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boldra commented on
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0 points · 6 hours ago

I am glad they did that instead of making it more expensive like most would do in this situation.

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1 point · 5 hours ago

I hope they add a new tier. Or pay-per-question.

2 points · 4 hours ago

There is already a pay-per-question option

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1 point · 4 hours ago

Oh, sorry, haven't seen it.

Where is it? Does it let you submit larger docs? Can you link please?

boldra commented on
Posted by
168 points · 6 hours ago

I want to know the owner can afford to maintain the property so that I don't lose amenity through lack of upkeep. I also want to see that they have sufficient funds so that they can effect any major emergency repairs if required.

Bank statements please!

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1 point · 4 hours ago

So where have you found somewhere where the rent is so low it wouldn't cover the upkeep?

Asking for a friend.

boldra commented on
Posted by
13 points · 7 hours ago

Yes, let's collectively remove our money from the system that has a good chance of being saved by the government and put it into a fad that's value is only based on what people will pay for it.

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1 point · 6 hours ago

Good luck getting everyong to do it, but yeah, if everyone does do it, it'll probably turn out pretty good!

boldra commented on
Posted by
1 point · 2 days ago

I did it for a friends birthday, but I left the prompt included. They immediately recognized it and got a laugh out of it.

boldra commented on
Posted by
18 points · 4 days ago

Where I live in germany we have a lot of those sidewalks too. I am certain there is one big factory churning out those bricks in comically large quantities to meet global demand.

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-1 points · 4 days ago

I can see palms in big flower pots in the background. I don't think this is Germany.

boldra commented on
Posted by
11 points · 5 days ago

Gaining access to the bleeding edge models are why I pay for plus though. So this is really what I am paying for.

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0 points · 4 days ago

I'll pay for plusplus to get 100/hour again. I bet a lot of people would.

boldra commented on
Posted by
[deleted]107 points · 5 days ago

Exactly, maybe programming in the future is just knowing how to sweet talk Ai, but there will always be programming

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1 point · 5 days ago

Don't forget documentation, so you can remember in four years how you flattered the AI last time.

boldra commented on
Posted by
13 points · 5 days ago

I have too much anxiety about humans to see a therapist, and humans aren't objective once they think they know what's wrong with someone. I have been given a couple of sessions with different people and neither of them asked the right questions or gave advice that was useful for me, once they ran out of ideas they were out of ideas. Even if I could afford a human therapist I'd prefer AI tbh. I've been waiting for this for years, way before I thought it might actually happen.

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6 points · 5 days ago

Don't trick yourself into thinking chatgpt is really objective.

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