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 TeasersMichelle Malkin Blogview

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When I first started writing newspaper editorials and columns for the Los Angeles Daily News in November 1992, I learned that “-30-” (pronounced “dash thirty dash”) was the journalist’s code for letting an editor know where your copy ended. Most media historians believe the typesetting mark originated when news was filed by telegraph. Western Union’s famous mid-19th-century 92 Code of numerical shorthand signals lists the meaning of “-30-” as:

“No more — the end.”

I prefer the definition in Webster’s Dictionary:

“A sign of completion.”

From 1992-1999, I wrote an estimated 300 bylined newspaper columns and nearly 1,000 unsigned editorials combined for the Los Angeles Daily News and Seattle Times. Since Creators Syndicate started carrying my column nationally in 1999, I’ve penned nearly 2,000 weekly or bi-weekly columns over 1,177 weeks, for hundreds of print and website clients, totaling more than 1.1 million words. It has been a blessing to work in a career that I have loved, getting paid by the line to opine, as a proud “ink-stained wretch” whose first high-school job was as a press inserter for my hometown newspaper, the Atlantic City Press, back in the late 1980s.

The sentimental English major in me finds it altogether fitting to bring my column-writing to close after “dash thirty dash” years.

Why now? The professional and personal reasons are myriad. In this modern age of oversharing, I’m not going to get into every last one. Suffice to say, the American media landscape has changed dramatically since I entered this industry as a 22-year-old idealist who truly believed the “pen is mightier than the sword.” (Side note: Eagle-eyed readers who followed my blog writing in the early 2000s might recall that my original website logo was a pen/knife with the phrase “the pen became a clarion” from a Longfellow poem.)

It’s not just “fake news” that plagues us. It’s sold-out, skewed “news” that serves corporate and global special interests, not the truth. It’s lazy, soulless, dumbed-down opinion writing from hacks who care nothing about the craft. It’s shady influence operations masquerading as “journalism.” It’s information-suppression disguised as “misinformation” monitoring.

The homogenization of American journalism on both sides of the ideological spectrum has led to its collective deterioration. My colleagues at the Daily News were an eclectic bunch — including a Korean War Navy vet in his 60s, a former college math professor in her 50s who had taught English in Shanghai, and a hotshot New England politico in his 30s who had worked in D.C. as a press secretary.

Now the liberal media is dominated by endless supplies of smug, usually very pale-faced millennial J-school grads spouting about “diversity” while parroting the same worn set of views on whites as evil, America as oppressor, nuclear families as abnormal, and liberal democracy as sacrosanct.

“Conservative” media is not much better. It’s dominated by snot-nosed D.C. libertarian elites from overpriced universities who slavishly promote “free-market capitalism” and cast “big government” as our greatest enemy, while private Silicon Valley corporations and their nonprofit allies crush nationalist dissent, handcuff free speech and deplatform free thinkers through censorship (hard and soft) and lawfare (systematic abuse of the courts to harm political critics).

Because of my peacefully expressed reporting, opinions and speeches, my family has been punished and stigmatized, my reputation tarnished and my voice squelched. It’s not “big government” that waged this war on my career. It’s a constellation of vindictive wrongthink police in the private sector, from the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League, to foreign newspapers and moneyed interests that have no business influencing American politics, to “conservative” swamp creatures and profiteers such as Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Mona Charen and Ben Shapiro, and even to former colleagues at the Fox News Channel, which blacklisted me several years ago and told a friend of mine who was a guest on Tucker Carlson’s show not to say my name after antifa rioters had attacked me and others on stage at a Back the Blue rally in Denver a few years ago. (My friend ignored the warning. God bless him.)

I have no regrets. As Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” I remain thankful to every single reader over the last three decades, and I will be eternally inspired by all the patriots I’ve profiled over the years — especially the ordinary parents, whistleblowers, citizen journalists and activists who have sacrificed far more than I for their truth-seeking and truth-telling.

I am indebted to my early writing mentors, the late Father Edward Lyons and Debbie Collins at Holy Spirit High School in Absecon, New Jersey; my late Oberlin College English professor Dewey Ganzel; my husband and co-conspirator in all things, Jesse; my first newspaper boss, Tom Gray; Creators Syndicate founder Rick Newcombe and his staff; and stalwart supporters founder Binyamin Jolkovsky, VDARE founder Peter Brimelow, Wendy McCaw of the Santa Barbara News-Press, WRKO radio host extraordinaire Jeff Kuhner, and the late KFAQ host Pat Campbell.

Most of all, I wish to thank my teacher Mom (who taught me to express myself with passion and flair) and my doctor Dad (who gave me a bedrock foundation in science, logic and facts). From both of them, I inherited the zeal to speak up for what is right and true without fear — but always with humility — which I will continue to do in new ways for myself, my family and my country.

This is an ending, but not the end. The next chapter awaits to be written.


Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected].

• Category: Ideology • Tags: American Media, Political Correctness 

Don’t believe the pervert media. Reuters, NBC News, entertainer John Oliver and Denver 9News zealot Kyle Clark all want you to believe that parents nationwide are simply imagining an infestation of “furries” (children dressing up and identifying as animals) in their public schools. The gaslighting campaign is so toxically incandescent that you can see the glow from a SpaceX rocket.

Let me assure you: You are not crazy. They are.

First, let’s review the headlines over the past week.

Here’s Reuters on Oct. 18:

“Fact Check — No evidence of schools accommodating ‘furries’ with litter boxes.”

Here’s NBC News on Oct. 14 in a piece by whopping four-reporter “misinformation” police squad:

“How an urban myth about litter boxes in schools became a GOP talking point.”

Over the weekend, comedian John Oliver dismissed the parental sound and fury over furries as “humiliating nonsense” and mocked conservative state legislators as “heartbreakingly stupid” for amplifying constituents’ concerns.

Denver 9News conservative-bashing zealot Kyle Clark two weeks ago purported to debunk the furry frenzy by simply regurgitating several Colorado school districts’ blanket denials, including Jefferson County, which told the news station: “There is absolutely no truth to this claim. There are no litter boxes in our buildings and students are not allowed to come to school in costume.”

That deceitful stock answer was authored by communications executive director Kimberly Eloe; shared with district leaders for “awareness and alignment” (translation: marching orders and echo chamber formation); and sent to multiple news outlets inquiring about the anthropomorphic animal contagion. 9News executive producer Nathan Higgins revealed his intentions to neuter the controversy when he accused parents of spreading a “conspiracy theory” in his inquiry to the Jeffco schools’ PR team seeking any “substantiated or specific instances or claims of furries in schools.”

Here is the whole truth, which the pervert media labels “misinformation” because truly informed nuclear families threaten The Great Parental Replacement agenda:

A vigilant group of parents and kids in Jefferson County have been hounding school officials about the bizarre presence of “furries” in Colorado middle schools and high schools since February 2022. This is not a “GOP talking point” or an election-season ploy. This is not a joke or satire. It’s real, it’s disruptive, and it’s sick. Lindsay Datko and a team of eight citizen activists with Jeffco Kids First file Colorado Open Records Act requests to expose the lies and secrets driving wedges between parents and their children — not just on curriculum indoctrination, but on all matters pertaining to family autonomy, health and safety.

“We leave no stone unturned,” Datko told me. And that’s why the pervert media and their fellow travelers believe she and her group must be smeared and destroyed.

On Oct. 13, the county school district’s records custodian coughed up a 36-page document filled with emails between parents, school officials and other parties chronicling the need for costumed critter control. I obtained and verified the hair-raising trove. Back in February, a parent had informed JeffCo’s “chief student success officer” Matt Palaoro about rabid furries at Wayne Carle Middle School who wore “cat/dog ears, tails, fur gloves, collars, and leashes” while threatening peers who objected. The parent’s son reported that the costumed students would “hiss, bark, scratch, and meow” at students who objected to the behavior.

Another child reported that the herd of furries would “walk on all 4s in the hallway” and “also eat with their face in their food.”

Back in March, parents at Drake Middle School in Jeffco met with principal Melinda Feir to alert her of the classroom disruptions caused by the human pet parade.

In April, another parent reported furry sightings at Dakota Ridge High School.

In August, Drake Middle School updated its dress code specifically to ban animal ears and tails. (The public records show that litter boxes were never mentioned; it was Datko’s group that discovered they were being used during lockdowns.)

Despite the long electronic trail of complaints and alarms, left-wing activist and Colorado Times Recorder propagandist Heidi Beedle slammed GOP gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl in a hit piece titled “Ganahl Falsely Claims that Kids Are ‘Identifying as Cats … All Over Colorado; Schools Are Tolerating It.'” What Beedle and the publication fail to disclose is that Beedle is — not making this up — an apologist for furries who penned a 2,000-plus word celebration of the “oft-misunderstood community” in 2018 for the Colorado Springs Independent. She highlighted a 16-year-old “wolfdog” named “Avedis” whose parents drive him to “all-ages meetups” and quoted “Chip,” a “DenFur” convention staffer who explained that “(w)hile furry is not an exclusively LGBTQ phenomenon, it skews pretty gay due to its obvious LGBTQ appeal.”


Next week, a young college student will face a federal judge in Washington, D.C., at a sentencing hearing over his nonviolent participation in the Jan. 6 Capitol rally. UCLA undergrad Christian Secor was arrested last February and spent more than a month in solitary confinement. Think about that.

Unlike the weekly parade of repeat violent criminal rapists, robbers, pedophiles and murderers across the country with massive rap sheets who enjoy a no-bail revolving door, Christian had never, ever been in trouble with the law before his arrest.

The un-American Department of Injustice has made life hell for hundreds of peaceful Trump rally participants — locking them up, throwing away the key, harassing their families, withholding evidence and obliterating their constitutional rights to stifle dissent, punish the Democrats’ political enemies and weaponize J6 till kingdom come. Don’t take my word for it. A D.C. magistrate overseeing some of the cases, Zia Faruqui, decried the gargantuan prosecutions of nearly 900 defendants, including at least two Americans who were left to languish in custody after being “lost” for weeks without scheduled hearings.

“It feels like the government has bitten off more than it can chew here,” Faruqui complained in March.

Yes, the vengeful federal beast has an insatiable appetite and bottomless resources to ruin lives. The D.C. witch-hunt prosecutors threw a pile of charges at Christian that made sensational headlines, including “assaulting, resisting or impeding officers,” as liberal National Public Radio reported. Christian pleaded not guilty to all charges in March 2021 but, 14 wearying months later, entered an agreement to plead guilty to a single felony charge of “obstructing a federal proceeding.”

Here is what I wrote to the judge in Christian’s case, the Honorable Trevor McFadden, to share what I know about this bright young man as he faces up to 20 years in prison next week.

Dear Judge McFadden,

My name is Michelle Malkin and I am writing on behalf of Christian Secor, whom you will sentence on October 19, 2022. I am a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist, investigative journalist, author of 7 books, campus speaker, and mentor to countless young conservative activists across the country for the past 30 years.

