The Unz Review • An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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A New Open Thread.
I only just received a couple of the books I'd ordered for my current article, so it will have to wait until next week. Meanwhile, I might as well highlight a couple of my recent podcast interviews, both of which seemed to go reasonably well. Back in September, I was interviewed for an hour by... Read More
A new Open Thread
It's been nearly a year since I last updated the SimilarWeb traffic metrics for our own webzine and eighty-odd others, so I spent a couple of hours doing that. Here's the chart, showing the totals for July, ranked by total Pageviews. Most of the other websites listed are alternative outlets, but I also included a... Read More
I just did a two hour podcast interview with Patrick Casey, primarily focused on racial/ethnic issues, especially those related to the hidden aspects of Affirmative Action and the massive Jewish over-representation in elite institutions: Here are several of my articles most relevant to this discussion: Affirmative Action and the Jewish Elephant in the Room The... Read More
For those interested in continuing their debate on the Holocaust, I'm providing this Open Thread. Here are several of my own articles closely-related to this subject: American Pravda: Jews and Nazis Ron Unz • The Unz Review • August 6, 2018 • 6,800 Words American Pravda: Holocaust Denial Ron Unz • The Unz Review• August... Read More
A few days ago I had an hour-long interview with Michael Farris of the Coffee and a Mike podcast which focused on my analysis of the role of the Neocons with regard to our foreign policy and the Thucydides Trap, as well as the Covid outbreak. I thought it went well and can be heard... Read More
I recently read Lenin’s Tomb, David Remnick’s Pulitzer Prize winning 1993 account of the decay and political collapse of the Soviet Union, and one of the crucial points he emphasized was that Soviet history contained many important "Blank Spots," deeply suppressed facts or incidents central to the true history of that unfortunate country. Just as... Read More
A new Open Thread, jump started with some eccentric disputes over theoretical physics and pure mathematics.
My main project of the last few years has been my American Pravda series, which runs well over 400,000 words and provides an extensive counter-narrative to our established history of the last one hundred years. In producing these dozens of articles, I carefully read hundreds of weighty books, many of them by leading scholars or... Read More
A New Dedicated Open Thread
This morning Russia's RT reported that Twitter had suspended the official account of Russia's Foreign Ministry: ht
Since April 2020, I've published a long series of articles arguing that there is a strong perhaps even overwhelming case that the global Covid epidemic that has taken over 15 million lives, including more than a million Americans, was the result of an American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran). Although I believe I have... Read More
The current media hurricane unleashed by the Russia-Ukraine war has naturally brushed aside other news stories, some of which might otherwise have been of the greatest importance. As an example of this, a couple of days ago the New York Times ran a major article reporting the scientific discovery of time-travel, or perhaps precognition, but... Read More
Here are my first two video podcast interviews, in which I discussed the origins of the global Covid outbreak, presenting my theory that it was the result of an American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran). The first interview was on Geopolitics & Empire, currently available on Youtube, several other video hosting systems, and SoundCloud:... Read More
I recently released several updated or new eBooks, all freely downloadable in either the ePub or Mobi/Kindle formats. My previous eBook analyzing the global Covid outbreak now includes a lengthy review of all the major books that have released discussing the origins of the virus, some of which have suggested a possible lab-leak, and I... Read More
Two weeks ago, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., an heir of the most famous family in America, released his blockbuster new book The Real Anthony Fauci. Despite the lack of any advertising campaign and virtually any media coverage, it soon spent ten days as Amazon's #1 bestseller, and has now attracted over 1,100 reviews, 96% of... Read More
As everyone familiar with media operations is well aware, late Friday afternoon is the best time to release new information intended to attract minimal attention. A perfect example of this came a couple of days ago in the distribution of America's newly declassified intelligence report on the origins of Covid. Back in August, a sudden... Read More
This is a further continuation of the Covid vaxxing debate, which has now nearly approached 600,000 words in the two previous threads, which include: Are the Opponents of the Covid Injections "Anti-Vaxx Crackpots"? Interview with Ron Unz Mike Whitney and Ron Unz • The Unz Review • August 1, 2021 • 9,000 Words • 1,681... Read More
Beginning late last year, several of our regular columnists became vocal anti-vaxxers with regard to the new Covid vaccines, and as a result our website was swarmed by their zealous adherents, who soon began pushing their determined message on entirely unrelated threads. This greatly irritated me, and I made increasing efforts to drive them away.... Read More
Yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which constituted the central turning point of the Second World War. Given the striking recent reversal by the bulk of our mainstream political and media establishment on the supposed origins of the Covid virus, I'd like to pass along another... Read More
For more than a year now, I've been publishing a series of articles and columns discussing the origins of the global Covid-19 epidemic and strongly arguing that the outbreak represented an American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran). Here are links to the three major articles, with the last appearing a week ago: American Pravda:... Read More
I've been very pleased with the response to my eBooks, and the continuing number of daily downloads has considerably exceeded my total hard copy sales at Amazon over the last few years. Although the material has already been available on this website, eBooks may be conveniently read off-line, allow note-taking, and have various other advantages... Read More
Late last April we were suddenly banned by Facebook and very soon afterwards had all of our pages entirely deranked by Google. This sudden purge came just days after I had published my original article strongly suggesting that the Covid-19 outbreak was probably due to an American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran). None of... Read More
This thread will remain available indefinitely for users to report website bugs and suggestions. Off-topic comments should not be made here, and are much less likely to be published.
Our website contains an enormous amount of content, including over 85,000 articles and posts totaling more than 70 million words, with our 1900 HTML books adding another 200 million words. Much of this material is highly controversial and of considerable potential importance, not easily found elsewhere. But except for a few dozen of the more... Read More
A New Dedicated Open Thread.
Coming on the first anniversary of America's unprecedented wave of Covid-19 lockdowns, my recent long article on the impact of the viral outbreak and its origins only broke limited new ground, but recapitulated and summarized much of the material I had previously published, beginning with my original April 2020 analysis. Despite the replacement of Donald... Read More
I've been quite pleased with the positive response to the audio versions of my articles which I produced and made freely available on this website, now totaling more than 100 in number, and including multipart versions of a half dozen of the longest ones. This collection represents the spoken form of more than 500,000 words... Read More
At the beginning of this month, I'd released eBook versions of my American Pravda and Meritocracy article collections, each running a hefty 300,000 words or more, and together containing nearly all my published writings of the last thirty years, with the bulk of the material having been produced in the last few. The response was... Read More
I've been mostly preoccupied with various things, but here are a couple of recent podcasts I had done in the wake of the election that I should have highlighted much earlier. First, here's a very long two and a half hour discussion I had in November with Danish Nationalist Fróði Midjord on his Guide to... Read More
As some of you may remember, late last year I briefly considered running ads on this website, but soon decided against it because the ads seemed too trashy or boring, and therefore distracted and annoyed me. I assume that many regular readers of our webzine had much the same reaction. I've never been fervently opposed... Read More
A couple of weeks ago Rurik, one of our most frequent longtime commenters, suggested that we add a "Breaking News" section, providing newslinks to external articles along the general lines of the influential Drudge Report: I’d like to take this opportunity to make a suggestion. I used to visit Drudge from time to time, just... Read More
A New Dedicated Open Thread.
A New Dedicated Open Thread.
Early yesterday morning I received a worried note from one of our regular columnists saying our website no longer came up in any Google search results. Google and Facebook are the top gatekeepers to the global Internet, and in early May they had both purged us, with Facebook blocking our content and Google de-ranking all... Read More
According to the old saying, it's only an ill wind that blows no good. Whether true or not, America society has certainly been buffeted from some extremely ill winds of late. Our nation is still facing its worst disease epidemic in over 100 years together with the highest unemployment since the Great Depression. Efforts to... Read More
Just over a month ago I was riding high and celebrating the steady upward progress of our alternative media webzine. I proudly noted that our traffic had now far surpassed that of the venerable New Republic, a century old publication that had spent decades as America's most influential opinion magazine. But pride goeth before the... Read More
My morning newspapers had recently mentioned Facebook's plans to crack down on misinformation related to our ongoing Covid-19 epidemic, and probably like most other readers I just nodded my head. After all, many Americans might die if cranks or pranksters began promoting highly dubious cures to the deadly disease, perhaps even suggesting that people should... Read More
Also, Longtime Conservative Writer Michelle Malkin Adds Her Archives
It's an ill wind that blows no good. Although the early months of 2020 have been a horrible time for the world, starting with the American assassination of Iran's top military leader and soon afterward marked by the worldwide Coronavirus outbreak, our small website has gained a great deal of additional readership from these events,... Read More
A New Dedicated Open Thread.
A Dedicated Open Thread.
A little over a week ago, I published an Announcement describing that a small fraction of our heaviest commenters would be receiving recognition for their excellent work by having their superior status so indicated. After the bit of experimentation and feedback, I've settled upon a gold star next to their names, and this may further... Read More
Earlier this month I noted that the volume of comments on our website had become enormous, frequently exceeding 4 million words per month, a figure probably considerably larger than that of websites whose traffic completely dwarfs our own. What began as a simple webzine has now evolved into something closer to a wide-ranging discussion forum.... Read More
Over the last couple of years, I think this website has evolved into a successful opinion webzine and discussion forum, with our traffic now eclipsing the overwhelming majority of other alternative media publications. For example, we apparently now get several times the traffic of Takimag on the Right or Counterpunch on the Left. Our very... Read More
As some of you are probably aware, the rising readership of our webzine led Google's advertising representatives to contact us a month or two ago, suggesting that we begin running their ads to monetize our traffic. I'd always been very reluctant to run advertising in the past, regarding it as too intrusive and also a... Read More
As some of you may have noticed, we've very recently added a new regular columnist, Pepe Escobar, who has been writing on international globalization issues for the Asia Times and numerous other publications for at least two decades. We'll be regularly republishing his insightful new pieces as they come out, and have already incorporated his... Read More
This thread will remain available indefinitely for users to report website bugs and suggestions. Off-topic comments should not be made here, and are much less likely to be published.
Our website traffic has been growing very nicely over the last few months, both in absolute and relative terms. We have also expanded our coverage a bit, publishing the articles and archives of eminent Russia scholar Prof. Stephen Cohen of The Nation and outstanding investigative journalist Whitney Webb of MintPress News. In addition, I recently... Read More
I doubt that any event in human history has been as thoroughly discussed and documented as the Second World War, the gigantic global struggle that ended three generations ago and shaped our modern world. Elements of that conflict have probably been the subject of hundreds of thousands of books over the decades along with countless... Read More
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism