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Earlier this week, Hampden County, Massachusetts District Attorney Anthony Gulluni held a dramatic press conference announcing that he was charging six white Southwick middle school students for witness intimidation and violating the civil rights of blacks after they allegedly made racist jokes in a Snapchat chatroom. If found guilty of these crimes, the students could be sentenced to juvenile incarceration.

Courts have begun eroding the rights of children in recent years. In Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. (2021), the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 to overturn the First Amendment protections provided to left-wing students during the Vietnam war in Tinker v. Des Moines (1969), with Jewish Justice Stephen Breyer writing in his majority opinion that Tinker did not give school administrators sufficient power to punish off-campus speech.

Though a setback for the cause of student’s rights, the Supreme Court has not yet done away with the First Amendment more broadly, which is universally understood to protect “hate speech.” Legally speaking, a group of 13-year-olds sharing images with racial slurs about their peers, in the absence of a connected crime, does not fall within the purview of law enforcement.

In the example of DA Gulluni, who throughout his career has eagerly volunteered to help lead statewide “hate crime” task forces spearheaded by powerful entities like the Anti-Defamation League and his local Jewish Federation, the decision to prosecute these children was only made after a full month of ceaseless lobbying from various media outlets and racial agitation NGOs. That is not how criminal law is supposed to work.

Following the announcement of criminal charges, NAACP president Bishop Talbert W. Swan praised Gulluni’s “courageous decision” to send cops after the white kids, even as the NAACP campaigns to remove police and School Resource Officers from violent minority schools in other parts of Massachusetts. As Gulluni exhausted police resources looking for novel ways to weaponize the criminal justice system against white 7th graders for impolite comments, a gun battle broke out during a gang melee inside a 90%+ non-white high school in a different part of his county.

Allyson Lopez, the aggrieved mother of one of Southwick Regional School’s alleged black victims, has also praised the police’s involvement on her behalf. Lopez has been vocal in accusing the white parents, students, and administrators of the school of being racists, but regardless of the merit to her accusations or lack thereof (the students in question had already suffered severe 45-day suspensions), these are circumstances she has actively sought out. Despite residing in the overwhelmingly black and Puerto Rican city of Springfield, Lopez used Massachusetts’ school choice system to avoid the majority-minority school — where her daughter would presumably be safe from white “hate speech” — and opted instead for the supposedly racist 90% white school 45 minutes away.

On social media, many of Gulluni’s constituents are decrying the DA’s behavior and priorities. One commentator on Facebook wrote, “Hate speech isn’t a thing. Has anyone read the constitution? These kids getting charged are gonna get some nice settlements from this corrupt govt and school.” On Twitter, similar sentiments are being expressed. Gulluni, who typically runs unopposed as a Democrat, has casually ignored these concerns. So far, no civil liberties group has expressed interest in defending these students.

Prosecutors in these cases are emboldened by the closed nature of juvenile courts, which prevents the general public from accessing evidence and proceedings and thus grants crusading anti-white officials the power to characterize these incidents however they want. If one were to go by either the media or Gulluni’s version of events, we would come away with the conclusion that these white kids were conspiring to sell their black classmates at a slave auction.

The idea of subjecting a 13-year-old to a criminal trial for saying something on the internet would be met with laughter or horror by most of the world, but in America this is becoming the norm. Since the 2020 George Floyd race riots, cases similar to the Southwick one have occurred in Connecticut, Louisiana, and elsewhere. In most of these incidents, the racial comments or slurs are shared privately among friends or in jest.

With so many videos circulating of white students being beaten and killed by blacks at school, as well as the alarming rise in racial attacks on white teachers, the contrast in America’s two-tiered, racialized criminal justice system could not be more stark.

Blacks who engage in interracial homicides have already become increasingly difficult to convict in the United States, but this is even more true for offenders under 18. In the land of the free, a barely pubescent white child blurting out a racial slur on social media is, to some of the sick people in power, the graver offense.


If we were to pinpoint the key to America’s success through the two World Wars and the standoff with the Soviet Union, it would be its vibrant economy and impressive manufacturing capabilities.

This self-evident economic prowess has been reduced to that of an enigma. A substantial portion of the American empire’s value today is imaginary.

If we relied solely on the academic discipline of economics for interpretation, it would be difficult to reason how a heavily financialized nation can convince other countries to continue producing real, physical products for a heavily indebted nation’s citizens to sell to one another and consume at rates not balanced out by net exports.

It is a struggle to rationalize — though economists, through repetition and assertion, try — how the New York Stock Exchange can be worth $32.7 trillion dollars when there are only $2.3 trillion dollars in circulation if it isn’t a glorified Ponzi scheme riddled with securities and accounting fraud.

There are maybe plausible, albeit farfetched, explications for how WeWork’s stock value rose from $4.4 billion to $47 billion in a three-month time span, but we are left at a loss for words when investigating how 50% of this company’s reported wealth vanished from the national economy in one day.

All roads lead back to the US dollar, the world’s reserve currency, and another enigma to unravel. From 2008 to 2011, it was discovered that the Federal Reserve wired $16 trillion dollars of cheap credit they imagined into existence to prop up several banks and corporations around the world — a story the private, runaway cash-printing entity fought to keep secret from the public.

For years, the dollar flourished under a regime of 0% percent interest rates, massive trade deficits, and record levels of federal borrowing and spending. The US dollar remains a juggernaut, and inflation — while being felt more so today — is not causing the apocalyptic balance of payments crises seen in recent years in Argentina or Greece.

The reasons for this go beyond conventional economics, which generally lack an examination of power and politics. The real force behind the omnipotent dollar derives from imperial conquest and the establishment of economic rules and institutions that the victors created after World War II. Some call this system post-industrialism, globalism, or neo-liberalism, but it all describes the same program: the world must trade in US dollars, denominate their debts in US dollars, liberalize its markets and continue borrowing under often usurious conditions from US bankers.

This new order was established at the 1944 Bretton Woods conference. At that meeting of 44 nations, two Jews — Harry Dexter White and Henry Morgenthau — established the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which would act as a predatory, Dollar-centered loan structure for all of humanity.