In November 2019, I first met Christian before giving a speech at UCLA sponsored by the Bruin Republicans. I instantly found him to be polite, witty, and highly intelligent. He demonstrated broad and deep knowledge of world affairs. We share similar perspectives as passionate defenders of American sovereignty and unapologetic nationalism. I saw or communicated with Christian several times between the fall of 2019 and the fall of 2020. He was constructively engaged in student activism on campus locally and in helping to unite conservative students nationally on immigration and public health and safety issues as the pandemic era erupted.

Knowing my love of the outdoors, Christian sent me a beautiful mountain and rainbow photo from his summer 2020 vacation in flyover country. He thoughtfully messaged to wish me happy birthday in October 2020. Four months later, I learned of his arrest and the shocking 40 days he spent in solitary confinement.

A non-violent college kid with zero criminal record held in isolation for 40 days? This isn’t the America my immigrant parents from the Philippines thought they were getting when they left an authoritarian regime that jailed political opponents and punished student activists.

Never in any of my conversations or interactions with Christian did he ever express support for violence.

Never in any of my conversations or interactions with Christian did he ever express any sentiments of “racism,” “Nazism,” “white supremacy,” “fascism,” or “insurrection.”

As a veteran journalist who has worked in newspapers and on TV for the past three decades, as well as an Internet entrepreneur who founded two influential political news and opinion websites, I am deeply disturbed by the distorted media profiles of Christian that have baselessly savaged his character and transformed him from a peacefully provocative student activist into some sort of dangerous agent provocateur. This is patently untrue and unjust.

I understand Christian has pled guilty to one felony charge of “obstructing a federal proceeding.”

I also understand that Christian did not bring any weapons, touch an officer, or ignore any police requests. I understand he walked in a door that Capitol police opened and then stepped aside. I understand that after entering the main Senate floor, he was told by a police officer to leave — and he dutifully complied.

Judge McFadden, I ask that justice be served in Christian’s case by granting him probation and allowing this 24-year-old to continue his educational pursuits in freedom instead of continuing to serve as a political scapegoat behind bars. Thank you for considering this letter of support.

Pray for sanity and justice to prevail in this case and so many others still suffering in solitude and silence. End-stage America’s victims are legion.

Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected].


It’s happening. It’s been happening. Parents, you are being replaced.

Where? Right under your noses, in your neighborhoods, in your public and private schools, and in your local children’s hospitals.

How? Under the guise of health, safety, compassion, tolerance, diversity, intellectual superiority and, of course, the public good.

By whom? Woke educators, radical school counselors, gender queer-promoting librarians, meddling school-based health clinic staffers, Big Pharma drug and jab peddlers, and medical establishment “experts” like the ones at the American Medical Association, who, as investigative researcher and City Journal writer Christopher Rufo reported this week, are “asking Big Tech and the Department of Justice to censor, deplatform, investigate, and prosecute journalists who question the orthodoxy of radical gender surgeries for minors, arguing that public criticism is ‘disinformation.'”

It’s not just journalists that the AMA is targeting, but outspoken parents on social media who dare to question State Science and who fearlessly assert and defend their family sovereignty. As usual, questioning the authority of the elites is tantamount to threatening “violence, intimidation, and physical harm” — even as these control freaks oversee the mass poisoning of vulnerable children’s minds and bodies across the country.

Why? Newly elected Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni summarized it well in a viral 2019 speech at the World Congress of Families that Big Tech has tried to suppress.

“Why is the family the enemy?” she asked. “Why is the family so frightening?”

Answer: “Because family is our identity. Because everything that defines us is now the enemy for those who would like us to have no identity and simply be perfect consumer slaves. That’s why they attack national identity, that’s why they attack religious identity, attack sexual identity, attack family identity. I cannot define myself as Christian, Italian, wife, mother, no. I have to be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2. I have to be a number … That’s why we cause so much fear … Because we don’t want to be numbers. We will defend the value of the human being … We will defend God, country and family.”

Yes. We are more than just automatons and QR codes. Our children are more than just advertising-coveted eyeballs and addicted mouse-clickers, more than data-mining sitting ducks and docile worker cogs in the globalist machine. Our children are more than just bottomless receptacles for the next government-subsidized, billion-dollar experimental drugs from cradle to grave — be they puberty-blocking hormones, lifestyle vaccines (Gardasil, PrEP), ineffective and natural immunity-undermining flu shots, anti-anxiety and anti-depressant pills, or experimental bivalent COVID booster jabs that have only been tested on a handful of mice.

Moms and dads, you are more than a pesky nuisance to the architects and engineers of the Great Parental Replacement.

You are a hindrance.

At Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the Daily Caller’s Chrissy Clark reported, a “Gender and Sexuality Development Clinic” has held 33 trainings in 15 schools over the past five years on “trans-inclusive policies” in which attendees are advised to “keep gender identity secret from parents.”

You are abusers.

At Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, an academic “expert” claimed that parents “refusing puberty-blocking treatment” amounted to “psychological harm,” which she equated with physical abuse that should be subject to criminal prosecution.

You are nosybodies.

In the U.S., 17 children’s hospitals have now hidden information about their gender transmogrification programs after parents exposed their practices. Most prominent among them: Boston Children’s Hospital and its demented program, HOTT (Health Outreach to Teens), which advises boys on how to “tuck” and tape up their penises to make them look like vaginas.

To distract from this perversity, Boston Children’s is playing the victim, decrying alleged threats of “violence” (cue the Southern Poverty Law Center smear machine). We’ve seen this playbook before. Remember: In 2013, young Justina Pelletier was ripped from her parents’ custody by Boston Children’s Hospital. The teen, who lives with mitochondrial disease and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, had gone to BCH after coming down with a severe case of the flu. Instead of receiving top-notch care and attention at BCH, however, Justina was medically kidnapped and recklessly re-diagnosed with a psychological condition, “somatoform disorder.”

Justina was dragged from BCH’s neurology department to its infamous psych ward, where she was reprimanded for being unable to move her bowels or walk unassisted in her weakened state. At the Wayside Youth and Family Support Network residential treatment center, where she was confined, she and her family recounted to me in my 2018 documentary on the case, she was harassed by a staffer while taking a shower. The physical and mental torture lasted 16 months.

Doctors at BCH dubbed their evil practice a “parentectomy” — and this savage removal of parental rights has been repeated nationwide. The Pelletier family sued BCH and lost in early 2020, at exactly the time the World Economic Forum was ushering in the Great Reset and its replacement of sovereign nations and sovereign parents with drug-pushing, gender-destroying, child-kidnapping, surveillance-state managers of the “global commons.”

It’s time for nuclear families to go nuclear on their enemies. That’s not a call to violence, but a call to protect your children’s minds, hearts, bodies and souls from those who seek to obliterate our identity, bonds and God-given rights.

Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected].

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Parenting, Political Correctness 

Not all open-borders subversives hide behind black bandanas and hurl Molotov cocktails. Sometimes, they wear three-piece suits or silk dresses. Most insidiously, the saboteurs of American justice wear black robes, wield gavels and enlist other officers of the court to help them perpetrate crimes instead of punish them.

Nothing shocks me anymore after 30 years of covering immigration anarchy, but my disgust with American apathy toward the erosion of this once-sovereign nation deepens every day. Take the case of United States v. Shelley M. Richmond Joseph and Wesley MacGregor. She’s the Massachusetts state court judge and he’s the former court deputy who collaborated to hide and free an illegal alien criminal being sought by a federal U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent in Joseph’s Newton, Massachusetts, courthouse in 2018.

A year later, federal prosecutors charged these two government human traffickers with obstruction of justice after they conspired to let Dominican national Oscar Manuel Peguero a.k.a. Jose Medina-Perez — a fugitive who had been wanted on narcotics possession and drunk driving, had been deported twice before and had been barred from reentering under federal law — out a back door when ICE issued a detainer and warrant of removal.

Judge Joseph’s lawyers admitted the truth of prosecutors’ allegations on how she “purposefully” helped Peguero/Medina-Perez “evade” the ICE agent by “concocting a ruse.” While informing the federal agent that the illegal alien would be sent to the courthouse lobby, she cooked up an excuse for him to head “downstairs to lockup” and “then exit the courthouse through a rear sally-port exit.” Joseph directed MacGregor to “go off the record while she devised” the scheme with the illegal alien’s counsel. “After the recorder was turned back on and the alleged plan was set in motion, Deputy MacGregor used his access card to swipe” Peguero/Medina-Perez out the back portal.

Although he was captured a few weeks after the catch-and-release ruse in Newton, Peguero/Medina-Perez was granted bond by an immigration judge in May 2018. The previous double deportee was entrusted to return for a hearing in July 2019. I asked ICE this week about the status of that deportation hearing and Peguero/Medina-Perez’s whereabouts. Cue the sound of crickets.

Once again, the woke joke’s on us. Last week, three years after their illegal alien jailbreak conspiracy, Joseph and MacGregor learned they are getting off scot-free. U.S. Attorney Zachary Cunha announced that the U.S. Department of Injustice is dropping its charges against the scheming judge and deferring prosecution on the single perjury charge against her co-conspirator deputy. Joseph’s transgressions will now undergo “review” by a state judicial conduct commission. As a Reuters investigation reported, such toothless panels nationwide tend to “err on the side of protecting the rights and reputations of judges while overlooking the impact courtroom wrongdoing has on those most affected by it.”

Translation: If you’re an American citizen whose loved one gets mowed down by a drunken Peguero/Medina-Perez or whose child overdoses on drugs sold by him, good luck. The law is on the side of the illegal alien criminal and his judicial coddlers, not you and yours. Oh, and don’t bother protesting to the Newton City Council. Its members declared the city an open-borders sanctuary city on a 16-1 vote in 2017. In fact, the following cities in Massachusetts are all official sanctuaries that hinder and obstruct ICE from enforcing federal immigration laws inside our borders: Amherst, Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, Concord, Newton, Northampton, Somerville and Lawrence.

So, citizens, who can you turn to in the Bay State for equal justice under the law? Ha. I remind you that in May 2018, Obama-appointed federal judge Indira Talwani attacked ICE agents in Massachusetts when they took an alien into custody who had received probation for visa fraud. “I see no reason for places of redress and justice to become places that people are afraid to show up,” Talwani argued on behalf of a Chinese national sentenced to probation for using a fake passport and visa to take a graduate school entrance exam for another person.

Have no fear, drunken Dominicans and Chinese cheats. American judges are here to help!

And so are other tax-subsidized DAs.

In March 2019, notorious Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins ordered her employees to monitor and snitch on ICE officers around any courthouse while trying to do their jobs. Rollins’ election was part of a wave of successful campaign bids to install “progressive prosecutors” to carry out left-wing billionaire George Soros’ plan of undermining the criminal justice system from within. A week after Joseph and MacGregor conspired to free their illegal alien poster child from ICE, Rollins and fellow subversive Middlesex County DA Marian Ryan sued ICE for doing its job. It was rendered moot and dropped after the anti-American Biden DOJ cut ICE off at the knees on its own.

