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Many of the regular commenters here had decided to continue their discussion on the generic Open Thread, but had thought they might be unhappy about some of the other commenters there. Also, the auto-approval list that AE had previously set up wouldn't be operative, introducing some delays and also placing extra work on our moderators.... Read More
***Note to readers and commenters*** The blog is now archived and inactive. Ron Unz has created a comment thread for the intellectually diverse community of commenters to continue open discussions on whatever topics they deem interesting. The blog and thread will no longer be moderated and will only be accessible to previously approved commenters who... Read More
On the fourth of July, Americans celebrate the freeing of their country from the binds of the British. In the same way whites cannot be victims of racism because racism equals prejudice plus power, the idea of one group of whites attaining freedom from another group of whites is an affront to the concept of... Read More
Free expression and isonomy are foundational to a functioning liberal democracy. Without free expression there is no liberalism and without isonomy there is no democracy: Is our age the first in the country's history wherein younger cohorts are less classically liberal than their elders are? There is no clear racial, gendered, or political confound. To... Read More
A century ago, it was easy to tell Catholics and Protestants apart in America. Unless they are coming out of church, it's difficult to do so now. One major reason for this is the high rate of intermarriage between Catholics and Protestants over the last few generations. Is a similar trend taking place among Jews... Read More
The cup overflows with thought provoking reactions for this COTW. Wency on the drop in the stock price of liberal white women: Democracy is a zero sum game. That's why it generates so much anger and resentment. Wency again on the two most famous dystopian novels of the 20th century (with Fahrenheit 451 occupying the... Read More
In a few generations, that is. The Orthodox don't yet comprise one-in-ten American Jews, though they will soon and their representation will continue to increase from there. In many respects, non-Orthodox Jews view the Orthodox like liberal whites view white Trump supporters--as deplorables. Orthodox Jews voted for Trump by a 2-to-1 margin. But while the... Read More
One thing BlackRock's voracious acquisition of residential real estate across the country at rates far in excess of market listings indicates is that the econoclysm we're early on in won't be a repeat of 2008. Inflation isn't transitory, it's perennial. If the Fed had any intention of raising rates, BlackRock wouldn't be paying 30% above... Read More
Consumer prices beat consensus estimates for the fifth consecutive month. Again, we're told it's transitory. It was another bad month of weather for the harvests just like it's another bad month for the cost of cars. Even if the annualized rate falls back from 6% to 2%--which it won't--it wouldn't be transitory. Transitory requires the... Read More
As America becomes less culturally and ancestrally Western, the orientation of the country's foreign policy will correspondingly move away from the West and towards the rest: Zoomers and millennials are modestly less favorably inclined towards Western leaders than older generations. And they're much less hostile towards putatively authoritarian--putatively because Ontario, Canada is locked down harder... Read More
The following graph shows why American men and women use dating sites and applications. Respondents were permitted to select as many reasons as they wanted to: Dating apps and websites probably aren't as debauched as you think they are, especially if you came of age before the internet swallowed up all social interactions. Not all... Read More
The crony isn't just in the capitalism. It's in the alleged meritocracy, too. As nebulafox explains: After legacy admissions and affirmative action, what place for genuine merit remains? The former is an intractable problem so long as the process retains any semblance of discretion. Explicit race-norming with a Woke spin--ie, systemic oppression favors whites and... Read More
The young are at much lesser risk from Covid-19 than the elderly. That doesn't appear to be the case with the vaccine shots, though. If anything, the opposite is true: Rogan was right, or at least eminently reasonable, when he hypothetically advised a healthy man in his twenties to forego the shot. There is a... Read More
The assessment Facebook banned and the corporate media destroyed people for holding looks to be the correct one. Oops, looks like the fact checkers effed up again. Despite more than a year of the merchants of mendacity running cover for the US and Chinese establishments, most Americans see through the lies: Virtually every aspect of... Read More
The following graph shows how American Jews perceive the importance of various things in defining what it means to be Jewish. The figures are computed by taking the percentages who rate a thing as essential and subtracting from it the percentages who deem it unimportant. The percentages indicating a thing to be important but not... Read More
The following graph shows the percentages of Jewish Americans and of all Americans who perceive there to be "a lot" of discrimination against various groups: Michael Savage and his friends are about the only Jews who think evangelicals are seriously put upon. Evangelicals are the strongest supporters of Israel in the country--stronger supporters of Israel... Read More
