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On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog

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Vernal Equinox

It’s that time of year. Spring arrives at 10:06PM CDT to night. You can find the date for your location at Time and Date.

The air is already filled with pollen and the live oaks are dropping last year’s leaves. The azaleas have already peaked and the pear trees are snowy with blooms.

I would note that locally we have had 12 hours or more of daylight since before St. Patrick’s Day, and usually do.

March 19, 2024   No Comments

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

Éireann go Brách!

Irish Flag


Well everyone agrees that he died on March 17th, but the year is subject to debate. This is his feast day on the Catholic calendar. Enjoy as you are wont.

Wikipedia has more on Saint Patrick’s Day, if you need more.

March 17, 2024   No Comments

Iditarod 2024 – Day 14 & Final

Iditarod 2024 MapSled DogDallas won in 9 days 2 hours 16 minutes & 8 seconds. Jeff Reid brought the Red Lantern under the Burled Arch in 12 days 11 hours 22 minutes & 1 second.

Standings at 5:30AM CDT (2:30AM AKDT):
Finished at Nome
11 Wally Robinson (39)
12 Nicolas Petit (17)
13 Matthew Failor (31)
14 Ryan Redington (21)
15 Josi Thyr (22)R
16 Jason Mackey (19)
17 Bailey Vitello (32)
18 Gabe Dunham (24)R
19 Jessica Klejka (8)
20 Mats Pettersson (5)
21 Anna Berington (2)
22 Will Rhodes (4)R
23 Lara Kittelson (36)R
24 Anna Hennessy (25)R
25 Benjamin Good (33)R
26 Lauro Eklund (13)R
27 Joshua Robbins (11)R
28 Severin Cathry (30)R
29 Jeff Reid (35)RΦ
[continued below the fold] [

March 16, 2024   No Comments

Iditarod 2024 – Day 13

Iditarod 2024 MapSled DogAfter race officials discussed his lack of progress with him, Sean Williams (27) scratched at Elim.

Standings at 8:30PM CDT (5:30PM AKDT):
Finished at Nome
11 Wally Robinson (39)
12 Nicolas Petit (17)
13 Matthew Failor (31)
14 Ryan Redington (21)
15 Josi Thyr (22)R
16 Jason Mackey (19)
17 Bailey Vitello (32)
18 Gabe Dunham (24)R
19 Jessica Klejka (8)
20 Mats Pettersson (5)
21 Anna Berington (2)
22 Will Rhodes (4)R
23 Lara Kittelson (36)R
24 Anna Hennessy (25)R
25 Benjamin Good (33)R
26 Lauro Eklund (13)R

Beyond Safety
27 Jeff Reid (35)R
28 Severin Cathry (30)R
29 Joshua Robbins (11)RΦ
[continued below the fold] [

March 15, 2024   No Comments

Iditarod 2024 – Day 12

Iditarod 2024 MapSled DogThe first 10 finishers are below the fold. Nothing said about Bryce Mumford who is too far behind to arrive during the race’s time limit if he is still moving.

Update: After race officials discussed his lack of progress with him, Bryce Mumford scratched at Unalakleet.

Standings at 9:30PM CDT (6:30PM AKDT):
Finished at Nome
11 Wally Robinson (39)
12 Nicolas Petit (17)
13 Matthew Failor (31)
14 Ryan Redington (21)
15 Josi Thyr (22)R
16 Jason Mackey (19)
17 Bailey Vitello (32)
18 Gabe Dunham (24)R
19 Jessica Klejka (8)
20 Mats Pettersson (5)
21 Anna Berington (2)
22 Will Rhodes (4)R
23 Lara Kittelson (36)R
24 Anna Hennessy (25)R
Beyond White Mountain
25 Benjamin Good (33)R
At White Mountain
26 Jeff Reid (35)R
27 Lauro Eklund (13)R
28 Severin Cathry (30)R
Beyond Elim
29 Sean Williams (27)R
30 Joshua Robbins (11)R
[continued below the fold] [

March 14, 2024   No Comments

International Pi Day

Albert Einstein

3/14 is Albert’s birthday and

Π Day.

PiI assume you have all shopped for the perfect gift.

To start: Π ≅ 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399

March 14, 2024   No Comments

Iditarod 2024 – Day 11

Iditarod 2024 MapSled DogI’m a bit concerned about Bryce Mumford (6)R. He has been alone beyond Kaltag for an extended period. It could be bad bookkeeping, i.e. people in the back get ignored, but Kaltag to Unalakleet is the second longest stretch of trail and it’s wide open if the wind picks up.

Standings at 10:00PM CDT (7:00PM AKDT):
Finished at Nome
1 Dallas Seavey (7)
2 Matt Hall (16)
3 Jessie Holmes (9)
4 Jeff Deeter (18)
5 Paige Drobny (38)
6 Travis Beals (14)
7 Mille Porsild (12)
8 Amanda Otto (28)
9 Peter Kaiser (26)
10 Jessie Royer (20)
11 Wally Robinson (39)
12 Nicolas Petit (17)
13 Matthew Failor (31)

Beyond White Mountain
14 Ryan Redington (21)
15 Josi Thyr (22)R
16 Jason Mackey (19)
17 Bailey Vitello (32)
[continued below the fold] [

March 13, 2024   No Comments

Iditarod 2024 – Day 10

Iditarod 2024 MapSled DogBarring unforeseen circumstances, Dallas Seavey will win his sixth Iditarod and become the winningest musher in the history of the race,

A Third Dog Dies: – At approximately 10:15 a.m. today, Henry, a three-year-old male from the race team of Calvin Daugherty (bib #37), collapsed on the trail roughly 10 miles before reaching the Shaktoolik checkpoint. Daugherty administered CPR but unfortunately the attempts to revive Henry were unsuccessful. Calvin scratched in accordance with Rule 42.

Standings at 10:00PM CDT (7:00PM AKDT):
Finished at Nome
1 Dallas Seavey (7)
Beyond Safety
2 Matt Hall (16)
Beyond White Mountain
3 Jessie Holmes (9)
4 Jeff Deeter (18)
5 Travis Beals (14)
6 Paige Drobny (38)
At White Mountain
7 Mille Porsild (12)
8 Jessie Royer (20)
9 Amanda Otto (28)
10 Peter Kaiser (26)
[continued below the fold] [

March 12, 2024   2 Comments

Iditarod 2024 – Day 9

Iditarod 2024 MapSled DogThere are some serious winds and wind chills around the Norton Sound.

Second Dog Dies:At approximately 10:00 a.m. today, George, a four-year-old male from the race team of Hunter Keefe (bib# 10), collapsed on the trail roughly 35 outside of Kaltag en route to Unalakleet.

Keefe Scratches: Veteran Iditarod musher, Hunter Keefe (bib #10), of Knik, Alaska scratched Sunday, March 10 at 11:30 p.m. at the Unalakleet checkpoint pursuant to Rule 42.

Naaktgeboren Scratches: Veteran Iditarod musher, Deke Naaktgeboren (bib #34), of Fairbanks, Alaska, scratched at 8:19 p.m. today at the Nulato checkpoint in the best interest of his team.

Burmeister Scratches: Veteran Iditarod musher, Aaron Burmeister (bib #29), of Nome/Nenana, Alaska, scratched at 11:00 a.m. today at the Unalakleet checkpoint. Burmeister’s reasoning for scratching is “to help promote the mental wellness and health of my team in the future.”

Standings at 11:00PM CDT (8:00PM AKDT):
Beyond Elim
1 Dallas Seavey (7)
Beyond Koyuk
2 Jessie Holmes (9)
3 Matt Hall (16)
4 Travis Beals (14)
At Koyuk
5 Jeff Deeter (18)
6 Paige Drobny (38)
7 Mille Porsild (12)
8 Jessie Royer (20)
9 Peter Kaiser (26)
10 Amanda Otto (28)
[continued below the fold] [

March 11, 2024   No Comments

Iditarod 2024 – Day 8

Iditarod 2024 MapSled DogWe are now using Daylight Saving Time. At 11:30AM AKDT it was -23°F in Kaltag. – good mushing temperature.

Dog Dies: At approximately 9:46 a.m. today, Bog, a two-year-old male from the race team of Isaac Teaford (bib#15), collapsed approximately 200 feet from the Nulato checkpoint.

First Scratch: Rookie Iditarod musher, Erin Altemus (bib #23), of Grand Marais, Minnesota, scratched at 9:38 a.m. today at the Ruby checkpoint in the best interest of her team.

Scratch at Galena: Rookie Iditarod musher, Connor McMahon (bib #3), of Carcross, Yukon Territory, Canada, scratched at 4:30 p.m. today at the Galena checkpoint in the best interest of his team.

Scratch at Galens: Rookie Iditarod musher, Issac Teaford (bib #15), of Salt Lake City, Utah scratched at 2:25 p.m. today at the Nulato checkpoint pursuant to Rule 42 (Death of a Dog).

Standings at 10:00PM CDT (7:00PM AKDT):
Beyond Unalakleet
1 Dallas Seavey (7)
2 Jessie Holmes (9)
3 Matt Hall (16)
4 Travis Beals (14)
At Unalakleet
5 Paige Drobny (38)
6 Ryan Redington (21)
7 Jeff Deeter (18)
8 Mille Porsild (12)
9 Jason Mackey (19)
10 Peter Kaiser (26)
[continued below the fold] [

March 10, 2024   No Comments

Iditarod 2024 – Day 7

Iditarod 2024 MapSled DogWe lose an hour Sunday morning when 2AM Standard Time becomes 3AM Daylight Saving Time.

Everyone has completed their 24-hour+ stop but Dallas has yet to make a 8-hour stop on the Yukon.

Standings at 11:00PM CST (8:00PM AKST):
Beyond Kaltag
1 Travis Beals (14)
At Kaltag
2 Jessie Holmes (9)
3 Paige Drobny (38)
4 Matt Hall (16)
5 Ryan Redington (21)
6 Dallas Seavey (7)
Beyond Nulato
7 Peter Kaiser (26)
8 Jason Mackey (19)
9 Wally Robinson (39)
10 Hunter Keefe (10)
11 Aaron Burmeister (29)
At Nulato
12 Matthew Failor (31)
13 Mille Porsild (12)
14 Amanda Otto (28)
15 Jeff Deeter (18)
16 Jessie Royer (20)
[continued below the fold] [

March 9, 2024   No Comments

Daylight Savings Time

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

Spring forward, Fall back.

Just to screw up your life, don’t forget that Congress has stolen 2:00 to 2:59AM Sunday from you. They should at least have the decency to wait until the equinoxes to do this sort of thing. There’s barely enough daylight to do what needs to be done, much less save.

It’s a government conspiracy to make you late for church 😈

March 9, 2024   No Comments

Iditarod 2024 – Day 6

Iditarod 2022 MapSled DogWe lose an hour Sunday morning when 2AM Standard Time becomes 3AM Daylight Saving Time.

Standings at 11:30PM CST (8:30PM AKST):
At Galena
1 Travis Beals (14)
2 Matt Hall (16)
Beyond Ruby
3 Dallas Seavey (7)
4 Peter Kaiser (26)
5 Jessie Holmes (9)
6 Paige Drobny (38)
7 Ryan Redington (21)
8 Matthew Failor (31)
9 Mille Porsild (12)
10 Hunter Keefe (10)
11 Jason Mackey (19)
12 Jeff Deeter (18)
At Ruby
13 Nicolas Petit (17)
14 Wally Robinson (39)
15 Aaron Burmeister (29)
16 Jessie Royer (20)
17 Amanda Otto (28)
18 Mats Pettersson (5)
19 Josi Thyr (22)R
20 Jessica Klejka (8)
[continued below the fold] [

March 8, 2024   No Comments

Iditarod 2024 – Day 5

Iditarod 2022 MapSled DogDallas Seavey won the race to Cripple and the Halfway Prize, but was fined 2 hours for not properly gutting the moose he shot.

Standings at 10:00PM CST (7:00PM AKST):
Beyond Cripple
1 Nicolas Petit (17)
2 Travis Beals (14)
3 Jessie Holmes (9)
4 Paige Drobny (38)
At Cripple
5 Dallas Seavey (7)
6 Ryan Redington (21)
7 Peter Kaiser (26)
8 Matt Hall (16)
9 Hunter Keefe (10)
Beyond Ophir
10 Jessie Royer (20)
11 Aaron Burmeister (29)
12 Jason Mackey (19)
13 Mille Porsild (12)
14 Mats Pettersson (5)
15 Gabe Dunham (24)R
16 Matthew Failor (31)
17 Jeff Deeter (18)
18 Amanda Otto (28)
19 Jessica Klejka (8)
20 Josi Thyr (22)R
21 Bailey Vitello (32)
22 Anna Berington (2)
23 Anna Hennessy (25)R
24 Deke Naaktgeboren (34)
25 Erin Altemus (23)R
26 Sean Williams (27)R
[continued below the fold] [

March 7, 2024   No Comments