I’d like to blame only leftists, Soros and Biden for the mess we’re in. But, as usual, I can’t. Judge Shelley “Jailbreak” Joseph is on the bench today thanks to the nomination of a Republican governor, retiring RINO Charlie Baker. Immigration anarchy is what you get when “bipartisanship,” “centrism,” “pragmatism” and “diversity” matter more than protecting an American judicial system that puts Americans first.

Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected].


All the world’s a stage, especially two heated months before Election Day. So you’ll have to forgive me for not joining the theatrical media frenzy over Martha’s Vineyard being overrun by illegal aliens. It’s just another naked open-borders exhibition by both political parties that makes a miserable mockery of our country’s immigration policies.

Yes, I said both parties.

Sure, Republican governors are exposing the grand hypocrisy of limousine liberals who preach diversity and tolerance while walling off their exclusive colony. Rah-rah, sis-boom, ha-ha-ha. Hilarity abounds. So many memes and viral videos! What a riot giggling about which Democratic city illegal aliens should be sent to next.

Of course, mass-migration-pimping Democrats are as guilty of “human trafficking” as their counterparts now acting as travel agents for the Third World cheap-labor pipeline. Don’t need to tell me. I’ve written three bestsellers and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of columns on the subject over the past 30 years.

But whether it’s Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis dumping Venezuelans on Martha’s Vineyard or Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott shuttling Mexicans to the Big Apple and D.C. swamp or former Democrat President Barack Obama chartering illegal alien flights to military bases across New England (a story I first broke back in 2014), the script is always the same:

One side claims to be tough on borders. The other screams “racism” and “xenophobia.” Then leaders in both parties pocket big donations from the same globalist special interests — Big Agriculture, Big Business and Big Tech — and pretend to join hands on “immigration reform.” All the illegal alien pawns settle in for the long haul — collecting driver’s licenses from Democrat and Republican governors, sanctuary status from both Democrat and Republican mayors, in-state tuition discounts across the country, bountiful health, welfare and legal services, and eventual amnesty, green cards, U.S. citizenship, entitlement benefits and voting rights.

That’s bipartisan America Last stuntsmanship for you. Not so funny anymore, is it?

I can hardly stomach cable news anymore. Two decades ago, when I guest-hosted for Bill O’Reilly and worked as a contributor to Fox News, the illegal alien invasion I reported on was taken seriously. Now, I’m persona non grata in “America’s newsroom,” while two-faced snakes like Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio score prime Fox News headlines for bashing the Biden administration’s illegal immigration chaos.

“This is what happens when you have an administration that basically is telling people if you come into this country illegally, you’re going to get to stay,” Rubio complained.

Now, that’s funny. Rubio is a “Gang of Eight” darling of open-borders millionaires and billionaires who soaked up money from Facebook’s foreign labor-addicted lobbying group and furiously flip-flopped on amnesty like a swamp circus clown on meth.

Reminder: Facebook founder Zuckerberg personally donated to Rubio, as did pro-H-1B expansionist Silicon Valley CEOs from Oracle, Cisco and Seagate. Microsoft, founded by leading foreign tech-worker H-1B visa/illegal alien amnesty cheerleader Bill Gates, was Rubio’s No. 2 corporate donor for years. Paul Singer, the treacherous hedge fund billionaire, was also a top Rubio backer. Singer helped fund the National Immigration Forum along with fellow hedge fund billionaire George Soros. NIF propped up a faux “grass-roots” initiative of religious conservatives, dubbed the Evangelical Immigration Table, to lobby for the Gang of Eight amnesty mob.

Not to pick on Little Marco, but since his open-borders hypocrisy is representative of the vast majority of election-year politicians, it is worth pointing out that while he lambastes the Biden administration for providing incentives to Venezuelan illegal aliens to stay, he whitewashes his own all-star role in sponsoring such chaos-creating inducements. His Senate office has clogged my email box for years with press releases touting his support for endless “temporary protected status” designations, renewals and expansions for illegal aliens from Haiti, Ukraine and, yes, Venezuela.

As I’ve reported repeatedly, the TPS program signed into law by GOP President George H.W. Bush in 1990 was supposed to provide short-term relief and shelter to people from foreign countries hit by natural disasters, environmental catastrophes, civil war, epidemic diseases or other “extraordinary and temporary conditions.” They were always expected to go back home when those conditions improved. But three decades and dozens of bipartisan extensions later, nearly a half-million beneficiaries have turned TPS into TINO: Temporary in Name Only. Illegal aliens from El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua were added to the list, followed by citizens of Haiti, Nepal, Syria, Angola, Sudan, Yemen, Montserrat and more. To date, we’ve granted sacrosanct TPS status to more than 400,000 people from a total of 22 countries who have grown increasingly entitled to automatic renewal of their “temporary” protections.

But ignore the immigration anarchy. Swamp Democrats and Republicans are both raising gobs of campaign cash over Martha’s Vineyard mayhem. Their media sycophants are raking in clicks and giggles for “owning” each other. And end-stage America keeps getting owned. The joke’s on us.

Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected].

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Immigration 

Back in the day, guidance counselors were those helpful (but not unduly intrusive) high school officials who dispensed vocational and career advice, reminded you of college application deadlines, and made sure your transcripts and letters of recommendations got where they needed to go. But like so much else in the 1960s and 1970s, traditional roles fell to radical transformation. A cadre of new and radicalized school counselors appointed themselves “comprehensive” providers of “social and emotional learning,” mental health coaching, and sexual education proselytizing.

