Your guide to the third trimester of pregnancy

By Merryn Porter |

You've done it! You have made it through the first two trimesters of pregnancy and you are on the home straight.

You got through morning sickness, hormonal changes and fears that often plague the first trimester and sailed through the second trimester, where you underwent those all important scans, felt your baby move and possibly chose to find out the sex of your unborn child.

The third trimester, while exciting, is also challenging at times. Think weight gain, a bad back, puffy face, swollen feet and trouble sleeping – and that's without any third trimester complications. But it will all be worth it when you finally hold your little baby in your arms.

READ MORE: Your guide to the first trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancies are divided into three sections, or trimesters. The first trimester refers to the period from week one until the end of week 12, the second trimester is from week 13 to the end of week 27, and the third trimester is from week 28 until the end of your pregnancy — which is usually week 40.

Pregnant woman
The third trimester, while exciting, is also challenging at times. (Getty)

The third trimester is an exciting time as you inch closer to meeting your baby but can also be very, very uncomfortable.

While many women find it more enjoyable than the first trimester, which is often plagued by morning sickness, it is certainly a lot harder than the second, which is often considered the easiest and most enjoyable part of pregnancy.

Baby's development during the third trimester

Many people ask about what developmental changes the baby will experience in the third trimester and the answer is: not that many. The truth is, most of the baby's development occurs during the first and second trimesters while the third trimester is more about the baby's growth and putting on weight.

Still, a number of milestones occur with regards to the baby's development during the third trimester. These include brain development, the baby's ability to see and hear and its kidneys and lungs will continue to mature.

A baby will gain a large amount of weight during the third trimester.

At 28 weeks, your baby is about 36cm long and weighs about 1100 grams. Its eyelids have opened and its lungs have grown enough that it would be able to breathe outside the uterus, although it would need help. A baby born at 28 weeks has a good chance of survival but will need specialised care in a neonatal nursery.

By 32 weeks, the baby is about 41cm and weighs about 1800 grams.

By 36 weeks, the baby is about 47.5cm and weighs about 2600 grams.

By 38 weeks, a baby is considered full term, and if it is not born early, will continue to put on weight until birth.

At 40 weeks, an average baby will be about 50cm long and weigh about 3400 grams. 

What to eat during the third trimester

Many women want to know what they should eat during the third trimester to support their baby's growth and nutritional needs.

Women are advised to stick to a healthy, balanced diet that contains mostly vegetables, lean protein and wholegrains.

Women are encouraged to consume lean proteins, (meat, fish, poultry, eggs, tofu, beans and nuts), a 'rainbow plate' of different coloured fruit and vegetable, a selection of wholegrain breads, cereals, rice and noodles, legumes, and reduced fat dairy or alternatives such as milk, cheese and yoghurt.

The Australian federal government said the need to "eat for two" during pregnancy is a myth, and as your third trimester continues, you will no doubt find it getting harder to eat as much because the baby takes up more room in the abdomen.

READ MORE: Your guide to the second trimester of pregnancy

Supplements needed during the third trimester

According to The Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne, there are three nutrients that everyone should take during pregnancy as a supplement — folic acid, iodine and vitamin D. This is because you are unlikely to get enough from your diet or sunshine alone.

Other important nutrients during pregnancy are iron, calcium and Omega-3 fats.

All of these are necessary in the right amounts to ensure a baby develops properly.

Pregnant women are encouraged to continue taking a pregnancy multivitamin and mineral supplement throughout their third trimester and even into the postnatal period to ensure they are getting the right nutrients to support themselves and their growing baby.

Read the label to make sure you take the right quantity. Taking too much of the wrong vitamins can be harmful during pregnancy.

Pregnant woman holding her belly at home
A baby will gain a large amount of weight during the third trimester. (Getty)

Weight gain during the third trimester

Managing weight gain and your diet during the third trimester is important so you don't end up with complications such as gestational diabetes.

The Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne said the amount of weight gained during pregnancy could affect your health as well as the baby's health and development.

It said the recommended amount of weight gain depended on your pre-pregnancy weight and ethnicity.

However, women should gain no more than 12-18kg over their entire pregnancy, with a recommended weight gain of no more than 2.6kg per month during the third trimester.

Factors that influence how much weight you gain include how and what you eat; how active you are during your pregnancy; pregnancy-related symptoms such as morning sickness and changes to your appetite such as food cravings and aversions; and fluid retention, especially in later pregnancy.

Exercise during the third trimester

Many women ask what kind of exercise they can do in the third trimester in order to stay active and prepare for labour.

Women are encouraged to continue to exercise during the third trimester unless told otherwise by a health professional.

The types of exercises that are safe and beneficial during the third trimester include walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, weight strengthening, yoga, pilates and other classes, as long as the instructor knows you are pregnant.

It is best to avoid taking up a new sport or some things such as contact sports and weightlifting, exercising to the point of exhaustion or overheating.

Prenatal yoga is a great exercise during your third trimester as it can also help you prepare for labour. 

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Third trimester symptoms

Women can experience a wide range of old and new symptoms during the third trimester, which are considered normal, but there are also some worrying things women need to watch out for in the final stages of pregnancy, which we will get to later.

Heartburn and indigestion

Hormones during pregnancy cause the valve between your stomach and oesophagus to relax, which allows stomach acid to rise, resulting in heartburn and indigestion. As your pregnancy progresses, the baby is taking up more room in the abdomen, causing these symptoms to worsen. Try eating small amounts of food more frequently.

Mood changes

Changes in mood are common during pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimesters, and are the result of hormonal changes. General discomfort in the third trimester is also enough to leave you feeling moody.


Tiredness is common throughout the pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimesters. While hormones are partly responsible for this, difficulty sleeping in the third trimester and broken sleep also plays a role during the third trimester.

Stomach pain during the third trimester

Stomach pains are common in the third trimester for a variety of reasons. As the uterus continues to grow and stretch, women often feel pain in the lower stomach.

Pelvic and back pain during the third trimester

As the ligaments that are connected to your uterus — which have already softened due to hormonal changes — continue to stretch, you may develop worsening pain in the pelvis, the top of your legs and your lower back. The weight of the growing baby will also exacerbate this.

As a result, some women will develop sciatica, which is a very painful condition caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve. Speak to your doctor or midwife if the pain becomes severe. You may be able to get some relief with treatment from a physiotherapist or similar but it is important they have experience treating pregnant women.

As the pregnancy progresses and your baby gets bigger, you may experience more and more pelvic pain and twinges as the baby moves into position low in the pelvis and begins to engage.

Puffy face during third trimester

Many women develop a puffy face during the later stages of pregnancy. This can be the result of weight gain but also due to the extra blood and fluid in your body when pregnant. A small amount of puffiness is normal, especially if it subsides with rest, however, a puffy face, especially if it worsening, occurs around the eyes and/or coincides with swelling of the hands could be a sign of preeclampsia, a potentially serious condition. If you are at all concerned about swelling, contact your doctor or midwife.


As your baby grows, they will begin to press against your diaphragm, which is the muscle between your chest and abdomen. This can cause you to become breathless or short of breath. Monitor the symptoms and see if it improves when you change positions. If it doesn't, it becomes worse, or is associated with other symptoms, such as pain, heart palpitations, extreme tiredness or during exercise, contact your doctor or midwife.


Headaches will come and go during the different stages of pregnancy, often as a result of hormonal changes. However, during the third trimester, a headache can be a sign of something more sinister. If your headache is severe or is not relieved by paracetamol, contact your doctor or midwife.

Frequent urination

As the third trimester progresses and the baby moves deeper into the pelvis it will start to put pressure on your bladder. This means you will be making more regular trips to the bathroom, including several times a night. This is normal, however, if it coincides with pain when urinating or other symptoms, contact your doctor or midwife.

Varicose veins and haemorrhoids

Increasing blood flow and weight can cause varicose veins, especially in women who are susceptible, while weight gain, increased blood flow and constipation can also cause haemorrhoids.

Leg cramps

There are a number of reasons why women can be struck by leg cramps during pregnancy, including calcium deficiency.

Man walking hand in hand with pregnant partner
There are a number of symptoms you should not ignore during the third trimester of pregnancy (iStock)

Swelling of the legs, feet and hands

It is normal for legs, feet or hands to swell during the third trimester due to a number of factors, including the increased volume of blood circulating through your body during pregnancy, as well as pressure from the uterus and enlarged veins. This increased pressure can cause swelling (oedema), as well as pain, feelings of heaviness and leg cramps. Avoid standing for long periods and try to lie down with your feet elevated when possible to relieve symptoms, and remove rings if hands are swollen. Note: Sudden or severe swelling of face, hands and feet can be a sign of preeclampsia.

Itching skin on stomach

As the skin on the stomach begins to stretch it may cause the skin to become itchy.

Tingling and numbness in your hands

This can be a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome which affects up to 60 per cent of women during pregnancy. It is caused by compression of the median nerve due to an increase in fluids in the tissues of the body during pregnancy.

Cases can be mild or severe and can cause partial paralysis of the thumb or loss of sensation.

Symptoms usually resolve on their own soon after birth but you may need treatment while pregnant if it is impacting your ability to do things, such as work. Some women need to wear splints.

Difficulty sleeping

Insomnia is one of the most common problems affecting women during the third trimester.

Many women ask if it is normal to have difficulty sleeping in the third trimester and the answer is 'yes'.

According to NSW Health, insomnia is a problem in late pregnancy as sleep is disturbed by visits to the toilet, heartburn, your baby moving or difficulty getting comfortable. Anxiety and vivid, disturbing dreams are also common. Women are encouraged to avoid caffeine and try a warm shower or bath before bed, playing relaxing music or relaxation techniques. Use pillows to help you get comfortable in bed.

When to seek help

According to Better Health Victoria, there are a number of symptoms you should not ignore during the third trimester of pregnancy. These include:

  • vaginal bleeding
  • less movement of your baby than usual
  • severe stomach pain
  • any pain that doesn't go away
  • leaking amniotic fluid or waters breaking preterm
  • a high temperature
  • vomiting that will not stop
  • a headache that will not go away
  • vision loss or blurred vision
  • widespread itching of the skin
  • sudden swelling of face, hands and feet.

Safe sleeping positions during the third trimester

As if sleeping isn't hard enough during the third trimester, there is also one sleeping position that should be avoided.

According to NSW Health, going to sleep in the supine position (on the back) in late pregnancy has been identified as a risk factor for stillbirth.

Experts say that after 28 weeks of pregnancy, lying on your back presses on major blood vessels which can reduce both the blood flow to the woman's womb and oxygen supply to the baby.

Research shows that women can halve their risk of stillbirth by sleeping on their side from 28 weeks.

Either side is considered equally safe.

Flying while pregnant

Many women ask when they need to stop flying or travelling once they reach the third trimester. While some experts suggest limiting flying after the second trimester, it is best to consult your doctor.

Airlines also have hard and fast rules when it comes to women flying while pregnant. Jetstar says Whether you'll be able to fly on its airlines depends on the duration of the flight, your stage of pregnancy, if you are expecting multiples or have pregnancy complications.

They allow women carrying one baby to fly up to the end of week 40 if the flight is less than four hours or the end of week 36 if a multiple pregnancy.

For flights of four hours or more they suggested women pregnant with one child only fly until the end of week 36, or week 32 if a multiple pregnancy.

Braxton Hicks contractions

Braxton-Hicks contractions are sometimes mistaken for labour. They can start from halfway through the pregnancy and continue until the end. Many women ask what Braxton Hicks contractions feel like and who they can differentiate between Braxton Hicks contractions and real labour contractions.

The main difference is that the stomach may visibly harden and lift during Braxton Hicks contractions.

Shot of a happy young couple bonding with their baby girl at home

Feeling the baby move

Feeling your baby kick and move inside you is one of the most wonderful, and sometimes painful, parts of late term pregnancy. It is also something you can share with your loved ones from about 24 weeks.

Many women ask how often they should feel their baby moving in the third trimester.

NSW Health says from 28 weeks, women should feel scattered episodes of movements throughout the day and night.

Babies will sleep for up to one hour but rarely longer than one and a half hours.

Decreased foetal movement

NSW Health says that if you think your baby's normal pattern of movements have changed or reduced, or you have not felt any movements for some time, you should sit down and relax for half an hour and focus on your baby. Try gently touching your abdomen to see if the baby moves.

If you still have concerns, you should contact the hospital or your nominated midwife straight away.

According to the infant loss organisation Red Nose, research shows about half of all women who had a stillbirth noticed their baby's movements had slowed down or stopped in the days before.

Instead of counting kicks or movements, they recommend getting to know the pattern, type and strength of movements your baby makes.

While movement may slow as the baby gets bigger and closer to birth, they said healthy babies move regularly right up until and during labour, and a change in movements could be a sign that your baby is unwell.

They said never wait until the next day to contact a midwife, doctor or hospital if you are worried.

Things that can go wrong during the third trimester

We don't like to scare anyone but there are some things that can go wrong during the third trimester of pregnancy, which can adversely affect both mother and baby.

It is important to be aware of these and know the signs so you can seek help early.

Maternity units are equipped to deal with any emergencies that may arise and are also adept at dealing with anxious, expectant mums.

They will always be there to answer calls from worried mums-to-be and will usually suggest you come in for monitoring, which will not only rule out any problems but put your mind at ease.

It is also a good idea to trust your instincts. If you think something is wrong, get it checked out. 

Some of the complications you need to be aware of and watch out for are listed below.


Preeclampsia is characterised by high maternal blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. It is the most common serious medical complication of pregnancy, affecting 5 to 8 per cent of all pregnancies in Australia. Of these, 1 to 2 per cent are severe enough to threaten the lives of mother and baby.

It can occur any time during the latter half of pregnancy but occurs more frequently towards the end of pregnancy.

Symptoms include a sudden rise in blood pressure, protein in your urine).

Over time, you may also develop fluid retention (oedema, which causes swelling of the feet, ankles and sudden swelling of the face and hands. More advanced symptoms include dizziness, headache or visual disturbances, such as flashing lights, pain just below the ribs, nausea and vomiting.

If left untreated it can cause more serious symptoms such as liver and kidney failure and eventually death.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy when there is too much glucose in the blood. It will affect between 3 and 8 per cent of pregnant women. Symptoms include increased thirst, excessive urination, tiredness and thrush (yeast infections) although some women report no symptoms.

Diagnosis is made through a glucose tolerance test.

Pregnant women will undergo regular urine tests during their prenatal check-ups which will look for signs of a number of conditions including gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

Problems with the placenta (including placenta previa and placental abruption)

Both placenta previa and placental abruption are serious conditions affecting the placenta that affect between one in 200 and one in 100 pregnancies.

Preterm labour

Preterm labour refers to labour occuring before 37 weeks. There are a number of reasons why this can occur, but in many cases the reason is unknown.

Women should look out for a number of signs that indicate labour is approaching or has begun, whether preterm or full term. Some of these are subtle and can include diarrhoea, frequent urination, lower back pain, tightness in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge and vaginal pressure.

Stronger contractions or the rupturing of membranes (waters breaking) are among the most well known signs of labour.


As distressing as it is to think about, stillbirth, while rare, occurs all too frequently.

Stillbirth refers to the death of a baby after 28 weeks' gestation.

Stillbirth rates have not declined in Australia in decades, and have in fact increased slightly. In 2022, the stillbirth rate in Australia was 7.7 stillbirths per 1000 births. That equates to more than 2000 babies born still in Australia each year.

The Australian Government actioned the National Stillbirth Action and Implementation Plan in 2000 in a bid to reduce the rates of stillbirth. The cause of about one in three stillbirths are unknown but research has shed light on the causes of some stillbirths and organisations such as Red Nose raise awareness in a bid to lower the incidence of stillbirth.

More information about making your pregnancy safer can be found at Red Nose.

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