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Far-Left and Media Try to Stage a Coup

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In February 2023, Judd Blevins won a seat on the city council of Enid, Oklahoma. It is a conservative city in a conservative state, with more than 60 percent of voters leaning GOP. However, a coalition of extreme left-wing organizers, in alliance with national media, is trying to recall him.

Mr. Blevins was reportedly a member of Identity Evropa and was doxed by a left-wing journalist years ago. He also attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017. IE, noted for its moderate stance within the pro-white movement, has seen many of its arguments on immigration and reverse racism become Republican staples. The goal of the rally, to defend historic monuments, has now been fully justified, and a report commissioned by the city itself found that local officials encouraged the violence.

Judd Blevins
Judd Blevins

Activists who work for their race or ethnic group can expect adoring media coverage and financial support — if they aren’t white. Even in a conservative community, the far left has power because of well funded backers and, especially, the support of national media.

The group pushing the recall is the Enid Social Justice Committee. It is supported by Oklahoma Progress Now, which has a “Black, Lebanese queer woman” as executive director. Without any evidence, it calls Mr. Blevins a “Nazi.” It also complains about leaked text chats, most of which are fairly tame, from four years ago. The lefty group has just 84 followers on X and its Facebook page has fewer than 250 likes, but it is getting a lot of free advertising from national media.

NBC ran a segment with Brandy Zadrozny, who literally helped write the book on doxing people. Her report is called “white nationalist official divides Oklahoma town,” and profiles activists who are “determined to change their city.” She interviewed the publisher of the Enid News & Eagle at the time Mr. Blevins won his seat. She sighs incredulously that a front-page story about the controversy didn’t kept him from winning. “There’s an opportunity now to address what kind of extremism this community is going to have,” she says.

Extremism? One of the leading organizers of the Enid Social Justice Committee is Fr. James Neal, who says it is “essential” to affirm that “Christ Is Trans” and who promotes “Drag Bible Story Hour.”

He is also “feeling excited” about whites becoming a minority.

Christopher Mathias, a hard-left journalist for Huffington Post, also wrote about the recall. He started with Father Neal, posing in priestly garb, performing a “forgiveness” ceremony. He says other Christian pastors are “manipulating people’s faith to stir up oppression and hatred and violence.” His doesn’t mention trans Jesus or drag Bible story hours. “In a healthy, multiracial democracy, a political campaign would be torpedoed by compelling evidence of the candidate’s participation in a white supremacist group,” he wrote. Why must a “healthy, multiracial democracy” be uniquely hostile to whites?

Mr. Mathias quotes former city commissioner Ben Ezzell, who accused the city government of being “chickenshit” for not letting him rant against Mr. Blevins beyond his allotted time. “What would it say if we as a community were welcoming and doubling down on a white nationalist in office?” he asked in another media report. Mr. Ezzell faced a recall because of anger over his COVID-19 policies and contempt for law enforcement. “I don’t think it should be so easy to recall elected officials,” he said at the time. “I think it should be harder than it is today, even still, because elected officials at our level still have to make decisions that are hard and unpopular.” Evidently, he has changed his mind. A judge derailed that recall on a technicality.

None of the attacks on Mr. Blevins is new. The recall has found nothing about him that was unknown when he ran for city council. He has also faced what was probably an attempt to kill him when someone cut the brake lines of his truck. He is not backing down. “I chose to place my future in the hands of voters because I am confident they’re going to reaffirm the decision they made a year ago— that I am the best to represent them.” Mr. Blevins’s website also describes the activists leading the recall effort.

A grassroots activist with little money was popular enough to be elected. Now lefties are trying to do the election over again. The recall, scheduled for April 2, will be a powerful test of whether the racial double standard against whites is beginning to fade. Commissioner Blevins is raising money to hold on to his seat, and his website has more information about the campaign. His opponents have NBC to speak for them; he will have to speak for himself.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. DanfromCT says:

    Fr. James Neal is condemned by Christ Himself in Matthew 18:6, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

    Fr. Neal bases his blatant promotion of homosexuality, transgenderism, drag story hours, etc., on the supposed marginalization of homosexuals when, in fact, drag story hours and so-called pride parades prove that the promotion of homosexuality and not its marginalization is the reality in America. This pervert in clerical costume belongs in jail for child abuse—another filthy proselytizer for the ruin of children’s souls posing as a priest.