And now, all hell has broken loose.

Modern school counselors are zealous social justice meddlers bent on replacing parents and exposing your children early and often to anti-white, anti-American, anti-nuclear family propaganda. Speakers at the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) brag openly about being “master manipulators” of children and train their members on how to “become an LGBTQ-inclusive school.”

Intrepid whistleblowers at Courage Is a Habit, an action-oriented group founded by Indiana parent activist Alvin Lui, videotaped multiple seminars held at ASCA’s 2022 national conference in July. They collected conference materials outlining “learning objectives” such as being able to “define transgender, gender expansive and other important terms related to sexuality and gender identity” and “how to identify legal resources” for transgender and gender expansive students.

School counselors at the conference were also told to collect data and snitch on any student “who is not transgender and complains about being uncomfortable” with transgender and gender expansive students — complaints which ASCA deems a form of “bullying and harassment.”

Courage Is a Habit also caught ASCA’s past president and current Ethics Committee Chairman, Carolyn Stone, laughing as she told attendees about a school counselor who took a child to a clinic to obtain contraceptives in defiance of her mother’s wishes. That counselor asked Stone for advice on what to do next. Stone gave a group pop quiz: Do you tell the counselor to tell the child “to tell her parent,” or “two, do you tell the girl’s mother yourself and confess,” or “three,” withhold all information and “hold your breath and pray?” The conference broke out in cackling laughter as they all voted for the third, parental autonomy-undermining choice, at which point Stone exulted that “you are all ready to be part of the ethics committee.”

No wonder ASCA’s conference was titled “No Limits.”

As I’ve reported the past three decades, the overriding agenda of the education elite and their ancillary left-wing allies in the nonprofit, corporate and government swamps is to drive a wedge between parents and children. That’s what the establishment of school-based health clinics was all about — as was “outcome-based education,” Common Core math, the infiltration of Big Tech, critical race theory and the entirety of “social-emotional learning” conditioning for which school counselors act as “master manipulators.” Their. Own. Words.

As Courage Is a Habit’s founder Alvin Lui told me this week, “One of the biggest hurdles parents face is that schools hire third parties that delivers surveys, SEL lessons, resources, etc., and it’s technically not part of the ‘curriculum.’ So when parents say ‘let me see the curriculum,’ it doesn’t always look so bad but they aren’t aware of all these third parties. For the parents who are aware, they get stonewalled because they say that it’s a third party so the material is proprietary.” In the same vein, school counselors are not a part of any K-12 curriculum or policy, “but they train school counselors in all these highly woke methods and ideas, and the school counselors pass that to children. Unless parents know who ASCA is and really dig, they have no idea where to even look.”

Vampires and cockroaches hate sunlight, so you won’t be shocked to learn that ASCA has taken vicious measures to deplatform Courage Is a Habit for its highly effective, fair-use critiques of the “No Limits” conference. The woke school counselor mafia pressured Lui’s website hosting provider (Carrd), web server provider (Amazon Web Services), and Google Drive to censor links and documents related to their Behind Closed Doors campaign. [PARENTS: DOWNLOAD THE CENSORED “BEHIND THE SCENES” PDF HERE.] I’d call such Maoist tactics shocking, but that’s the way end-stage America rolls these days.

• Category: Culture/Society, Ideology 

September has barely begun, but I’m confident no one will top my Whiny Media McWhiner of the Month nominee. This diaper-wetting award winner really takes the cake. With unhinged cowards like the San Francisco Chronicle’s editorial board editor Matthew Fleischer occupying lofty perches of influence, it’s no wonder public confidence in American newspaper and television news has plunged to all-time lows, according to the latest Gallup poll.

First, some background: As owner Hearst Corporation brags, “The San Francisco Chronicle is the largest newspaper in Northern California” and “the second largest on the West Coast.” Sunday print circulation tops 211,000. Its website reportedly reaches over 6 million users across the country each month. Fleischer holds an M.A. in journalism from New York University, worked as a “senior digital opinion editor” at the Los Angeles Times for six years, and wrote for a long list of mainstream publications before landing in the Bay Area in April 2021.

For the past two and a half years, Fleischer’s fear-mongering Chronicle editorial board hectored and harangued readers to trust the COVID science (translation: swallow every Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Tech claim without question or complaint). Fleischer and his colleagues backed the draconian lockdown policies of San Francisco Mayor London Breed (which didn’t apply to her, of course, as she partied maskless at jazz clubs). The Chronicle editorial board was so extreme that it castigated serial control-freak lockdown hypocrite Gov. Gavin Newsom for not doing enough to prevent sane people from getting on with their lives.

Fleischer’s opinion pages also pushed for indefinite indoor masking, advocated “making vaccination the price of admission to society,” and rallied the left-wing elitist pandemic mob against informed parents exercising their religious liberty and medical autonomy. The newspaper crusaded for legislative efforts to outlaw personal belief exemptions from vaccine mandates and to force every school-age child to submit to experimental jabs in the name of public health.

But just like Mayor Breed, Gov. Newsom and all the other two-faced COVID tyrants who exempt themselves from the rigid rules they’ve imposed on the hoi polloi, the Chronicle’s editorial page editor believes the rules and “the science” should be bent and ignored by the powerful and the privileged when it suits them.

