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“There is no suggestion that any other person at AMS other than Mr Adams is suspected of wrongdoing.”

Ivanhoe law office at heart of $100m Ponzi scheme for sale

The office where deceased lawyer John Adams defrauded a slew of investors is up for auction.

  • by Nicole Lindsay
Darren O’Brien, Mondelez International President of Australia, New Zealand and Japan in his Melbourne office.

Enjoy your Easter eggs this year. They will cost more in 2025

Cocoa prices have more than doubled since January, hitting a record high, so get ready to pay more for your chocolate.

  • by Jessica Yun

Opinion & Perspectives

Why career goals should be made to be abandoned

Effective career plans or goals, are ones that can be regularly revised, ditched, or paused as circumstances dictate.

Jim Bright

Banks are changing the way they fight the mortgage war

Lenders have started using their second-tier offshoots to chase home loan business.

Clancy Yeates
Clancy Yeates

Deputy business editor

Why is ChatGPT trying to gaslight me?

AI chatbots may be sophisticated and slick, but they’re far from being a source of reliable information.

Jonathan Rivett

Freelance writer

Banking & finance



The new owners of Sara Lee, Brooke and Klark Quinn, at the Central Coast production facility.

‘We’ve been shackled’: Inside the plans to serve Sara Lee cake to a new generation

The new owners of the frozen dessert business say they are looking to create new products and expand into other food categories.

  • by Jessica Yun
Top Shelf International and director Adem Karafili make lovely spirits, but some investors are unhappy.

How governance tipples gave Top Shelf investors a hangover

The troubles at Top Shelf are another example of an ASX hopeful that holds much promise but has so far failed to deliver for many of its shareholders.

  • by Sarah Danckert

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