Not everyone was keen on this radical transfer of power, including members of the Grand Alliance. At Bretton Woods, White and Morgenthau encountered resistance from British economist John Maynard Keynes, who suggested the establishment of a global central bank that would issue a neutral currency, the Bancor, to avoid the predictable abuse of the power of currency monopoly that Washington and New York would go on to enjoy under the IMF system. Though Keynes was far better known, more internationally respected and more persuasive in the debate against White and Morgenthau, his idea was discarded due to the fact that, through the Lend-Lease Act, America became the British empire’s creditor. The Soviet Union adamantly refused to sign this agreement, but its economy was devastated by the war so it also lacked leverage. With the German Mark and French Franc destroyed or in the gutter, the exhausted and broken European superpowers had no choice but to agree to dollar dictatorship.

It was here that White and Morgenthau, strongly motivated by their Jewish ethnic identity, forged a skeleton key that would enable the Jewish-dominated world of high finance to crowned king of the world.

Keynes’ worst fears came true as soon as the war ended. The United States suddenly cut off all of Britain’s credit lines after VJ Day and demanded re-negotiations in exchange for continuing to aid the militarily sapped and bankrupt supposed ally. The extortionary terms of the new loan included muscling the British empire’s vast protected markets open for US corporations to take over, neutralizing the Pound Sterling through attacks on its convertibility, and various reforms aimed at dismantling the UK’s empire and the living standards of British workers. The Anglo-American loan, as it came to be known, now required interest to be paid as well as an agreement that would allow US military bases to be housed on British territories. The House of Lords protested this takeover by US-based money and military power, but the ailing and demoralized Keynes was forced by the fragile Labour government of Clement Atlee to eventually capitulate. It took 50 years for the UK to pay off these debts.

Washington found itself in possession of infinite opportunities after the military subjugation of industrial powerhouses Germany and Japan, the safe and sound American manufacturing base, and the transformation of Britain into a vassal state. The “rules-based liberal order” — where Washington makes the rules and breaks them whenever it sees fit — was born.

Under the initial Bretton Woods agreement, Washington promised that the new economic order would peg the dollar’s value to gold to prevent its exploitative use. This would not last.

The gold-backed dollar was a source of consternation for New York and Washington throughout its run, but things came to a head by the 1960s.

In the lead up to his overthrow during the infamous Jewish-led color revolution of 1968, General Charles De Gaulle sought to re-assert French sovereignty against the “exorbitant privilege” of the US dollar by dumping his nation’s dollar supply for its value in gold. Though De Gaulle was brought down in 1969, his rebellion against the dollar successfully depleted the US Treasury’s gold reserves. This culminated in a run on the US dollar — the “Nixon Shock” — which forced the desperate White House to arbitrarily end the Bretton Woods gold standard in 1971 to avoid economic collapse.

Since then, the dollar has counter-intuitively grown in prominence. America’s post-industrial, finance-driven economy has led to grave economic suffering for the working and middle class at home, but it simultaneously provides a tempting “get rich quick” incentive for the oligarchs of the world. Foreigners now possess 40% of equity in the US, which makes acquiescing to Washington and New York’s political and imperial whims a price many are willing to pay.


As much as neo-conservative/Zionist ideologues like Robert Kagan write about the exceptional inevitability of the American world order, there is a general sinking feeling among the people of the United States that this country does not have a future.

Is this impression justified? Students of imperial decline can examine historical observations and parallels to decide.

Admittedly, utilizing historicism to try and predict geopolitical developments in the short and medium term is an imperfect science, often taking the form of prejudiced soothsaying or intuitive assertions.

Part of the problem is an overreliance on ancient history, particularly Rome, as a reference point for understanding the rise and fall of empire. The lack of specific data regarding the developments that culminated in Rome’s downfall has led to subsequent commentators to fill in the blanks through the ideological prisms of their time. For example, 18th-century British historian Edward Gibbon singled out the Roman elite’s behavioral decadence as the catalyst for its downfall. Individual moral purity was a strong fixation for Protestant Englishmen like Gibbons during his time, but this theory can be challenged by information revealing widescale moral excesses among Roman rulers during the lead up and fruition of the empire’s 2nd Century AD territorial peak, e.g., the infamously obscene Caligula or Nero. Today, narratives blaming climate change for Rome’s decline, a 21st century obsession, have gained a foothold.

A more direct comparison with the downfall of the Soviet Union, where detailed information is available, is more useful in seeking to investigate the malaise and long-term viability of the America empire. The United States of 2024 shares several demographic trends with the Soviet Union of the 1970s — “the era of stagnation” — that ultimately led to the vast Eurasian superpower’s implosion in 1991.

When examining the short to medium term (10 to 30 years) prognosis of the American empire, we will also contrast it with its major adversaries: primarily Russia and China, and, supplementally (more so in later articles), Iran.

This author stresses that it is under no impression that either Russia, China, or Iran can defeat the American empire on their own. All three countries have different advantages over the United States in their world-historical struggle against neo-liberal unipolarity, but also disadvantages as individual contenders, suggesting that a future without Pax Americana could be a pre-WWII one limited to natural spheres of influence rather than a recreation of Washington’s ambitious efforts for world domination. If the three powers coordinate and unite — as China and Russia’s “no limits” partnership or the two powers’ multi-year pacts with Iran suggest they have — the Washington-led, post-war liberal world order may go down sooner than we expect.

Russia and China remain behind America on a wide array of metrics, but what is impossible to deny is that they are starting to catch up while the United States is broadly at an inflection point. In 2021, Xi Jinping made this point in his address, affirming that “time and momentum” were on China’s side.

One logical point to make is that, generally speaking, life for ordinary Russian and Chinese people is objectively getting better, while things are getting demonstrably worse in American. This alone can create divergences in national morale during a great power competition.

The economic, military, soft power, political, and other factors pointing to the coming failure and geopolitical neutralization of the US and its ideology on the world stage will be explored in future articles.

Part I: Demographics

One of the first symptoms of a nation’s decline is a breakdown in social and human health. Often small changes in data related to population well-being speaks to an underwater iceberg of more significant and systematic problems within a people.

