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3 inch belt vs 4 inch belt


Im 6 foot and have a very small distance between the bottom of my ribcage and hip bone. I bought my first belt under a year ago and was umming and aahing about 3 inch vs 4 inch. For the love of God please get the 4 inch (10mm). I had bruising the first few sessions that quickly went away. The 3 inch would have looked and felt ridiculous.

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Glute and Lower Back Exercises for Someone with APT – Seeking Advice


I have quite bad anterior pelvic tilt (may not be as severe as yours, idk). Ive been able to lift successfully for years. The couch stretch (This one) is very effective in alleviating apt and its symptoms and affects on exercise for me. Squats feel 100x better when I’m doing that stretch regularly (2x per day with 3 minute holds).

Learn to brace properly (ribcage down etc), and do cat/cow movements to give yourself a good awareness of where your hips are and control of your lower back. A belt can be very helpful when lifting, and I’ve noticed much less lower back fatigue after squats and deads since using one. Good news — apt can help give you a great arch in the bench press (although dont do anything silly if serious pain is involved). A lot of the best athletes in the world have pretty gnarly atp (many top sprinters).

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Is low reps best for strength over the long run?

Very true. As much of a meme as it is, faaahvs give incredible bang for your buck for both strength and size, certainly in my experience. Old school bodybuilders used 5x5s to add mass, and a lot of modern strength programs have 5s as a ‘base’ from which work progresses/intensifies.

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Re-developing goals after years of weight training


Lifting will always be with me. I’ve been lifting since I was a teenager, and I took it quite seriously when I was at university and training with likeminded people; got to a training total around 550-600 area. When I graduated I travelled for a bit, then covid hit, I started running and cycling (always lifting, just way in the background). This was the period that reminds me of the ‘arbitrary target’ bit of your post.

For the past year strength training has been my main focus again, and I think it will be for the next year or so too. I know that it wont be for too long though. It’s a lot of effort, i get nagging injuries, and I have to eat a silly amount of calories.

I’ll never stop lifting, but I think as I get older my focus will shift to being more balanced and healthy overall, and good at different modalities (want to pick up grappling again). For now though, there are some numbers I need to hit. And there is nothing cooler than being strong

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Accessory work on SBS RTF


Dont even know what ‘glute trainer’ is but yes I would drop that, along with the ab/adduction unless you have a specific reason for them. 5 sets of squats and 4 sets of RDLs on day one, 4 sets of box squat on day two, 5 sets of deadlifts on day 3 and 4 sets of split squats on day 4? Your arse is getting hammered brother.

Also dont know what ‘bosu ball’ means but im immediately skeptical

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How can I improve my big three?


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Tip for the 1 cup Moka Pot

Alas no, it disappears. But it does get mixed in and adds to the texture of the whole thing. I also think getting a good crema/foam is an indication that the entire coffee — all the liquid that comes into the chamber — will be thicker and better extracted.

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/r/Coffee is back - for now - and talking about itself, in addition to coffee.

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Tip for the 1 cup Moka Pot

It’s possible to have an imperfect moka coffee that has the foam, but no great brew will be produced without it (something something necessary versus sufficient conditions lol). I definitely recommend James Hoffman (and probably any other well known coffee persons’) method, hot water in the chamber etc.

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Tip for the 1 cup Moka Pot

Sometimes you get a eureka moment with something you’ve been struggling with and just have to share. This one’s for the people scouring the internet in 5 or 10 years time looking for a solution to their watery 1 cup moka coffee haha

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/r/Coffee is back - for now - and talking about itself, in addition to coffee.

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Tip for the 1 cup Moka Pot

Ironically Im the same but the other way round — I’m enjoying moka coffee so much that I don’t bother with the french press and therefore never get it dialled in. I probably should

Tip for the 1 pot Moka Pot
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Tip for the 1 pot Moka Pot

Just a small tip for those who may have been having the same issue I was having with the 1 cup moka pot. I’m far from an experienced coffee guy, but I’ve been using this pot every day for around a year and a half and have recently made a discovery that really helped the consistency of the coffee from this little thing.

A few extra taps of the chamber on the worktop as you’re filling it with coffee grounds results in slightly more compression of the grounds and therefore slightly more pressure during brewing, providing that crema-esque part of the coffee which precedes the liquid out into the upper chamber. I’ve noticed that good coffee from the Moka is never not preceded by this thicker, foamier, unctuous part of the brew; and this makes a huge difference to overall taste and texture. I was missing this on several occasions when brewing with the 1 cup (with liquid/watery coffee shooting straight up).

Of course, with bigger chambers and more coffee, a light tap at the end of filling provides enough weight from the extra grounds to settle the coffee such that it compresses slightly, and creates all the pressure that is necessary. The chamber is so tiny in a 1 cup that those extra taps to settle and compress grounds are necessary a few separate times while filling.

Hope that’s helpful. I was experimenting with heat, grind size, new filters etc for ages before realising this and am now getting great coffee. Perhaps this is blindingly obvious or may even be a well established method, but I haven’t seen it anywhere, so I hope this is helpful to someone.

Tip for the 1 cup Moka Pot
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Tip for the 1 cup Moka Pot

Just a small tip for those who may have been having the same issue I was having with the 1 cup moka pot. I’m far from an experienced coffee guy, but I’ve been using this pot every day for around a year and a half and have recently made a discovery that really helped the consistency of the coffee from this little thing.