    My guess is that these flagrant homos who’ve infested the priesthood are drawn to it for the same mockery of Christ they enjoy by dressing up as priests as the mockery of decency and family life they get by costuming themselves as female sex demons during drag queen story hours and parades down every Main Street in America. Some marginalization, right?

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
    , @Lurker
  2. The promotion of freaks around the West into influential positions by the elite was deliberate because of their loyalty…these amoral people have been powerless and fringe dwellers forever so if all of a sudden they’re prompted to positions of importance and prominence then they will serve their masters with zeal!

    History has demonstrated the loyalty and fight the freaks show. The Sacred Band of Thebes in ancient Greek were the formation that were able to finally overcome the Spartans.

    Its time the closet is opened and the freaks shoved well and truly back in.

    These things are degenerate and when they come to the fore they herald the end is nigh like Sodom and Gomorrah demonstrated.

    God is testing you…and we are failing, he may wipe us out this time.

  3. These ideas are part of propaganda with a good dose of political nonsense. But with power concentrated in an economically powerful racial elite, there is no one to move. The only thing that can destroy a system of that type is popular street fighting. And with a lot of blood.

    That is why the electoral farce is so important, because it confuses and neutralizes a true opposition.

  4. Rich says:

    Took a little searching, but “Father Neal” belongs to a fake church called the “Orthodox Catholic Church in America”. They openly state they participate in homosexual activity, including sham.”marriages”. The good, Christian folk of Oklahoma should get to know who this freakish “Father Neal” really is. They pretend to be Christians in order to trick Christians.

  5. @DanfromCT

    Gays we always have with us-no big deal. Drag shows are ADULT entertainment, and NOT suitable for children. And ‘transgenderism’ is the greatest disaster to afflict societies, including queers, for quite some time.
    Intensely misogynistic, homophobic in that it declares children who might be gay, and will find out at puberty, to ‘be in the wrong body’ ??!!, child abusing, promoting Munchhausens’ by proxy, insanely cultic, plainly a haven for some type of paederasts-how did the queer community allow it to be foisted on them? It brings them, back, into ill-repute. Apparently ‘trans-humanist’ billionaire psychos have financed it big-time, so the usual suspects have done it again.

    • Replies: @Gallatin
  6. Gallatin says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    I seen a video of a conservative black man the other day who was speaking about gender reassignment surgeries for kids. He mentioned that if you can get a kid to “decide” to change sexes, that kid is “deciding” what kind of sex he wishes to have in his childhood. If the child already knows he wants to have that kind of sex, then what is to stop the child from having that kind of sex just as soon as he is finished with his surgery?
    When one kid in a class is already having sex, he is probably going to talk about it with other kids, making it seem OK to start having sex, as prepubescents. It stands to reason that pedophiles, who have money, will be offering the kids money and whatever they like to have sex with them.
    The whole idea of prepubescent gender reassignment is really pushed by people who either financially benefit from it, or want to have sex with pre-pubescent kids.
    The whole thing is a first step in normalizing pedophilia.

    There are text books out there now that supposedly show 4th graders how to
    masterbate themselves and each other and how to fellate another. If the fourth graders start having sex, and some of the fourth graders have third grade friends, how long will it be before a fourth grader suggests sex to a third grader?

    This is a bad idea. I don’t remember any kids in school holding hands with the girls before 7th grade in Junior High School. It’s not normal for a kid in elementary school to be concerned with sex at all. They are robbing them of their childhood.

  7. Lurker says:

    Main Street – lot of lamp posts on Main Street.

  8. Judging by my own interactions with small town folk, it doesn’t take much to red pill them.

    Go ahead and kick the hornet’s nest, progressives. You may find out that small town residents aren’t the gullible sheep you think they are.

  9. MarkU says:

    “Christ is trans, this is not only acceptable but essential to our theology”

    “Drag Bible Story Hour starts at 3.30pm.”

    In a sane world, this stuff would be satire, what else can be said?

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