Anarchists Gather for Conference at the Corner of the World

Welcome to Tijuana

From Unicorn Riot By Ryan Fatica, Contributor

Tijuana, Mexico — Where the United States, the Pacific Ocean, and Mexico meet, a place sometimes referred to as “the corner of the world,” a sprawling 18-foot-tall barrier stretches out into the salt water, marking the international border. Waves crash against its concrete foundations and, at high tide, against the bollards themselves that stretch out more than 100 feet into the ocean.

Addicted to Losing

take the L - GG, EZ PZ

From Ill Will by Athena

In the summer of 2020, we saw the largest uprising in America’s history. Its racial character was undeniable: in a landscape of unfrozen civil war, the negro question once again took center stage. Among those most eager for destruction was the black working class, which made short work of police cars, cops, and storefronts. Looking back on these events, part of the reason the uprising died down was that it hit upon both technical and social limits.

Cardiff, UK: Demo at Probation Office For Toby Shone


From Dark Nights

On March 6th 2024, anarchists demonstrated outside Cardiff Probation Office to show their solidarity with Toby Shone as his parole pre-hearing meeting approaches. For the last 3 and a half years, probation officers including Lewis Thomas, Ashley Fussell, Gillian O’Brien, and Paul Smith amongst others at Cardiff probation office have collaborated with police such as Philip Gay at the National Security Division (NSD) and SouthWest Counter Terror Police (SWCTP) to target Toby for his anarchist beliefs and his alternative lifestyle. The UK police state is trying to criminalise such beliefs.

[Patras, Greece] Anarchists Smash Butcher Shop Windows

Via Unoffensive Animal

The struggle for anarchy must be multiform and anti-crisisism can only be an integral part of it. We understand anarchy also in the light of total liberation, we oppose all forms of power and oppression and we attack the rapists of nature by any means. Speciesism, which stems from human arrogance, which is fed by the technology and industry of state capitalist society, is yet another system of exploitation and degradation of non-human animals.

Abolition Media’s Authoritarian Entryism

325 loves Abolition Media

From Colorado Liberation & Autonomy

As radicals, we often have to rely on reactionary media to understand the world and build our arguments (as I have done in this piece), but doing so is not the same thing as uncritically republishing their content within radical spaces.

This Is America #195: Friends of Bushnell Speak, Deep Dive on Haiti

This Is America #195: Friends of Aaron Bushnell Speak, Deep Dive on Situation in Haiti

From It's Going Down

In this episode, first we speak with several anarchists and mutual aid organizers in so-called San Antonio, Texas about their late friend, Aaron Bushnell. On February 25th of this year, Bushnell, an anarchist originally from the Cape Cod area of Massachusetts. engaged in what he described as an “extreme act of protest,” when he set him self on fire in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington DC, in protest of the US government’s ongoing support of the state of Israel and its campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in the occupied territories. We speak about their friend and how they came to know Bushnell as he lived and worked in the area alongside them. We talk about Aaron’s upbringing in a Christian sect and how it influenced him later in life and how he came to embrace anarchism. We also speak about how his friends have dealt with the aftermath of his death and attacks on Aaron from neoliberal and far-Right media.

Anarchist D. Chatzivasiliadis in solitary confinement

Anarchist prisoner D. Chatzivasiliadis in solitary confinement

From Act for freedom now!, Greece

Original title: Greece - Anarchist prisoner D. Chatzivasiliadis in solitary confinement because he remained consistent with his registered refusals.

Today 19/3, Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis was transferred to the prison of Diavata, to the manor of chief torturer Valsamis, for the appeal court of the expropriation of the bank in Thessaloniki (2021).

No Spiritual Surrender Episode 1 Epona Rose

Hi friends,

My name is Sova, I started a podcast focused on abolition and anarchy. Episode 1 is featuring Epona Rose. There is obviously some technical issues that I will sort out for the next episode. Also this was recorded 2 months ago and it's taken awhile to get it out there. I'm struggling with mental health and transphobia. I appreciate you listening and im excited to put more energy and time into this podcast.


Madrid Anarchist Book Fair: The Sap Is Rising

From Occupations & Properties

Your blogger tables at another book fair, this one at the popular school La Prospe in Madrid. All my stock is old, but I’m planning new research and reporting on the new ‘commonsing’ (open, assembly-run, not publicly administrated) citizen action spaces which are sprouting anew in the Spanish capitol. This post discusses some of these new initiatives, and gets into the library with some recallings of Chicago hobo eggheads and Surrealists.

An Interview with Anarchists in the '48 Area

from The Commoner

This interview was conducted with several members of the Israeli anarchist group, anarchyin48. We have edited their responses and, where possible, merged their replies to get a general overview of the plurality of backgrounds and perspectives within the organisation. The group would also like to note that their name may only be temporary.

You can find the group on Instagram.


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