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Russia is doing things right and going through the investigation of the attack.

But let’s be real: somehow the US was responsible for it, and it’s only a matter of time before that is determined by Moscow.

Frankly, the fact that the terrorists were fleeing to the Ukraine is proof enough.


Washington’s insistence on a narrative about the Crocus City Hall massacre is odd, since the Russian investigation is still ongoing, President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday.

Within hours of Friday’s terrorist attack, which claimed 143 lives at a Moscow concert venue, the US and EU began insisting that Ukraine had absolutely nothing to do with it and that the terrorist group Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K) was the sole culprit.

“It’s strange, to say the least, that the Americans have dared to announce a single narrative,” Peskov told the Russian outlet Izvestiya on Wednesday. “This suggests at the very least that they are trying to shift attention away from something,” he added.

Peskov also noted that these claims came in before Moscow had formulated an official version of events, since Russian law enforcement is still working on the case.

Four men suspected of being the perpetrators were arrested early on Saturday as they attempted to flee into Ukraine, according to Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). They were identified as nationals of Tajikistan.

While acknowledging the assessment by security services that the men were “radical Islamists,” Putin noted on Monday that many questions remained unanswered. He also noted that such terrorist attacks fit the pattern of hostile actions against Russia by Ukraine’s foreign sponsors.

Yeah, Islamic terrorists do not usually plan to escape alive. Every terrorist attack I remember was a suicide attack, with the exception of maybe Charlie Hebdo, where suspects fled (it’s unclear if they had an established getaway plan when they were killed by cops two days later).

Meanwhile, the Ukraine has done multiple assassinations within Russia, and the suspects always flee.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has also commented on Washington’s strange insistence on the ISIS-K narrative. The US is obviously biased and trying to “get Ukraine out of harm’s way,” she said during the daily briefing on Wednesday.

Had Kiev truly been blameless, the US would have called for a full investigation, Zakharova argued. Instead, both the White House and the State Department simply announced that “Ukraine has nothing to do with this.”

That’s also a big piece of proof.

It’s all obvious to everyone what is going on, which is why the German Chancellor had to come out and say plainly that he didn’t know about it – but that the Americans probably did!


In an interview with the Markische Allgemeine newspaper on Thursday, Scholz denied having any prior knowledge about plans for the attack.

He suggested, however, that “US [security] services probably had clues,” adding that Washington’s policy is to warn other countries of impending terrorist attacks whenever it receives information.

“They even issued a public warning. It is all the more regrettable that this terrible terrorist attack still took place,” the chancellor added.

Scholz was apparently referring to a security alert issued by the US Embassy in Moscow on March 7, warning that it was “monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts,” and that this could occur within the next 48 hours. The White House also said that it had shared information about a potential attack with Russian authorities.

The head of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), Aleksandr Bortnikov, has confirmed that the US warned Moscow of a potential terrorist attack, but noted that the information was “general” in nature. Russian authorities “had taken appropriate measures,” he added, noting that they had targeted a group of individuals and that “[the] information did not check out at the time.”

Bortnikov has also suggested that along with Ukraine, the US and the UK may have played a role in the Crocus shooting.

Well, if the Moslems had the ability to do this, it sure seems like they would attack Israel, no?

The amount of intelligence that would have to go into planning an attack like this would be huge. Why would Moslems spend those resources attacking Russia, while Israel is doing what they are doing right now?

If some shadowy Islamic group is responsible, it’s obvious that this is still just the CIA. But it’s more likely that the operation was run through the Ukraine, as that would be much easier, as there are all of these CIA agents on the ground they’re already planning all of these various different operations.

Scholz actually seems to be suggesting something with his statements. Why even make a statement at all, unless he is trying to distance himself from the US?

Meanwhile, further evidence of US involvement is that after having blamed “ISIS-K,” they are also working to establish a narrative that the event was a false flag committed by Russia against itself, claiming the people arrested were patsies.


A US government-funded news outlet has come to the defense of one of the alleged perpetrators of last week’s concert hall massacre near Moscow. The man, who is accused of taking part in the killing of 140 people, has been described in a Radio Free Europe article as “very compassionate.”

Muhammadsobir Fayzov was caught by Russian security forces near the Ukrainian border on Friday and formally arrested at a Moscow court on Sunday. Along with three other Tajik nationals, Fayzov is accused of carrying out a mass shooting at the Crocus City Hall, a concert venue northwest of Moscow, on Friday. As of Wednesday, the attack has claimed at least 143 lives.

Although Fayzov was allegedly responsible for the deadliest terror attack on Russian soil in two decades, he has been portrayed by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Taijik branch as a kind and caring young man.

“He was the best kid in the family. He was very compassionate,” Fayzov’s mother told RFE/RL. “He loved his cousins. He loved his friends’ weddings. He danced with the boys at parties. He was a funny boy, but no one complained at school. He actively participated in school activities.”

“He was afraid of hurting someone, and someone probably set him up,” his mother claimed.

Based on a glance at Fayzov’s social media accounts, RFE/RL determined that the accused murderer “seems to be a happy young man and a good worker.” The news outlet also spoke to Fayzov’s employer, who described him as a skilled worker.


Wow, so the Jews are demanding more and more and more from the goyim?

I never would have expected they would do that.

New York Post:

Tearing down pro-Israel posters and flyers would become a misdemeanor under a package of laws proposed by state Senate Republicans in response to a wave of antisemitism.

The laws unveiled Wednesday would also prohibit the removal pro-Jewish flyers and posters, a common scene in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks in October and ensuing war in Gaza.

“New York is home to the largest Jewish population outside of Israel, and it is incumbent upon us to take action to ensure nobody is ever made to feel unsafe because of their religion,” Senate Republican Minority leader Robert Ortt said at a news conference.

The slew of bills would also define “antisemitism” under the state Human Rights Law and make it easier to prosecute antisemitic acts such as incitement of violence or vandalism as a hate crime.


Ortt, during an Albany press conference, challenged Democrats to support the measures.

You might be thinking: “Why are these Republicans catering to Jews who don’t even vote for them?”

In fact, Trump is now polling ahead with Jews in New York, as a result of the current conflict in Gaza.

So, apparently, these Jews are in fact simply catering to a constituency.

Republicans in theory believe in freedom of speech more than Democrats, but as we’ve seen since the Gaza situation began, that support is only theoretical. In fact, they will make all of the same censorship arguments as Democrats when it comes to preventing people from disagreeing with the Jews.


So, apparently they are just enforcing hate crimes laws in America now.

It’s never been explained how this is possible, other than by claiming it is “harassment,” which is obviously unconstitutional.

They have just started ignoring the First Amendment, and pretending this is Europe.


Three middle schoolers from southern Maryland have been charged with hate crimes after they displayed swastikas, performed Nazi salutes and made derogatory remarks about a classmate’s religion, according to county prosecutors.

Officials with the Calvert County State’s Attorney’s Office said the harassment began in December and the students refused to stop despite repeated requests. The victim ultimately reported the behavior to Maryland State Police, which investigated and filed charges against the students.

The defendants, all 13, are students at Plum Point Middle School in Calvert County, which serves students in sixth through eighth grades and is located about 50 miles (80.5 kilometers) southeast of Washington, D.C. Their names are being withheld because they’re underage.

Officials said the charges will be forwarded to the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services for appropriate action.

Prosecutors announced the charges in a news release last week.


“Maryland was founded on the principle of religious toleration,” State’s Attorney Robert Harvey said in a statement. “It is frankly astonishing that nearly 400 years later some people continue to persecute others based upon their religion.”

It’s not based on their religion.

It’s because they’re Jewish.

This news article basically admits that the ADL is behind these politically motivated charges:

The school system’s website includes a statement on how it handles allegations of racism and other forms of discrimination.

“Calvert County Public Schools explicitly denounces racism, bullying, discrimination, white supremacy, hate, and racial inequity in any form within our school community,” the statement says.

A report released in March 2023 by the Anti-Defamation League found that antisemitic incidents in Maryland had nearly doubled over the past year. Similar instances of antisemitism also have increased nationally in recent years.

In response to the 2023 report, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore called the increase “absolutely unacceptable.”

“I want everyone in Maryland to hear me clearly — hate has no home in our state,” he said in a statement at the time. “I refuse to allow these alarming actions to go unnoticed.”