At the hump of the USSR’s “Brezhnev stagnation” in the mid to late 1970s, demographers began speculating about the health of the once seemingly omnipotent empire after discovering that the nation’s rates of infant mortality were beginning to rise. Though this increase was minor — only a few percentage points — it broke a cycle of decades of rapid gains in the survivability of Soviet infants since the end of World War II.

This was perplexing to mainstream observers at the time, as the Soviet Union was, financially, enjoying relative prosperity due to a global oil export boom triggered by the Arab League’s 1973 oil embargo. The USSR under Leonid Brezhnev (who ruled from 1964-1982) planned its economy to become a military peer of the United States (especially in the realm of nuclear weapons), was industrially powerful, and matched or led its rivals in the world in various cutting-edge fields, such as aerospace.

Yet despite the superficial success of the system, the USSR’s most important asset, its people, began showing signs of decay and misery.

Today in the United States, we are seeing similar patterns.

In the Soviet context, Central Asian Minorities within the multi-ethnic Soviet space, who benefited from special economic, social and legal privileges (before America, the Bolsheviks of the Soviet Union created the first nation to practice official racial discriminate against its own ethnic majority citizens, as detailed in Terry Martin’s 2001 book The Affirmative Action Empire), grew at much faster rates than the less fertile Slavic population during the 1960s and 70s. By 1979, ethnic Russians declined to barely 52% of the Soviet population.

As Robert D. Putnam’s 2000 book Bowling Alone has shown, multiculturalism/ multiracialism is strongly correlated with alienation and distrust. As in the USSR in its period of downturn, America’s racial makeup has radically changed in the last 50 years, with white people now making up less than 58% of the population.

Besides the national problems created by racial and cultural alienation, changes in demographics lead to changes to a society overall. Nations naturally begin taking on the character of the home countries of the new people who populate them, which in the American context means falling behind peripheries of its empire, such as Western Europe, in critical sectors. This is another commonality with the 1970s USSR, where the Soviet homeland itself was racked with dysfunction and living standards were falling behind ethnically/racially homogenous Warsaw Pact protectorates such as Hungary or East Germany. It may be possible for non-white, non-Asian nations to achieve success, but this would require illiberal governance, ethno-cultural cohesion and enforced discipline that thoroughly multi-racial countries (like America or Brazil) appear to lack.


1.4 million desperate women and children living in tents as refugees in Rafah are being indiscriminately killed by the Jewish army as this is being written.

The IDF has failed against Hamas in Gaza and the Netanyahu government has rejected the Palestinian proposal for a ceasefire. Their final gambit appears to be to eliminate the existence of the Palestinian people from Israeli occupied territory.

Many left-leaning and Muslim commentators have responded to Israel’s plan to “destroy Hamas,” as in the political organization, by stating that it would be futile. Palestinian liberation movements since 1948 have taken on the lacquer of Marxism-Leninism, secular nationalism, and now an Islam-centered ideology, but in the end, the yearning for a homeland guarantees that resistance will be eternal as long as the Palestinian people exist, regardless if Hamas survives the war or not.

This view is correct, and under normal circumstances, a negotiated settlement would’ve remedied this issue by now. What these critics miss, however, is that while many believe mass racial expulsions of native people are impossible in the 21st century due to supposed enlightened liberal norms and humanitarian laws, Israel and nations with ethnically Jewish elites are working to prove this assumption wrong.

The Jewish campaign to destroy the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) aiding Palestinians is the first step in this ethnic cleansing campaign. This has long been an agenda item for the Israeli state, which has opposed UNRWA since its founding in 1949. This entity exists to serve Palestinians expelled by Jewish forces during the Nakba and subsequent assaults.

The Israeli state’s hostility towards UNRWA is centered around the legal protection Palestinians enjoy as refugees, primarily the promise of the Right of Return. This has been portrayed by Zionists as an extremist and anti-Semitic demand, but it is a right all refugees enjoy. UN protected refugees have a high rate of success when returning to their homelands, as recently seen with the case of Afghans, Somalis and others previously forced out of their countries of origin.

The second complaint from the Israelis is that the medical, food and educational services provided to Palestinians in and around Israeli occupied territories discourages them from emigrating and settling down somewhere else.

On the other hand, the counter-argument within the Jewish community on UNRWA was that Europe and America effectively financed Israel’s occupation of Palestinians. By offering humanitarian assistance, some Israelis believed this would fill a vacuum that would otherwise be met by services provided by groups like Hamas or nations like Iran. Under the terms of agreement with UNRWA, Israel was allowed to inspect everything without conditions and supervise the use of resources such as concrete. There was even a deliberate “DeNazification” angle to UNRWA’s work, as trans-national Jewry was even able to micromanage the textbooks Palestinian children in refugee camps were allowed to read, often threatening defunding if messages critical of Jews and Zionism were being taught.

Yet this was not enough to destroy the Palestinian people’s will to resist. On January 4th, Israeli policy wonk Noga Arbell — frustrated with lack of military success in combating Hamas — proposed to the Knesset that they could only “eliminate the terrorists” by destroying the “idea” of a Palestinian state, an idea she asserted was nurtured by UNRWA.

Weeks later, the United States and its subjects Canada, Australia, Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Estonia, Japan, Austria and Romania announced without warning that they would be defunding UNRWA, causing the organization to suddenly teeter on brink of financial collapse. Arab, European Union and UN leadership have condemned the decision as “collective punishment,” but Washington has ignored these complaints.

The excuse presented for cutting off money for UNRWA in the midst of one of the most brutal wars on a civilian population in history was the circulation of Israeli intelligence claiming a dozen or so aid workers (over 100 who have been killed in the war so far) were secret Hamas agents.

This intelligence appears to be an unfounded hoax. The American head of UNRWA, William Deere, has stated that every single employee of the organization is subjected to a background check and vetted by the Israeli state itself. The Israeli government has long been given the right to order the firing of UNRWA workers at will, as seen with the dozen or so employees accused of being Hamas-sympathizers being fired (or killed) despite a lack of evidence behind the charges against them. Western leaders have been tight-lipped on declaring faith in the Israeli intelligence in question. Recently, Foreign Minister Penny Wong said she doesn’t even know the real reason for why she voted to end Australia’s support for UNRWA.

