Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Today is my Mom's birthday. I can't believe I never asked her before, but when I called today I said "How old are you inside your head?" She said 28. I'm 23 inside my head, so I found that pretty cool that we feel as though we're only five years apart even though we're literally a generation apart. Since she was the one who taught me to love language, I feel this video is appropriate:


Via Laughing Squid. In other news, I got a whole mess o' stuff done today, a lot of it with Robin's help. I finally connected my Photos to iCloud on my phone and iPad so I can call all of them up from anywhere; I updated and sync'ed my music; and I now have an empty Yahoo inbox having taken care of all outstanding emails, just like I do at work. The only thing remaining is to choose which tops to wear into Manhattan on Tuesday through Thursday so Robin can steam them (I can iron better than him but he steams much better than me), but I think I may have enough short-sleeved tops that we won't even need that. An exceptional day!

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I was really hoping to take the car in for an overdue oil change, but once again the weather was against me, as the rain just kept coming down. It seems to have stopped now, in favor of the wind drying out many spots but plunging the temperature once again. I'm sure spring will actually get here soon! My neck continues to bother me but at least I've now made an appointment with an arthritis doctor for a few weeks hence, when with luck it will no longer be an issue. My gastrointestinal tract was the main culprit today, so I took it easy (food shopping will be tomorrow), got a lot of in-house stuff done, read comics, even watched the last animated Spider-Man movie which turned out, much like The Empire Strikes Back, to be well made but a chapter rather than a complete movie (which would have angered me a lot had I paid money to see a plot with no resolution). It was also the anniversary of the day my dad passed, which always has me pining for childhood, so this home for retired playground animals in Flushing Meadows really makes me want to hop a train to Queens and look at the animals as well as the remnants of the 1964-65 World's Fair which we all went to when I was a wee lass.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Still beat from the cold and the commute the last three days, but at least I didn't have to go out today! And my work got done amid frequent breaks, so I'm starting to relax again despite freezing a bit. I hope springtime comes soon so I can get some needed tasks done. One of them is not building LEGO trains designed to hold cats.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Dang, it's cold. I'm sure the weather isn't doing much for my neck pain, but at least I was able to make an initial appointment with an arthritis doctor (gotta start somewhere, and I know I have arthritis and tendonitis elsewhere so it couldn't hurt) for next month. It's nice to have forward movement again, but pain-free movement would be even better. Got home a couple hours ago and hung up my winter jacket for what I hope is the last time this season. All ready for working at home tomorrow, although today wasn't bad. Had an hour-long interim review with my supervisor, which was a lot of fun since we're both nerds and I'm fairly self-motivating in my job so didn't need a whole lot of direction. Now I'm just tired and happy to be home again. Maybe I'll even start following the news again and going to this website (via Mark Evanier).

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Hoorah, my insurance company and the hospital complex I've used for at least the past 30 years have come to an agreement, and I can continue with my current doctors! Have I mentioned how much the American for-profit healthcare system sucks? And speaking of profit, it was another busy Manhattan office day, but I dread the cold coming in tonight and tomorrow. Can't we get back to balmy weather and cute fluffy clouds that inspire drawings?

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

A pretty good day at the office, give or take these stupid neck cracklin's. I can't even make an appointment to see a specialist about them because the medical center with all my doctors (where I've been going for at least 30 years) and my insurance are fighting and may not reach an agreement by the end of this month, which means all my doctors would have to change and I'm sure that stress isn't adding to my neck's recovery at all. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to educate myself as to how one can tell if a video is real or AI, a skill we're all going to have to cultivate pretty quickly.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

The continued weirdness with my neck and shoulder area is not conducive to relaxation, but I got through my workday and was able to at least put my feet up on a few occasions so I suppose that's something. Back into Manhattan tomorrow! Could be worse, could be walking backwards with a coffee mug. Someone should tell the poor lass about Stanley covered cups and the like...

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I'll be very happy when this bug is finally gone. In the meantime I have to be content with noticing when the pain isn't there and knowing this pain-free condition may soon be the norm, if I don't do anything stupid like, for instance, choking on a supplement when taking my evening pills. But I'm generally happy because our 2023 taxes are done, and I'm also caught up on current finances! We prepped pretty well this time, and it only took a couple of hours, and we celebrated by cringe-watching Finian's Rainbow with me ingesting a wee dram of strawberry Bailey's and that's about as Irish as either of us gets on what really should be called St. Catty's Day. In any case, I encourage you all to get happy, as these dancers did during the first year of the pandemic.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I think Robin and I have now perfected the art of shopping at our local supermarket. Once again we were there and back in about an hour, including the drive, and are staying put for the rest of this lovely weekend, windows open and prepping for tomorrow's taxes. Rob's printed out receipts and I'm still trying to get my act together enough to catch up on current finances, let alone 2023, but this dang bug won't leave me alone. The shoulder and neck area is well enough to afford me an afternoon nap, although it's still cracking weirdly when I move my neck, but I was rudely awoken a few hours ago by a massive calf cramp that seemed to last at least a half a minute before it started to ease, so I guess I'll try again tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy some French and Saunders visiting the repair shop.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Ah, hello range of motion, I've missed you! After coming down with sudden shivers between the bus and the house yesterday, I painfully tossed and turned last night for four hours, in a big ball of sweat, before getting up for half an hour then trying sleep again. And lo and behold, suddenly the pain lessened and I could actually move comfortably in bed before grabbing a few hours of unconsciousness. I don't think it was the naproxin. I haven't had any painkillers at all today, and my situation is immensely improved. Robin suspects the muscle pain may have been exacerbated by some sort of virus that attacked and magnified the weakest part of my muscles, and yesterday's chills and sweats were the virus finally exiting my body. I may never know, but the upshot is that I once again feel more like myself, with a few residual aches around the neck and shoulders but nothing I can't handle with more conventional cures like a heating pad, a shower, and more sleep. Although I won't be getting on a golf course any time soon:

Via Laughing Squid.