It’s unbelievable that this is happening in America. There is no explanation at all as to how it is legal, but in several different cases, they have just started throwing “harassment” charges at anyone who makes fun of Jews.

Hopefully, these kids will get good lawyers and get an apology issued, because this is an atrocity. More likely, the kids will lose the case, and this will become the norm: “it’s illegal to make fun of Jews.”

Middle schoolers everywhere are getting baseder and baseder

• Category: Ideology • Tags: ADL, Anti-Semitism, Free Speech, Hate Crimes, Jews 

This is hardly a big win.

The UK just keeps trying to kick this can, while Julian continues to rot in prison.


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States from Britain was put on hold on Tuesday after London’s High Court said the United States must provide assurances he would not face the death penalty.

U.S. prosecutors are seeking to put Assange, 52, on trial on 18 counts, all bar one under the Espionage Act, over WikiLeaks’ release of confidential U.S. military records and diplomatic cables.

After Britain gave the go-ahead for his extradition last year, Assange’s lawyers in February launched a final attempt in the English courts to challenge that decision.

In their written ruling, which Assange’s wife Stella described as “utterly bizarre”, two senior judges provisionally gave him permission to launch a full appeal against extradition on three grounds, but only if the U.S. failed to provide “satisfactory assurances” to the issues raised.

That is indeed utterly bizarre. I assume it’s unprecedented as well.

It’s clearly ridiculous to assert that the US would hold to any assurances they provide. The US lies about absolutely everything. It’s a criminal and terrorist nation.

These were that Australian-born Assange arguably would not be entitled to rely on the First Amendment right to free speech as a non-U.S. national and, while none of the existing charges carried the death penalty, he could later face a capital offence such as treason, meaning it would be unlawful to extradite him.

Assange’s lawyers had highlighted a comment by former U.S. President Donald Trump who said in 2010, when discussing WikiLeaks, that “I think there should be like a death penalty or something”, the ruling said.

The judges invited the U.S. authorities to provide assurances on these matters, saying if they were not forthcoming by April 16, then Assange would be granted permission to appeal.

However, they rejected his lawyers’ argument the case was politically motivated or that he would not receive a fair trial. They also said his accusation that CIA officials had planned to kidnap or murder him could not be considered should he be allowed an appeal.

A further hearing has been scheduled for May 20, with his extradition – which his campaign team said could have been imminent depending on the ruling – put on hold.

How can anyone claim this is not politically motivated?

What is the other possible motivation, other than politics?

• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Britain, Judicial System, Julian Assange 

The terrorists fled the site of the attack in the same car as they arrived in. It was a very obvious car, white with a black roof. Russian forces followed the car, not immediately stopping it, as they wanted to see where it was going. Eventually, they stopped the car in the forest, where they knew the terrorists couldn’t get out and kill more people or take hostages. But they only stopped the car after it was clear that it was headed for the Ukraine border.

This Crocus massacre was different than virtually every terrorist attack we’ve seen in the past, as the attackers did not plan to die during the attack. Usually, the entire purpose of a terrorist attack is that the attackers die as “martyrs.” These people are claiming they were paid money, and they obviously intended to survive.

The fact that they were driving to the Ukraine means that someone told them the Ukraine would let them in. They clearly believed that. These guys have all been tortured, which was obviously going to happen, and it would have been much more logical to simply die during the attack, especially if they are true “Islamic terrorists” who believe they get 72 virgins in paradise if they die killing random people.

Russia says that the Ukraine was opening up a border crossing for them. It seems to me that the issue is solved.


The deadly terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall was a clear attempt to intimidate Russia and serves the interests of the Ukrainian government, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.

More than 130 people were killed at the concert venue northwest of Moscow on Friday evening, when several armed men began shooting into the crowd and set the hall on fire. Speaking with law enforcement and regional officials on Monday evening, Putin argued the atrocity fit the pattern of actions by Kiev.

“This atrocity may be only a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country since 2014, using the neo-Nazi Kievregime as their hand,” Putin said.


The US and the EU swiftly insisted that Ukraine had nothing to do with the attack and that ISIS-K, a shadowy group allegedly operating in Afghanistan and Central Asia, was the sole culprit.

The US announced “Ukraine didn’t do it” exactly 55 minutes after the attack ended.

How would they know?

That announcement is just more proof not only that the Ukraine did do it, but that the US knew that the Ukraine did it.

Russian security services have apprehended a dozen suspects, including seven alleged perpetrators, intercepted as they drove towards the border with Ukraine. They were identified as Tajik nationals. Speaking on Monday evening, Putin described them as “radical Islamists.”

A question that needs answering is why the terrorists headed for Ukraine after carrying out the attack, Putin said.

“Who was waiting for them there? It is clear that those who support the Kiev regime do not want to be accomplices and sponsors of terrorism. But a lot of questions remain,” he added.

While Russia knows who pulled the trigger, the president said, Moscow still needs to find who gave the order. He made it clear that Kiev is his primary suspect, however.

With Ukraine’s military losing on the frontline, Kiev has attempted to breach the Russian border, shelled civilians in Belgorod and launched missiles at Crimea, Putin noted at the meeting. All of these actions “create a logical sequence to a terrorist attack,” seeking both to intimidate Russia and fortify domestic morale, so that Ukrainians would continue “obeying orders” from Washington and keep fighting, he added.

This is exactly what I said yesterday. I noted that Victoria Nuland, when visiting Kiev at the end of January, talked about “nice surprises” for Russia. As it happens, she repeated this on February 22, this time saying it would be “nasty surprises.”

It’s possible that many in the US are concerned about the direction this is going. In the days before the Crocus attack, the Americans were begging the Ukrainians to stop attacking Russian oil refineries. The Ukraine said no.

This is likely related to the Victoria Nuland firing from the State Department earlier this month: the Ukraine situation was getting out of control, and she was the main figure behind pushing for constant escalations.

The Crocus attack could have been something that Nuland planned before getting fired. In fact, she could have gotten caught planning it by others in Washington, and been fired because she was planning it, and then the Ukraine could have gone ahead with it. That’s obviously speculation, but it certainly fits with what we know right now, and fits with these statements by Nuland that she was planning a “surprise” for Russia.

Regardless of the details: the killers were driving to the Ukraine. The Ukraine was opening a border crossing. The Kiev regime is responsible.

If these people were seriously Islamic, they would be attacking Israel. They would also want to die during their attack instead of getting tortured and sent to prison and then still die (Russia is going to bring back the death penalty for these faggots).

“ISIS-K” is not even a real thing. It’s just a codename for CIA-controlled terrorists currently harassing the Taliban. When the US comes out and says “it’s not the Ukraine, it’s ISIS-K,” they’re saying “it’s not our asset #1, it’s our asset #2.”

This attack is too outrageous, too intolerable. The Ukrainians must be made to pay for it.

• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: CIA, Russia, Terrorism, Ukraine, Victoria Nuland 

This lawsuit was always problematic.

A suit against the ADL would have made more sense. He threatened that and then sued this other much smaller group instead. The ADL actually has all of these connections to advertisers and openly threatens to defame them as “supporters of Nazis” if they don’t stop ads. It’s clearly a type of extortion.

But I suppose a suit against the ADL probably would have been thrown out as well.


A U.S. judge on Monday threw out Elon Musk’s lawsuit against a nonprofit group that faulted him for allowing a rise in hate speech on his social media platform X, formerly Twitter.

U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer in San Francisco said it was “evident” that Musk’s X Corp sued the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) because he didn’t like its criticism, and thought its research would hurt X’s image and scare advertisers away.

“X Corp has brought this case in order to punish CCDH for CCDH publications that criticized X Corp–and perhaps in order to dissuade others who might wish to engage in such criticism,” Breyer wrote.

“It is impossible to read the complaint and not conclude that X Corp is far more concerned about CCDH’s speech than it is its data collection methods,” he added.


X accused the center of breaching its 2019 user contract by scraping and cherry-picking data to create false and misleading reports that Musk turned X into a haven for hate speech, extremism and misinformation.

According to X’s complaint filed last July, the nonprofit designed its “scare campaign” to drive away advertisers, and caused tens of millions of dollars in damages.

X had argued that the nonprofit was bound by Musk’s policy changes, and could have left Twitter if it didn’t like them.


Musk’s own speech has often also drawn complaints.

In November 2023, Musk endorsed an antisemitic post on X that said members of the Jewish community were stoking hatred against white people, saying the user spoke “the actual truth.”