How a desperate genocidal proposal travels from the Israeli parliament to become the consensus in all of the major capitals of the West in less than a month remains a mystery among those not familiar with how power is really brokered in the Washington-led liberal plutocracies.

Mass Expulsion Of All Arabs Is The End Goal

The core tenet of Zionism has always been to expel native Arabs. In 1940, Jewish National Fund leader Yosef Weitz privately plotted the subsequent ethnic cleansing of 750,000 Palestinians in 1948,

“The only solution is a Land of Israel devoid of Arabs. There is no room here for compromise. They all must be moved. Not one village can remain, and not one tribe. Only through this transfer of the Arabs living in the Land of Israel will redemption come.”

In 1969, the Israeli state brokered a deal with CIA-backed Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner to pay 60,000 Gazans to move to South America, though few appear to have taken the offer.

Following the October 7th incursion, the Misgav Institute for National Security and Zionist Strategy released a white paper calling for the “final resettlement” of the Palestinians.


“October 8th Jews,” as the New York Times’ Bret Stephens baptized them, have been drafted to take Israel’s war on the Palestinians global as both generic Republican and Democrat voters sour on the Zionist project.

Members of the “New Right” have been enthusiastically reading into this. These conservative figures have interpreted high profile incidents, like the donor revolt against universities deemed insufficiently pro-Israel, as a sign that wealthy Jews are finally done financing the cultural left.

There are circumstantial reasons to believe this. One of the vectors for spreading Gen Z wokeness, Tik Tok, is feeling the gust of the flexing Jewish bicep. It was announced that Lucien Grainge’s Universal Music Group was banning the use of songs from its massive catalogue of pop stars from being accessed on the world’s most popular social media platform. It just so happens that this superficially bad business decision boycotting the music-driven app sensation came after protest from Jewish groups that Tik Tok was allowing anti-Zionist sentiment to flourish among the youth following October 7th.

On the surface, a person operating within a typical universalist or analytical frame could assume that billionaires who spend lavishly to take away Americans’ guns like Michael Bloomberg are having a change of heart when they dispatch 10s of millions to aid a foreign state that hands out military grade assault rifles to random pedestrians. But there is no incongruity or cognitive dissonance here. Just as the Israeli state forbids giving these guns to its minority of non-Jewish citizens on strictly racial grounds, Mr. Bloomberg insists that he and his should have the privilege to possess as many firearms as they want while stripping everybody else of this right.

It is increasingly common knowledge that the American anti-white/DEI/Woke left and its non-profits are funded largely by Jewish asset managers on Wall Street. When billionaires funnel big money to an institution, they feel entitled to set the beneficiary’s agenda, as Rabbi Nolan Lebovitz explained in a piece on the hedge fund Jews waging war on the Ivy Leagues.

In some instances, this money has been clashing with the morals of those employed by leftist organizations. Non-profit workers generally want to uphold their mission statements supporting racial equity and human rights in respects to Israel.

One casualty of this conflict between donors and the grassroots is the Democratic Socialists of America. Following the DSA’s decision to support Gaza without qualifications, an array of wealthy Jewish supporters and elected officials associated with the group resigned in unison. Just three months after the Jewish money walkout, the largest and most politically successful Marxist organization in recent American history is now ghettoized, approaching insolvency, and forced to lay off its staff.

In a separate instance, a pro-open borders NGO called CASA published a statement calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine war. The group’s panicked executive quickly retracted the statement and apologized to the Jewish community when lawmakers in Maryland opened a retaliatory investigation threatening their funding. CASA’s top donors, like The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, announced that they were going to pull a six-figure donation earmarked for them in 2024 while sending more millions to support the virulently anti-immigrant state of Israel instead.

At woke Starbucks, Charles Schultz filed a SLAPP lawsuit against his stores own labor union because one of their Twitter accounts wrote “Solidarity with Palestine!” Artforum, which specializes in battling “whiteness” in art, canned its top editor for the same. In progressive-except-Palestine Hollywood, several actresses known for their loud support of trendy left-wing causes who have dared to remark on Israel’s crimes have been suddenly removed from movie sets and blacklisted. Radical pro-criminal New York public defender organizations aggressively suppressed any inkling of pro-Palestinian sentiment. The list of purged people in the broader world of the DEI/Woke activism, culture, media, university, law and foundation complex is so vast it would be safe to say every corner of the liberal and left-wing world has been visited by the Zionist inquisition.

For this reason, the perception that there is a “vibe shift” on wokeism could be a mirage. Many society-wrecking leftist groups are facing financial and staff problems due to the conflict of interests in the Israel-Palestine war, but this could be a temporary lull as both donors and greedy liberals recalibrate to continue to do what they were doing before except in a way Jewish “philanthropists” find more palatable on Israel.


Earlier this week, Iranian-backed forces launched a drone attack that killed three US soldiers at the Tower 22 outpost in the sovereign nation of Jordan. Fears of a wider regional war breaking out have never been higher.

Tower 22 is a logistical safe zone within walking distance of Syria used to support the al-Tanf airbase, which is illegally situated in US-occupied Syrian territory. The al-Tanf facility, which Jewish foreign policy makers established during Operation Inherent Resolve to prevent Syrian access to the Damascus-Baghdad highway, is a permanent source of regional mischief.

Multiple intelligence services, local Arab tribesmen, and former paramilitary operatives employed by the CIA at al-Tanf have accused the base of being a covert training and provisions center for both ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Fighters are given weapons, then dispatched to wreak havoc against Russian, Syrian and Iranian troops and civilians throughout Homs and Deir ez-Zor, as well as in nearby Iraqi territory.

For this reason, the al-Tanf base and its surrounding 34 mile “deconfliction zone” has for years been targeted by a myriad of actors, including the Russian air force.