The following series of graphs show contemporary American views on past (and present) US wars by partisan affiliation. Pat Buchanan was fighting an uphill battle with Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War: Vietnam is the least popular war over at least the last century and change, the second world war perceived to be the most... Read More
One man, in this case dfordoom, calls it an echo chamber. Another man might call it a sanctuary: Maybe. On the other hand, the presumption that there should be a designated place where people of disparate beliefs and sensibilities congregate is an odd one. It isn't borne out in other media or entertainment trends. A... Read More
So desperately I sing to thee of good news that may not come as too much of a surprise to readers of comment sections anywhere--left, right, or otherwise: It's easy to despair over the increasing intellectual totalitarian absurdity of The Great Awokening. That despair might be justified. But the inanity could also be indicative of... Read More
The dam of resistance has burst. Democrat apprehension over reopening society has been washed downstream. Bipartisan majorities support a return to normalcy: It is truly bizarre to watch national officials still carry on as though the public is looking to them for permission to have a few friends over on the fourth of July. There... Read More
It will come as a surprise to many that left-leaning YouGov finds net nationwide support for Texas Senate Bill 8. The pro-life bill bans abortions of fetuses with detectable heartbeats. Heartbeats become detectable as early as six weeks into pregnancy. When the bill takes effect in September it will be one of the most restrictive... Read More
The empirical assessment of the validity of stereotypes--or the lack thereof--is the blog's raison d'etre, so let's reclinate towards the place we began. The following graph shows how much more likely men are to say they find "slimmer women" more attractive than "chubby women", how much more likely women are to say they find "taller... Read More
The following graph shows the percentages of people--by race, sex and political orientation--who say "genetic testing will do more harm than good": Fetal genetic testing during the first trimester and embryo selection during IVF procedures to screen for conditions like Down or Patau syndromes is eugenics. It's voluntary rather than coerced as many of the... Read More
The following graph shows the percentages of Americans, by political orientation and over time, who disapprove of cops striking civilians who punch them: In space to destroy following the death of Freddie Grey while in the custody of the Baltimore PD, I was struck by the then iconic picture of a squad car suffering through... Read More
Dfordoom wants to abolish the intelligence agencies: They do a lot of bad things, like violate civil liberties, assassinate foreigners, frame citizens, and lie countries civilization-destroying wars. On the other hand, they're woke. You're not a white supremacist, a sexist, a nativist, a homophobe, an anti-Semite, and an ableist are you? Then you'll stand in... Read More
Black Rednecks and White Liberals part XXVIII: It's time to declare victory and come home. As is the case with flu shots, allow people to decide whether or not they want to take the jab each year or every few months or whatever the recommended schedule is. The Biden administration gets a win, Big Pharma... Read More
Search interest in the term "inflation" is so far 50% higher this May than it has been in any other month since Google began tracking query data nearly two decades ago: Nothing to see here. It hasn't anything to do with ordinary people seeing consumer prices going up in their everyday lives, no siree!
The Woke response is what? It's bad because black lives matter? Of course not. It's bad because white lives don't matter? For some, of course not. For others, yeah, but we can't be perceived as defending white lives.
There is no way for the GOPe to rig the primaries hard enough to overcome pro-Trump sentiment among Republican--and many independent--voters. There is no electoral support for the Cheney charnel house or the Lincoln Project perverts. No matter how hard the corporate media tries to manufacture it, they can't even get through the fabrication stage:... Read More
The following graph shows net sympathy for Israelis or for Palestinians by various demographic characteristics. Figures are arrived at by taking the percentages of respondents in a subgroup partial to Israelis and subtracting from it the percentages of respondents partial to Palestinians: America's demographic transformation, disproportionately supported by Jews, has undermined American support for Israel... Read More
Rather than asserting that without slavery the United States would not have become as wealthy and technologically advanced as it is today, it seems the opposite is true--without ending slavery, the United States would not have ever become as wealthy and technologically advanced as it is today. And the perverse incentives and retarding aspects of... Read More
The Ron Paul moment may not have passed. Perhaps after lying dormant for a decade it is poised to return with a vengeance: Or perhaps having non-Democrats split and most of the left arrayed in opposition is too hostile an environment for the moment's renaissance. If it's not an idea whose time has yet come,... Read More
Wency on how below replacement fertility, Woke Capital, and high anxiety are just some of the blessings modern status striving has given us: Caspar von Everec offers speculation as to why foreign policy doesn't have the domestic purchase it used to have: Americans nowadays simply don’t care about foreign policy that much. That was a... Read More
