Lady Parker & Co. ~vs~ John Pesutto

It’s been 12 months since the English grifter known as Lady Posie Parker staged an anti-trans rally and publicity stunt outside the Victorian state parliament. This was the rally/stunt at which, notoriously, she was joined — ‘gatecrashed’, in Australian media parlance — by Tom Sewell and members of his National Socialist Network. You may remember them from such episodes as ‘Don’t Go To Sydney’ and ‘Good Luck, Gentlemen’.

See : “Posie Parker, you can’t hide. You’ve got Nazis on your side.” and Who were the neo-Nazis at Posie Parker’s rally in Melbourne?.

Having been booted from the party room in the aftermath of this extraordinary performance, Moira Deeming MP is currently suing Victorian Liberals party leader John Pesutto for defamation (TLDR: ‘He called me a Nazi’). Today, it was announced that Deeming will be joined by Parker and rally organiser Angie Jones. Reportedly, they’ll be represented in court by failed Tory candidate for Warringah (2022) Katherine Deves.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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