The decision from Iraqi militia members to hit al-Tanf on the less defended Jordanian side was likely intended to draw blood in revenge for the US assassination of Popular Mobilization Unit leader Mushtaq Jawad Kazim al-Jawari, who was murdered in a reckless broad daylight drone attack in front of the Iraqi government’s Interior Ministry building in early January. Joe Biden may have feigned shock and outrage in public, but it is unlikely that Washington was too surprised by the response they received for this action. Foreign policy analysts have concluded that American troop deployments in these conflict zones are intended to be provocative and soldiers are deliberately exposed to danger as “tripwires” to justify deeper US engagement on behalf of Israel.

Israel Is Being Defeated

Washington has exhausted almost every feasible course of action to allow Israel a freehand without any red lines against the Palestinians. Since the start of the Jewish nation’s invasion of Gaza, the US has dispatched its navy to the Eastern Mediterranean to deter Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border, on top of sending 2,000 Special Forces soldiers and massive arms transfers (including taking desperately needed artillery shells from the collapsing Ukrainian military) to aid Benjamin Netanyahu’s rampage.

Since October 7th, the US has been relentlessly assassinating anti-Israel leaders in Iraq and Syria and bombing facilities used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps with impunity. Both Britain and the United States have launched a military campaign against the Houthis in Yemen, Operation Prosperity Guardian, to safeguard Israeli economic interests in the Red Sea at everybody else’s expense. The US and its British vassal state have functioned as Israel’s lawyer before international bodies, shielding the Jewish state from meaningful diplomatic consequences for its systematic atrocities against women and children.

What new escalatory options does the Biden administration even have? So far, none of the aforementioned actions have succeeded in deterring Israel’s regional opponents, whose sole demand is that Tel Aviv stop the slaughter.

Broadly speaking, Israel’s war in Gaza is failing. Casualties are mounting, public anger is growing over Netanyahu’s ineptitude, and after 117 days of war, not a single strategic objective has been met.

Politically and morally, the proud inhumanity of Jewish leaders has caused global anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist sentiment to surge to record highs. Israeli forces have stalled in the mission of releasing any hostages outside of diplomatic channels, which is a personal embarrassment for Netanyahu. Israeli media has been reporting on stories of IDF soldiers actually killing their own people with poison gas during chemical warfare attacks against militants in Hamas tunnels. In a separate anecdote, three Jewish hostages waving white flags were executed in cold blood by IDF soldiers, who confused them for Palestinian civilians from a distance.

The full scope of manpower attrition in the Israeli military is a known-unknown. Following the propaganda strategy of Zelensky’s Ukraine, IDF military censors have placed an unprecedented gag on reporting casualties they have suffered so far in the war. This has demoralized Israelis who want to publicly acknowledge the dead soldiers in their families as heroes, especially since the Netanyahu government is in practice failing to contain loudening whispers of historically unprecedented losses. To get a general idea of Israeli losses in the war, an investigation by Haaretz from December found that over 10,500 IDF soldiers were admitted for battlefield wounds in hospitals. Fatalities are speculated to be in the thousands.

On the Palestinian side, almost all of the casualties inflicted by Israel are militarily insignificant. At least 90% of the Palestinians killed by Israel are helpless civilians, with 40%, or 10,000, being children. This was previously unheard of in the history of warfare and an unambiguous crime against humanity under international law. By comparison, in World War II, where the Allies utilized area bombing of civilians as policy in instances such as Dresden, the ratio of civilian casualties never rose above 50%. Massacring the women, children and elderly of Gaza is a, poorly kept, secret objective in this war.


One of the most sociologically unique aspects of the United States is the everlasting prominence of Evangelical, or Born-Again, Christians. The group is known for its literal interpretation of the Bible, espousal of Whig individualism on both spiritual and economic matters, and their rabid Zionist posture on foreign policy matters, often rationalized through end-of-the-world prophecies and a largely one-way devotion to the interests of modern day Jews and the Jewish state.

The heyday of Evangelicals appears to be behind them, but they remain the largest Christian sect in all of America (24%), only being narrowly edged out in 2022 by those who checked the generic no religion box. The main institution where their influence can be seen is the Republican Party, where they form an important constituency and play the role of zealous activists.

But Christian Zionist dominance and the contemporary religious right are relatively new. Prior to the Second World War, Evangelicals were a small, poorly received sect operating on the fringes of the American Protestant landscape. Despite lacking theology respected among rival Protestants of their time and being widely perceived as con artists and gladhanders, Evangelicals were able to triumph over their competitors and critics to become contenders for the title of America’s church.

Dwight Eisenhower’s “Judeo-Christian” Nation

In 1952, Allied General Dwight Eisenhower won a landslide victory over Democrat Adlai Stevenson on a platform promising to halt the expansion of the Soviet Union and the spread of its ideas.

Jews had traditionally been most influential within the Democratic party, but Ike was different. He was able to distinguish himself from old money WASP oriented Republican primary challengers by forming politically and financially profitable alliances with prominent Jewish figures who would later play important roles in his two administrations, such as political power broker Jacob Javits, Standard Oil oligarch Jacob Blaustein (a known Democrat), Maxwell Rabb (Eisenhower’s top advisor), and Simon Sobeloff (the Solicitor General who played a central role in overturning segregated schools in the Brown v. Board case, as well as protecting Jews during the “red scare”). These contacts, established over promises to advance the interests of American Jewry and support the recently created state of Israel, gave Eisenhower a formidable edge in press coverage and big business support during the â€52 trouncing of Stevenson.

Mobilizing the American people in support of new foreign interventions (such as the Korean War) so soon after a massive war was a top priority for the Eisenhower administration. The problem for policy makers at the time was that America did not have a cogent state ideology capable of sustaining the planned global democracy crusade. The Eisenhower government was acutely aware of this vulnerability, since the American state, through structures such as the Dickstein Committee (later the House Un-American Activities), spent much of the first half of the 20th century desperately trying to contain what they perceived as domestic threats: communists, socialists, isolationists, nativists, and even an incident where a German immigrant held a Third Reich-style mass rally in Madison Square Garden.