A few extra taps of the chamber on the worktop as you’re filling it with coffee grounds results in slightly more compression of the grounds and therefore slightly more pressure during brewing, providing that crema-esque part of the coffee which precedes the liquid out into the upper chamber. I’ve noticed that good coffee from the Moka is never not preceded by this thicker, foamier, unctuous part of the brew; and this makes a huge difference to overall taste and texture. I was missing this on several occasions when brewing with the 1 cup (with liquid/watery coffee shooting straight up).

Of course, with bigger chambers and more coffee, a light tap at the end of filling provides enough weight from the extra grounds to settle the coffee such that it compresses slightly, and creates all the pressure that is necessary. The chamber is so tiny in a 1 cup that those extra taps to settle and compress grounds are necessary a few separate times while filling.

Hope that’s helpful. I was experimenting with heat, grind size, new filters etc for ages before realising this and am now getting great coffee. Perhaps this is blindingly obvious or may even be a well established method, but I haven’t seen it anywhere, so I hope this is helpful to someone.

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Progressive oveload is still a bit confusing.

Agree with your basic point but that last part isn’t as clear cut. There is a bit of a chicken and egg situation when it comes to progressive overload — more work leads to more strength/size which allows for more work, and so on.

This is an interesting discussion on progressive overload with Eric Helms and others that talks about some of those concepts we take for granted

Edit: 20 mins in is where you’ll find the tasty juice

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A sub dedicated to bonsai trees and associated plants and art styles. Focusing on bonsai techniques (growing, styling, wiring, repotting), sharing & critiquing member trees, bonsai care and general help. Get more trees!

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A sub dedicated to bonsai trees and associated plants and art styles. Focusing on bonsai techniques (growing, styling, wiring, repotting), sharing & critiquing member trees, bonsai care and general help. Get more trees!

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Haircut day for my thuja Occidentalis, before and after pruning


Incredible tree

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This community is a place to share and discuss new scientific research. Read about the latest advances in astronomy, biology, medicine, physics, social science, and more. Find and submit new publications and popular science coverage of current research.

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This community is a place to share and discuss new scientific research. Read about the latest advances in astronomy, biology, medicine, physics, social science, and more. Find and submit new publications and popular science coverage of current research.

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Researchers say there's a chance that we can interrupt or stop a person from believing in pseudoscience, stereotypes and unjustified beliefs. The study trained kids from 40 high schools about scientific methods and was able to provide a reliable form of debiasing the kids against causal illusions.

The most valuable modules of my philosophy degree were those on argument and formal logic. Teaching someone how an argument is composed (premises and conclusion) and what makes an argument valid and sound is the essence of critical thinking. Learning to spot and construct simple valid/invalid and sound/unsound arguments is relatively easy to teach and offers an incredible base for every other branch of learning.

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Run one cycle for increased myonuclei density? Hopp off before sides develop?

Interesting. Im just quoting a highly upvoted comment in a steroid thread, and yes they claimed exactly that — steroids increase hypertrophy whilst GH cause hyperplasia. But perhaps that’s not as settled as they make out

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Run one cycle for increased myonuclei density? Hopp off before sides develop?

Telling them to stop engaging in silly mental gymnastics can be interpreted as insulting, but we can just call it putting down their question. Whatever we call it I think it’s unnecessary.

On another note, looking through your posts I see one about HGH, and someone replied saying that whilst steroids increase the size of muscle fibres, HGH produces new ones. Now I’m interested in applying OPs question to that — would HGH for a limited period provide long term effective hypertrophy/strength gains for that reason, or would the side effects be too severe to make it worth it? Not necessarily asking you but just to anyone

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Run one cycle for increased myonuclei density? Hopp off before sides develop?

I think they’ve asked a perfectly valid and interesting question. I think your input is interesting too, and may well be the ‘right’ answer (if one exists), but no need to insult the OP

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/r/weightlifting is where we discuss the competitive sport of Weightlifting; the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. We welcome discussions regarding elite athletes, amateur athletes, competition strategy, training, theory, technique, Weightlifting programming, and current events in the sport of Weightlifting. We tolerate threads made about shoes, but just barely. Check out the wiki for programs, tutorials, WL portals and info about the sport.

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/r/weightlifting is where we discuss the competitive sport of Weightlifting; the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. We welcome discussions regarding elite athletes, amateur athletes, competition strategy, training, theory, technique, Weightlifting programming, and current events in the sport of Weightlifting. We tolerate threads made about shoes, but just barely. Check out the wiki for programs, tutorials, WL portals and info about the sport.

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Tian tao

Extremely long torso and extremely short femurs, probably a uniquely good hip structure for upright squatting, and a team of specialists to massage and stretch him morning and night for all the years he’s been involved in the national team. Those are my guess. As someone with terrible proportions for squatting, watching him makes me want to weep.

The moment created by his ridiculous torso is so long that if his hips shot back or he had any forward lean he would probably fail the lift at heavier weights. Perhaps I can take solace from that — i never lose a squat forward because I can always good morning the bastard up lol

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TIFU thinking I could play-fight a man

meaning that 75% of men are stronger than ALL women, regardless of their level of training

You should edit this comment for clarity as you’re applying some shoddy reasoning to the actual facts there. I deadlift 600lbs, which puts me in the top 0.1% of people strength-wise, and there are women that deadlift more than me. I think that the 25% figure relates to women in that study/analysis, not all women everywhere.

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TIFU thinking I could play-fight a man

You’re being downvoted by people with no reading comprehension. That is exactly what they wrote, and of course is nonsense for the reasons you listed.

Edit: to add some colour on how nonsensical it is, I deadlift 600lbs, which puts me in the top 0.1% of people worldwide strength-wise. There are women in the world who deadlift more than me.

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