


20 male bisexual

fandoms and rules.

Hi guys!!!! I'm now open for x male reader fics!! I'm 19 so please be patient. Request are open. I may decline if I have never seen it.


  • Twilight!!(females are platonic. No bella!!)
  • DC comics- and arrowverse
  • Supernatural
  • Marvel Comics- and Mcu
  • Star trek- enterprise, TOS, AOS, TNG, DS9, Voyger
  • WWE
  • POSE from FX
  • Power rangers
  • Descendants
  • Athletes from NBA and NFL
  • Young justice
  • If you don't see something you want please ask


  • NO SMUT. i want this to be a family friendly blog.
  • Please understand that i tend to over think and might take a while to publish. I write for de-ageing as im all about paranal fluff
  • i can decline whatever i want. and please have an alternate plot in mind

 Please be nice

Bruce Wayne x child!male!reader

Summary: Bruce and his son (Y/N) go through the first day of school. (Y/N) is scared, but his father and brothers are there to help him.

Warning: Fluff, Bruce and the boys being soft for their baby brother.

Bruce tried not to be emotional right now. His son (Y/N) was ready to go to school, but Bruce is not ready to let him go. He grew up far to quickly for Bruce's liking. The others didn't like it too. They wanted their little bird to be little bird forever and not grow up.

He watched from the kitchen island as (Y/N) was sitting in Damian's lap, drinking orange juice through a straw. How time flies...

" Are you alright master Bruce? " Alfred asked walking past him.

" Not really. I don't want (Y/N) to grow up. Ever. "

" I know that feeling too. He is too adorable to grow up. "

Bruce took a long sip of his coffee to wake up. Patrol was a mess last night and the boys and him could barley function, but they were going to be there for their baby bird. He really can't miss his first day of school.

Bruce made sure to pick the best school he could. It was a private one, but it had amazing security. Bruce still gets mad at himself when he remembers the kidnapping at the gala. He already gave the school the list who can pick up (Y/N). It was all of them and there would be no problem with that. The next problem on their hands is getting (Y/N) to school.

" But I don't want to go. " (Y/N) whined in Damian's lap.

Bruce and the boys tried everything to get (Y/N) to like it. Even if they had to threw in a few lies here and there... But that is not the point.

" But you have to. We all have to go somewhere we don't want to, but it's your first day and you are going to love it. First days are always amazing. " Damian tried, taking a mug full of strong coffee to wake up.

" But I want to be with you guys! "

" I know that baby bird, we all want to stay with you as well, but we can't. Those are the rules. "

(Y/N) huffed and pouted, crossing his arms. Bruce smiled and leaned forward and started smoothing the frown.

" Where are your brothers? " Bruce asked Damian.

" I don't know. "

" Baby bird, how about we wake them up? " Damian asked his younger brother, who nodded.

" We will be back father. "

Bruce sighed and waived them off. He wasn't going to go upstairs and see the chaos that was about to ensue. Had Damian decided to do this alone, without (Y/N), he would have been killed. No doubt.

He could hear some screams, but drank his coffee. Was he going to check what happened up there? No. (Y/N) was not going to get hurt. Damian? He might get something broken in retaliation.

" You are not going to check, are you? " Alfred asked.

" Nope. "

Alfred smiled, washing the dishes.

" At this rate, you are going to be late. "

" Well, what can you do? I can always say first day of school. And I have 5 boys, so they will believe me. "

The was a sound like something crashed, then there was silence. Damian ventured down to the kitchen, holding (Y/N) who was smiling.

" Who got hurt? " Bruce asked.

" Nobody father. "

Bruce simply nodded. He doesn't need to know more.

" Papa. " (Y/N) asked, reaching out.

Bruce took him into his arms, reliving Damian of being (Y/N)'s carrier. The rest of the brothers ventured down, glaring at Damian, but smiling at the youngest. They were already dressed and ready to go.

" Do you guys need any coffee before we go? " Bruce asked.

They all shook their heads and off they went. Bruce prepared himself for a battle with his youngest.

" Papa! I don't want to go... Please. "

" You have to baby bird, I don't want you to go as well, but I have to. You will have fun, I promise you that. Would I ever lie to you baby bird? " Bruce asked his son.

(Y/N) shook his head and muttering a no.

" I know it's scary, first days sometimes are, but you are going to be fine. "

(Y/N) laid his head on Bruce's shoulder as they went to the garage to pick a car. He picked a black car and the boys made sure that (Y/N) was strapped in.

" Everyone ready? "

The unenthusiastic yesses he got were enough of an answer. Bruce forced himself not to laugh. This is the usual first days of school that he was used to.

" Okay, baby bird. We are here. "

" It looks scary papa. "

Jason wanted to agree, but Tim smacked the back of his head. Jason glared at him, but Tim was unfazed.

" Don't worry, I will take you to the classroom. "

Everyone left the car and said goodbye to (Y/N) for the day, giving him hugs and kisses and some encouraging words. Dick was trying not to cry. After Bruce took (Y/N)'s hand and was out of earshot, Dick sniffled.

" He grew up to fast. "

" Pull yourself together Grayson, we are in public. "

Tim and Jason agreed, but Jason glared at Tim.

" I smacked you because you were going to agree with (Y/N). We don't need him to freak out. "

Jason rolled his eyes at Tim, ignoring Dick's sobs.

" What is this family? " He asked himself.

Bruce could barley function at work. He couldn't focus and the only thing he could think of was (Y/N). Is he doing okay? He just wanted to go to the school and pick him up right now, but he knew that (Y/N) needed to be there. He needs to socialize.

He had hoped that he is a social butterfly and not a hermit. Maybe... Just maybe it could happen.

Bruce could only hope.

Bruce stood in front of the car, waiting for (Y/N) to come out. He tapped his fingers against his forearm. He smiled once he saw (Y/N). He was talking to the a girl with curly black hair and a blond boy. (Y/N) said goodbye to his new friends and ran to his father.

" Hey baby bird, how was it? "

" It was great! "

And Bruce listened to his son as they were driving home, still excited from the first day. And he was more than happy to chat his brother's ears off. They didn't mind at all.

Bruce was listening to (Y/N)'s day, relishing in the memory that was now burned into his memory. (Y/N) was sitting in Bruce's lap, waving his hands in the air to demonstrate what he was saying.

" Papa! "

" What? "

" You are not listening! "

" I am baby bird, don't worry. "

(Y/N) carried on without a care in the world. When he was finished Bruce asked him what he wanted to know.

" And was it scary? "

" No papa. "

Bruce kissed (Y/N)'s head and tickled him. (Y/N) shrieked with laughter, filling the room with his laughter. The boys and Bruce watched their baby bird, smiling alongside their father. Even Damian, the toughest nut to crack, was smiling. Alfred took a picture from the side, for the family album. (Y/N) was the glue needed to make this family somewhat normal. They all needed him, just like (Y/N) needs them.

Bruce Wayne X Child! Male Reader


|| Masterlist ||


  • Authors Note: Here is another shot with the bat family! We’re putting the blame on Dick again because why not? 😌 I also enjoyed writing this, I finished it during work but at least I got distracted with something after finishing up my job!
Request: can I request a fanfic where Bruce's biological son just turned 4 and they are all setting up a birthday party for him and while they're doing so they keep fucking up decorations (the batboyz) and they start cursing under their breath but baby reader still hears it. After they're done they start singing happy birthday and Jason asks reader what they wish for and with his big innocent eyes he says "fuck!! " really loudly and everyone looks at Jason and he's just like "it wasnt me why is everyone automatically blaming me!?" Bruce just rolls his eyes and thinks reader is trying to say duck so he asks reader if he meant duck but he just shakes his head and keeps saying fuck and then Alfred gives reader a long talk about how that word is really bad
Warnings: Fluff, language, reader is a child, soft family moments, bat family, dick Is to blame again.
Word count: 1.4K
Tags: @1s3v3n1



He was suppose to be distracted in his room, playing with his toys and brushing Titus fur along with Alfred the cat. He was suppose to remain in the room until his older brother, Jason, came to get him. The small three, soon to be four, year old boy was sitting on the carpet floor, playing with his toys along with his family dog and cat.

Y/n was focused playing with his own toys and placing a loose tie over Titus, who sat in front of him, keeping watch of the child who hums to himself and pranced around his room. Before hearing a commotion on the other side of the door, causing the boy to stop what he was doing and turn his gaze at the closed door.

He stays silent, hearing a soft thud and some harsh whispering. The child tilts his head in confusion and approaches the door, both Titus and Alfred the cat walk around him, trying to keep him from leaving the room and trying to pull him back but the child was stubborn like his father and wanted to know what were the noise was coming from.

Upon reaching the door knob he twists it open and pulled the door open, stumbling in his little legs as he looks up and down the empty halls. “Let’s go.” He whispers to Titus and Alfred, quietly moving around the hallways and following the sound of his brothers harsh whispers.

“—I can’t!”

“Damien, I swear to god.”

Y/n’s hand grips the tie around Titus, pulling the large dog close to him as he reaches the end of the hallway, peaking down the stairs where he spots his brothers holding colorful decorations and arguing amongst each other.

“The sign is suppose to be by the chimney.” Dick exclaims, holding a banner saying, ‘happy birthday’, as he tried to take the ladder back from Damien’s hold. “Grayson.” Damien hissed. “The banner is better above the entrance where Y/n is suppose to enter.”

“Does it really matter where it goes?” Tim asks.

“Yes!” Both dick and Damien say at the same time before turning back to glare at each other.

Tim rolls his eyes, going back to fixing his own part of the decorations. He works on the balloons, blowing them up and tying the string around the end before giving them to Jason to tie down on a small weight.

“Just out the banner by the entrance and focus on the rest of the decorations! Bruce will be home soon and I doubt Y/n will stay in his room forever.” Jason reminds the others as Dick grumbled at Damien’s victory grin, snatching the banner from him and moving the ladder to the entrance.

“I hope you fucking fall.” Dick says.

Damien frowns at him, rolling his eyes and focusing on his own tasks while Jason ties the balloons down. “Dick, help me with the rest of the balloons—“

Y/n giggled to himself, watching his brothers argue with one another. Something he tends to see a lot at home and he’s grown used to it. His brothers were always loud and yelling while Y/n remained a quiet child, only talking whenever he felt like it. Bruce had grown worried for his son after the first two years together, not hearing a single word from the kids mouth caused the billionaire to grow worried, rushing him to see a doctor who let him know that each child was different when it comes to speaking. Y/n was probably late into learning, Bruce would blame himself for his sons verbal situation.

It didn’t take long for Alfred to reach him sign language, something that y/n took interest in and began to communicate with his family with his hands. It did take a few more months before he finally started talking, surprising Bruce and his brothers. It all happened during family dinner, after everyone was finished they stayed a little longer to enjoy some desert. Y/n has crawled onto Bruce’s lap, reaching out for the plate of cookies that were far from his reach. Everyone was too busy arguing or talking with each other to pay attention until the child says his first words.

“Cookie, please.”

The boys didn’t process the words until after Tim slides the plate over. The young child snatching one from the plate and eating quietly while kicking his little legs back and forth. The whole table remained quiet that night as they watched him eat in silence, expecting him to say something again but never hearing that voice again until later that week. After that, y/n had grown used to speaking with his family or signing to them whenever he felt comfortable.

“Dick funny.” Y/n tells Titus, the Dane titling it’s head to the side in confusion while the child giggled. He quietly rushed back to his room, closing the door behind him and focusing back on his toys. He sits on his knees and helps Titus remove the tie from around his neck.

The child was suddenly full of energy and excitement as he throws himself at Titus, wrapping his arms around his neck and hugging the large dog who sat still, barely moving when the child bounced on him.

“Birthday, birthday, birthday!” He chants out in a soft voice, touching Titus’ ears and brushing his fur back. It was only a few minutes before Bruce decide to walk inside the room, a smile on his face as he approached his four year old son. He bends down on one knee to place a hand on his sons head. “Hey Bud,” Bruce whispers. “Ready for your birthday cake?”

Y/n’s eyes widen with excitement when he hears the word ‘cake’, turning quickly to hug Bruce and nuzzling his face into his chest. “I want cake.” He mumbled out, causing Bruce to chuckle and pick up his son in his arms. He carried the kid out of his room and downstairs where everyone else was.

“Hey! It’s the birthday boy!” Jason is the first to shout as they pop some confetti, surprising the four year old as he claps in happiness. “We got you presents and a cake! Your favorite.” Tim reveals y/n’s favorite cake. The boys eyes grow big as he squirms to sit in front of it.

“Calm down.” Bruce laughs, setting Y/n down on the chair while Dick placed a little birthday hat on him, the whole family was there to celebrate the child’s fourth birthday. The room was fully decorated and presents were piled up on a separate table.

“Let’s light this bitc—“

“Jason.” Bruce says with a stern voice, glaring at him.

“Right.” Jason clears his throat, lighting up the candles. Y/n’s father and siblings stand in front of him, Alfred behind him as they began to sing him happy birthday. Y/n sways his head side to side, singing along too as he stares at the lit up candles in front of him.

After his family is done singing it’s Bruce who says. “Make a wish, Y/n.” The rest of his family goes quiet as Y/n stands on his chair, bowling out the candles, probably spitting a little, but still blowing them out. Everyone clapped and cheered, causing Y/n to blush as he too, claps again.

“What you wish for?” Tim asks.

Y/n smiles widely at Tim. “Fuck!”

Tim’s eyes widen, Jason chokes on his spit while Damien grins. Dick looks nervously to Bruce who stood over his four year old with a frown on his face.

“Y/n, did you by any chance mean Duck?” Bruce asked but Y/n shakes his head. “I want fuck!” He says again.

Jason holds back his laughter until everyone turns to face him with a glare. “What—? Seriously, just because I swear doesn’t mean I taught him. I wouldn’t do that too him!”

“Yes Todd, but your more likely to slip up.” Damien provided his point. Jason was always swearing during missions and no was surprised that he would do it at home.

Bruce sighs deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Y/n, where did you hear that word?”

Y/n was too oblivious to know what was going on. He smiles widely, standing on his chair as he points at Dick. “Fuck! Heard from him.” He confessed, everyone growing tense and turning to face Dick.

“Now hold on—!” Dick is quick to defend himself while everyone turned to scold him. Y/n could only hum as he sits on his chair, poking the cake and licking the frosting from his fingers while Alfred cut him a piece and provided him a small lecture of never using that word again.


Male!reader + Rex, Wolffe, Bly, Fox, Echo and Dogma (with cameo from

Aayla), 3500 words

Reader makes a wish to be young again and his wish is granted. This is a fun exploration of how certain clones could be with a baby

@redheadjustin happy 20th birthday 🥳

You are having a hard day, not in the way that anything in particular has gone wrong, but more in the way that your brain has chosen today to be a complete and utter dick.

You remember a time when things were simpler, not simple, because things had never ever been that, but they had been easier.

You’d known what you’d needed to do and you’d done it. The long-necks had made the games and you’d played them all to perfection. But now it’s you making the strategies and the battleplans and there are real consequences.

You’re tired of the weight of it all, you just want to not think about it for a while, so you walk, and you walk, and you don’t know how long you’ve walked for but when you eventually look up you don’t recognise where you are.

“You lost, dear?” A person, could be a man or woman for all you knew, the way they’re bundled up in the cloak, asks you. “You look like you’re carrying the whole world on your shoulders. C’mon, come over here out of the rain for a bit.”

You think for a moment and then shrug because really it isn’t as if you had anything better to do. You are drenched through and regretting that you’d chosen to leave the barracks in your uniform and not your armour. It’s nice to step out of the rain and there’s a small heat lamp overhead which you warm your hands under.

“Thank you,” you say.

“Not at all, dear, not at all. At lot on your mind I should expect.”

“Hmm,” you reply noncommittal, turning around to look back out at the rain. “I was thinking how nice it would be, to just be young again.”

Your companion chuckles. “Oh yes, if only we could turn back the clock”

“Hmm, if only.” You agree, wishing wholeheartedly for it to be possible, as you continue to watch the rain splash up from the puddles. Your attention is caught suddenly by a movement beside you and you turn your head to look, only to have a handful of dust blown into your face.

You step back coughing and choking. “What was that?”

“Just a little something to help your wish come true.”

“My wish?”

Anonymous asked:

Peter finding the avengers fucking HIS himbo!bf

Peter: “You guys didn’t?!”

Tony: “Come on, Kid. Share his tight ass.”

Thor: “Young Spiderling. Why did thou not tell us thy boyfriend was so good at sex?”


God he loves him

Hi!! How are you? How about Optimus with an adhd reader? Thanks!

Optimus Prime x ADHD!Male!Reader

Females (She/Her & She/They) DNI

Anonymous asked:

I do love Jango having a lower midi-chlorian count than the average rock, but how about this- Jango is found by the Jedi, Obi Wan taken in by Jaster. They meet on Galidraan. Jango isn't meant to be there, he has a vision or sees the mission info and has a feeling. Either way, the force has apparently decided its his job to save a random mandalorian (the random mandalorian, who can't be any older than him, turns out to be the mand'alor. There goes hoping he can keep this quiet from the council)

(well howdy do would you look at that, jango's got the force visions now
there was not supposed to be so much Yearning on jango's part, but well. what am i if not a writer of jangobi longing
also sorry if the Force bits are a little hard to read: i want them to be all mooshed together to like. convey how rushed and confusing they are. but also i have dyslexia. so i’m trying out this way)

  The captain of the Mandalorians they had been sent to deal with is... even younger than Jango is.

  He freezes after managing to knock said human’s helmet clean off, watching their head jerk with the blow, watching their flushed, freckled face flinch in momentary pain before twisting into a snarl with blood in their teeth.


Star Wars: The Clone Wars AU fanfic…

Where a legal battle between the GAR and Techno Union over Arc Trooper Echo sparks the movement for clone rights across the Galactic Republic.

So I recently watched the deleted scenes from the Clone Wars season 7 and there was an interesting scene between Anakin and Wat Tambor around how Echo ended up in the hands of the Techno Union. According to Wat Tambor, the neutral system “legally purchased” Echo after his capture at Lola Sayu, where he was pronounced KIA. Now, in the show the Techno Union just takes the loss and doesn’t actually try to “recoup on their investment” as Wat Tambor says at the end of the third episode. BUT could you imagine if they decided to fight the legality of the GAR swooping into a neutral system’s territory and stealing their property?!?

Like, imagine the Techno Union initiating a whole legal campaign saying that the Republic stole Echo from a neutral system and was therefore in the right to demand the return of their property.

Imagine, the Jedi and the GAR arguing that Echo cannot be legally purchased by anyone because he is a sentient being and purchasing a sentient being is illegal. Imagine, the Techno Union and Separatists trying to take the moral high ground by pointing out that the Jedi/Galactic Republic purchased the clones for warfare and were never naturalized as citizens of the Republic. Cue Anakin, having the biggest existential crisis wherein in he realizes he is part of a system that has rubber stamped slavery. Cue the legal and ethical pissing match between the Republic and Techno Union sparking a movement to naturalize the clones as citizens of the Republic. Cue the entire GAR questioning their role in the war when the Galactic Senate is totally divided over the naturalization of the clones.

- Fox and Corrie Guard just yeet their way to a full labor strike on Coruscant

- Obi-Wan, Cody, Rex and The Bad Batch take Echo to a far of Jedi temple and claim sanctuary

- Anakin leading a full standstill of the Outer Rim sieges because he refuses to participate in legal slavery and taking full dive into investigating just why the fuck Sifo Diyas commissioned a clone army 10 years before the war (sooo annoyed that was not picked up on after that one throw away episode in season 6!)

- the Jedi Council actually start to question how this war started, which leads them on the trail of Darth Sidious

- Plo Koon adopting his Wolfpack and hyperspacing them all to safety

- Bail Organa, Riyo Chuchi and Padme Amidala write up a Clone Rights bill so fast that Palpatine has no idea how to keep all his plans from going off the rails

- Ahsoka rallying Coruscant citizens into a full on movement to make clones citizens and ending the war

OMG do I wish I had the writing chops to pull this story off….

Anonymous asked:

Gor 2 ideas for Hotch and Reader Hotch lol

1) Hotch finding out he and Sean have a younger brother from one of their father's affairs after Reader is mistaken for an unsub in a homicide

2) Hotch's singer brother comes to Quantico and when Hotch learns about it, he goes to see him on his tour. What is supposed to be a friendly meet and greet between reader and the gang turns into a crime scene when the drummer is found dead in Reader's hotel room

Im gonna do 2! Hope you enjoy.




Male!reader + Rex, Wolffe, Bly, Fox, Echo and Dogma (with cameo from

Aayla), 3500 words

Reader makes a wish to be young again and his wish is granted. This is a fun exploration of how certain clones could be with a baby

@redheadjustin happy 20th birthday 🥳

You are having a hard day, not in the way that anything in particular has gone wrong, but more in the way that your brain has chosen today to be a complete and utter dick.

You remember a time when things were simpler, not simple, because things had never ever been that, but they had been easier.

You’d known what you’d needed to do and you’d done it. The long-necks had made the games and you’d played them all to perfection. But now it’s you making the strategies and the battleplans and there are real consequences.

You’re tired of the weight of it all, you just want to not think about it for a while, so you walk, and you walk, and you don’t know how long you’ve walked for but when you eventually look up you don’t recognise where you are.

“You lost, dear?” A person, could be a man or woman for all you knew, the way they’re bundled up in the cloak, asks you. “You look like you’re carrying the whole world on your shoulders. C’mon, come over here out of the rain for a bit.”

You think for a moment and then shrug because really it isn’t as if you had anything better to do. You are drenched through and regretting that you’d chosen to leave the barracks in your uniform and not your armour. It’s nice to step out of the rain and there’s a small heat lamp overhead which you warm your hands under.

“Thank you,” you say.

“Not at all, dear, not at all. At lot on your mind I should expect.”

“Hmm,” you reply noncommittal, turning around to look back out at the rain. “I was thinking how nice it would be, to just be young again.”

Your companion chuckles. “Oh yes, if only we could turn back the clock”

“Hmm, if only.” You agree, wishing wholeheartedly for it to be possible, as you continue to watch the rain splash up from the puddles. Your attention is caught suddenly by a movement beside you and you turn your head to look, only to have a handful of dust blown into your face.

You step back coughing and choking. “What was that?”

“Just a little something to help your wish come true.”

“My wish?”

Damian, Tim, Dick and Jason: [all arguing]
Bruce: I'm scared to ask, but... what's going on?
Duke: Oh, you'll see
Damian, Tim, Dick and Jason: BRUCE WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE SON?!
Bruce: [deep sigh] Terry
Dick: [sputtering] The guy from the alternate future?!
Damian: Who isn't even your son?!
Jason: Not even Duke you cold hearted bastard?!
Tim: [gestures to all of them] We meant out of us, Bruce
Bruce: Still Terry
Damian, Tim, Dick and Jason: [all yelling louder]
Duke: Oof, this is even funnier than I imagined

Every time Dick leaves the house Bruce gets a new kid

Dick : [leaves]

Bruce: oh god. Nest empty. Must have bird. Hrnnnnngh [adopts an orphan]

Dick: [returns]

Dick: ………Who the fuck is this?

Jason: Hi.

Dick: I was only gone 3 weeks!


Jason: [Is dead]

Dick: [leaves]

Bruce: :🥺 b-but!!! I have no baby!!! Must have baby!! Alfred, call the guy!

Dick : [returns]

Dick: …. Bruce why is the neighbor kid here? And where’d the girl come from?

Tim: Hi. I live here now.

Stephanie: I don’t live here but I might as well.


Dick: Bruce what the fuck. I was only gone for the weekend and Jason’s grave is still fresh.


Dick: [Leaves]

Bruce: [Vibrates intensely] Alfred–

Alfred: Already called, Sir.

Dick: [Returns]


Dick: (O . O)

Dick: H-hello…. Children…. Where…? How…. ?

Cass, Duke, Terry, Matt, Carrie, Billy, Harper and Cullen: Hi.

Damian: I am the blood son.

Tim & Steph: We never left.


Dick: [throws an apple at B’s head] I ONLY WENT TO THE STORE BRUCE!!! IT WAS ONLY TWO HOURS BRUCE!!!! [Continues chucking produce]

Jason: [From behind Dick] I’m back, btw.

Dick: [Jumps out of his skin] AA–!!


”I don’t want to do this.”

Alpha scoffed and patted him on the shoulder, lightly but still irritatingly enough for CT-7567 to shake the hand off.

”I know you don’t. But I think you two would be great friends.”

”I have a friend. I don’t need another.”

Alpha rolled his eyes and shook his head, not in disappointment but in amusement. At least CT-7567 hoped so.

”And Cody is a great friend to you. But I think you could use a friend who is more like you.”

”More like me?”, CT-7567 raised his eyebrows, and followed Alpha to the left, avoiding his hand trying to maneuver him.

”Yeah, like you. You’ll see.”

CT-7567 didn’t want to see. He wanted to go back to his bunk, take his datapad and hide under the covers until it was time to go to sleep. The blanket didn’t block out much of the noise his batchmates made in the room, but it did help him concentrate on the book he was reading.

i’ve had this idea for about a week and it wouldn’t leave me alone. the scuba bois are quite literally unstoppable.

(also, sharks are adorable when you look at them from the front!!!!)


Jason: Oh my God, Tim, what is wrong with you?

Tim: Well, I'm autistic to start with-

Jason: That's not what I meant.

Dick: Damian’s autistic too.

Damian, squinting: What is an autistic and why am I it




Damian: What

Dick: Did Bruce genuinely never get you diagnosed? Or explain why you're so much like him?

Damian: Diagnosed? I'm not ill. And I am like Father because I'm his son.

Tim: This. Explains so much

Damian: So much of what?

Jason, marveling: He's just like Bruce.

Dick: Buddy, we need to take you to a specialist.

Damian, stubbornly: I'm not ill.

Tim: I've got a powerpoint-

Dick, jabbing Tim in the stomach: Of course you're not ill! You're just different!

Jason: This is giving me flashbacks to when we got Dick his ADHD diagnosis.

Damian: What is an ADHD


Dick: I give up. Tim, pull up your PowerPoint on autism. I trust you've got one on ADHD too?

Tim: Yeah. Anxiety and depression too, if we're counting all of our mental illnesses.

*Four hours later*

Damian: Father, I think you should seek professional help for your numerous mental health problems. Also I believe I should get screened for autism