The vacuum created by the lack of an official, well-articulated counter to communism during the Great Depression was filled by the rise of anti-Jewish and anti-establishment populism, which thrived in both urban and heartland America thanks to figures such as Henry Ford, Gerald LK Smith, the America First movement, Huey Long, Father Charles C. Coughlin, and even an explicitly Fascist shirt movement led by William Dudley Pelley. Many of these figures looked to Mussolini and Hitler for answers, which horrified the FDR administration and spurred it into frenzied political crackdowns. A number of these anti-communist dissidents and populist firebrands even put aside their religious differences to promote the broadly secular, socialistic and nationalist Share Our Wealth movement (led by Long, Smith and Coughlin), which then transformed into a campaign against FDR’s plan to enter World War II. These powerful orators and skilled organizers found many supporters through easily understood and intuitive arguments emphasizing the lack of an American interest in a new European conflict, while also making the case that the US government’s support for the Soviet Union against Germany and Italy was evidence that Washington was compromised by Judeo-communist sympathizers and spies. Pre-war anti-communism in America was rife with authoritarian, collectivist, anti-interventionist, anti-Jewish and at times racialist ideas that figures such as Eisenhower and Javits saw as national security threats.

For Eisenhower the values and discourse of Long, Coughlin, Smith and so on were unacceptable and anti-American, not to mention frightening to his Jewish associates. Eisenhower, with strong input from representatives of organized Jewry, would go on to author a new response to the Soviet Union’s promise of heaven on earth, one that championed a vision of a racially egalitarian, individualistic, militarily aggressive, and most importantly, Jewish-friendly but loudly Christian United States.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first president to refer to America as a “Judeo-Christian” nation, at times in a defensive tone when responding to “anti-Semitic” critics, but the strange and ahistorical portmanteau only became common parlance during the Eisenhower years.

A month before his inauguration in December 1952, Eisenhower outlined the worldview America would take into the Cold War:

“And this is how they [the Founding Fathers] explained those: “we hold that all men are endowed by their Creator…” not by the accident of their birth, not by the color of their skins or by anything else, but “all men are endowed by their Creator”. In other words, our form of government has no sense unless it is founded in a deeply felt religious faith, and I don’t care what it is. Of course, it is the Judeo-Christian concept, but it must be a religion with all men being created equal.”

The main barrier for implementing this doctrine was that Americans were not particularly religious. In 1945, only around 65% of Americans self-identified with a church denomination, a figure that’s lower than present-day religiosity.


The Russia-Ukraine war is almost two years old with no apparent diplomatic solution in sight.

There is a consensus among analysts on all sides that Moscow is going into 2024 with a decisive advantage in the conflict. Russian planners have set aside 6% of their GDP towards war production to give themselves a massive material edge over the NATO-backed Ukraine forces, which has brought record low unemployment and a booming economy as Vladimir Putin’s re-election bid approaches.

On the civilian front, Russia’s oil and gas economy has thrived under financial attacks from the liberal G7 and its international economic institutions by successfully pivoting towards new export markets in developing countries. The most absurd development in the counter-intuitive blossoming of Russia’s energy sector can be seen in Western European nations exploiting loopholes in their own sanctions program so that they can continue to purchase Russian liquified natural gas at historically unprecedented rates.

On the Ukrainian side, the news is comparatively grim. Kiev is slowly losing ground, running out of artillery shells, and has been unable to mount any successful counter-attacks. Russian forces neutralized Ukraine’s ability to produce weapons and munitions early on, leading to dependence on NATO weapon’s transfers to continue prosecuting the war that have been lagging as of late. Aiding the Ukraine is encountering controversy throughout Eastern Europe, as seen in the NATO stalwart of Poland, where truckers are physically blocking the Ukrainian border in protest. As of the time of this writing, large and expensive Ukraine aid packages are being blocked by the moustache-twirling villains in the liberal democratic stage play — Viktor Orban in Hungary and the US Republicans in Congress — but this is most likely political cover for the fact that meeting Ukraine’s armament needs would require NATO nations to transition towards military economies, which US and EU leaders are reluctant to commit to.

Adding to this dilemma is the Ukrainian state’s difficulty conscripting military aged men. Approximately 50% (4.5 million) of potential recruits are hiding from the draft, leading to a manpower crisis the Rada is trying to solve by conscripting prisoners and implementing Soviet-style punitive measures for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men who escaped the country.

Chief among these pressing concerns is the mounting, arguably ethnic, tensions between Ukraine’s military and its government.

Jews are only 0.3% of the Ukrainian population, yet today’s Ukraine has the most Jewish government since the early Bolshevik era. Aside from Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s Jewish wartime regime is being led by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Adriy Yermak and the criminal Serhiy Shefir. Until last fall, Ukraine had a Jewish defense minister, Oleksii Reznikov, who Zelensky — apparently distrusting ethnic Ukrainians with sensitive decision-making in their own war effort — replaced with a Tatar Muslim.

The ramifications of this disconnect between the Jewish government and its Gentile armed forces was put on grisly display in Bakhmut, where civilian authorities showed immense contempt for the lives of young Ukrainian men.

After Russian forces successfully surrounded Bakhmut, Ukrainian commander-in-chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi began to plead with Zelensky to stop throwing away the lives of soldiers for a strategically insignificant objective. Zelensky responded by going around Zaluzhnyi and ordering the Ukrainians to attack, leading to enormous casualties without any results.

Last November, the frustrated General Zaluzhnyi told The Economist that the war was stuck in a stalemate and his men were being sent to die by the thousands in impossible offensives. According to reporting from Seymour Hersh, Zaluzhnyi has even made attempts to circumvent the delusional maximalist war aims of the Zelensky regime and negotiate for peace with his Russian counterparts.

Rather than consider his top general’s advice, Zelensky has attempted to sully his reputation (Zaluzhnyi is far more popular than Zelensky) by roping the Ukrainian patriot into a politicized investigation established on the pretense of rooting out alleged traitors that aided Russian forces early in the war. For now, Zaluzhnyi is only a witness in the case, but his supporters believe that this could change any second and that the goal is to extort him into subservience.

The widening divisions in Kiev don’t end there. Earlier this month, Zelensky and his junta have been desperately trying to combat a challenge from Oleksiy Arestovych, one of the few white Gentiles in the president’s inner circle, who is now campaigning for office against him on a platform of ending the war. Arestovych has been forced into exile to the United States due to fears of being arrested or assassinated by Zelensky’s henchmen.

In an explosive interview with Unherd, Arestovych confirmed that Ukrainian forces have suffered at least 200,000 deaths, a grisly fact Zelensky and his backers in Brussels and Washington have sought to keep secret. He followed this up with a declaration, which the Kremlin recently corroborated, that the unimaginable intensification of this war was caused by the decision made by Zelensky and his US/British sponsors to sabotage the Spring 2022 Istanbul process.

After the Russian military secured the Donbass and was repelled from Kiev, Arestovych states that he successfully negotiated a relatively favorable peace deal with Putin’s government through international mediators in Turkey. As the ink dried on the agreement and Arestovych opened a bottle of Champagne, images of the alleged April 2022 Bucha atrocity suddenly began to circulate throughout global media. Zelensky capitalized on this, using Bucha as an excuse to unilaterally veto the peace accords and suspend all communication with Russia.

• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Jews, Russia, Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky 
Houthi Heart Tests World Zionism

The New York Times has just reported that the Pentagon launched a third round of airstrikes against the Houthis in Northern Yemen. Analysts appear to be in consensus that this will not deter them, nor is it possible to limit their capacity to undermine commerce to Israel in the Red Sea without on-the-ground engagement in Yemen.

The United States has been at war with the pro-Iran Houthi rebels since 2015, when the Obama administration cobbled together a coalition of Gulf monarchies to invade Yemen and prop up the local puppet regime banished to the country’s south. The purpose of this was largely to protect Israeli interests in the region, as Washington predicted (in hindsight, accurately) that a Houthi government in Sanaa would wreak havoc on the Jewish state.

The war intensified under Donald Trump. The Pentagon outfitted the Saudi-UAE effort with $100 billion dollars in modern weaponry, as well as logistical support and diplomatic cover for the horrific embargo on the port of Hodeidah. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people, a high number of them children, died in a man-made famine during this blockade.

It wasn’t enough to break the Houthis. As the Ottomans, British, and most recently the Saudis have learned, Yemen is a furnace that melts armies.

In Northern Yemen, the Houthis served the Saudis the most embarrassing defeat any nation has endured in the 21st century. Through their resourcefulness and sheer will power, the Houthis neutralized the massive Saudi edge. A few years into the war, the Gulf State’s mercenary forces pretty much gave up on combating the rebels and decided instead to take out their frustration on Yemen’s civilians.

The final blow to the Saudis came in September 2019, when the Houthis began Operation Victory From God. Houthi forces lured the Saudi military into a massive ambush, killing 500 coalition soldiers and capturing thousands more.

As the Houthis paraded scores of captured enemy soldiers and vehicles, they shocked the world again with a massive drone attack in the Saudi heartland, wrecking two oil refineries and triggering the largest sudden spike in global energy prices in history. The plucky Houthis forced Riyadh to its knees, and soon after to the negotiating table.

Fast forward to 2024. The United States and Britain have, without legal permission from their own governments, effectively entered the Israel-Palestine conflict through the initiation of Operation Prosperity Guardian. So far, the campaign has been firing $2 million dollar Tomahawk missiles at the buzzing flies pestering Israeli economic interests at sea, without any tangible results.

The Houthi ruling council have made their demands clear: they are only interested in attacking ships destined for Israeli ports or owned by Israelis in accordance with international law that compels nations to intervene against acts of genocide. They have vowed to stop when the killing of Gazans ends and humanitarian relief is allowed to reach the suffering Palestinians.

Ships traveling from China to Europe have so far had no issues sailing through the Red Sea. Their secret is to not involve themselves on the side of Israel. There are reports in US media of Houthis hitting random cargo vessels, but this should be taken with a grain of salt. The government in Northern Yemen has provided advanced warning that agents of the UAE were targeting non-Israeli vessels from parts of Yemen the rebels do not control in hopes of dragging the international community into the fray.

There are straight-forward solutions to the Houthi problem, especially now that major companies are too afraid to travel through these waters as long as the dispute lingers. One is to ditch the Israeli maniacs and let the Houthis have at them in exchange for guarantees that non-Israeli ships will be given free passage.

The other is to pressure the Israelis to negotiate a two-state solution with the Palestinians and let the children of Gaza have food and medical aid — Yemen’s demand. Houthis have done their part in respecting the terms of the 2022 negotiated ceasefire with the Saudis. They are reasonable actors as long as you deal with them politically, threats and violence have consistently failed.

Sadly, these are not viable options for America’s ruling Jewish elite. Washington would rather make a scene that disrupts global commerce over attempting to restrain Bibi and Ben Gvir. The limited and highly avoidable conflict with the Houthis is instead being used to call for a direct American attack on Iran, as a writer named Elliot Cohen recently suggested in The Atlantic. Dragging America into a wider regional war against the anti-Zionist Axis of Resistance (Iran, Houthis, Hezbollah, PMU in Iraq, and Syria) is a stated objective of many Jewish foreign policy leaders in the West, as well as the Benjamin Netanyahu government.

This puts the Biden administration in a no-win situation. Prosecuting a new Middle East war in an election year, even one limited to boots on the ground in Yemen, will basically guarantee the Democrats are voted out of power. Aside from the established perils of sending troops into mountains to fight Houthis, US forces stepping into the trap would weaken the deterrent to Hezbollah and other regional actors, which will put Israel’s existence at risk and force the US and UK to commit far more than expected.

Once a decision is made to escalate and mobilize a full American intervention in the Near East every geopolitical simmering pot the Washington empire is desperately trying to keep the lid on — Ukraine, Taiwan, and even some surprises like a new Korean war — will explode. This would spell the end of the liberal world order.


In the age of Marvel, turbo charged self-aware irony, and shoehorned diversity in film, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find something interesting to watch.

By and large, movie lists are seldom worth publishing, but I’ve been told that I have a novel taste in cinema.

Several of these are foreign, some deal with very dark themes, others are wholesome tear jerkers. More than a few require paying close attention to enjoy, while others may make you question my intelligence. A large portion of these film are not ideological and may offend those with more delicate sensibilities.

Here are 50 films I’ve enjoyed that you may have never heard of. They are in no particular order.

Brother (1997) — This Russian gangster film deals with the country’s wild and turbulent 90s. Danila, fresh out of serving in the Chechen war, travels to St. Petersburg to work for his hitman brother. The film is rich with both subtle and overt themes.

Brother II (2000) — Danila goes to Chicago to rescue an old army buddy who plays for the NHL but is being extorted by local criminals. The film is much more light-hearted and action-oriented, but at the same time, the most accurate portrayal of race relations in urban America I’ve ever seen.

Death Wish III (1985) — This is one of many terrible sequels made to the original vigilante masterpiece, Death Wish. The movie has stink lines coming out of the can, but it’s so bad it’s hilariously good.

Ohm Krüger/Uncle Krüger (1941) — This is a Third Reich biopic about Paul Kruger, a Boer freedom fighter who led his people to war against the British Empire. The film portrays the battle between the Boers and the greedy plutocrat Cecil Rhodes who discovers gold in their lands, ultimately leading to failed attempts at diplomacy by Kruger and war. This is one of the only movies I am aware of that shows the vicious internment of Boer women and children in concentration camps during the 2nd Anglo-Boer war.

Kolberg (1945) — This was the last film made in the Third Reich, with Joseph Goebbels himself as executive producer, and considered its best. The film portrays the heroic defense by Prussian forces of a fort being besieged by Napoleon.

Factotum (2005) — An adaptation of Charles Bukowski’s novel about a drunk womanizing aspiring writer floating through the gutters of a grittier and more interesting Los Angeles that doesn’t exist anymore.

Rounders (1998) — A film starring Matt Damon and Ed Norton about two New York City underground Poker players. Movies about gamblers are a dime a dozen, but this one stands out for its counter-intuitive lesson.

The Rum Diary (2011) — This adaptation of Hunter S. Thompson’s novel was panned by critics. I have the opposite opinion. I hated Fearing and Loathing in Las Vegas, yet I enjoyed this quirky film.

The Iron Giant (1999) –- One of the best US-made animated films in the last 50 years, and one of the last before everything was Pixarized. Great for kids, but a lot for adults to think about too.

Three Days of the Condor (1975) — A Robert Redford spy thriller set in New York. Redford plays a CIA agent who writes phony novels for the agency as a form of cultural influence until he becomes a target himself after coming across high level corruption.

Cross of Iron (1977) — A British film starring James Coburn following a unit of Wehrmacht soldiers in Eastern Europe. The film is one of the best portrayals of at times obnoxious internal male dynamics I’ve encountered.

Nine Queens (2000) — This is an Argentinian film about two con artists in a long-gone white working class Buenos Aires full of amusing characters. A memorable surprise ending.

Pusher I to III (1996-2005)– A Danish gangster trilogy by director Nicolas Refn, featuring the brilliant Mads Mikkelsen. The first film is a low budget art film, but is still the second best of the three. Pusher II was my favorite, but III should not be missed either.

Good Time (2017) — This movie is special to me because it is set in Queens, where I’m from. Robert Pattinson is the older brother of a mentally handicapped man who is arrested and sent to Rikers Island, where he is viciously abused by blacks. Pattinson must quickly get the money needed to bond him out and save his life. The characters are accurate and familiar, and so is the sense of urgency.

Martyrs (2008) — This French film is an extreme horror film about a cult that tortures people to death in order to capture the power of an innocent death. This is not mere torture-porn, the film will leave you thinking about the meaning of life, death and the spirit.

I Stand Alone (1998) – Another French movie, this time by the often groundbreaking Gaspar Noe. The film captures the disenfranchisement of working class white Frenchmen.

Vortex (2021) – Another Noe movie, this time dealing with an elderly couple who are declining in old age. The film uses a revolutionary split-screen technique to bring its disturbing message of what inevitably awaits us.

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) – Henry and Otis are not charming, interesting, or psychologically deep. They aren’t sexy, geniuses, or victims of an uncaring society. They are what most serial killers have always been: bored, nihilistic and impulsive paraphiliacs.

Ted K (2021) —A movie told from the perspective of Ted Kacynski, aka the Unabomber. I went into this with low expectations, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. The pacing is very good.

Carlos (2010) – An epic biographical picture about 1970s militant Carlos the Jackal and his work, which primarily consisted of attacking Israeli interests around the world.

The Baader Meinhof Complex (2008) — A German movie chronicling the wild rise of the Red Army Faction. In the 1970s, any kook with a gun and an idea could found a revolutionary group.

Go (1999) – A youth odyssey that irons out and improves on the terrible aspects of the eras movie making style seen in films like Run Lola Run. 90s nostalgics will enjoy this world before phones and the internet, where young people got in trouble instead.

Founder (2016) – A movie starring Michael Keaton portraying the surprisingly dark background story of McDonalds. Pay attention to the not-so-subtle ethnic, racial and social politics in this criminally underrated movie.

Steve Jobs (2015) – Not to be confused with the other Steve Jobs biopic, the mediocre Ashton Kutcher Jobs (2013). Due to being released so close to Jobs, this innovative film remains overlooked and underappreciated.

Ils/Them (2006) — A French horror movie set in Romania where a couple’s home is besieged.

Hoffa (1992) — An overlooked biopic of Teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa, who is masterfully played by Jack Nicholson. There is something special about the atmosphere of this movie that is hard to put your finger on.

Death To Smoochy (2002) – This movie, starring Ed Norton and Robin Williams, was a box office bomb. With good reason, it’s pretty bad. But it makes me laugh.

3:10 to Yuma (2007) – An admirable remake of the original Western. It brings together Christian Bale, Russell Crowe and Ben Foster, fans of cowboy movies can’t miss this.

• Category: Arts/Letters • Tags: Hollywood, Movies 
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement