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DrRobertBottle commented on
Posted by
1 point · 27 days ago

Who is paying her to shit on crypto?

DrRobertBottle commented on
Posted by
2 points · 27 days ago

Rule #3 of bitcoin, all graphs should be plotted on a log graph

DrRobertBottle commented on
Posted by
10 points · 2 months ago

I'd feel more comfortable staking with Coinbase tbh.. they definitely have more runway than Gemini. I'm only using the Gemini Credit Card for groceries and gas until they figure out this Earn fiasco.

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8 points · 2 months ago

Agreed. Gemini is facing a lot of headwinds. Their trading volume is declining. Gemini Earn has caused a lot of people to flee their platform. A lot of unknowns around how the Gemini Earn will be resolved. The SEC is suing Gemini.

I have used Gemini a lot over the years. There is too much heat on them at the moment for me to trust them.

DrRobertBottle commented on
Posted by
4 points · 2 months ago

The FTX clawback demands of Genesis has added years to this process. I'm sorry, I was hoping and thinking this was going to be a "quick" bankruptcy. The tangled webs are going to take years to unravel.

DrRobertBottle commented on
Posted by
74 points · 2 months ago

Basically he bought a type of Grayscale “share” where the underlying asset is ETH. But due to regulations it is not possible to redeem that asset which is why the “share” is undervalued

He is betting that in the future, the regulations wil ease and therefore the price of the “share” will be valued accordingly which in turn will double his investment.

Also: nice rainbow bro

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1 point · 2 months ago

Do you know if Grayscale is staking the eth under management and returning that to shareholders?

DrRobertBottle commented on
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Comment deleted by user2 months ago
4 points · 2 months ago

You are forgetting about opportunity cost. Not too long ago 30 year mortgage rates were down around 3%. You could be earning around 5% right now in a CD or other extremely low risk investment. So, netting 2%. If you put down a surplus of $200k, that's $4k a year you could be earning for doing nothing. You could earn more if invested in the stock market.

DrRobertBottle commented on
Posted by
4 points · 2 months ago

Staking rates vary with network demand. The difference you’re seeing is just when they updated the rate. The number you should look at is the fee. Coinbase fee is 25%. Gemini fee is 15%.

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2 points · 2 months ago

There is also a luck component to staking. It could be that Gemini had more luck at receiving rewards than Coinbase. The APY rates are calculated over a rolling period(it might be 7 days and it might be different per exchange). So, they take the amount of rewards for the last 7 days divide that by the amount of ether staked and times that by 52 weeks to come up with the APY. The amount of rewards is reduced by 15% for Gemini's overhead and 25% for coinbase overhead.

Coinbase luck variance will be smaller than Gemini since 14% of all the staked eth is done by Coinbase vs like .5% done by Gemini. That being said, Coinbase APY is probably closer to the actual rate that you'll receive by Gemini over the long term if the amount of validators stayed the same.

DrRobertBottle commented on
Posted by
2 points · 2 months ago

Hi there, thanks for flagging this email. Our customer's account security is our top concern. We recommend checking out our blog on Phishing campaigns and security best practices. We hope this is helpful!

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1 point · 2 months ago

I don't get why people are upvoting this. The screen shot obviously isn't an email. It's a screenshot of a website. That website is a monitoring website and it has detected the OP's email address on the dark web. I'm surprised that it took experian (the monitoring website) this long to detect op's email address on the dark since our email addresses were leaked in December. I've been receiving phishing emails for months on my gemini email address.

1 point · 2 months ago

If you're using the same email for every account you sign up for, that is a recipe for disaster, particularly in the crypto space.

You need to use a dedicated crypto email, and preferably a unique account per CeFi exchange/service.

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-1 points · 2 months ago

Look at that email address... Likely using Apple's hide my email address functionality.

Though, this is good advice for everyone but it seems like the OP already is doing it.

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