Musk has denied being antisemitic and sought to make amends, including in a January visit to the former Nazi death camp Auschwitz in southern Poland.

The visit to Auschwitz was just symbolic, a signal that he would begin censoring more, which he has done.

The whole thing is schizophrenic. There was no way he was going to institute free speech on Twitter and that not result in:

  • More criticism of the Jews, and
  • The ADL and other Jewish groups throwing fits

It was very obvious this would happen. He even made the purchase in the midst of the initial Kanye West debacle.

It’s inexplicable that Elon would claim he didn’t know this was going to happen.

Everyone just assumed that the only way he would do it in the first place was if he was ready to push back on the ADL, then he totally crumbled.

He’s a yipper. Everyone knows this now.

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this article.


During a visit to her beloved homeland of Keev in January, while still serving as Deputy Secretary of the US State Department, top anti-Russian terrorist leader Victoria Nuland warned Putin of “nice surprises” coming for him in 2024.

RBC Ukraine, January 31, 2024:

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland today announced her forecast for the course of events in 2024. She thinks that surprises await Russian dictator Vladimir Putin on the battlefield in Ukraine.

When asked by a journalist whether Nuland had learned about Kyiv’s plans on the battlefield, she replied that, in her opinion, Ukraine would achieve great success.

“I have to say that I leave Kyiv tonight more encouraged about the unity and the resolve, about 2024 and its absolute strategic importance for Ukraine. I also leave more confident that, even as Ukraine strengthens its defenses, Mr. Putin is going to get some nice surprises on the battlefield and that Ukraine will make some very strong success,” the U.S. Under Secretary of State emphasized.

One has to wonder: was the massive terrorist attack in Moscow at the Crocus City Hall concert on Friday night one of these “nice surprises,” and do the Americans plan to use more agents for these types of attacks inside Russia?

The US is claiming that ISIS did the attack, citing posts on “ISIS-K” outlets that are obviously controlled by the CIA. “ISIS-K” is a version of ISIS that moved into Afghanistan to harass the Taliban after the US Military surrendered and fled. All four of the terrorists who attacked Moscow Friday are of Tajik origin, their home country of Tajikistan bordering Afghanistan where “ISIS-K” is based.

However, Russia released video of one of those arrested saying that he was paid $11,000 by an unknown Islamic preacher who contacted him on social media. If this is indeed the case, there is really little hope of solving the precise origins of the attack, but it is obvious to everyone that the US is ultimately responsible, as anyone on the suspects’ list is going to be someone backed by the US.

Putin said that while the terrorists were fleeing, the Ukraine was opening up a place for them to cross the border. If this was indeed a paid attack, as opposed to a genuine Islamic terrorist attack (where the perpetrators typically expect to die), then it seems rather obvious that the only thing that could be offered to the attackers is an escape to the Ukraine (unlikely as the logistics of that might be). I seriously doubt Putin would lie about them attempting to flee across the Ukraine border and the Ukrainians opening up for them. In this case, there is no need to involve ISIS at all.

If the attackers do not know who hired them, then it would be extremely difficult to ever pin precise blame by figuring out who hired them. It makes the most sense to focus on the Ukraine opening the border for them to cross, and simply blame the Ukraine and their US backers, such as Nuland, who gave this ominous warning earlier this year.

It’s also notable that on March 7, the US State Department issued a warning that an attack like this could occur in Moscow.

It was a 48-hour warning, so the actual attack did not happen in the window they gave, but it describes exactly what happened, even listing “concerts” as a likely target.

The Ukraine is regularly involved in terrorist attacks that target civilians. When they bombed the Crimea bridge, they had public events mocking the mother and father who were killed in the attack, and their orphaned young daughter. The Ukraine also regularly does missile attacks on Russian civilians, knowing there is no military use to these attacks, which can only be called “terrorism.” Further, they’ve engaged in several different massacres of civilians to try and blame Russia, and when it has come out that these attacks were perpetrated by Ukraine forces, the media just drops the topic. (Note: The Ukraine is currently claiming that Russia did the concert massacre itself to blame the Ukraine.)

As the Ukrainians continue to lose very badly on the battlefield in the Ukraine, it’s possible that the US State Department and their vicious cousins in Kiev will want to move more into these kinds of terrorist attacks on civilians inside of Russia. It’s all but certain that this kind of attack would only serve to strengthen support for Putin and the military, but the US seems to be incapable of understanding this kind of cause and effect.

To point to just how confused the US has been in their war effort against Russia, the initial plan in starting a war with Russia was to cause some kind of uprising and color revolution against Putin. This is really the only logical way to do a war with Russia, as the country is too powerful to fight head-on. However, all of the actions they took were directed at the Russian people, even more so than at Putin personally, which led Russians to rally around Putin, ultimately resulting in an 88% election victory with a record high voter turnout just a week before the terrorist attack. If this Moscow terrorist attack had happened before the election, the turnout would have been even higher, expressing even more support for Putin.

However, what the West is talking about now is using the Ukraine war to “hurt Russia.” What it appears they mean by this is that they want to “hurt Russians,” i.e., it is not really even about politics, but simply about inflicting pain on Russian people. This “hurt Russia” language has become ubiquitous through the US media and government.

Therefore, while the terrorist attack could be seen as counterintuitive to the American war effort, given that it will only steel the will of the Russian people to win this war and clearly serves no military purpose, if the agenda of the people in Washington is purely sadistic in nature, then it makes sense. A lot of Russians were definitely hurt by this attack.

It’s virtually impossible that people in the US didn’t know about the attack, and approve of it. By blaming “ISIS” for the attack, the West is effectively admitting that. The fact that the attackers do not appear to have been devout ISIS ideology believers, but rather paid assassins, makes it even more obvious that the US had to be involved.

• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Russia, Terrorism, Ukraine, Victoria Nuland 

Food deliveries were already de facto banned, as the Jews would just attack anyone trying to get food and even fire on the trucks themselves. Further, the amount of food that was getting in, even if it was all making it through, is just not enough to even make an impact.

However, for the Jews to now outright ban all forms of delivery is beyond the pale, given that this is making the public statement “yes, we are starving these people to death on purpose.”

The Guardian:

Israel has reportedly barred the UN agency for Palestinian refugees from making aid deliveries in northern Gaza, where the threat of famine is highest, the head of Unrwa has said.

“Despite the tragedy unfolding under our watch, the Israeli Authorities informed the UN that they will no longer approve any @Unrwa food convoys to the north,” Philippe Lazzarini said on X.

“This is outrageous & makes it intentional to obstruct lifesaving assistance during a man made famine.”

Israel did not immediately respond on Sunday to AFP’s request for comment about Lazzarini’s statement. The Unrwa spokesperson, Juliette Touma, said the decision had been relayed in a meeting with Israeli military officials on Sunday. It followed two denials in writing for convoy deliveries to the north last week.

No reason for the decision was given, Touma said.


Martin Griffiths, head of the UN humanitarian coordination office, said on X on Sunday that Unrwa was the “beating heart of the humanitarian response in Gaza”.

To be clear, there was a small amount of food, it just wasn’t making an impact on the larger situation, because the UN was so limited in what they were allowed to do.

Now these Jews are saying “zero food, period.”

The Biden Administration has not issued a statement on this.

At some point soon, the starvation will begin, and it will be much worse than the killings the Jews have done with bombs. Over a million people are “on the verge of starvation.” I’m not sure what that means exactly, but they do not have stocks of food.

It looks like this is going to happen: hundreds of thousands of Gazans are going to starve to death.


An ISIS claim of responsibility for a terrorist attack is basically worth nothing at all, beyond a media prop. Insofar as they have official outlets for making statements, they claim responsibility for everything, and some of these websites supposedly functioning as official ISIS outlets will claim credit for natural disasters and so on.

Regardless, it doesn’t even matter if it was ISIS, it’s still the same thing as the Ukraine: a puppet of the United States, doing their dirty work.

The Guardian:

Vladimir Putin said Russia had arrested all four gunmen responsible for the shooting that killed 133 people at a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, claiming that the perpetrators of one of the worst terror attacks in the country’s history planned to flee to Ukraine.

In his first public comments on the terrorist attacks that shocked the nation, the Russian president made no mention of Islamic State’s claim to have carried out the attack.

Instead, Putin suggested without evidence that Ukraine may have been involved in Friday’s attack at the Crocus City Hall just outside Moscow, saying that “the Ukrainian side” had “prepared a window” for the terrorists to cross the border from Russia into Ukraine before they were apprehended.

“They tried to hide and move towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the Ukrainian side to cross the state border,” Putin said in a televised address.

Putin’s comments fell short of directly blaming Ukraine for the attack, as he said those responsible would be punished, “whoever they may be, whoever may have sent them”. The four suspected gunmen were all foreign citizens, Russia’s interior ministry later said.

Islamic State, through an affiliated news agency, claimed responsibility for the attack late on Friday in a post on Telegram, in which the group claimed the gunmen had managed to escape afterwards. On Saturday, IS released a photo of what it said were the four attackers behind the shooting rampage.

In a statement, the group said the shooting came within the context of the “raging war” between Islamic State and countries fighting Islam.

Russian officials and state news channels have been quiet about Islamic State’s claim to have carried out the attack, but a US official said Washington had intelligence confirming it.

This is the correct response for Putin.

It’s very easy for me to just say “well, regardless America did it.” But he should be measured like this, let the investigation unfold, and then give a report on findings.

Right now, it looks like these guys do have Islamic names, which is not surprising. Frankly, I had predicted before the war that if Russia was in a war with the US like the war in the Ukraine, Islamic terrorism would happen constantly. You think about the number of Caucus people who went to fight for ISIS, it’s likely there are thousands of these people in Russia now. It’s simply that the FSB is a very competent intelligence and security agency.

The fact that there have not been regular attacks by Moslems shows, effectively, that this had to have been organized by the CIA/Mossad, because otherwise, it would have been stopped like so many other attempted attacks have been stopped by Russian security. It’s not a small thing to have four men organize this kind of attack and not have it traced. If it’s one guy, okay, but four is a large number of people who are going to be leaving evidence of planning this sort of thing.

It’s a very bad look for the Ukraine and for the West to be associated with this. It definitely shows desperation by the Americans, that they would be willing to be linked to something like this, even whilst people are growing tired of their war in the Ukraine.

• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: American Military, ISIS, Russia, Terrorism, Ukraine 

The Jews are making all of these moves they’ve always wanted to make, settling all their business.

Part of this is annexing the West Bank, along with Gaza. But the actual plan of Netanyahu and his lunatics doesn’t end until destruction of Iran.


The Israeli government has designated nearly 2,000 acres in the West Bank as state-owned land in a move described by rights groups as the biggest land grab on occupied Palestinian territories in decades.

The expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank is illegal under international law. In 2016, the UN Security Council described them as “a major obstacle to the vision of two States living side-by-side in peace and security.”

Nevertheless, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich argued that the declaration of state-owned land in the Jordan Valley on Friday was “an important and strategic issue.”

“While there are those in Israel and the world who seek to undermine our right to Judea and Samaria and the country in general, we promote the settlement movement with hard work and in a strategic manner across the country,” Smotrich said in a statement, as quoted by the Times of Israel.

According to local media, the designation of plots of land as Israeli paves a way for the construction of settler houses, as well as for commercial development.

Israeli settlement watchdog Peace Now described the declaration as the largest since the 1993 Oslo Accords, adding that “the year 2024 marks a peak in the extent of declarations of state land.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government gave a green light to the construction of more than 3,400 new settler homes this month, drawing more criticism from the UN and the Palestinian Authority.

This is as Blinken is arriving for more Gaza talks. He’s been pushing some kind of fake ceasefire as this thing is such a disaster for the Democrats.

Meanwhile, Jared Kushner is going around saying they’re going to annex Gaza and sell the land to American Jews, because it’s very valuable beachfront property.

What people don’t seem to understand is that Hezbollah is firing rockets into Israel, and they need to be dealt with. When Israel invades Lebanon, they’re going to end up fighting Iran somewhere.

The fact that this Gaza thing has gone on so long is giving some false sense of “stability,” as if it is just a static reality. But the Jews are pushing for a region-wide war to settle all of these issues in a swoop. It’s also impossible for them to really stop any of this. Bibi and his government have ran on this, and it’s an overwhelmingly popular agenda in Israel.

The only way it could stop is with some kind of Jewish surrender, which would destroy the Netanyahu government.

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