Many people do not think the virtual playing field is an even one: A plurality of BIPOCs and of Democrats perceive social media to be fair. Pluralities of whites and of independents, and an outright majority of Republicans, see the deck stacked in favor of the left. Know thy enemy. Curiously, nearly one-in-five Republicans perceive... Read More
At the moment, anyway: He also appears to be one of the least ideologically driven. The Florida governor has mastered the material. When it comes to the scientific literature applicable to Covid, no other mainstream politician knows it better. Many on the dissident right mock and disdain the normie right's celebration of liberty at the... Read More
By selected demographics, the following graph compares whether the disease or the putative cure is perceived to be the greater threat. The figures are arrived at by taking the percentages identifying Covid-19 as a greater risk than adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines and subtracting from it the percentages identifying the cure as a bigger... Read More
If you have not yet reached forty years of age, you had not until this last month experienced the rate of consumer price increases Americans experienced in April. We have to journey all the way back to 1981 for that. How, with the labor force participation rate so low and so many jobs unfilled, can... Read More
The following graph shows net support for former president Donald Trump being allowed back on to Facebook by the social media platform: If you come in search of optimism, find a flicker of hope in the results by age cohort. Zoomers are by this measure the generation most opposed to the corpotocracy silencing the citizenry.... Read More
Triteleia Laxa gets the ball rolling on questions about cryptocurrencies: There can only ever be ~21 million Bitcoin, ergo it is by definition ultimately inflation-proof. But where are the limits on how many bitcoin wannabes can be introduced? There are already over 5,000 of them. Ethereum is approaching half of Bitcoin's market cap. A couple... Read More
Personal income in the US grew over 20% from February to March. March of 2021, the last month for which full data are available, was the most lucrative month in American history in terms of personal income--by a long shot! Not at all unrelatedly, March also set a new all time record trade deficit. The... Read More
If they control the media, they don't do a very good job controlling perceptions of the media! It's said critique is their thing, so maybe that's it: In seriousness, class matters. It's a big club and most of us, including most Jews, ain't in it. General Social Survey variables used: CONPRESS, YEAR, RELIG(3)
From Donald Trump's swearing in January 201 through the Spring of 2020, public opinion on whether racial relations were getting better or worse in the US improved from a net worse of 65% to a net worse of just 24%. Perceived net racial acrimony was reduced to a third of what it had been three... Read More
In 2004, the General Social Survey asked respondents to identify from a list of ten the three most important personal attributes or characteristics for describing who they are. The percentages who identified "racial or ethnic background" among the top three, by, well, racial or ethnic background: One of the major objectives of Wokeism in general... Read More
And nobody but blacks dig the Democrats: All that talk from the GOP aimed at convincing blacks how the Democrat party keeps them on the plantation has been really effective. Party of Lincoln, freed the slaves! Frank Luntz and Karl Rove are geniuses. The unimpressive Republican figure among conservatives is arrived at by way of... Read More
Wency shares his impressions of aspiring members of the managerial class: My experience with actual top corporate leadership has been limited outside of extremely formal contexts, but I went to a reasonably elite MBA school, and most of my classmates went on to corporate work. None are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies yet (I follow... Read More
As previously noted, both men and women who self-identify as bisexual tend to have significantly more opposite sex partners than they have partners of the same sex as their own. For men and women who self-identify as "gay, lesbian, or homosexual", same sex partners are overwhelmingly more common and substantially more common, respectively: Some L... Read More
The median number of sexual partners among bisexuals, by sex of the respondent and the number of partners of each sex he or she has had since turning eighteen: Is it that those who have experimented at some point with someone of the same sex who otherwise pursue members of the opposite sex describe themselves... Read More
The following graph shows how positively (or negatively) Americans, by partisan affiliation, view several other countries: The most striking thing is how much the Establishment's bipartisan foreign policy consensus is shared by an allegedly increasingly restless, increasingly populist electorate. There are huge partisan divides on domestic issues like immigration, abortion, and race relations. But when... Read More
In the process of sleuthing through political campaign donations by industry to show how absurd the idea that Republicans are the party of Corporate America is, we stumble across an interesting albeit small industrial category: "Pro-Israel". Given the pro-Palestinian sentiments among many rank-and-file Democrat voters, the influence of Christian Zionism among rank-and-file Republicans, president Trump's... Read More
The blog's raison d'etre is to empirically assess the (in)validity of stereotypes. File this one in the valid drawer: Because expanding the definition of marriage from being a union between two members of opposite sexes to being a union between two people had nothing to do with redefining the the parameters and expectations of the... Read More