On Sunday, Fleischer published a diatribe blasting medical professionals for not giving him Paxlovid pills after he contracted COVID — even though the experts and authorities he so worships determined he “wasn’t technically eligible” because he was “under 65 without any serious comorbidities.” The title of his whine-ditorial:

“Omicron finally got me after two years of being a COVID hermit. Then, doctors made it worse.”

Yes, he was a “COVID hermit,” cloistered in his Bay Area home (median sale price: $1.3 million) where he admits he sat around, stuffed his face and gained “fifteen extra pounds.” Getting fatter “was worth it to avoid getting sick,” he claimed. So, he holed up in his “cave,” spurned the gym (“no thanks,” he scoffed) and avoided “the office, indoor gatherings and restaurants.”

That’s right. He chose to avoid fresh air, exercise and sunlight — effective natural immune boosters, according to a raft of peer-reviewed studies. You know: Science. Instead, he got vaxxed and boosted, masked up and hunkered down, and still ended up with COVID after flying out to the East Coast this summer. Whose fault is it? The subtitle of his gripe-fest is pure media megalomania:

“BA.5 just wiped me out for 12 days. Why did doctors let me get sick instead of giving me Paxlovid?”

What a weenie. You know what I did when lockdown mania hit? I took responsibility for my health. In the spring of 2020, while government goons shut down gyms and blocked off playgrounds and parks with crime tape, I took up pickleball (currently competing in tournaments at 4.0 mixed doubles), lifted weights in the garage, ate healthy, hiked Colorado trails and mountains, loaded up on vitamins and supplements, and secured ivermectin (which The Establishment Scientists are finally acknowledging provides prophylactic protection “associated with reductions in COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.”)

Oh, and I refused — still to this day — to be a guinea pig for those Big Pharma products that came out of corrupted COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials. I’ve had COVID once while living life to the fullest, jab-less and maskless, while the vaccine and lockdown haranguers suffer reinfection after rebound after rebound, with or without Paxlovid as their savior.

Despite there being no benefit to him taking Paxlovid, Fleischer fumes that he should be allowed to ignore official public health guidance and pop the pills on demand because, well, because!

Stubbornly clinging to Big Pharma Voodoo, this nattering ninny is “hopeful the new omicron booster” will end the pandemic. LOL. Meantime, all of us naturally healthy, fit and fearless citizens who refuse to submit to the endless pills and profiteering injections that failed him miserably watch in both horror and amusement at the media meltdowns of reclusive basket cases. Cry harder.

Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected].

• Category: Ideology • Tags: American Media, Anti-Vaxx, Covid 

Attention readers: The following column was originally published in 2019 and is being republished in light of back-to-school season.

No, no, no. Hell, no!

That’s my response to the latest trial balloon floated by the White House to join with Silicon Valley on a creepy program monitoring Americans’ “neurobehavioral signs” to (purportedly) prevent gun violence.

President Donald Trump’s old friend, former NBC head Bob Wright, has been pushing an Orwellian surveillance scheme called “Safe Home” — “Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes” — that would cost taxpayers between $40 million and $60 million. The Washington Post, owned by Amazon billionaire founder Jeff Bezos, reports that the plan could incorporate “Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo and Google Home,” as well as ” fMRIs, tractography and image analysis.”

Here’s the big lie: Wright’s group promises that privacy will be “safeguarded,” profiling “avoided” and data protection capabilities a “cornerstone of this effort.”

There’s so much bullcrap packed in that statement it should be banned as a global warming pollutant. Anything involving Google should trigger automatic danger warnings of invasive data mining. We do not need the federal government partnering with Google to red-flag citizens. We need the federal government to red-flag Google.

Let me remind you that Google has already admitted to data mining children’s emails without consent and in violation of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This school year, untold thousands, if not millions, of children were required to sign on to Google email and Chrome in order to access homework, schedules and classroom discussions — without obtaining parental consent. Thanks to “1-to-1” programs forcing students across the country to use laptops and tablets when paper and pencil would suffice, iPads loaded with Google for Education are metastasizing in tech-crazed, fad-addled school districts oblivious to privacy concerns.

At my high school sophomore son’s school, every student was told to download an app called “E-Hallpass,” which is seamlessly connected to their Google login, to track how much time students spend in the bathroom. It’s all in the name of “safety,” of course. And there’s no opportunity for parents to provide their preemptive feedback or consent.

Minnesota educator Jennifer Dahlgren told me this week: “Too many schools use Google docs and sheets to store and share (private) student information, as well as using Google as their secure email! I have brought this up in staff meetings as a concern and no one else seems bothered. Not good!”

Just last week, the Federal Trade Commission approved a settlement with Google/YouTube over its violation of the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. YouTube had been stealthily mining data of unsuspecting YouTube users under the age of 13. It will reportedly pay a pittance for this massive child abuse — somewhere between $150 million to $200 million, which amounts to just a few months’ of YouTube ad revenue. In other words: a hill of beans.

Earlier this summer, Google agreed to a $13 million settlement over its Street View program, whose roaming cars in more than 30 countries secretly collected emails, passwords and other personal data from Wi-Fi networks. The Wall Street Journal reported on how the company’s dishonest dismissal of the breach as a “mistake” was exposed by investigators who found that “Google engineers built software and embedded it into Street View vehicles to intentionally intercept the data from 2007 to 2010.”

It’s not just Google. Under the cloak of “science,” Big Tech and Big Government are on the cusp of instituting a mental health social credit score system incorporating dubious predictive analytics.

Who defines “mental health” risk factors? There is no consensus on how much mental health predicts violence. And don’t forget: The mental health profession is filled with partisan zealots who think all Trump voters are dangerous. Camera-hogging psychiatrists and psychologists clog left-wing news shows recklessly and fecklessly pretending to “diagnose” the president himself through their own unhinged political lenses.

Mental health data mining in schools is already happening. The Pioneer Institute reported that federal, state and local governments splurged on more than $30 billion in 2018 to implement social-emotional learning monitoring in K-12 public schools. I’ve reported on Google apps previously such as ClassDojo (which collects intimate behavioral data and long-term psychological profiles encompassing family information, personal messages, photographs and voice notes) and on federally funded TS Gold testing (which monitors “developmental domains including social emotional, physical, language and cognitive development”). Students are rated and recorded on their ability to do things like “respond to emotional cues,” “interact cooperatively” and “cooperate and share ideas and materials in socially acceptable ways.”

Who defines “socially acceptable?” Liberal educators who are mindlessly addicting our kids to Silicon Valley technology and brainwashing them to conform or be excluded?

The last thing Washington should be doing is handing over yet another set of keys to Silicon Valley spies with a voracious appetite for our private information — and our children’s precious minds. You want to make children safer? De-platform Google and the other data-mining predators from public schools now. It’s insanity to let them roam free.

Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected].

• Category: Ideology • Tags: Mental Health, Public Schools 

Here’s the thing about Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao. The granddaddy of Republican Beltway barnacles has inhabited the nation’s capital in one form or another since 1968, when he worked as a Senate legislative aide. His wife, the daughter of a Beijing-kowtowing shipping mogul, snagged her first job in 1983 as a White House fellow under the Reagan administration. For a half-century, this Swamp duo has done out in the great wide open what Swamp things do:

Grift. Rinse. Repeat.

The whole of these two partisan animals is far greater than the sum of their grift-y parts. According to Forbes, McChao’s net worth now hovers around $30 million. Moldy-oldy McConnell’s Senate leadership position helped Chao land plum spots as George W. Bush’s Labor Secretary from 2001-2009 and Donald Trump’s Transportation Secretary from 2017-2021. She used her Trump appointment as her personal family fiefdom, according to the Department of Transportation inspector general, where she pimped her father’s biography while he helmed the Foremost Group. Chao demanded that her family members in top offices at the company participate in one of her official planned visits to China (later canceled amid public scrutiny). She also directed her staff to edit her daddy’s Wikipedia page; tried to pull strings with Homeland Security over a work permit application for a student supported by her family’s philanthropic foundation; and appeared to steer nearly $80 million in highway projects to Kentucky as hubby prepared to campaign for reelection.

McConnell and Chao have been scratching each other’s Swamp backs (and those of their ChiCom friends and family) for so long, there are scars on the scars.

Former President Donald Trump was right this weekend to deride McConnell as a “broken down hack politician” and to call out Chao for her brazen attempts to “get rich on China!” But the plain, unvarnished truth is that Trump himself empowered and enriched McChao by rewarding them time and again with endorsements and favors. During Trump’s tenure, the DOJ refused to pursue a criminal investigation against Chao for her multiple abuses of office. Meanwhile, the Transportation Department dragged its feet on my public records request from April 2020 seeking emails and other communications regarding a shady shipment of nearly 18 tons of medical supplies to the Chinese touted as a “testament to the generosity of the American people.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I wrote at the time. “Nearly 18 tons of critical medical supplies went to the Communist government whose country unleashed COVID-19 on the world, downplayed it, punished whistleblowers who warned about it and attacked critics worldwide as racist? Whose idea was this ‘generosity’? Which ‘American people’ approved this plan? Was the aid solicited or unsolicited?”

“By what means were the 18 tons of medical goods transported: Air or sea? If by sea, on what ships were the goods transported to China and when and where did they arrive? If by air, which carriers transported the goods and when and where did they arrive?”

I asked about shipping because Chao’s family shipping behemoth, Foremost Group, is comprised of a mega-fleet built in China, subsidized with loans from the ChiComs’ Export-Import bank and dependent on China for nearly three-quarters of its freight business.

Reminder: Secretary Chao was designated an “international consultant” of the Wuhan government in 2009. Her sister, Angela Chao, is CEO of Foremost and organized a humanitarian shipment of masks, gloves and gowns from New York to Wuhan in partnership with the “Hubei Charity Foundation” in the midst of the pandemic panic.

In November 2020, the Transportation Department promised a response on a “first-in/first-out basis” to my FOIA request for a copy of all emails sent to, from, or copied to Secretary Elaine Chao from Oct. 1, 2019, to present day, containing the non-case-sensitive key-string Wuhan, Corona, COVID-19, virus, coronavirus, Hubei, Chinatown, pandemic or Foremost Group.

Seven months later, in June 2021, DOT FOIA officer Michael C. Bell promised a response in “approximately 6-8 weeks.” Seven months after that, Jan. 7, 2022, Chao resigned from the White House in a virtue-signaling protest against the Capitol rally. She claimed to be “deeply troubled…in a way I simply cannot set aside.”

McChao’s America Last treachery has deeply troubled me in a way I simply cannot set aside since 2001, when I first lambasted their campaign finance and lobbying dalliances with Chinagate operatives John Huang and Maria Hsia (who helped McConnell draft the EB-5 globalist grift program peddling green cards to wealthy Chinese investors).

The treacherous writing has been on the Swamp wall for decades. Methinks it’s a little late now to start balking at McChao’s hackery and greed. Like The snake in Trump’s favorite campaign parable told the old woman it bit after she nursed the reptile to health:

“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.”

Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected].

• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: China, Elaine Chao, Mitch McConnell 
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