnham, then writing for the conservative journal National Review. In retrospect, it’s difficult to ignore the materialist, if not Marxist, nature of the categories both men employed in trying to understand the hidden... Read More
Three weeks ago the Zionist ADL produced a “short list of social media accounts that should have been removed long ago.” Catholic scholar E Michael Jones, myself amongst other academics and intellectuals were shortlisted by the Zionist book burning apparatus. Three days ago I was interviewed by E Michael Jones. We agreed on many things,... Read More
It was sheer coincidence, which of course does not exist in the mind of God, that allowed me to take part in this year’s Arbaeen march organized largely by Iraqi Shi'a in Dearborn, Michigan. My opportunity to go on the real Arbaeen pilgrimage from Najaf to Karbala in Iraq to mourn the death of Hussein... Read More
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism